community currents summer 2012

What Do You Know About Your Community Foundation?      

breakfast tour 

Guests Learn More at Inaugural Breakfast and Tour 

An individual's understanding of The Community Foundation often depends on his or her relationship with it. A nonprofit executive may think of us as a funder of a promising new program. A donor may think of us as the way to commemorate his or her family's contributions to the community. A board member of an organization may think of us as an effective way to grow their organization's endowment. Recently, guests with different understandings learned more about The Community Foundation during a "tour" of the words of the people who have helped grow this community resource, now inscribed on our office walls....Read more


 Foundation Donors Gather at Annual Luncheon


"Investors" Thanked for Their Inspirations for Local Community 

More than 100 guests were greeted by Board and staff hosts at The Study at Yale this May. Will Ginsberg told guests their actions and commitments, as well as those of prior and future generations, reinforce each other and create a larger sense of common purpose. An advance copy of the 2011 Report to Our Community was distributed. It was noted that the 2011 highlights were presented across time - some were innovations in 2011, while some had roots going all the way back to The Community Foundation's founding in 1928....For more information about giving through The Foundation, visit


38 Miles Shows Both Beauty and Abuse    


The More You Know, the Better For the Quinnipiac River  

In May, The Community Foundation announced that $111,000 was awarded from the Quinnipiac River Fund to 11 organizations as recommended by the Fund's Advisory Committee. Committee members Nancy Alderman, President of Environment and Human Health; Gordon Geballe, the Assistant Dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies; and Margaret Miner, Director of Rivers Alliance, reviewed applications from organizations and programs that reduce river pollution, support the environment and educate the public about the Quinnipiac River....Read more



New Scholars Welcomed into Supportive Network


Scholarships Honor Edward A. Bouchet, Yale, PhD 1876
The Promising Scholars Fund awarded college scholarships to David Bean of Norwalk,
Quian Callender of Middletown, Austin L. DeChalus of West Haven and Aloysia Jean
of New Haven. "This year's recipients, as in years past, have demonstrated talents both
in and outside the classroom," says Sire Archon Jerry Streets of Beta Tau Boul�, the
New Haven chapter of the Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, the oldest African American Greek
letter social fraternity, inspired by Edward A. Bouchet, the first African American to
earn a doctorate from an American University....Read more  



Startling National Statistics Set Stage for Workshop       


Succession Planning is Critical for Stronger Organizations
The Community Foundation hosted a session with Third Sector New England for
56 board and staff members from 20 local nonprofits. The session explored the steps
involved in successful succession planning, the phases of leadership transitions and
the roles key participants play (including board, staff and departing executive
directors). Leadership transitions are inevitable moments in organizational life.
They have an opportunity for positive growth, but also for serious missteps....Read more   




Reading "The Great Kapok Tree" is About More than Rain Forests      


Conference Celebrates Using Picture Books to Encourage Young Readers
With a grant from The Community Foundation, the Edith B. Jackson Child
Care program (EBJ) hosted a conference about the importance of literacy in
children's development and an exhibition, A Celebration of the Picture Book.
EBJ celebrates forty years of educating children and supporting families in
New Haven. EBJ puts the reading of books at the center of their curriculum
and teachers work with children and parents to support reading at home.




Convening Series Launched with Focus on Arts        


Second Convening Prompts Action to Benefit Women & Girls
A series of "convenings" was launched in March when over 150 people explored the
benefits the arts provide to our community. The second convening, held on June 19,
focused on advancement of women and girls. Moderated by Michelle Turner, WSHU/
WYBC, the session featured Dr. Chisara Asomugha, Director of Community Services
Administrator, City of New Haven, who reviewed a new report about Women &
Girls by the Institute for Women's Policy Research. A panel of experts and activists
reacted to the report in the areas of health, economic security and civic participation.
Attendees pledged to celebrate the advancement of women and to continue to make a
difference both through individual and collective action..
....Read more  




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