The Sidewalk Astronomer
Newsletter of the Sidewalk Astronomers    Sept 2009
In This Issue
SA Website
100 Hours Awards
Update on JD
Galilean Nights
StarPeace in Pakistan
Perseids in Russia
Astronomy Radio in Brazil
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Sidewalk Astronomers Website 
The website is in the process of being updated. Thank you to everyone for your patience, it's been an incredibly busy year and we are all so busy with IYA and local projects that it has been a challange to stay on top of everything.
If there is something you would like on the website, please send it to with "website submission" in the subject line. 

100 Hours Awards
To recognize the outstanding events held during 100 Hours, awards were given and some of the events were simply amazing. A list of winners is posted on our website and the awards ceremony can be watched on the site. Everyone should check out the awards ceremony, so much enthusiasm from all over the world and so much innovation. Imagine leading a camel pulling a cart with your outreach display through the streets, setting up 120 scopes in one location or "camping out" in a planetarium! Don't forget to take a look at the photo galleries.    

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Latest update on JD  

John is still doing good. He recently spent some time in Oregon building telescopes and will be going to Death Valley as usual this year between Christmas and New Years.
ISAN 2009 Button 
We finally have the buttons from the 3rd ISAN for those of you who collect them. They will be added to the website in the next couple of weeks and you can order them for $2. Thanks again to Zoungy Kligge for the artwork. 
We hope you had a great summer and are ready for fall, a great time to schedule school and library programs. We also look forward to our next big event, Galilean Nights, to be held on Oct 22-24. We hope you will all take part!  
Galilean Nights.
On 22-24 October 2009, the new IYA2009 Cornerstone Project, Galilean Nights, will see amateur and professional astronomers, enthusiasts and the public taking to the streets all around the globe, pointing their telescopes to the wonders that Galileo observed 400 years ago. Spread over three nights, astronomers will share their knowledge and enthusiasm for space by encouraging as many people as possible to look through a telescope at our planetary neighbours. The focus for Galilean Nights is the objects that Italian astronomer Galileo observed 400 years ago. These include Jupiter and the Moon, which will be well-positioned in the night sky for observing.
The  website is up and running and you can now schedule events. The site is loaded with resources and information. For those of you who did such a fantastic job during 100 Hours, this is a great opportunity to follow up and for those of you who didn't hold 100 HA events, this is your chance to join the fun!

StarPeace in Pakistan - reported by Umair Asim  
It was a great evening, we really enjoyed celebrating StarPeace night at the 'World Environment Day'. We had a brief presentation at the planetarium for the general public followed by observing.
Thank you all for managing such a productive event. In the end, as always, we were asked by a lot of people:  "When are you going to do this again" :)
Perseids - reported by Sergey Karpov
A new astronomy club has been established by the Arevera realty company and one of their first events was a star party for the Perseids on night of August 12/13.

The Perseids were wonderful, but not until just after 1.30 a.m., when it finally cleared from a strong rain. Some of meteors were very bright with a long tail shining after disappearance of the head. The Moon in last quarter was just too bright.
There were a lot of observers at this star party (about 30 cars). This is the first in a history for us, such mass astronomy action in Krasnoyarsk.
John really gave us an example how to arrange sidewalk astronomy actions and include the public.persieds
Eclipse  Thilina Heenatigala
Hope at least some of you caught the glimpse of the longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century, which lasted at most 6 minutes, 39 seconds. It was visible through Asia from India to China.
It was bit cloudy here in Colombo, and for us it was a partial eclipse. I've managed to get few photos.

Radio Astronomy in Brazil - reported by Marcelo de Oliveira Souza
The Louis Cruls Astronomy Club launched on July 20th  Astronomy Radio. Astronomy Radio is an experimental web radio involved with Astronomy and Astronautics popularization. Astronomy Radio will transmit information, new, curiosities, music and many surprises related with Astronomy and Astronautics. Is the first Astronomy and Astronautics web radio in Brazil.
Astronomy radio is working and can be heard on the Louis Cruls Astronomy Club blog ( ). We are transmitting the origianl audios of the Apollo 11 mission, the programs "Teto Estrelado"  and "A Walk Through the Sky" and music about Astronomy and Astronautics. Soon we will trasmit new programs.
I hope you enjoy reading the newsletter, please submit updates on your local activities to be included in future editions. Send an email to with "newsletter submission" in the subject line (this is important, we get massive amounts of email and articles won't make it to the newsletter without that note). As you can see, photos will be small so make sure that any you send represent well in this size.   
Please forward this email to other amateur astronomers that you feel would enjoy reading it and becoming part of the Sidewalk Astronomers community!
 Carpe Noctem... and share it!

Sidewalk Astronomers