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The Ommani Jewel 

In This Issue
Ask Ommani
The Importance of Work/Life Balance
Misconceptions about Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine
Homeopathy- an ART & SCIENCE
Yoga Classes

 Monthly Jewel

What you are, the world is. And without your transformation, there can be no transformation of the world. 

~J. Krishnamurti

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Issue Sixteen, October 2012

Ask Ommani


I've always considered massage to be a stress-reliever. I'm not sure what therapeutic massage is - aside from stress relief, what are the benefits of massage? Is it covered by health insurance?  


Answered by: Jennifer Kersten, LMT

Massage Therapy is excellent for relieving the effects of stress, you are right about that. That alone qualifies massage as a therapeutic service, because chronic stress creates pain in our muscles, joints and connective tissues, and sets us up for disease.

Read the rest of the answer

The Importance of Work/Life Balance

Kalpana (Rose) Kumar, M.D.


I would like to address an American myth that to be productive at work requires a sacrifice of one's family life and health. The belief in corporate America is that health and productivity are mutually exclusive. Many CEO's of financially successful companies live by this credo. Their employees are also expected to live by this credo in favor of increased productivity and profit margin. This belief has become a part of the business culture. People feel that sacrificing their health for productivity and profit is a worthy cause. They are conditioned to continue behaving in this way with pay raises and bonuses. The bottom line result of this belief is an increase in stress and a decrease in efficiency. Illness is a direct result of this belief and resulting behavior. Increased health care costs due to doctor/hospital visits and sick days result. This erodes the monetary bottom line and quality of life of the employees and creates a stressful work environment. The myth of increased productivity at the cost of health leads to reduced productivity in the long run. 

Misconceptions about Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine

Aimee Brown, L.Ac

While working my booth promoting Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine at a local company's employee health fair, I was startled to be asked by one of the neighboring exhibitors "Does that really work??"  To say the least, I was a bit baffled at how to feel about or respond to that question. What ran through my mind is "Does this woman really think I would school myself for and promote a healing modality that doesn't 'work' as she put it??" Rather than takoffense, I took a breath and replied, "It sure does, and has been doing so for thousands of years."

     This exchange really had me thinking, though, that there is so much more that we as Chinese Medicine practitioners need to do to spread the word and clear up the myths and misconceptions that surround our trade.  This is such a simple, yet valuable system of healing, that it needs to be said and said again: "this stuff  REALLY works!!" 

     I did a google-search on common misconceptions to share.  To learn more, please link to and read the information provided at this website: Misconceptions about acupuncture


Aimee Brown, L.Ac, MSOM practices acupuncture at The Ommani Center.  She holds a state license in acupuncture and has a Master of Science in Oriental Medicine.  To schedule an appointment with Aimee, contact The Ommani Center at 262.695.5311. For more information take a look at Aimee's practitioner page on our website: 

Homeopathy - an ART and a SCIENCE

David Johnson, CCH

The following are excerpts from a lecture by homeopathic physician Dorothy Shepherd, MD, presented to the British Health Freedom Society on March 9th, 1945. Her words are as true today as they were nearly seventy years ago.



The New Art and Science of Healing would have been a better name for this talk, for, I'm sad to relate, medicine is no longer synonymous with healing.  Modern medicine may offer relief from pain and palliation, yes, but healing? NO. The real doctor of medicine should be a teacher, a healer, a bringer of health in the truest sense of the word...

     A great responsibility is placed upon the shoulders of the true physician, the true healer. He  will have to be an idealist in the highest sense of the word. He will have to become a pure vessel himself, charged like a dynamo with the knowledge of the science of higher things. He will have to develop his intuition, his compassion and his judgment so that he will be able to see straight into the innermost recesses of the being, so that he may be able to discover the secret and real causes of the disease afflicting each person confronting him. He will have to be not only a physician of the body, but above all he will have to be a healer of th]e soul and of the spirit . . .

     HOMEOPATHY is indeed an ART and a SCIENCE-a method of medicine that can guarantee its cures. It is for us all who have practiced it, proved it, know it and love it, to put our every endeavor forward into the fight for freedom whereby it may be freely taught, practiced and enjoyed by physician, healer and patient.

     David Johnson is a certified classical homeopath at the Ommani Center, and he's also an instructor at the Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy. In the following NAH video, stories of healing through homeopathy are shared. (The first four minutes are an introduction to homeopathy, and the following four minutes include five different homeopaths describing their clients' healing.) If you're interested in learning whether homeopathy would be an appropriate modality for your health situation, you can call 262-695-5311.  

Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy: 4, Healing Through Homeopathy
Northwestern Academy of Homeopathy: 4, Healing Through Homeopathy


Yoga Classes

The October Class schedule begins on October 9, 9AM (Tuesdays) and October 29, 6PM (Mondays).  Go to link:  for complete information.  Each class is $44/4 week session.To register for one of the classes, call Shelley at 414.217.4185 or email her at [email protected]  

Announcement - MBSR

As a result of patient requests, new Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction workshops (offered as single sessions, 2.5 hours in length) to begin at Ommani in November, 2012.  Dates to be announced in the November newsletter and on the homepage of our website: 

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