912 Patriots of Lower Bucks - Your Daily Updates ALL in ONE Place! November 4, 2011
Quote of the Day
"A civil servant is sometimes like a broken cannon - it won't work and you can't fire it."
-George S. Patton

Calls Needed
Oppose the U.S. Senate's Big-Government Education Bill
William A. Estrada, Esq. HSLDA Federal Relations
Melanie P. Palazzo Congressional Action Program Director
November 1, 2011
The U.S. Senate Education Committee has decided to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). This massive federal education bill was last reauthorized in 2001 as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).
HSLDA's federal relations staff have read this 868-page bill, and we believe that while it does not directly impact homeschool freedom, the bill will 1) increase the federal role in education at the expense of state, local, and parental control, and 2) will greatly increase the pressure on states to align their curriculum and standards, resulting in de facto national education standards.
Urgent Calls Needed to Senate Education Committee
The Senate Education Committee has already voted this ESEA bill out of committee, but at the urging of Senator Rand Paul (KY) the committee will hold a hearing on the bill Tuesday, November 8. If either of your senators are on the Education Committee, HSLDA urges you to call with the following message:
"I am concerned that the ESEA reauthorization bill scheduled for a committee hearing next Tuesday will greatly increase the federal government's control over education. As a homeschooler, I understand that parents-not federal education officials-are best suited to make educational choices for their children. Please oppose attempts to increase national control over education."
Senate Education Committee Members
Tom Harkin (IA) 202-224-3254 Barbara Mikulski (MD) 202-224-4654 Jeff Bingaman (NM) 202-224-5521 Patty Murray (WA) 202-224-2621 Bernard Sanders (VT) 202-224-5141 Robert Casey (PA) 202-224-6324 Kay Hagan (NC) 202-224-6342 Jeff Merkley (OR) 202-224-3753 Al Franken (MN) 202-224-5641 Michael Bennet (CO) 202-224-5852 Sheldon Whitehouse (RI) 202-224-2921 Richard Blumenthal (CT) 202-224-2823 |
Michael Enzi (WY) 202-224-3424 Lamar Alexander (TN) 202-224-4944 Richard Burr (NC) 202-224-3154 Johnny Isakson (GA) 202-224-3643 Rand Paul (KY) 202-224-4343 Orrin Hatch (Utah) 202-224-5251 John McCain (AZ) 202-224-2235 Pat Roberts (KS) 202-224-4774 Lisa Murkowski (AK) 202-224-6665 Mark Kirk (IL) 202-224-2854 |
You may identify and contact your two U.S. senators using HSLDA's Legislative Toolbox.
Senators Paul, Richard Burr (NC), and Orrin Hatch (UT) share our concerns about this bill and should be thanked.
In 2001, Congress passed NCLB. While HSLDA was neutral on this bill because it included strongly written protections for homeschoolers, and prohibitions on federal funding for national teacher certification, national standards, national testing, and national databases, NCLB also greatly increased the federal government's role in education.
A decade later, nearly all education policy makers agree that NCLB is too inflexible. HSLDA believes this illustrates that the federal government should not be in the business of establishing education policy for the nation's schoolchildren.
This past month, the U.S. Senate has been working on reauthorizing NCLB. HSLDA is concerned the Senate's bill continues the failed "Washington-knows-best, one-size-fits-all" approach that was widely criticized in NCLB. In addition, one provision in the Senate's bill mandates that any state taking federal funds must put in place "College and Career Ready Aligned Standards." Mandating that each state have aligned standards with aligned coursework will guarantee the creation of national academic standards, national curriculum, and national testing. We believe this will result in the eventual requirement that homeschoolers use these national standards, curriculum, and testing.
For more about HSLDA's concerns read "The Danger of National Standards" and "Nationalized Education Standards-an Update for Home Educators."
You may also read HSLDA's legislative summary.
It is still unclear at this point whether homeschool protections will stay in the Senate's education bill, but even if they do, the trend of national standards could lead to homeschoolers losing the freedom to choose the curriculum for their children. For these reasons, HSLDA is urging opposition to the Senate's ESEA reauthorization legislation.
Morning Bell: The Backdoor Attempt to Rewrite No Child Left Behind
With Waivers, National Standards Anything but Voluntary
State-Based Reform, Not National Standards, Key to Better Education
Senate No Child Left Behind Proposal: More Big Government for Schools
Splitting Hairs on the Cadaver
Work the polls on Election DayThis only requires an hour or two to hand out sample ballots. Getting involved does not get easier than this.
If you do not want to see your counties turn into the liberal wastelands that the inner cities across this country have become after over 60 years of Democrat dominated government, then stand up and be counted.
You can make a REAL difference.
There are opportunities to knock on doors for candidates over the weekend as well. Call us and we'll help you find a place to help.
Do not assume that someone else will do it.
"Government goes to those who show up!"
Dick Armey & Matt Kibbe
If you are available in Bucks County, Call Anastasia at (215) 534-1851
If you are available in the Perkasie area, Call Justin Stottlar at (267) 261-3775
If you are available in Montgomery County, Call Kate Wright at (267) 481-1624
If you are available in Philadelphia, Call Joe DeFelice (215) 756-4158
Or call your local GOP headquarters to find where you can help. The following candidates need your support:
In Bucks County:
In Montgomery County:
Jenny is being accused by the Democrats of having Tea Party Values: Limited Government, Fiscal Responsibility & A Free Market. These are bad things? Here are the Democrat ad and out interview:
| Montco Commissioner Candidate Jenny Brown |
| Shapiro/Richards for Montgomery County |
and for Philadelphia Commissioner:
Al Schmidt |
Al Schmidt's campaign, endorsed by the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Philadelphia Daily News no less, if focused on ending voter fraud in a city with more registered voters than eligible voters.
One of his ideas: Publish a real-time Election Day incident and resolution webpage that the public can view, and update Election Day complaints of voter intimidation, electioneering, fraud, and other irregularities as they are reported.
The reason that the New Black Panthers were recorded on video is because they do this EVERY ELECTION CYCLE!
Philadelphians deserve better!
If Al Schmidt wins, Voter ID gets enforced in Philly in 2012 and Obama loses. If Al loses, it doesn't get enforced.
Simple enough for you? |
You've asked how you can make a difference.
Here are some options: Help Get Out The Vote at First Friday in Doylestown!
at 6:00PM We'll walk around the borough encouraging people to Vote Republican next Tuesday Call Anastasia at (215) 534-1851 for more information
We are also looking for people to had out literature at the football game on Friday. Call Anastasia to make arrangements! |
Yours in Liberty, The Kitchen Table Patriots |
How Can You Watch the Cain-Gingrich Debate?
By Texas GOP Vote
If you are not able to make the trip to Texas, the C-SPAN Network, WSB Radio Network and The Neal Boortz Network will offer fully televised and audio live broadcasts of The Cain-Gingrich Debate on November 5th in The Woodlands, TX, which starts at 7pm. It will also receive coverage from major media networks as well as TexasGOPVote.
"We have had tremendous interest in this debate," says Julie Turner, President of the Texas Patriots PAC. "This event fundamentally changes the way 'We the People' make decisions about whom to support. We believe these news and media organizations are a perfect fit for this format. We are committed to provide access to what happens in this historic debate to the most people for the longest period of time, and we will do that after the event using the web."
The one and a half hour debate will be lightly moderated by Rep. Steve King of Iowa and Ben Streusand, Chairman of the Texas Advisory Board of Americans for Prosperity. The candidates will be seated for a roundtable discussion. This will be a unique opportunity for people to really get to know each of these candidates - you will not want to miss out!
Visit the Site Here . . .
Is the Electoral College Outdated?
Friday, November 4, 2011
12:00 PM EDT
Proponents of ending or bypassing the Electoral College say that the Founders' mode of presidential selection is outdated. With the National Popular Vote gaining momentum, the Electoral College is once again under serious attack. What would the success of this movement mean?
Dr. John Fortier, Director of the Democracy Project at the Bipartisan Policy Center, will address this question at Hillsdale College's next First Principles on First Fridays webcast.
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Copyright 2011 Hillsdale College. All Rights Reserved. Hillsdale College 33 East College St. | Hillsdale, MI 49242 The Allan P. Kirby, Jr. Center for Constitutional Studies and Citizenship 227 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002
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At Heritage
Around the Country
The gift of gab: James Ceaser wonders if the GOP's long national nightmare of verbal inadequacy is over.
Debating the debates: Charles Kesler on why the primary debates don't reveal presidential qualities.
Quick Thoughts
National Popular Vote Vs. The Electoral College The Electoral College has fallen on hard times. A new Gallup poll reveals that a majority of Americans-62 percent-would prefer that the candidate who receives the most votes nationwide becomes President, while 35 percent would keep the Electoral College. Since the 2000 U.S. presidential election, there have been many ill-informed calls to abolish the Electoral College. The National Popular Vote (NPV) plan is the latest in a long line of schemes designed to replace the Electoral College. NPV rests on flawed assumptions about the Electoral College, violates the Constitution, and is rife with practical problems. The National Popular Vote is an interstate compact in which participating states agree in advance to disregard the popular vote results in their states and allocate their electoral votes to the winner of the national popular vote. This agreement would go into effect if enough states cumulatively possessing 270 electoral votes (the number needed to win an election) join the compact. So far, eight states and the District of Columbia (accounting for 132 electoral votes) have signed on to NPV and promised to ignore their citizens' choice for President. The National Popular Vote wrongly assumes that the Electoral College does not reflect the nation's choice for President. As Tara Ross explains in "The Electoral College: Enlightened Democracy," the Electoral College rewards candidates who build national coalitions and confers a mandate to govern. With the Electoral College, presidential candidates compete in simultaneous elections across 50 states and the District of Columbia. Each state, except Maine and Nebraska, has a "winner-take-all" system, whereby the presidential candidate who wins the state receives all the state's electoral votes (calculated by adding the number of Representatives to the number of Senators in the state). A President is elected when one candidate obtains a majority of the states' electoral votes. The Electoral College ensures that candidates build nationwide coalitions and demonstrate that they will be good representatives for a diverse nation composed of both small and large states. Candidates who focus too narrowly on a handful of states, regions, or metropolitan population centers will not gain enough electoral votes. The Electoral College also magnifies the margin of victory for presidential candidates and, therefore, confers a sense of legitimacy to the new President. By attempting to alter the Constitution through an interstate compact without congressional consent or an amendment, the NPV is unconstitutional. The Compact Clause of the Constitution (Article I, Section 10, Clause 3) prohibits states from entering into any agreement with another state without the consent of Congress. Supporters of the NPV claim that, because Article II of the Constitution gives state legislatures the power to determine how electors are chosen, the NPV is constitutional and requires no approval by Congress. "Because it is politically easier to convince a smaller number of states with the required electoral votes to join the compact than to persuade two-thirds of Congress and three-fourths of the states to amend the Constitution " Hans von Spakovsky explains in his latest paper, "the compact is an expedient way for proponents of the NPV to circumvent the Electoral College without formally amending the Constitution." With the NPV, a candidate does not need to win a majority of the national vote to be President. The NPV awards the presidential election to whichever candidate receives a plurality rather than the majority of the national popular vote. With its plurality requirement, the NPV could encourage the rise of third parties and lead to the election of presidential candidates by unprecedented, small margins. A President elected by only 25 or 35 percent of the American people would not have a mandate to govern, and questions about his legitimacy could pose grave consequences both for the nation and for any actions he took as President. To make matters worse, the NPV would encourage voter fraud and make recounts more problematic. Currently, a fraudulent vote is counted only in the district in which it was cast and therefore can affect the electoral votes only in that particular state. Under the NPV, however, voter fraud in any state would affect the aggregate national vote. Additionally, any suspicions necessitating a recount in even a single district would be an incentive for a national recount. Thus, rather than just forcing a single state with a close vote to go through the painful process of recounting votes by precinct, a recount will effectively challenge the tallies of each the nation's 180,000 precincts. Replacing the Electoral College with the National Popular Vote would be a disaster. For more than two centuries, the Electoral College has proved itself to be both effective in providing orderly elections for President and resilient in allowing a stable transfer of power of the leadership of the world's greatest democracy. And that makes it a constitutional process worth keeping. Keep reading about National Popular Vote and the Electoral College
You're Invited to |
My Veterans Expo in Valley Forge |
I want to personally invite you to my Veterans Expo on Nov. 17, from 1-4 p.m., at the
I've organized this event for all veterans and their families to educate them, particularly those returning from service in Iraq or Afghanistan, on the benefits available to them through government agencies. These include education grants, disability, compensation, and other applicable veterans programs.
Representatives from county, state, and federal veterans' affairs departments will be on hand to discuss their agencies' roles in the benefit process and describe the various services they provide veterans and their families.
Refreshments will be served.
Please RSVP by contacting the district office at 610-251-2876. Information about the expo is also available on Kampf's website, www.RepKampf.com |

Notice of a Non-RJC event Details below for "An Evening with Aaron Klein" November 9th, 2011
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BREAKING! PHA Alumni Association Presents: An Evening with Aaron Klein Aaron Klein, PHA Alumnus Aaron Klein to give rare stateside speech to benefit Politz Hebrew Academy of Philadelphia, PA. Klein will provide an inside look at Israel and the Middle East, as well as his analysis of the U.S. political landscape and the 2012 presidential elections. He'll take questions from the audience and promote his new blockbuster, "RED ARMY." The event will take place on November 9th, 8pm at Lower Merion Synagogue 123 Old Lancaster Rd, Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004 Aaron Klein is senior reporter and Jerusalem bureau chief for WorldNetDaily.com, a NY Times bestselling author, and host of "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on New York's WABC Radio, the largest talk radio station in the U.S. He is a frequent guest on Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network and is known for his exclusive interviews with Mideast leaders and terrorists. Admission is $36. SPONSOR THIS EVENT* Friend 180 Supporter 360 Patron 500 *each level includes 2 Admissions as well as an invitation to pre-lecture reception with Aaron Klein is an alumnus of Politz Hebrew Academy and is donating 100% of the proceeds to the school. For more info, call Rabbi Tuvia Goldstein at 215 969 5960 ext 104, or email tgoldstein@politzhebrewacademy.org
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Pennsylvania/S. New Jersey Region of the RJC presents "Myths & Missiles: Media Madness & Israel" with
Aryeh Green
Thursday, November 17, 2011
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The RJC of Pennsylvania/Southern New Jersey
is hosting
Aryeh Green, director of MediaCentral, speaking on
"Myths & Missiles:
Media Madness & Israel"
Jerusalem-based Aryeh Green offers his insider's view on the "Arab Spring;" developments in Israel & the Middle East; how Israel's "case" is reported by the international press; & MediaCentral's unique mission of promoting truth, perspective & balanced reporting.
Thursday, November 17, 2011 Program begins at 6:00 PM
Light refreshments will be served.
The event will be held at:
Fox Rothschild LLP
2000 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103
The event is FREE for current members
and $20 for eTeam and nonmembers.
Please invite a prospective member to attend
as your guest (complimentary)!
Please RSVP by emailing PASNJ@RJCHQ.org or by calling 610-667-1263. www.RJCHQ.org Leadership opportunities begin at $1000 Pennsylvania/S. New Jersey individual memberships are $100 Pennsylvania/S. New Jersey couple memberships are $150 Student membership $18
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A Special Invitation To a Two-Day Campaign Training Presented by Pennsylvania Family PAC
Changing the Culture by Winning Campaigns
November 9-10, 2011
Harrisburg, PA
Voters today - perhaps more than at any time in recent history - are yearning for principled candidates committed to standing strong for the timeless values upon which our country was founded and standing stronger against the politics-as-usual establishment working to undermine those values.
- Are you such a candidate - or do you know one running in your area that you'd like to help? or
- Do you wish you had the skills to help elect a good candidate? or
- Have you thought about running for local or state elected office - or know of someone else?
The Winning Campaigns training school shows pro-life, pro-family, principled - candidates, campaign staff, and grassroots activists how to run winning campaigns without compromising their values - with a special emphasis placed on running and winning primaries (even against incumbents).
Who should attend? Local or state candidates, potential candidates, campaign staff, campaign volunteers, grassroots leaders, and concerned citizens - who are committed to advancing pro-life/pro-family principles. This training is perfect for anyone who wishes to learn how to run or assist the local campaigns of those running for elected office.
What's the cost? Nothing; registration is free, but you must register in advance.
More details on the event and an informational brochure are available by request. To get more information or to register, call Dan at 717-545-0600. THIS IS BY INVITATION ONLY. YOU are invited (as a PA Family supporter), but if you know of someone else who could benefit from this training as a candidate or potential candidate or campaign worker, please let them know and have them contact us directly. But hurry, space is limited and reservations should be made by November 4th.
23 N Front St. Harrisburg, PA 17101 717-545-0600 Fax: 717-545-8107
Announcing the National Day of Remembrance
The National Day of Remembrance of Victims of Illegal Aliens is hereby announced for November 6th, 2011. In cooperation with FIRE Coalition and the national crime victims' site, VOIAC and various Congressmen and women, we are pleased to announce a major new memorial day.
Few Americans know that more Americans are killed annually than were killed in all of the Iraq war! Few know that among the tens of thousands of these killings over 25000 arrests of illegal aliens have been made. Few know that, unfortunately, there is no national crime reporting taking place so that we do not know how many of our fellow men, women and children have been murdered, slain, raped, robbed or otherwise hurt by illegal aliens. Many have made estimates of hundreds of thousands.
We urge all true Americans to take a Moment of Silence at around 1 to 3 PM on that day to remember the tens of thousands of slain Americans due to illegal aliens. We urge immigration groups and tea parties to select an appropriate place for such mourning. Such places could include memorial sites, city halls, county courthouses, state capitols, select parks, cemeteries and other solemn places. In as much as this is the first such outing, we feel that even if there are only a few of you to gather, we nonetheless will have contributed to the memory of these victims. We also strongly suggest that we get out press releases. The reason for this should be obvious: Not that we want publicity for ourselves, but we do want publicity for the victims and their families.
Congressional activity: Congressman Steve King of Iowa is introducing at our request a House Resolution naming this day as the National Day of Remembrance of Victims of Illegal Aliens. Further, Congressman Walter Jones of North Carolina is introducing HR3168 which is the The Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act of 2011. We urge you to contact your Congressman or woman to cosponsor these resolutions and bills.
I urge you to stand with me and co-sponsor my new legislation, "American and Pennsylvania Laws for Pennsylvania Courts." This legislation protects the individual constitutional rights of the people of Pennsylvania from the incursion of foreign laws, in cases in which the application of a foreign law or foreign legal doctrine would violate someone's constitutional rights. Go here to see the full document . . .: Our constitutional rights and founding principles of freedom should not be abridged by any offshore entity, including and especially those who would promote Sharia law. Once before on June 19, we asked that you contact your elected representatives and urge them to co-sponsor a bill to prohibit foreign law from consideration in any and all cases in our state courts. You were very responsive and there are now 21 co-sponsors on the bill! Listed below are the co-sponsors to date. if your rep is not on the list, kindly contact him/her even if it's the second time, by taking the 3 action steps below. The more co-sponsors the bill has the more likely it is that the legislators will vote affirmatively to pass it into law. It is significant what Rep. Swanger's office said when sending us the list of co-sponsors : "I feel a lot of them co-sponsored because of the message that was sent out by you to contact the Reps about this legislation. A lot of district offices & Harrisburg offices called or e-mailed right after that was sent out." Here's the list: Kerry Benninghoff Scott Boyd Dom Costa Tom Creighton George Dunbar Frank Farry Neal Goodman Seth Grove Kate Harper Dick Hess Scott Hutchinson Rob Kauffman Daryl Metcalfe (asked to be listed as a 2nd) Carl Metzgar Scott Perry (asked to be listed 3rd) Rick Saccone Stan Saylor Curt Schroder Jerry Stern Dick Stevenson Will Tallman Here are the action steps: 1. read the attached letter from Rep. Swanger, which went out in early June to all PA House members 2. visit, or call, your representative and ask him/her to call Rep. Swanger's secretary, Lily Horst, 717-787-2686, or email her at lhorst@pahousegop.com to be added to the list of the bill's cosponsors 3. timing: please move quickly, as they may be getting to the next step (obtaining a bill number). Make contact, and gain their commitment, by August 1. Having many co-sponsors on a bill, as you know, will help build momentum in the right direction quickly. Thank you for your efforts. Signed, your Legislative Focus Group American and Pennsylvania Laws for Pennsylvania Courts
Sincerely, Sarah Hart Chapter Leader, ACT! Pittsburgh ACT! for America Chapter |
Charles McIlhinney, Bucks County, Chairman, State Government Committee
(717) 787-7305 (We are working on getting a meeting with McIlhinney.)
Mike Brubaker, Vice Chairman, State Government Committee
(717) 787-4420
Joseph Scarnati, President Pro Tempore of PA Senate
(717) 787-7084
Dominic Pileggi, Senate Majority Leader (sets the Senate agenda)
(717) 787-4712
Majority Leaders on the State Government Committee:
Jake Corman, (717) 787-1377 Mike Folmer (717) 787-5708
John Pippy (717) 787-5839 Donald White (717) 787-8724
Minority Leaders on the State Government Committee:
Andrew Dinniman (717) 787-5709 Christine Tartaglione (717) 787-1141
LeAnna Washington (717) 787-1427

The Kitchen Table Patriots
are proud to join with
The Philadelphia Loyal Opposition
and Eagle Forum in support of
Al Schmidt (Only) for City Commissioner on Nov. 8th!

October 2011
Dear Philadelphia Eagle,
You live in a spot where there will be an election this year on Tuesday, November 8 that could affect the national election next year in a big way. You will have the opportunity to vote in a special election that will have implications on every other office in the United States - from your local neighborhood to the White House.
This is the election for Philadelphia City Commissioner. Those are the officials who are in charge of running fair and honest elections in Philadelphia. You and I know that our candidates cannot win unless we have honest elections. For years, we've heard the same complaints about unfair elections, politicking inside the polls, voter intimidation, poll watchers denied access, and much more.
I urge you to vote for Al Schmidt for City Commissioner on Tuesday, November 8 because we know we can count on him to fight for fair and honest elections. Philadelphia has three Commissioners, but no more than two can belong to the same political party. That means two Democrats and one Republican will be elected.
I urge you to vote ONLY for Al Schmidt (Press #119) - even though your ballot instructions will probably say "vote for two." You are absolutely NOT required to "vote for two" - you have a right to vote for only one, and that is the only way to assure that Al Schmidt will be elected. Also, do NOT vote a straight Republican ticket because that will automatically cast your ballot for both Republican candidates, only one of whom can win. If you have any questions, call PA Eagle Forum President Ned Pfeifer, 412-973-0502.
Al Schmidt is eminently qualified to be a Philadelphia City Commissioner. He is a former Senior Analyst for the non-partisan U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) - the investigative arm of Congress. There, he conducted oversight of government agencies, programs, and policies to identify and eliminate waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement anywhere that federal taxpayer dollars are spent. After leaving GAO, Al ran for City Controller and earned a reputation as an outspoken advocate for good government.
Al Schmidt has the skills and commitment to clean up the City Commissioner's Office and give us honest elections in Philadelphia. This can be decisive in how Pennsylvania will go in the important 2012 elections, and maybe even how the U.S. will go.
I urge you to vote on Tuesday, November 8 for Al Schmidt for City Commissioner - and vote ONLY for Al Schmidt for City Commissioner. Press #119. This could be more important than any vote you cast next year.
Phyllis Schlafly
P.S. Please tell ten of your friends to be sure to vote ONLY for Al Schmidt (Press #119) on Tuesday, November 8. This is a crucial election for Philadelphia, for Pennsylvania, and for America. |
Yours in Liberty, The Kitchen Table Patriots
Web: TheKitchenTablePatriots.org
View recorded videos on our YouTube channel:
View recorded and live stream videos on our UStream.tv channel:
Please help support the efforts of The Kitchen Table Patriots (Click on the Donate Link):
Click Here
You Are Cordially Invited!
Lafayette statue sketch, copyright 2011
To the 1st Bucks County Patriotic Art Exhibition!
Friday, November 4, 2011
6:30-9:30 P.M.
The Historic Moland House
1641 Old York Road
Hartsville, Pennsylvania
Enjoy refreshments and live music, while
viewing Marra's Bucks County inspired works of art
Admission $5 per person
25% of art sales will be donated towards the Lafayette statue
Donations are accepted at the show and through the website lafayettestatue.blogspot.com
RSVP to Gregory Marra
Welcome to Washington's Headquarters at the Moland House
1641 Old York Road, Hartsville, PA 18974
In the early evening of 10 August 1777, eleven thousand Continental and militia soldiers are marching up York Road towards the Cross Roads with Bristol Road [Hartsville, PA] on their way to Coryell's Ferry [New Hope, PA] to camp four miles across the Delaware River. General George Washington receives a dispatch from John Hancock, President of the Second Continental Congress, placing the 260-vessel British fleet, hauling 17,000 troops under General William Howe, fifty miles south of the Delaware Capes [May & Henelopen] on 7 August. Unsure and wary of Howe's intentions, Washington immediately halts his force to encamp around the bridge over the Little Neshaminy Creek in Warwick Township, Bucks County. Knowing the area and having ridden through only ten days earlier, he selects the substantial stone dwelling of Widow Moland as his Head Quarters on the farm north of the bridge.
Read more: See & Download the Flyer Here . . . |
 Thursday, December 1st at 7:30PM: Paul Finkelman, "America's Covenant With Death: Slavery and the Founding." Paul Finkelman is the President William McKinley Distinguished Professor of Law and Public Policy, and Senior Fellow in the Government Law Center at Albany Law School. His lecture will explore the relationship of slavery to the American founding, and will examine how slavery was written into the original Constitution, and protected by it.
Thursday, December 8th at 7:30PM: George W. Boudreau, "'A Republic, If You Can Keep It': Benjamin Franklin and the Crafting of the Constitution." The series closes with a talk by an audience favorite, George W. Boudreau, Associate Professor of Humanities and History at the University of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg. Professor Boudreau is Project Director of the "Teaching Franklin" website (http://harrisburg.psu.edu/teachingfranklin/). His lecture will explore Franklin's role in the creation of the Constitution. David Library lectures are free and open to the public, but reservations are necessary. Please call (215)493-6776 ext. 100 or email rsvp@dlar.org to make a reservation. Lectures are held in Stone Hall in the Feinstone Conference Center adjacent to the Library, 1201 River Road, Washington Crossing, PA 18977. Books by the lecturers will be available for purchase at post-lecture receptions.
Surviving an Economic or Natural Disaster Meeting - Saturday, November 12th 6pm
Speaker: Gordon Smith
Where: P J Ryan's, 231 Bridge Street, Phoenixville - downstairs private dining area. Natural disasters can strike at any time. Economic downturns can wipe out your savings, your retirement and your ability to support yourself. This session focuses on what you should do to protect your family in a financial or economic disaster. Will you have enough food, water and medicines? Can you survive without electricity and urban infrastructure until help arrives? Can you support your family if your job is outsourced or eliminated? This session will help you assess the risk and offers realistic suggestions to ensure you and your family are prepared for the challenges when faced with a physical disaster or economic setback. Gordon Smith retired from his international security firm last year to devote himself to the Tea Party movement. He is dedicated to the restoration of our country and protecting our freedoms. A successful author and lecturer, he specializes in analyzing political issues, separating the truth from the chaff. His direct approach ensures that the message is not muddled with platitudes. Factual, straight forward, articulate and often humorous, Mr. Smith's passion for the issues, makes his presentation well worth attending.
For additional info contact Maggie at Maggie@theunsolicitedopinion.com or Diane at uncanny2@verizon.net
 | Click to visit their site and see a bigger poster . . . |
A call to action has been issued! Will or can you attend?
Patriots Union.org and Veteran Defenders.org have issued the call to action.
"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." - from the U.S. Declaration of Independence
An undisclosed number of American Veterans and former service members have come together to prepare and present this Call-to-Action on behalf of the U.S. Constitution, the Republic, the Rule of Law and equal justice for all freedom loving citizens of the United States of America. Acting together as one, via The Veteran Defenders of America, co-sponsored by civilian patriot group The Unites States Patriots Union, LLC - we issue the following CALL.
- We CALL upon every member of federal, state and local government, legislative, judicial, law enforcement and military, who have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitutional Republic from all enemies, foreign and domestic, to act upon those oaths for the stated purpose of restoring the Constitutional Republic.
- We CALL upon ALL veterans and veteran organizations in America, who still believe in their oath to protect and defend, to unite with us at once - in this Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic.
- We CALL for ALL citizens who still desire freedom and liberty, to stand with us in peaceful protest, and carry our demands to right the wrongs against our nation in the preservation of freedom, liberty, justice and the rule of law.
This is a NATIONWIDE Call-to-Action!
"We are Facing a Battle That Will Decide our Fate as a Nation!" - Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely (Ret.)
The time to unite and fight for the American way of life has arrived... We did not choose this fight, or this time. The fight has come to us in our time and we will not shrink from our responsibility to protect and defend the United States of America, our Constitutional Republic, and the American way of life. We CALL upon ALL freedom loving Americans to JOIN US in this honorable endeavor. We do so on the following basis...
Abuses and Usurpations
Barack Obama's once strong approval rating now stands at only 19%. The approval rating of congress is no better. The people have lost all faith in their government...
The demise of our Constitutional Republic has been underway for nearly a hundred years. As the people placidly accepted intolerable offenses against the republic, the states, and the Constitution for decades, the Central power in Washington D.C. grew ever more powerful, ever more abusive, and ever more disconnected from the very people it was formed to represent.
During the last three years, the current administration has committed the most egregious offenses against the people, the states and the Constitution, since the founding of our country and today, they operate as a virtual dictatorship, against the governed, beyond the scope and authority the people granted them in the Constitution and at odds with the will of the vast majority of American citizens.
The actions of the Obama Administration in total, rise to the level of treason against the United States and its people.
The Democratic Socialists of America are currently running Washington D.C. and they recently issued this statement in a Call-to-Action for their millions of members -
"We are the alternative to the tea party conservatives, the Republicans whose only program is to say no, the Democrats who have forgotten what progressive politics really are and the progressives who think that they can stand apart from the left."
This must not be permitted to stand...
Among other offenses, abuses and usurpations, is the following list of transgressions - (detailed in Appendix A) - altering our constitutional form of government and system of justice without authority...
- Violations against Article I of the U.S. Constitution - Congress
- Violations against Article II of the U.S. Constitution - The office of President
- Violations against Article III of the U.S. Constitution - Judicial Powers
- Violations against Article IV of the U.S. Constitution - The State
- Violations against Article V of the U.S. Constitution - The Amendment Process
- Violations against Article VI of the U.S. Constitution - Oath to the Constitution
- Violations against the 1st Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Violations against the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Violations against the 3rd Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Violations against the 4th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Violations against the 5th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Violations against the 6th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Violations against the 7th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Violations against the 8th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Violations against the 9th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Violations against the 10th Amendment of the Bill of Rights
- Unlawful use of Military force, here and abroad
- Violations of International Treaties and Laws
- Numerous violations of the public trust
- Misuse of the people's resources
- The bankrupting of the nation, the states and the people
- Taxation without representation
- Confiscation and Redistribution of the people's earned assets
- Abuse of Judicial power
At this late date, the individually itemized list of abuses and usurpations would require an encyclopedia of unconstitutional offenses to the Republic and there is no evidence to suggest that there remains even one legitimate honest courtroom in the country to which all evidence could be presented.
There is no Article or Amendment of the U.S. Constitution which the current leadership in Washington D.C. has not abused and/or usurped over the last three years.
As a result, the normal courses of action for redress may not be adequate to solve the problem today, as all three branches of the federal government are currently acting as one, all of them beyond the scope and power granted them by the Constitution, against the principles of freedom, liberty and self-governance, and at odds with the vast majority of citizens.
Yet the Constitutional Representative Republic must be restored, no matter the means or the cost.
It is on this foundation that we morally and rightfully call for all good people to rise up, stand together, move to restore the Constitutional Republic, and hold those who have and would stand against the people, fully accountable.
On behalf of the Veterans and former Service Members of America, who fought and died for freedom and liberty here and abroad, and all good and decent American citizens from sea to shining sea, we the people of the United States of America hereby demand the immediate restoration of our Constitutional Republic and an end to the Democratic Socialist abuses and usurpations which have become commonplace in the daily corruption of our governmental offices. As the true American people sit idle, the enemy grows in number and strength.
No longer will we sit idly by and tolerate the utter destruction of our country, at the hands of anti-American elitists in Washington D.C. who have mistaken the people's peaceful tolerance for acceptance of their ill-advised behaviors. The time for all good and decent Americans to stand together, in defense of the Constitution, the Republic, freedom and liberty, has arrived. The Rule of Constitutional Law must prevail. We call upon all who have taken an oath to protect and defend, to take appropriate measures now.
We the people hereby demand
- The immediate and unconditional orderly resignation of Barack Hussein Obama, II
- The immediate and unconditional orderly resignation of Joseph R. Biden
In addition to the known fact that the Obama/Biden ticket was advanced by way of fraudulent representations concerning the constitutional eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama II, under Article II requirements for the office of President, the Obama/Biden has committed countless crimes against the U.S. Constitution, our Republican form of government and the American people while in control of the Executive Branch.
They are not able to do this alone, but with the help and cover of many anti-American players, who have also acted at odds with their oaths to protect and defend the Constitution, our Republic and the people of the United States. As a result, these players must be removed from office and held accountable for their actions as well.
This group includes, but is not limited to the following individuals -
- The immediate and unconditional orderly resignation of the entire Obama Cabinet, including but not limited to;
- the White House staff and unelected Czar's
- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton
- Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner
- Defense Secretary Leon E. Panetta
- Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr.
- Interior Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar
- Acting Commerce Secretary Dr. Rebecca M. Blank
- Labor Secretary Hilda L. Solis
- Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
- Energy Secretary Steven Chu
- Education Secretary Arne Duncan
- Homeland Security Secretary Janet A. Napolitano
- EPA Administrator Lisa P. Jackson
- Office of Management & Budget Director Jacob J. Lew
- UN Ambassador Susan Rice, the entire Council of Economic Advisers
- Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan
- Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor
- · House Speaker John Boehner
- · House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
- · Senate Leader Harry Reid
- Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell - all of whom have committed treasonous acts against the people, the states and the U.S. Constitution.
Further, to reinstate the rule of law and the Law of this Land, the U.S. Constitution and our constitutional republic -
- In compliance with Article II - Section I of the U.S. Constitution for the Removal of the President from Office, or of his Death, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the Same shall devolve on the Vice President, -- the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Removal, Death, Resignation or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be removed, or a President shall be elected.
- That every verifiable member of The Communist Party USA, The Socialist Party USA and The Democratic Socialists of America be immediately publicly identified and removed from office for overtly acting against freedom, liberty and the Constitutional Republic.
- That in the event that these individuals refuse to immediately resign in an orderly fashion designed to serve the best interests of the United States, we demand that the 66 members of the people's House who voted against the recent raising of the nation's debt ceiling, to immediately begin impeachment proceedings against every member of the Obama administration.
- That the seven remaining members of the U.S. Supreme Court place an immediate stay on all Executive and Legislative actions taken under the term of the unconstitutional administration beginning January 20, 2009.
- That remaining members of the House and Senate immediately act to name new majority and minority leaders of congress, and work with the U.S. Supreme Court in the assigning of new temporary Executive Branch members, acting on behalf of the people and the will of the American majority until such time that the citizens of the United States can elect their new representatives in 2012.
- The immediate and unconditional dissolution of all special interest congressional caucuses, including but not limited to The Progressive Caucus, The Black Caucus. In addition, the immediate closure of any and all congressional committees which have been given unconstitutional powers, including the Debt Committee of twelve just formed. Individuals are elected by the people to represent ALL of the people, not special interest groups.
- That each state government immediately act to enforce its 10th Amendment right to protect and defend the people of their state against a tyrannical central power in Washington D.C., by recalling all State Guard troops home to protect the sovereignty and security of their respective citizens, as well as state resources and governments.
- That each state government act immediately to cut itself off from federal funding, and take the necessary actions to balance their own state and local budgets immediately.
These are our initial demands and nothing less than complete compliance with each of these demands is acceptable to the people of the United States. These demands have been published for public support and delivered to all members of Congress.
Further, it is our position that the normal constitutional line of succession to the presidency does not apply in this circumstance, due to the widespread complicity by members of congress, regarding both the original fraud that placed this administration in power and the ongoing effort to cover up the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on the American citizens.
The abuse and usurpation of the U.S. Constitution will not be allowed to stand. It is on this basis that We the People make these demands, in full compliance with the law of this land, the Constitution of the United States of America.
It is our sincere desire to affect these immediate and unconditional changes to the people's government through peaceful processes, causing a minimum degree of disruption to the vital ongoing business of the people and their representative government.
The individuals named in our demand for immediate and unconditional resignations have acted directly and overtly against the people, the states and the Constitution and they must be held fully accountable for their actions.
Call for the People to ACT Now
We are openly
for the American people to draw a final line in the sand and take a moral and righteous stand for the Constitutional Republic, the rule of law and the future of freedom and liberty.
The time to be tolerant and silent has passed and the time for serious action has arrived. Only the people can restore the Constitution as the Supreme Law of this Land. We must do it peacefully if at all possible and our Founders provided all the tools necessary for peaceful corrections of a ship set off course by internal enemies.
We are calling for the following specific actions, by every active and former service member and every patriotic citizen, no matter their political stripe...
- We call upon all members of the U.S. Military, the U.S. Supreme Court, Federal, State, County, Local Law Enforcement, and all Intelligence agencies, to direct all assets of the people of the United States towards the restoration of the Constitutional Republic and stand with the American citizens in compliance with their oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the people of the United States.
- We call upon ALL American citizens to provide necessary pressure on all law enforcement, judicial, intelligence and military agencies, until those who have sworn to protect and defend the Constitution begin to act upon those oaths.
- The current administration has done all it can to whip racial tensions and class warfare into full-blown riots and civil war, including scheduling a "U.S. Day of Rage" for communists, labor union socialists, illegal immigrants, Muslims and blacks across the country. Their "Day of Rage" was scheduled for Constitution Day, September 17, 2011, and although it was a total flop, they will continue to rage against America. It is an open assault on free-market capitalism, waged by modern day Marxists who must be stripped of their entitlement mentality. The LEFT is also planning a "Cairo style occupation of Washington in October, on the ground on Wall Street now and headed towards Washington D.C." These events are being run by the Obama White House, via a number of left-wing front organizations.
- We The Veteran Defenders of America and The United States Patriots Union call for a "unified march" from ALL fifty (50) states to Washington D.C. on Friday November 11, 2011, Veterans Day - led by American veterans and former service members with a clear purpose - to demand the immediate restoration of the U.S. Constitution, the removal and prosecution all of the individuals named herein, by voluntary resignation or articles of impeachment, and the end to Sharia Law on American soil. The Veterans March on D.C. Day - In defense of freedom, liberty and justice.
- We call for all Americans who truly do support our troops to march on D.C. with our veterans. We call upon ALL independent truckers, independent contractors, all non-union workers, all independent business owners, agents and investors, all who support free-market capitalism and the right to work, earn and own, to march together with our veterans and former service members on November 11, 2011 - Veterans Day!
- To be prepared to act as citizens to protect and preserve the Constitutional Republic, in the event that our public servants, who have sworn an oath to the Constitutional Republic, refuse for any reason, to act upon those oaths.
- To act peacefully, but prepared for a violent reaction from our nation's enemies. To avoid if possible, the RACE WAR being incited by the Obama Administration and the Black and Progressive Caucus's.
- Locally, to confront all anti-American infringements upon our Natural Rights with boots on the ground whenever and wherever local, state or federal officials act beyond their scope of authority, or at odds with the Constitutional Rights of the people.
- To begin to openly identify and address government corruption at the local, county and state levels, too often found in both governmental and law enforcement offices, also sworn to protect and serve the people of the United States.
- To be ready and willing to end the taxation without real representation by refusing to fund the anti-American regime currently in control of Washington D.C., until such time as the taxpayers of this nation are once again properly represented.
- To make the necessary provisions to secure and protect your families and neighborhoods in the event of economic instability and social chaos, similar to events already witnessed abroad, by stocking up on cash, food and water supplies, as well as personal protection items.
- In the event that the current administration or its thug supporters attempt to use government or civilian force and violence to silence the people, as in the cases of Syria, Libya, Yemen, China's Tiananmen Square, the Bonus Army of 1932 in the United States, or the UK presently wrestling with black and Muslim violence, the people must be prepared to defend themselves against such tyrannical tactics. We cannot expect that the federal government will act in the best interest of American veterans or citizens.
This CALL FOR ACTION is being issued as a joint initiative, by the leaders and members of The Veteran Defenders of America, The United States Patriots Union. All citizens who want to see the Constitutional Republic restored immediately are encouraged to immediately join one of these unified organizations and become directly engaged in our joint missions to restore America to that shining city on a hill, and beacon of freedom and liberty around the world. We the People are the solution!
Volunteer leaders across the country must join one of these organizations to take part in leading in their local areas. All supporters who do not wish to join these organizations but who do support the initiative can keep up with information concerning the action here.
Foundation for Our United Action
Our Declaration of 1776 establishes the principles upon which The United States of America was founded. On September 17, 1787, our nation's Founders ratified The United States Constitution, forming a Constitutional Representative Republic as our system of self-governance. From that day forward, the American people are guaranteed a Constitutional Representative Republic of, by and for the people, which was to at all times, operate within the confines of the limited authority provided the government by the people and their respective states.
For decades, our federal government has been operating beyond its constitutional authority, infringing upon the Natural Rights of every American citizen and every American enterprise, until our government has indeed become destructive of the common cause of freedom and liberty.
In its usurpations of the Constitution, it has committed atrocities against the people for which it was designed to protect and serve, until the people are forced to rise up in the name of freedom and liberty, casting off the shackles of soft tyranny and it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
Our United Mission
We are finished with changing America to suit every anti-American whim... This time, the change is coming to Washington D.C.
It is not our intent to separate from any foreign King, nor to abolish or alter our Constitutional Representative Republic, but rather to restore it, as the Supreme law of this land, under which both the government and the governed must live.
Our united mission is to end the march of democratic socialism, which has become the most dangerous modern threat to American peace, prosperity, freedom and liberty and reinstate the republican form of self-governance guaranteed every citizen in the U.S. Constitution.
To accomplish this objective, the people responsible for the usurpation of the Constitution must be immediately removed from office and held fully accountable for their actions, setting an example for future generations, who must also be forever vigilant in the common defense of freedom and liberty.
The long train of abuses and usurpations must be brought to a swift end and the Constitutional Republic must prevail, or the United States of America will soon cease to exist.
Our mission is just - it is moral - it is legal and constitutional and it is necessary...
This is not a call to overthrow our entire institutions of government, or subvert the Law of the Land, but rather to restore those institutions to their honorable constitutional forms. As such, and under their oaths to the Constitution and the people whom they are sworn to protect and defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic, it is incumbent upon every citizen, veteran, soldier, officer and agent to use the tools of the people to protect the people and return our government to a Constitutional Republic of, by and for the people.
Let Freedom Ring! May the Creator, who endowed each of us with certain unalienable rights, among them the right to Life, Liberty and the individual Pursuit of Happiness free from government tyranny, bless this mission of, by and for the people of the United States, and may the Lord let freedom ring in America, once again.
We demand an end to government corruption, an end to despotic leadership in D.C., an end to the current assault on all decent and honest American taxpayers, businesses and honorable public servants of the people.
We demand the peaceful return of the people's government, and we will remain resolute in the defense of the Constitution and the United States of America until the people can once again, feel secure in their nation and government.
JOIN the MISSION HERE - http://www.veterandefenders.org/ or HERE - http://www.patriotsunion.org/
Non-member supporters can follow the mission here - http://www.facebook.com/groups/262343767138128/
Sign your name in support of the mission here!
Requests for information or interviews should be sent here!
As a preface to APPENDIX "A", the following items only scratch the surface. The blatant abrogation of the United States Constitution, trampling the boundaries of law-based authority, deceit, bribery, aiding and abetting our sworn enemies, illegal manipulation of our election process and subverting election laws, and hundreds of other affronts and assaults to our liberties and freedoms, all fall under the category of "high crimes and misdemeanors."
1. Obama is a National Security threat since he definitely has questionable allegiance to the United States, not to mention his refusal to complete and release full, frank and truthful answers as to who he is. Obama has demonstrated a blatant disregard for the public safety and security.
2. Obama and his handlers released an obvious forged birth certificate after release at least two fraudulent COLBs (Certifications of Live Birth).
3. Obama and his incompetent advisors have wreaked economic tyranny on the American people, all the while calling for the rest of us to endure economic sacrifice.
4. Obama has destroyed accepted administrative process by creating 32 Czars who only report to him, bypassing the Congress and Cabinet. *
5. In one year, Obama and his minions doubled our national debt, which took 200 years to accumulate.
6. Obama and his Justice Department sided with a foreign government (Mexico) when they sued the State of Arizona in order to force the continuation of illegal immigration. *
7. Obama and his henchmen proposed a 1% tax on all bank transactions (HR4646) to be implemented after the November 2012 elections.
8. Obama signed HB1388 to use $20 million in taxpayer money to immigrate Hamas refugees to USA, and other migration assistance to Palestinian refugees.
9. Obama passed "Dream Act" by Executive Order which aide's illegal aliens through
"prosecutorial discretion" all to garner votes for his election. The Heritage Foundation has provided extensive proof that illegal aliens and immigrants with green cards are committing rampant voter fraud. *
10. Obama's socialist, radical, dictatorial Moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, for thirty years a major source of energy for America, and which a Federal Court ruled was unconstitutional, continues to prevent drilling, all under the pretense to protect the environment and the fraudulent notion of global warming. He is indifferent to the loss of 10,000 jobs and 87,000 workers destroyed. Perfect excuse to push "Cap and Trade" with environmental regulations, and to push for governmental control of energy industries, i.e. General Motors, banking and healthcare.
11. Obama and his Czars want to tax church contributions and replace charities with government welfare. *
12. This administrations massive expansion of the federal government (350,000 employees) through agencies and Czars, whose goal is to "fundamentally transform America."
13. Obama's own Federal Elections Commission documented that he got at least $33.8 million from disallowed foreign contributions, including 520 contributions from interests in Iran, and $30,000 from Hamas-controlled Gaza area. *
14. Obama said, "We must reward our friends and punish our enemies." 70 individuals who raised $50,000 or more for him "have been rewarded with ambassadorships or high Ranking jobs."
15. Obama and the cabal's National Security Strategy released in May, allows for the targeted assassination of US citizens including "homegrown terrorists" without due process. *
16. Obama dhimmitude given Ramadan and Iftar dinners in the White House, while he cancels the National Day of Prayer without one word of objection from the Congress.
17. Obama and his Muslim buddies agree and defend a 15 story mosque, bankrolled by terrorist sympathizers and anti-American Muslim groups, to be erected feet from the hallowed ground of the World Trade Center.
18. Obama and his Justice Department's refusal to support, defend and enforce US law, i.e. Defense of Marriage Act, stating it was unconstitutional, thereby circumventing established law and the rulings of the courts. *
19. Obama and his warmongers attack Libya without any authority from Congress. *
20. ObamaCare ruled unconstitutional and ordered stopped by the Federal Court...it was implemented regardless of the Federal Court. *
21. Congress said Cap and Trade was unconstitutional and refused to pass the same. Obama ordered the EPA to enact the provisions regardless of the Congressional ruling. *
22. Obama's use of taxpayer money to pay for Democrat propaganda including $15 million for The American Reinvestment and Recovery Act road signs and $18 million for the continually misleading recovery.gov website. *
23. $770 million of taxpayer funds given to Egypt and Cyprus for the restoration of mosques through USAID. *
24. Obama has disgraced the United States by bowing to foreign potentates, while at the same time snubbed our longtime allies, Great Britain and Israel. Obama and his friends have deliberately fostered hate against the Jews and Israel by promoting a Palestinian State.
25. Obama's Department of Justice refusing to prosecute Black Panthers in Philadelphia caught on tape brandishing weapons in front of a voting site to intimidate voters. Further the stated intentions of political appointees of Obama who said they would ignore voter crimes committed by blacks, Latinos and other minorities. *
26. Obama and his Cabinet intentionally refusing to secure our nation's borders is in direct violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution. This is an effort to blackmail Republican support for comprehensive immigration reform. They are in essence holding the Border States and residents as political hostages during a time when they live in fear and danger. *
27. Obama and his handlers continually ignore Congress's constitutional obligation to vet presidential appointees, as none of his 32 Czars was vetted by Congress, and his appointment of the head of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services was appointed during Congress recess. *
28. Department of Homeland Security now investigating to determine the political association for those making Freedom of Information Act Requests. If you are a Republican you request will be delayed and even ignored altogether.
29. Obama's Justice Department refusing to sue sanctuary cities for violating US immigration law. *
30. Obama's executive order which allows Interpol to operate in the US with no restraints, and without any oversight from Congress, courts, FBI or local law enforcement. *
31. Obama's administration and Justice Department discourage whistleblowers and prosecute them.
32. Secretary Of State Hillary Clinton's ongoing effort to create international small arms accords that will subvert the Second Amendment rights of US citizens.
33. Obama and his State Department has failed to treat as an Act of War the takeover of sovereign land belonging to Arizona by the Mexican drug cartel.
34. The State Department used $23 million in taxpayer money to transform Kenya into a constitutionally communist country where freedom of speech is limited and property rights are based on social justice. Don't forget the Kenyan constitution allows for Sharia Law in some regions, which means women will not have basic human rights. *
35. As part of the auto industry bailout and forced closings, shut down an unbelievable disproportionate number of dealerships in rural areas that did not vote for Obama.
36. Obama's refusal to have a press conference and answer the difficult questions as is expected by every US President. And as is usual with his total lack of respect for anyone but himself...he is always late for everything.
37. Obama and his minions have downgraded the value of human life with their opposition to his signing "Born Alive Infants Protection Act"; however they lifted the ban on overseas abortion funding using US taxpayer's money.
38. Obama's State Department foreign policy continually will do anything to insult our allies, embarrass the United States, all the while elevating and promoting third world Muslim countries. *
39. Obama and his environmentalist henchmen are prohibiting US industries from taking advantage of our own natural resources including coal, oil, uranium and timber. *
40. Despite all the political rhetoric about the historical downgrade of our nation's credit rating, the devaluation was a mere shadow of the colossal degradation Obama and his socialist cadres have inflicted on our Country since January 20, 2009. More significant than our nation's credit, our nation's credibility as a constitutional republic has suffered relentless and ruthless damage and offense. *
41. Obama deployed 1200 National Guard troops to Border States, where they will, under no circumstances, be used to stop the flow of illegal aliens and drug traffickers.
42. Despite a court's ruling and Congress's opposition, Obama's FCC continues to try to gain control over the Internet, by reclassifying internet companies as telecommunications providers, thereby making them subject to FCC regulation. *
43. A slick move no one noticed moving the Census Bureau out of the Commerce Department directly into the White House and under the control and management of Rahm Emmanuel, Chief of Staff.
44. Obama attempts to run this Country with Executive Orders.
45. Under the cover of secrecy and without any input from Congress, state or local officials and current land owners, the Department of the Interior plans to take control of millions of public and private lands in Western states by designating them national monuments.
46. Obama through Eric Holder has handcuffed and taken over the CIA, which has been the most critical, independent information gathering resource safe-guarding our national security. Obama has revealed, ridiculed and condemned CIA interrogation methods which were previously approved by Congress and cleared through the Justice Department. He has demonstrated to our enemies (terrorists) that they need not fear us. *
47. Obama's known history is replete with symbiotic associations and participation with admitted anti-American radicals, many of which/who advocate the destruction of American imperialism and capitalism, even though violent means. Consider William Ayers, Khalid Al Mansour, Rhashid Khalidi, Jeremiah Wright, Sol Alinsky, James Cone, Mike Klonsky, as well as organizations such as the Weather Underground, STORM, Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Woods Foundation, ACORN, which have all received major tax payer funded support. Obama has never denied or even argued about his nefarious involvement with these people and organizations.
48. At the expense of the American taxpayer to the tune of $6 Billion, Obama and his handlers have established their own Civilian Paramilitary Security Force made up with the likes of SEIU, STORM, ACORN, RUCKUS, The Apollo Project (Soros), AmeriCorps, Color of Change, Drummond Pike/Project and others who choose to remain anonymous. *
49. Loss of free speech to the tune of half a billion dollars of taxpayer money, given to Obama appointee Mark Lloyd "FCC Diversity Officer", and avowed pro-Chavez radical, ordered by Obama to rein in free speech on the airwaves by reorganizing the FCC and placing a tax equal to annual operating costs on local radio stations, which they either pay or lose their license to a new minority owner. *
50. Historic and unprecedented move by Obama's cabal to indoctrinate our children in socialist, humanist garbage, sent a video to all schools, and naturally this scheme was promoted by the NEA, with the children taking a pledge, "...to be a servant to our president and to all mankind", and then they chant over and over "together we can." He is asking our children to choose him and his agenda, over anything you might teach at home. *
51. Obama's appointment of Safe Schools Czar, Kevin Jennings, founder of Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, has determined required reading material for our schools which promotes pornography, not to mention homosexuality.
52. Obama protected union interests over those of GM and Chrysler bond holders during bankruptcy proceedings, forcing investors to accept millions in losses, funds which they were legally entitled to. *
53. In a time when Americans are asked to sacrifice, I guess this does not apply to Michelle Obama, since she has 22 personal assistants, which does not include a markup artist and hair stylist, at the cost to the American taxpayer of $6,364,000 for 4 years. These assistants' sole duties are to facilitate her social life. She must be a lot more incompetent than first thought, since as First Ladies Hillary Clinton only had 3 assistants, Jacqueline Kennedy had 1 assistant, and Laura Bush had 1 assistant.
54. On June 9, 2011, Obama signed Executive Order 13575 establishing the "White House Rural Council" which establishes unchecked federal control into rural America in education, food supply, land use, water use, recreation, property, energy, and the lives of 16% of the US population. No Congressional or local government oversight or input. *
55. Obama's handler's establishment of the "Super Committee" is the final nail in our republic's coffin, and the establishment of a Marxist dictatorship. Congress has always had committees which meet and return to the main body with ideas and suggestions, which is then amended, debated, rewritten, and finally voted on. Not this Super Committee, their determinations are presented to the Congress who are not allowed to discuss debate, modify, rewrite. The Congress is limited to a straight up or down vote.
56. Obama forced British Petroleum to set up $20 billion slush fund supposedly to compensate Gulf coast residents and businesses, and sets up an Obama appointee to administer funds with no judicial or congressional oversight. *
57. Obama's cabal canceled 77 oil field development contracts already certified as proper by the Bush administration. This deliberate affront by Obama's Interior Secretary prevents the extraction of 3 trillion gallons of oil in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming and North Dakota, which is more than enough to end our dependence on foreign oil. *
58. Obama signed the Russian-American START treaty which hampers US missile defense development and makes it difficult for us to modernize our rapidly aging nuclear weapons arsenal. It represents unilateral disarmament by the US in return for nothing more than Russian good will. What a joke.
59. Perhaps one of Obama's most pathetic stunts was his chair of the UN Security Council, never done by a US sitting President. He was in the right place sitting as chair over an organization ruled by tyrants, and showing his true dual loyalties.
60. We need to look at Obama's character, or in this case, his lack thereof. Obama is a total incognito with zero accomplishments. No experience, no education, no business sense or experience (only 8% of his entire administration has ever held a real job or run a business, other than being on the government dole), no military experience, a dangerous and treacherous narcissist, arrogant, incompetent, no class, serial liar, no humility, juvenile, no dignity, no genuine empathy, his personal narcissism and arrogance veiled by his hollow spoken empathy, quite ignorant, racist, Muslim, bereft of conscience, unable to determine between his fantasy and reality, incapable of genuine caring or con
concern, artificial, blames everyone else for his failure, and most of all Obama is a puppet, owned by his handlers, who maneuvered and manufactured his pathetic life.
61. Misuse of federal power and money in illegal international gun and drug running, the mis-distribution of taxpayer funds and manipulation of foreign governments, racketeering and smuggling, such as Project Gun Runner, resulting in the murder of U.S. agents.
A Message from Col. Harry Riley, USA, Ret.:
A day-long muster/rally at 0600 hours on 11-11-11 at the Washington Monument.
Our natons rudder is broken patriots...we're sending Libyan rebels to Germany for treatment in US Military hospitals and you wonder who pays? Guess what....we do!. At the same time Senator McCain is agreeing to rape military TRICARE health benefits to save funds. Just lost 12 or 13 warriors in Afghanistan today thanks to a anti-American commander-in-chief that undermines our military at every turn. This doesn't even touch government selling guns to Mexican drug dealers; millions to failed energy company; CZARS side-stepping Congress; on and on. What are we doing? Obama is the enemy and people are snoozing, wondering if he will get reelected? We must stop this traitor, betrayer of the US Constitution. This is what 11-11-11 Declaration Rally/muster in D.C. is all about...bringing to a screaming crescendo the failures and outright criminal behavior of the Obama Administration and his supporting Congress critters.
We all need to pitch in so it won't be so hard on any of us...Obama and his cohorts are slowly, like a cancer, eating away at our strength...soon we will be weakened to point of no alternative. Be part of the fight, help with funding and lock arms and stand shoulder to shoulder together in D.C. on 11-11-11. Our freedom and liberty is at stake...you tell me what's more important.
Col. Harry Riley, USA, Retired
Join the VFP on Nov.11 at the Phoenixville C.C
Learn how to use Electronic and Social media to defeat Obama in 2012
------Jeff Morgan will present a live demonstration of the Valley Forge Patriots website and the tremendous information and resources it provides.
------ Michelle Libor will show us all about "Facebook" and how we can use this "social media" to get our message out, and help defeat Obama in 2012. It would be helpful to have a Facebook account in advance.
----- Folks from the Commonwealth Foundation (Dawn Meling and jay Ostrich) will demonstrate their website "Cap--Wiz" and how it can make it easy for each of us to send powerful "letters to the editor" and letters and e-mails to our legislators. "Cap-Wiz" has templated letters on a number of issues.
Food and Drink service is available. Parking is free.
Patriots, Attached is a suggested list of items for the troops. We will also need Money for shipping & boxes - we have some boxes & I think flat rate is the way to go. A form must be filled out w/ details about what is in each box & approx. value.
PLEASE bring items to our next VFP meeting Nov. 11th at the Phoenixville Country Club. Lets show our troops we care !!!
Here's a list of preferred items to donate. CANDY
Candy (hard candy/heat resistant) Gum Throat Drops Twizzlers CORRESPONDENCE Journals Padded Envelopes Pens/Pencils Writing Paper and Envelopes
DRINK Coffee (instant) Coffee Creamer Gatorade Hot Cocoa Kool-Aid bursts- to freeze Powdered Drink Mixes Tea Mixes (sweet)
ELECTRONIC CD Fanny Packs CDs (music, books on CD) DVDs (comedy, American travel) Hand held electronic games MP3 Players Tapes
FOOD (including dry goods, snacks) Beef Jerky Canned Food (cheese, meats, etc) Canned Fruit (pop top cans) Cereal (in small boxes) Chips Cookies (including Girl Scout) Crackers Energy Bars (Cliff or Balance) Granola Bars Oatmeal (instant) Pistachios and other nuts Pop-Tarts Popcorn Ramen Noodles/Cup of Soup Ravioli (pop top cans) Salsa & Bean Dip Snack Mix & Fruit Roll ups Sugar packets Sunflower & Pumpkin seeds Tuna Kits
GAMES Board Games Checkers (travel size) Chess (travel size) Crossword Puzzles Drawing pads/art pencils Playing Cards Sudoku books
PRINTED MATERIALS Books (novels, short stories, history) Comic Strips/Joke Books Magazines Newspapers (local) Post Cards from Home
SPORTING EQUIPMENT Baseballs/Gloves/Bats Dart Board Footballs Golf Balls Hacky Sacks Soccer Balls
TOILETRIES/HYGIENE Baby/Wet Wipes Callous Removers Dental Floss Deodorant (gel or solid) Eye Drops Eyeglass Wipes Facial Scrub Femine Hygiene Products (for female soldiers) Foot Powder Hairbrushes Hand Sanitizers (waterless) Lip Balm with SPF 15+ Lotion (hand/body/face) Mouthwash Nail Clippers Nose spray Powder (Gold Bond) Q-Tips Razors (disposable) Shampoo/Conditioner Shower Shoes Sunscreen Tissues (heavy duty - i.e. Puffs) Toilet Paper (name brand) Toothpaste/Toothbrushes Travel size body wash Tweezers Tylenol/Motrin (individual packets)
OTHER American Flags (small) Baggies (with zip lock) Batteries (AAA, AA, C, D, 9V) BBQ cooking supplies/tools Boot laces (brown/tan) Bowls (large for Ramen noodles/popcorn) Bug Spray (must be packaged in zip-lock bag) Cameras (digital, disposable, Polaroid) Camping Items/Equipment Chair (folding camping chair) Duct Tape (olive green) Dust pan (for sand) Fans (battery powered - small - with extra batteries) Flashlights (mini/mag lite, extra bulbs, lots of batteries) Fly Strips & Swatters Fly/Ant/Mouse Traps Foot Massager Gloves (Nomex Aviator's) Hand and Foot Warmers Hometown stuff Instant Ice-Packs Letters from veterans & citizens Neck Scarf/Gator Patch Kit Phone Cards (pre-paid, AAFES) Photo Albums Pinch Lights Plastic spoons Shoe Insole Cushions Socks (cushioned white calf high) Socks (moisture-wicking boot socks) Spray Bottle (for water)
Thank you for your support! |
Nullify Now! Philadelphia
January 14, 2012. 10a-6p -SPONSOR THIS EVENT - CLICK HERE -Click here to like this event on Facebook
Crowne Plaza, Liberty Ballroom Philadelphia Downtown CLICK HERE for tickets
******* -Speakers -Event Overview -Event Agenda -Venue Information, Parking, etc
Thomas Jefferson: "Whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers....a nullification of the act is the rightful remedy."
But what IS nullification? How does it happen and work? Since September 2010, the Tenth Amendment Center has been hosting a national tour to educate and activate people on this topic. People are learning the constitutional basis, when it's been used in history, and how it is happening around the country and how YOU can stop DC right in your own state.
Go here for more information:
(all times are eastern)
Friday 10-11pm "Veterans' Weekly Forum" - Ed Rosen and Bob Rosebrock
"Veterans Weekly Forum"
Fellow Veterans and Friends of Veterans:
Join us Friday morning for the "Veterans Weekly Forum" radio show broadcast live from the Metro Philadelphia area and carried over AM Radio in the Tri-State area of Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey, with a potential listening audience of 5,000,000.
Listener call-in number is 856-227-1360
Email: VeteransWeeklyForum@gmail.com
Host: Ed Rosen / Co-Host: Bob Rosebrock
WNJC 1360 AM - Philadelphia
Or by the Internet by direct link at http://wnjc1360.com
Friday, November 4, 2011
(10:00 AM - Eastern Time)
(9:00 AM - Central Time)
(8:00 AM - Mountain Time)
(7:00 AM - Pacific Time)
Ralph Calabrese
Ralph Calabrese is a Korean War Veteran with own television show, "VA Veteran Update". The show is shown locally in the New York Finger Lake region every Wednesday night at 9:30 pm. Ralph has had his hands full with an ongoing battle to save the local VA hospital in Canandaigua, NY.
If you are not in the East Coast area to hear the AM Radio live
Access the live Internet broadcast by clicking on one of the following links
Or by the Internet by direct link at
The listener call-in number is 856-227-1360
Email: VeteransWeeklyForum@gmail.com

2012 Presidential Candidate Selector or Obama, His Allies & Critics Matching Quiz
Politicians have already indicated their 2012 presidential aspirations. This matching quiz includes President Obama, top members of his administration, Obama's most vocal critics (Boehner, Cantor, etc.) and likely White House prospects (Palin, Pawlenty, Jindal, etc.). You may select a position for every issue, or just select issues important to you. The political figures' positions are based upon their voting records, special interest group ratings and their statements in the public record. In cases where there is no known public record or statement, these politicos are not given a score on that issue. We add candidates, revise their views and include new issues as they become known or change. Check back often for updates.
Read more:
I'm excited about the Nov. 22 presidential debate on foreign policy that The Heritage Foundation is co-sponsoring with the American Enterprise Institute and CNN.
We're expecting all the major GOP presidential candidates to appear on stage. And to accommodate their schedules and make sure everyone can attend, we moved the debate from its original date.
Nothing is more important to the future of our nation than how we approach national security and foreign policy.
But unfortunately, these issues have often fallen by the wayside as candidates debate other critical issues like jobs, taxes, federal spending and the growth of big government.
Our goal with this debate isn't just to ensure the candidates are paying attention to national security and foreign policy. We're also trying to educate the American people--and particularly those Americans who aren't already convinced of conservative principles.
That's why we decided to partner with CNN to air this debate.
One recent debate on CNN reached 5.5 million Americans, and I can guarantee you that most of them were not conservatives. These are exactly the people we conservatives need to reach.
This debate is an important opportunity both for Heritage and for the conservative movement. In fact, this is the first time that we've ever sponsored a presidential debate.
We're setting the table for some lively family discussions at Thanksgiving. I hope you'll tune in on Tuesday, Nov. 22.
Thank you as always for your dedication to the conservative cause.
Sincerely, Edwin J. Feulner, Ph.D. President The Heritage Foundation
P.S. As more information about the Nov. 22 debate on CNN becomes available, I will be sure to let you know.
| |
Get paid to get people to vote!
We are currently running a non-partisan Get-Out-The-Vote Campaign in Northeast Philly. You can start today and start making $. We are running Wednesday 11/2 through 11/7 (next Monday)
The Gig-
You will show up at our offices at 11AM and work a minimum of one 4-hour shift a day (but can work two if you'd like). Shift times: 11-3, 4-8. Your work will have you using a map to knock on doors. When folks answer, you will remind them about the upcoming election date and the times when polls are open. You will also leave non-partisan paper materials at each door. The work is being done in support of research to determine if non-partisan GOTV activities have an effect on turnout.
The pay: $10 an hour to cover the costs of your participation
The qualifications:-
A good attitude, honesty, a smile, a clean and professional appearance (and willingness to wear corresponding clothing), and the ability to fill out and return very basic paperwork.
Preference will be given to those that can provide their own transportation, and those who can work multiple days and shifts.
If interested, please e-mail -
and include your name, phone number you can be reached at, and which days/shifts you think you will be able to work. Please also indicate whether you can provide your own transportation (not a deal breaker, we'd just like to know).
Correction: I forwarded an older e-mail.
SB1 already passed the Senate( so much for Conservative Republicans). It's in the hands of the Assembly. Please call the list of Representatives that I e-mailed yesterday and ask them to support Rep. Schroder's bills--HB 1678 & HB 1679--and not SB1. Also ask them to support HB 1330 as a separate bill.:
Speaker: Sam Smith - (814) 938-4225 shsmith@pahousegop.com Majority Leader: Mike Turzai - (412) 369-2230 mturzai@pahousegop.com Floor Leader: Stan Saylor - (717) 244-9232 ssaylor@pahousegop.com Whip: Sandra Major - (570) 278-3374 smajor@pahousegop.com Education Committee Chair: (215) 257-0279 pclymer@pahousegop.com
In any event the analysis of SB1(below) by the Independence Hall Tea Party is very good.
Carlo G.
October 25, 2011
Dear Members and Friends,
Here's what FreedomWorks had to say (in quotes) about the upcoming vote (today & tomorrow) on the phony School Choice Bill (SB1).
"We can achieve school choice this year, but the time to make your voice heard in Harrisburg is RIGHT NOW."
Our rebuttal:
SB1 would achieve school choice only for a select few low income
students who live mostly in the Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Harrisburg school districts--provided their parents make 130% of the poverty level or less (purposely vague language). Children whose parents are considered working poor or middle income would not qualify.
A low income student from an urban school district would receive thousands of dollars more than a low income student from another district. The resulting disparity could be as much as $10,000.
Rep. Curt Schroder's bill, HB 1768, would provide a $5000 voucher to every child in PA regardless of income level or school district. His bill, if passed, would achieve real school choice.
"On Tuesday, the Pennsylvania Senate Education Committee is set to vote on an amended version of SB1 that is being sponsored by Senators Piccola and Williams. If it passes out of committee, SB1 is expected to come up for a floor vote in the full Senate on Wednesday, October 26th."
Our rebuttal:
Even though SB1 was declared dead in June--like Freddy
Krueger--it has come back to life to haunt us this Halloween season.
"This bill will finally put parents and students in charge of Pennsylvania's education system by expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit program and instituting Opportunity Scholarships for students trapped in failing schools."
Our rebuttal:
SB1 creates another entitlement program. It would only help low income students attending the Commonwealth's 144 persistently failing public schools.
Middle income children and those whose parents are considered
working poor will not be able to escape--the bill would leave roughly 30,000 students in those failing public schools.
Rep. Schroder's bill, HB 1679, would provide $5000 vouchers to all children attending the 144 persistently failing public schools--regardless of income level or county of residence. If those 144 persistently failing schools close as result--so be it.
The Earned Income Tax Credit program, also known as HB 1330, which has already overwhelmingly passed the PA House, should be introduced separately in the PA Senate (not as part of SB1) and voted on quickly.
Please call your State Senators and those sitting on the fence (see list below).
Ask them to support Rep. Schroder's bills--HB 1678 & HB 1679--and not SB1. Also ask them to support HB 1330 as a separate bill.
Undecided Republicans: Jane Earll, 717-787-8927, jearll@pasen.gov
Mary Jo White, 717-787-9684, mwhite@pasen.gov
John Gordner, 717-787-8928, jgordner@pasen.gov
Gene Yaw, 717-787-3280, gyaw@pasen.gov
Elder Vogel, 717-787-3076, evogel@pasen.gov
Pat Vance, 717-787-8524, vance@pasen.gov
Undecided Democrats: Michael J. Stack, 717-787-9608, stack@pasenate.com
Shirley M. Kitchen, 717-787-6735, kitchen@pasenate.com
Lawrence M. Farnese Jr., 717-787-5662, lfarnese@pasenate.com
Lisa Boscola, 717-787-4236, boscola@pasenate.com
John Yudichak, 717-787-7105, yudichak@pasenate.com
Thank you, in advance, for your cooperation.
On behalf of the Association Board of Directors,
Teri Adams
The Independence Hall Tea Party Association is a regional, tri-state (DE, PA,NJ) grassroots organization formed in May, 2009. Its mission is to educate the general public regarding the principles of limited government as enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution. Visit us @ www.IndependenceHallTeaParty.com.
RedState Morning Briefing
For November 4, 2011
1. 2012 DNC Discriminates Against Charlotte Businesses, Demands Unionization
After working in construction for many years in Canada, John Monteith had had enough of unions calling all of the shots and forcing themselves onto employers. So John did some research on the United States, and found that one of the best right-to-work states was North Carolina.
John got in touch with an immigration attorney, and worked with him to emigrate legally to the United States at a cost of $40 thousand of his personal money. Well worth it as far as he was concerned, to have the freedom to run a business without being forced into negotiations and contracts with special interest groups. So he packed up his bags and never looked back.
He eventually found himself working for a company called Heritage Printing & Graphics. Originally located in the Northeast, Heritage had decided to open up a large format print shop in Charlotte, NC, and they hired John to help with business development to grow their sales.
2. A Moment for Two Deep Breaths
The first thing I think it is necessary to say is that the general tenor of the allegations has moved beyond allegations of vague inappropriate comments and gestures to allegations that are considerably more serious. We are walking into territory now where the allegations, if true, would destroy Herman Cain publicly both as a candidate for President, and a candidate for any other office he might seek in the future, and furthermore as a prominent spokesman for the GOP. I find that the way these charges were reported by another prominent conservative website today was irresponsible and reckless. The story was written in such an intentionally vague way that it was possible for the reader to infer anything from a woman regretting a one night stand to an actual rape committed by Herman Cain. Later, after the damage had been done, this website posted corrections which changed significant details of the story at the bottom of the story and on the second page, where the casual reader would not see them unless they bothered to click the "Next" at the bottom of the screen. Given the nature of the allegations and the materiality of the corrections that were intentionally buried, I can only conclude that this piece was an intentional hatchet job and that its rollout was maliciously intended to cause the maximum political damage to Herman Cain.
This conclusion leads to some necessary things that I think need to be said about both the way we as conservatives treat our primary candidates and the particulars of Herman Cain's alleged behavior.
3. Bipartisan Big Spenders Appointed to Conference Committee for Spending Bills
After dithering for almost three years without a budget, Democrats are in a hellfire rush to finish all of the 12 annual appropriations bills. Unfortunately, Republicans leaders are in such a hurry to bury the hatchet on spending fights, they are willing to void all of the House-passed bills, in return for bipartisan conference reports. These conference committee versions - chock full of Senate Democrat amendments - will be forced down the throats of House conservatives without a chance to amend them, even though they never voted on two-thirds of the underlying bill. Worse, virtually all of the conferees are leftists, appropriators, and squishes.
Senator Sessions and other Senate conservatives tried to warn Republicans that Harry Reid was manipulating the process to insert $11.1 billion in extra spending to the Agriculture minibus bill. While overall discretionary spending caps have already been set at $1.043 trillion, Democrats still have leverage (thanks to weak Republican leadership) to spend tens of billion more on transfer programs, while compensating for the extra expenditures with massive cuts to -you guessed it - the Defense appropriations bill. They also have the ability to raise spending levels on mandatory programs, which are not subject to the spending caps imposed by the debt deal. Moreover, the Senate stripped out many of the House-passed policy riders, such as a provision to defund most of the FDA food takeover bill (FDA Food Safety Modernization Act ).
4. #OWS Turns A Corner In The Latest Quinnipiac Poll
Quinnipiac has polled the American people about Occupy Wall Street. The numbers are not what Adbusters would have hoped for. Thirty percent overall view them favorably, 39% wish to see the occupation ended. 31% wanted to know when LSU vs. Alabama kicks off.
5. Unions & #OccupyWallStreet Reveal Their Hidden Agenda: A Worldwide Financial Tax
If there's one thing about the Marxists controlling today's unions, it is that they are predictable. If you watch them long enough, the pattern is always the same: Demand the extreme with something attainable in mind as the fallback position.
In labor relations, the making of outrageous demands is a classic negotiating tactic at the bargaining table because union negotiators know company negotiators will only agree to what they are willing to based on business economics. In politics, however, the union tactic is an absolute winner because their prey (politicians, many of whom are bought by unions anyway) always fall for it and, besides, it's only the taxpayers who are stuck with the tab. One thing though, whether at the bargaining table or in politics, unions always reveal their hidden agenda-eventually.

Tell a joke:
An elderly senator, exhausted and ill from enacting Obama's health-care plans, goes to the doctor. Doctor says: "I have bad news, good news, and bad news, Senator. The bad news is that you only have six months to live. But the good news is that there's an operation that is 100 percent successful in curing this illness." "That sounds great. So what's the other bad news?" asks the senator. Replies the doctor: "The Department of Health and Human Services says the first available slot is seven months from today."

Last week, ACT! for America President, Brigitte Gabriel, and Director of Government Relations, Lisa Piraneo, were up on Capitol Hill for various meetings and events designed to educate our federal legislators about the connection between OPEC's price fixing of world oil prices and how that threatens our national security. In addition to a full day's worth of meetings with Members of Congress from both sides of the political aisle, Brigitte participated in an important roundtable discussion about this issue for Hill staff, as well as a press conference with Congressmen John Shimkus (R-IL), and Eliot Engel (D-NY), sponsors of H.R. 1687, the Open Fuel Standard Act.
NASCAR driver Kenny Wallace and President Ronald Reagan's National Security Advisor, Robert McFarlane, joined Brigitte and Lisa during their day on the Hill. In each of the meetings, Brigitte's passionate words about the connection between OPEC's manipulation of the world's oil market pricing-and its ties to terror financing-captivated the Members of Congress and their staff. In particular, Brigitte and coalition members spoke with Members of Congress about support for the Open Fuel Standard (OFS) Act (H.R. 1687 in the House and S. 1603 in the Senate) as a common-sense first step in breaking OPEC's chokehold on oil prices. Immediate progress has come out of these meetings. Already, one Member of Congress who was a part of the OFS meetings last week-Rep. Dan Burton (R-IN/5th) has "seen the light" and signed on to the legislation as a cosponsor. He joins the growing group of Congressional cosponsors this vital legislation has already attracted. Contrary to what some believe, Canada does not supply the largest share of America's imported oil. OPEC does. Even if we could purchase largely from our own domestic supplies and our northern neighbor, it will not destroy OPEC's monopoly on the world-wide price of oil, nor will it decrease the terrorism that is funded through OPEC oil funds. Why? Oil is fungible. Fungibility is the property of a good or a commodity whose individual units are capable of mutual substitution, such as crude oil, wheat, precious metals or currencies. For example, if someone lends another person a $10 bill, it does not matter if they are given back the same $10 bill or a different one since currency is fungible. If someone lends another person their car, however, they would not expect to be given back a different car, even of the same make and model, as cars are not fungible. As long as OPEC controls enough of the worldwide oil market (and they certainly do), when they want the price to rise, they simply cut back slightly on their supply. Only a 2-3% drop in supply will typically create a dramatic rise in price. Therefore, even if the U.S. and Canadian markets are able to generate a 10 to 15% increase in the overall supply of world oil, OPEC would simply cut back their portion of the supply accordingly for a net zero result in order to maintain the level of current pricing. The fact is domestic oil suppliers have shown little stomach for increasing supply. Why? They like the prices OPEC's strategy generates! This is why Governor Palin had to file suit in Alaska just to get movement on additional drilling and production. U.S. oil companies have a tendency for sitting on inventory, especially if it is likely that future pricing will be higher. The only factor that will fundamentally reduce the price of oil is the wholesale introduction of other competing transportation fuels. This alone will finally force OPEC to its knees-and deliver a massive blow to worldwide Islamic terrorism. To be clear, this is not about supporting ethanol, methanol, or any other specific alternative transportation fuel source. The beauty of the OFS Act is that it doesn't support ONE particular transportation fuel-it only opens up the market to competition and finally allows the AMERICAN CONSUMER to choose from a variety of fuels for their cars and trucks. Additionally, there are no subsidies tied to the OFS legislation and there is absolutely NO COST to the Federal Government/taxpayers. New cars would cost approximately $100 more for the alcohol fuel capability, but the resulting projected fuel cost savings would be approximately $1,000 per year per car! ***ACTION ITEM*** Please do your part today to break OPEC's chokehold on the price of oil-and their funding of terrorism. Contact your Members of Congress through our Capwiz site and ask that they cosponsor this important legislation. We've made it easy to do by pre-writing the correspondence. Click HERE to reach our Capwiz site and click on the two Open Fuel Standard Act alerts (one for Representatives and one for Senators) to send your message to the Hill today. For more information on the issue of Open Fuel Standards, including Brigitte's recent day on the Hill to discuss this issue, please see www.openfuelstandard.org With your support, in as little as seven years we can make our nation and our world safer for our children and our grandchildren by taking the teeth out of OPEC and providing Americans a CHOICE when they fuel their vehicles. Brazil has already reached this point. We can be next. But Congress won't act unless they hear from you.

1. VIDEO: Governor Jan Brewer Slams Media For Using 'Race Card' to 'Shut Down the Debate' on Illegal Immigration 2. VIDEO: How Did Occupy D.C. Activists React to a Table Full of Job Applications? 3. Colorado Voters Reject Tax Increase to Fund Education 4. VIDEO: Stakelbeck on Terror: The Coming Caliphate 5. VIDEO: Libya update and released Muslim terrorists try again to kill Israelis 6. Half Of Young Professionals Value Facebook Access, Smartphone Options Over Salary 7. VIDEO: President to Congress: Pass Transportation Bill 8. The FBI Rounded Up a Network of Russian Spies After the Group Came Close to Placing an Agent Near a Cabinet Official in the Obama Administration 9. U.S. House of Representatives passed a non-binding resolution reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto...See how your rep voted... 10. VIDEO: Notorious Russian Arms Dealer Found Guilty of Trying to Sell Weapons to Terrorists Seeking to Kill Americans
Edward Cline
Edward Cline reviews a book that "renders irrelevant any hope or notion that Islam can be 'tamed' or rendered 'moderate' or redeemed as a benign faith."
John Dendahl ObamaCare's wheels are already falling off, even before the U.S. Supreme Court begins a review of its constitutionality. Like physicians serving Medicare patients, many employers have discontinued their employee health insurance plans. Implementation of early provisions of ObamaCare is helping push up costs of those remaining. The Kaiser Family Foundation's 2011 Employer Health Benefits Survey: "After several years of relatively modest premium increases, annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage increased to $15,073 this year, up 9 percent from last year ... 'especially painful for workers and employers struggling through a weak recovery' [according to Kaiser's CEO Dr. Drew Altman]."
Frank Hill The AARP started out as a noble mission: help poor seniors survive end of life circumstances with dignity. But what has the AARP become over the past 30 years of its existence?
The Global Muslim Brotherhood Daily Report The Muslim Brotherhood is trying to gain favor with the rebels against Syria's regime, and a Muslim is suing a government intelligence agency for anti-Muslim bias.
Yoram Ettinger Maimonides, the great scholar of the Torah, maintained that redeeming hostages is the greatest precept and virtue, but not at all cost; it is not an absolute value.
Gabriel Garnica, Esq. While outrageous demands were made by Occupy Wall Street protesters this year, three choices for Halloween costumes seemed appropriate...
Itamar Marcus, Nan Jacques Zilberdik After Gilad Shalit was exchanged for 1,027 prisoners, official Palestinian Authority TV chose to dedicate a broadcast to one terrorist, Abbas Al-Sayid, who was not included in the deal.
"From the repugnant treatment of Paula Jones to a physical assault on Kathleen Willey (followed by thuggish attempts to silence her), to the very likely rape of Juanita Broderick to the exploitation of Monica Lewinsky, Clinton revealed an absolute contempt for women, other than as objects of his own amusement and self-gratification....."
by Christopher Adamo
It is always amazing how shamelessly liberals can ignore the mountains of evidence proving their insincerity while they lecture the nation with almost comical passion.

By Robert Spencer Muslims destroy a magazine's offices after it satirized Muhammad. Read more »
By P. David Hornik Time is getting short.... Read more »
By Ben Shapiro Reading the tea leaves. Read more »
By Arnold Ahlert Another petition demonstrating the disconnect between academia and reality. Read more »
By Humberto Fontova The newspaper's rancor against Cuban Americans didn't start with Marco Rubio. Read more »
By Raymond Ibrahim What the mainstream media does not want you to know. Read more »
By Frank Crimi A terrorist with high hopes for the Caliphate and crushing the Jews. Read more »
By Ion Mihai Pacepa I witnessed this strategy in the Soviet Union, and now I see it at Occupy Wall Street. It always fails. Read more »
By Dr. Yasser Dasmabebi The psychological disease that imagines that Western cultures are somehow better than Arabic or Eastern cultures. Read more »
By Frontpagemag.com Join the Frontpage editor's new blog talk radio program to hear a profound round-table discussion on the terror war. Read more »
By Tait Trussell Reelection is possible despite the economy and Obama failures. Read more »
More to read:
Greek Chaos Ripples Across Globe Blame Our Failing Schools for Occupy Wall Street Revelations of Time Italy Faces Up to the Evil Within Union Gangsters: Jimmy Hoffa Jr.
Bang for your buck: that's what the Freedom Center provides. Ammunition for the culture war against the Left: that's what your contribution buys. So please act now and help us in the fight we are waging on many fronts for America's future. America is under assault from within and without. There is no time to lose.

Military history will record Israel's failure to vanquish Hizbullah in the Second Lebanon War as one of the great strategic blunders in the modern era of warfare. Israel had the golden opportunity to sever Iran's right arm in the region, but PM Olmert and his military commander Halutz botched it. Olmert would then go on to compound his mistake two years later in Gaza, leaving Hamas - Iran's left arm in the region - intact. Today, both Hamas and Hizbullah have grown much stronger, and so has their controller, Iran. Here is a summary of a report from the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs. You can read the whole thing right here. It shouldn't be a mystery why Iran would put this "information" into the news stream now. They're trying to scare off an attack on their nuclear weapons program by hyping the response. But you be the judge. Even if Iran isn't bluffing, what would prove more costly, an elective attack before they get the H-bomb, or an obligatory... Read the whole entry »
Eclipsed U.S. policymakers fear a "Shia crescent," a regional alliance led by Iran. A dawning "Muslim Brotherhood crescent" is far more threatening. By Lee Smith, Tablet Mag Until January of this year, U.S. policymakers and American allies feared what Jordan's King Abdullah II had dubbed the "Shia crescent." The thinking was that as Iran's power grew, this strategic alignment of hostile governments would stretch from the Islamic Republic of Iran, through its ally Syria, on to the newly empowered Shia majority in Iraq, and up to the shores of the eastern Mediterranean where it would reach Hezbollah in Lebanon. But that was before pro-American dictators started to fall like dominoes across the region. What we're looking at now is what some, like historian Martin Kramer, have called a "Muslim Brotherhood crescent." Take a look at the map. In last week's Tunisian elections, the Islamist al-Nahda Party, once outlawed,... Read the whole entry » By DOUGLAS J. FEITH, WSJ Pro-Israel organizations have long been active in American politics, promoting friendly relations between the U.S. and Israel. Jewish groups, in particular, have helped ensure that candidates' attitudes toward Israel would be an important element in congressional and presidential elections. Yet now, two venerable Jewish organizations, the American Jewish Committee (AJC) and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), are saying that it is improper to do this in the case of President Obama. They have taken the initiative to shield Mr. Obama from the political consequences of his cold treatment of Israel. The AJC and ADL are jointly promoting a "national pledge for unity on Israel." Its essence is that "America's friendship with Israel . . . has always transcended politics" and that "U.S.-Israel friendship should never be used as a political wedge issue." Explaining this effort, ADL chief Abraham Foxman lamented... Read the whole entry »
Aviel Magnezi, YNET Growing voices in Ramallah calling for the dismantling of the Palestinian Authority due to a political stalemate with Israel have raised concern among Israeli experts, who warn that such a step would force the Jewish State to regain complete control over Palestinian territories. While they believe the scenario is unrealistic at the moment, the experts warn of far-reaching ramifications should the threat materialize. Former Shin Bet chief Yaacov Peri told Ynet that the Palestinians are trying to show Israel that the option is on the table, but are not going to go ahead with disbanding the Authority, due to its relative good standing in the West Bank. "It is a live and kicking entity, which is also successful," Peri explained, adding that "it manages to maintain law and order in the West Bank and is seen as legitimate by most of the international community - and we can see the results at the United Nations and UNESCO. "They also managed... Read the whole entry »
Following PA admittance to UN's cultural agency, Netanyahu orders construction of 2,000 housing units in Jerusalem, other areas he says would remain under Israeli control in future peace agreement Attila Somfalvi, YNET The forum of top eight ministers on Tuesday concluded its meeting on Israel's response to the accession of the Palestinian Authority into UNESCO. Following the meeting, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the government to expedite the construction of some 2,000 housing units in Jerusalem, Gush Etzion and Ma'ale Adumim - all areas that he said would remain within Israel's territory as part of any future arrangement with the Palestinians. In addition, it was decided to delay the transfer of Palestinian funds to the PA. Jerusalem is also considering revoking the VIP cards of several Palestinian officials and might consider steps against UNESCO's operations in Israel. The forum members are expected to meet again soon to... Read the whole entry »
DEBKAfile Special Report November 1, 2011, 1:21 PM (GMT+02:00) The disclosure Tuesday, Nov. 1, by the International Atomic Energy Agency - that a spinning factor built in the northeastern Syrian town of Hasaka in 2003 was in fact designed for developing nuclear weapons from enriched uranium - had a purpose: It was intended to crowd Bashar Assad into talking to the leaders of the revolt against him instead of slaughtering them. debkafile's intelligence sources report that Syria procured the enriched uranium and equipment for the plant from Iraq when its ruler Saddam Hussein in early March 2003 when he decided to dispose of the bulk of his nuclear plant and weapons of mass destruction by spiriting them out to Syria, then his closest ally. The IAEA sources revealed that the Syrian government worked on the secret Hasaka complex with Abdel Qader Khan, father of Pakistan's atomic bomb, basing it on the same technology he designed for... Read the whole entry »
See also, Analysis: What may be involved in an Israeli strike on Iran Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who previously objected to attacking Iran, was recently persuaded by Netanyahu and Barak to support such a move. By Zvi Zrahiya, Jonathan Lis, Barak Ravid and Amos Harel
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak are trying to muster a majority in the cabinet in favor of military action against Iran, a senior Israeli official has said. According to the official, there is a "small advantage" in the cabinet for the opponents of such an attack. Netanyahu and Barak recently persuaded Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, who previously objected to attacking Iran, to support such a move. Although more than a million Israelis have had to seek shelter during a week of rockets raining down on the south, political leaders have diverted their attention to arguing over a possible war... Read the whole entry »

Why won't Barzani or Barham block the arms sale to Turkey?by Michael Rubin The Kurdistan Tribune November 3, 2011 http://www.michaelrubin.org/10638/barzani-barham-turkey-arms On October 28, 2011, the Pentagon's Defense Security Cooperation Agency formally notified the U.S. Congress of its intention to sell Turkey three AH-1W Super Cobra helicopters. Turkish diplomats tell their American counterparts that they need the helicopters to combat Kurdish guerillas. Turkey may have other motives however. Turkish President Abdullah Gül has suggested Turkey might seek to punish Kurds collectively for the actions of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). "No one should forget that those who are inflicting this pain upon us will suffer in multitudes," he declared. Egemen Bagis, a Turkish minister and confidant of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has also threatened Cyprus and Israel in recent months. The Pentagon, acceding to a Turkish request, is however already quietly lobbying the Congress to clear the way for the sale of dozen Predator or Reaper unmanned aerial vehicles which Turkey also says it will use against Kurds in the rugged mountains along the Turkey-Iraq border. On November 1, Turkey's Defense Minister İsmet Yılmaz met with U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta at the Pentagon to discuss further arms sales. Some senators may fear that Turkish promises to host an early warning radar system would fall flat without the helicopters. But Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu has already said Turkey might close the base after two years. Regardless, Turkey is in no position to play its hand so strongly; a number of other countries-Poland, the Czech Republic or, even Romania-might fill the gap at far less cost or aggravation.
A Subpoena for Solyndra By Ben Johnson, The White House Watch
Tired of the Obama administration's "slow-walking" documents related to the Solyndra scandal, Republicans on a House panel voted today to subpoena all documents related to Solyndra. The motion to hold the Obama administration accountable passed the House Energy and Commerce Committee on a 14-9, party-line vote.
The measure authorizes committee chairman Rep. Fred Upton, R-MI, to issue a subpoena against leading figures in the administration, whom Republicans say have withheld pivotal documents that would allow them to understand how the government loaned and lost half-a-billion dollars to a Green energy firm known to be a credit risk.
Congressman Upton greeted the vote by saying....
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Vets Marching for Impeachment: "Time for Talking has Passed" By Bob Unruh, WND.com
Declaring that the "time for talking has passed," organizers of a peaceful rally scheduled for Veteran's Day in Washington are demanding the resignation of Barack Obama along with other members of his administration...
The events are scheduled to begin at the Washington Monument at 6 a.m. and continue at points around Washington, D.C., throughout the day. How many people are expected....
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Eric Holder is Not the Only Liar in Fast and Furious By Doug Book, FloydReports.com
During her October 25th testimony before the House Government Oversight Committee, Department of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano claimed she has never spoken about Fast and Furious with Attorney General Eric Holder, had never heard of the deadly scheme prior to the December 2010 killing of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry (as it was an ATF operation). She insisted, although she is the head of Homeland Security, she considered it unnecessary to learn more about the deliberate smuggling of thousands of weapons into the hands of Mexican drug dealers because there was an investigation being performed by the Inspector General at the Department of Justice.
The degree of outright dishonesty exhibited by Napolitano that afternoon is rivaled only by that of Eric Holder in his House Committee testimony several weeks earlier....
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Only Under Obama: More Agents, Less Secure Borders By Susan Stamper Brown, FloydReports.com
Somewhere out there on America's northern borders, security patrol agents are showing up to work, grabbing a newspaper, and positioning their vehicles to gaze across one of the Great Lakes, so they can enjoy a scenic view while they work the daily crossword puzzle -- on our dime.
Back in May, the Obama administration assured us our borders were strengthened because Homeland Security had beefed-up border agent numbers by more than double the amount we had back in 2004. For what? Crossword puzzles? If there is a surplus, it seems the country would be better served by re-distributing its wealth of agents to our southern borders, but....
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Occupy Wall Street Response By Floyd Brown, FloydReports.com

Please click on this photo, so you can read the letter this wonderful lady holds. She....
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Responding to Matt McKinney
Posted: 03 Nov 2011 12:18 PM PDT
(Scott Johnson)
Reader J.R. Frey has written a response to the message from Star Tribune reporter Matt McKinney defending his story - "Armed robber knew the right path, but was unable to follow it" - on one-man crime wave Darren Evanovich, late of Minneapolis. Frey writes:
Mr. McKinney,
I read with interest your response to the criticism levied at your reporting on the incident involving Mr. Evanovich. In your response, you state, "It was only in our attempt to give readers the best, most reliable and clear information that the phrase ['during a confrontation'] was not used [when describing the details of the shooting]."
The original reporting by you reads as follows:
On the evening of Oct. 20, a little more than a week later, a 53-year-old woman was accosted in a supermarket parking lot off E. Lake Street. The stranger was armed with a handgun, and after taking her money, he struck her in the head with his weapon, police said.
A man nearby saw the attack. He had a state permit to carry a pistol, and he had one with him. He chased the robber behind a restaurant and shot him dead. Police say the robber was Darren Evanovich. He was 23.
The police report, as provided by you, reads as follows:
The first call indicated that an elderly female had just been robbed at gunpoint of her purse and pistol whipped in the head...
Officers...were approached by an adult male who stated that he had witnessed the armed robbery/assault of the elderly female and had chased the armed robbery suspect to an area near the Super Grand Buffet. This "Good Samaritan" stated that he had a valid Minnesota Permit to Carry a Handgun and that he had shot the male armed robbery suspect during a confrontation outside of the Super Grand Buffet.
I will trust in your good faith that you intended to give readers "the best, most reliable and clear information." With that in mind, let me provide some constructive criticism that may help you in your endeavors in the future: (1) When the police report says that the robber took the woman's purse, you should report that the woman's purse was stolen, and not that her "money" was stolen. If someone had observed the theft and noted that some quantity of cash was stolen, they probably would not have chased the robber to attempt to recover the purse which also includes identification, credit cards, and other information that could be used for identity theft and fraud. (2) If the police report includes the words "during a confrontation" you should include those words.
Oh, and (3) Don't write the paragraph describing the confrontation as though there was a vigilante execution. See, because when you wrote that paragraph describing a vigilante execution, you did not "give readers the best, most reliable and clear information" regarding what transpired.
To be specific, by deceptively substituting "money" for "purse" and by omitting the existence of a confrontation prior to the shooting, by substituting "struck her in the head with his weapon" (neutral tone) for "pistol whipped in the head" (accurate description in the police report), and by describing the Good Samaritan's actions in a single, terse sentence [chased the robber ... and shot him dead], you failed to give your readers "the best, most reliable and clear information" that was available to you at the time.
If you would like to pass this on to your editor, you could point out that the robber knew the right path, but chose not to follow it. There is no evidence that you present that suggests the robber was forced into committing the crime.
I trust this criticism will be accepted in the spirit it is given.
J. R. Frey
UPDATE: Reader Jack Levey comments: "It did not occur to me before reading today's response, but here's another difference between stealing a purse and stealing only money. The purse has not only the victim's ID, but also her house keys. The ID furnishes the victim's address. At least until she has her locks changed, the victim is now at much greater risk of burglary, home invasion, assault, rape and murder - in her own home, without the criminal having to bother with the noise, spectacle, delay or warning that would accompany a break-in."
This Week's Applied Hayek: Occupy AFL-CIO Edition
Posted: 03 Nov 2011 05:43 AM PDT
(Steven Hayward)
Chapter 18 of The Constitution of Liberty is on "Labor Unions and Employment," which will be considered in my class next Monday evening (are you paying attention, class?), the day before Ohio's vote on the reforms to public employee compensation and collective bargaining rights. Advance polls suggest Gov. Kasich's reforms are going down to defeat, chiefly because of tactical mistakes. National Review's Brian Bolduc explains.
Anyway, Hayek's chapter on labor unions was written before the rise of public employee unions that are the chief focus of controversy today. Much of Hayek's chapter discusses unionization and its wage-distorting effects in the context of Keynesian theory, and as such reads as a perfect diagnosis of the steadily growing inflation of the late 1970s, and why both over in the UK under Thatcher and here in the U.S., unions needed to be reined in. Nowadays it is the public sector unions that need discipline. Here and there, as usual, Hayek offers timely observations, such as:
In few other areas are progressives so little willing to consider the reasonableness of any particular measure but generally only ask whether it is "for or against unions" or, as it is usually put, "for or against labor."
Most interesting in this chapter is Hayek's lengthy analysis of how unions are a force for increasing inequality among workers, which would suggest that the OWS movement might want to picket the headquarters of the AFL-CIO and especially the government union offices. This argument is too long to summarize here, but at the end Hayek offers this observation that is certainly germane to our present controversies:
This path [of union reform] is still blocked, however, by the most fatuous of all fashionable arguments, namely, that "we cannot turn the clock back." One cannot help wondering whether those who habitually use this cliché are aware that it expresses the fatalistic belief that we cannot learn from our mistakes, the most abject admission that we are incapable of using our intelligence.
Food Stamp Nation
Posted: 03 Nov 2011 05:37 AM PDT
(John Hinderaker)
Food stamp use has exploded during the Obama administration, reaching an all-time high of 45.8 million in August. This chart, prepared by Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee, depicts the extraordinary growth in the program that began when Barack Obama took office in 2009:
To some extent, this growth is the result of record levels of poverty (as measured by the federal government), the result of the Obama administration's anti-growth policies. But that isn't the whole story, or even most of it. Normally, one would think that exploding food stamp usage would be nothing to be proud of, but the Democrats have rushed to expand every federal program so as to make as many people as possible dependent on the government. Thus, the food stamp explosion is mostly due to a combination of incompetence and deliberate laxity in administering the program. Senator Jeff Sessions explains:
The agriculture bill we are considering this week-part of three appropriations bills being irresponsibly crammed together-would result in a quadrupling of food stamp funds from their 2001 levels. At a proposed $80 billion a year, food stamps are becoming one of the largest items in our budget....
There is little if any oversight of the program, resulting in the extraordinary waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars. To cite just one example, a $2 million lottery winner notified authorities, who in turn informed him that he would not be losing his food stamp benefits. In some cases, the only thing you need to become food-stamp eligible is have a brochure from the federal government be sent to you in the mail. ...
This program is not being run honestly, effectively, or fairly. It is deeply disappointing and extremely telling that the Democrat-led Senate voted down even this modest effort to address the almost shameless mishandling of taxpayer funds. We're in a fiscal crisis that is already killing jobs, and these bills just increase spending-and destroy confidence-that much more.
Eliminating waste is the last thing the Democrats want to do. Wasteful spending is the lifeblood of their party.
When money dies
Posted: 03 Nov 2011 05:01 AM PDT
(Scott Johnson)
Adam Fergusson's When Money Dies: The Nightmare of Deficit Spending, Devaluation, and Hyperinflation in Weimar Germany is a popular history that recounts the economic events that continue to haunt Germany today. PublicAffairs restored Fergusson's 1975 book to print last year in light of current events. What current events? Peter Hartcher reviews them in the excellent American Interest essay "The death of money."
Via RealClearPolitics.
Occupy the Smithsonian
Posted: 03 Nov 2011 04:34 AM PDT
(Scott Johnson)
We've noted that the National Endowment for the Humanities has taken a sharp left turn into politics and inanity in the Age of Obama under Chairman Jim Leach. The Smithsonian apparently doesn't want to be left behind in the culture wars. It's in a hurry to join Leach. You might say it can't wait!
Maura Judkis reports at the Washington Post's ArtsPost blog that representatives from the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History are collecting signs and ephemera from Occupy Wall Street and Occupy D.C. for potential exhibitions about the movement. "And they have plenty to choose from," she notes somewhat breathlessly. "New images of the already iconic Occupy signs come across the wires every day." (The iconic use of "iconic" is itself a sign that brain death approaches.)
The Smithsonian will surely avert its eyes from the anti-Semitic signs that occasionally appeared at the OWS protests. Judkis includes a set of "already iconic Occupy signs" in her report and invites readers to vote on which should be included in the Smithsonian's exhibit. Among the available choices are "Pepper spray Goldman $achs" and "None of these." Unfortunately, "The Smithsoanian is out of its mind - I want my money back" is not one of the options.
UPDATE: Will someone please contact the Smithsonian curator and let him know that there should be lots of good signs at the OWS protests covered in this AP report? Thanks.
 November 3, 2011The Worst President Since Before the Civil WarBy Steve McCann
Three years ago, the people of the United States elected someone who has turned out to be the worst president since the pre-Civil War era. Barack Obama, whether in economic matters, domestic affairs or international relations, has been an abject failure and has severely jeopardized the future of the American people.
This must be the focus and message of those seeking the Republican presidential nomination, who must not allow themselves to be focused on demeaning each other and sidetracked by falling for the usual tactics of the Democrat and media smear machines (epitomized by the latest specious attack on Herman Cain).
A cursory examination of Obama's overall record compared with other presidents reveals someone driven purely by statist ideology, whose narcissism renders him incapable of change regardless of the long-term consequences. He does not seem to care what happens to the American people.
Ronald Reagan and Franklin Roosevelt faced far worse economic conditions when they came into office than were in play when Barack Obama was elected president. Yet with one a fiscal conservative (Ronald Reagan) and the other (Franklin Roosevelt) a liberal Democrat, even though they pursued differing solutions to the dilemmas at hand, neither put the nation squarely and inexorably on the road to bankruptcy and second-class status.
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Thursday, November 3, 2011 To: Friends & Supporters From: Gary L. Bauer Cain Controversy Continues The sexual harassment controversy surrounding Herman Cain unfortunately continued today. Late yesterday afternoon three more people -- two former co-workers at the National Restaurant Association (here and here) and a conservative talk show host in Iowa -- made new accusations against Cain. Cain's campaign quickly fired back. Mark Block, Cain's chief of staff, accused the Perry campaign of leaking the story and demanded an apology. Block said, "The actions of the Perry campaign are despicable. Rick Perry and his campaign owe Herman Cain and his family an apology. Both Rick Perry and Politico did the wrong thing by reporting something that wasn't true." The accusations against Cain are disappointing. At a time when our country is suffering so much from Obama's failed policies, big media is gleefully pursuing decades-old allegations that never even resulted in formal charges. The same media that refused to examine Obama's radical connections are now working 24-hours a day to bring down another conservative. It pains me to say it, but the Cain campaign has made the media's job easy. It's been widely reported that his campaign had more than a week's advance notice that Politico was working on this story. Rather than seizing the initiative and "solving the problem," the Cain campaign allowed it to fester, hoping it would just go away. And when it came out, Cain's response was inconsistent, providing fodder for more stories. The media are also having a field day watching the campaigns fight each other over who leaked the story. While there is some circumstantial evidence that points in the direction of the Perry campaign, there is similar evidence pointing to Romney supporters and even to Democrat Chicago mayor, Rahm Emanuel. This afternoon, Block pulled back from his attack on the Perry campaign. Meanwhile, the only people who can be happy about recent events are the lefties at the DNC and in the basement of the White House political operation. Every GOP hopeful needs to start aiming their fire at Obama and his allies instead of each other. If they continue going down this "rule or ruin" path, the nomination won't be worth a dime, and the torture of our beloved country will continue for four more destructive, jobless years. OWS Out Of Control The Occupy Wall Street movement, which Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and so many Democrats have embraced, is out of control and needs to be shut down. Responsible Democrats have warned that it is full of radicals and extremists, many of whom believe in violence to achieve their goals. The scenes from Oakland, California, prove it. The public is catching on. A recent poll found that a plurality of Americans now disapproves of the movement. If the media were interested in exposing sexual harassment, they would leave Herman Cain alone, hop in a cab and spend a few hours investigating OWS. There have been numerous reports of sexual assaults and rapes at OWS camps from coast-to-coast. In one case the victim was 14 years old. Ironically, for a movement based on fighting income inequality and fighting for jobs, the OWS crowd (just like Obama) is now costing jobs, in part because (just like Obama) it doesn't understand how jobs are created in the first place. Here's a hint: Jobs aren't created by people who sit around whining all day about how much other people owe them! They are created by men and women who work hard every day trying to provide a product or service for other people. For the all the talk about inequality, the OWS movement is really a very selfish group that seems to think society owes them something. Marc Epstein, who owns a successful deli in Boston, recently invested $4 million to open the Milk Street Café near Zuccotti Park. But thanks to Occupy Wall Street, Epstein has been forced to lay off workers for the first time in 30 years. And on the "Left Coast," the Occupy Oakland mob decided it would be a really good idea to shut down the Port of Oakland, which supports 50,000 local jobs. Now the extremists in the Occupy Wall Street movement are diversifying. We have repeatedly exposed the anti-Semitism that infects the movement. But last weekend Occupy Vancouver protestors disrupted a mass at the Holy Rosary Cathedral. According to Lifesitenews.com, this attack on the cathedral could be a response to Frank Schaeffer's call for the Occupy movement to target evangelical and Catholic churches. In a recent blog post, Schaeffer wrote, "The source of the empowering of the top 1 percent super wealthy and the economic rape of rest of us is the religion of Evangelical fundamentalism." My friends, I have warned for years about the intolerance of the left. The fight for faith, family and freedom is reaching a fevered pitch in America. Whatever issues may divide conservatives in the coming weeks and months, they pale in comparison to the issues that unite us. Never forget that. Obama, God And Jobs Tuesday, the House of Representatives voted 396-to-9 to reaffirm our national motto, "In God We Trust." To Barack Obama this vote was nothing to celebrate, but a chance to score cheap political points. Referring to House Speaker John Boehner, Obama mocked the vote saying, "I trust in God, but God wants to see us help ourselves by putting people back to work. ...What have you guys been debating, John? ...You have legislation reaffirming that 'In God We Trust' is our motto. That's not putting people back to work." In response, Senator Mitch McConnell took to the Senate floor to defend Boehner and House Republicans. McConnell listed the numerous pieces of pro-growth legislation passed by the Republican House that Senate Democrats are refusing to act on. Here's an excerpt from his remarks: "Unlike the president and the Democrats who run the Senate, House Republicans are designing legislation to pass, rather than fail. They want to make a difference rather than a point. And the only thing keeping these bills from becoming law is the fact that Democrats in the Senate won't take them up. ... - On March 31st, they passed H.R. 872, The Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act. It got 57 Democratic votes.
- On May 5th, they passed H.R. 1230, the Restating American Offshore Leasing Now Act. That got 33 Democratic votes.
- On May 11th, they passed H.R. 1229, the Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act. That bill got 28 Democratic votes.
- On May 12th, they passed H.R. 1231, the Reversing President Obama's Offshore Moratorium Act. 21 Democrats supported that one.
- On June 22nd, they passed H.R. 2021, The Jobs and Energy Permitting Act. 23 Democrats voted for it.
- On July 26th, they passed H.R. 1938, The North American Made Energy Security Act. 47 Democrats voted for it.
- On October 6th, they passed H.R. 2681, The Cement Sector Regulatory Relief Act. 25 Democrats voted with them on that one.
- On October 13th, they passed H.R. 2250, The EPA Regulatory Relief Act, H.R. 2250. They were joined by 41 Democrats.
- On October 14th, they passed H.R. 2273, The Coal Residuals Reuse and Management Act, H.R. 2273. 37 Democrats voted for it."
"Every one would help create jobs. And none of them would raise taxes."
So what are Obama's Democrat allies doing in the Senate today? The Senate Judiciary Committee, bowing to the demands of the radical gay rights movement, debated legislation to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act. For Senate Democrats, men "marrying" men is apparently a higher priority than men and women getting jobs. Muslims Firebomb Magazine If you need another example of Islam's problem with violence, consider what happened to Charlie Hebdo, a satirical magazine in Paris, France. To commemorate the electoral victory of an Islamist party in Tunisia, the magazine published a column "authored" by the Prophet Muhammad. The magazine announced on its website that the Muhammad spoof would be released yesterday. And in an amazing coincidence, the magazine's office was firebombed early yesterday morning.

The big lie of Occupy Wall Street begins with its name, it isn't occupying Wall Street, it's occupying the resources of a city with a budget crisis on its hands. Wall Street has been locked down since after September 11 and the Zuccotti Park encampment and its associated barricades isn't doing much to impact the lives of the brokers and financial analysts the idiots in their best protest gear are braying about. The people who are being impacted are the small businesses adjacent to the protesters who are experiencing a return of the post 9/11 lockdown that wiped out so many downtown businesses. But the people who are suffering the most from the OWS brats are the 1 percent, not the top 1 percent, but the bottom 1 percent, the people who are the most dependent on city services that are being diverted directly or indirectly by OWS. That means the kid in the projects who needs the police to be there instead of macing white guys from Portland who think that braiding their hair makes them just like Bob Marley. It also means patients who need medical services from city hospitals whose budgets are already being cut, and will be cut further because of the unexpected expenses for the city associated with having thousands of idiots decided that a park in the middle of the city is their ideal location for a campground. Because of OWS, public schools, public libraries, public hospitals, roads and homeless shelters will not have money. That will have a direct impact on the lives of actual underprivileged people. And this isn't just happening in New York City, OWS have targeted urban areas with municipal budget deficits, tying up resources and diverting funding from the most vulnerable members of society. They have done this in Oakland, whose budget is already made out of strings and wires, and which isn't a world financial center. Why do this in Oakland? Because they could. For the same reason that they trashed a grocery store and two banks. The people paying the price for that will be the customers and employees, and it will be the people of Oakland whose will lose services to cover the cost of Occupy Oakland. A week of Occupy Oakland clashes cost a million dollars. That million dollars will not be coming out of the banks.
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In the name of Allah, Most Merciful and Compassionate(???) Go Out and Kill Jews, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus!
Over the last 1400 years, 270 million non-believers were murdered by Muslim jihadists. Islam destroyed the Christian Middle East and Christian North Africa. It is estimated that upwards of 60 million Christians were slaughtered during this conquest. Also, half the Hindu civilization was annihilated and 80 million Hindus murdered. Islamic jihad also destroyed over 10 million Buddhists. In other words, Islam is a killing machine.
Read More at Masada2000.ORG . . .
OR - Watch the Presentation from our Web Site Here . . .

Cookie and Princess: A Wall Street Story Nov 03, 2011 06:13 am | Coach Collins By Ron Reale, staff writer I didn't realize it until recently, but I have had Cookie, an Occupy Wall Street participant, protesting in my home for over a year now, and I just don't see it ever coming to an end during her lifetime! The funny thing is, a year before the little OCCUPYER came to live with me, her younger half sister, Princess, a stone "work-and-reward" Capitalist, moved in with me. They couldn't be more different! I grew up with mid-sized to large animals, mostly Labs and German Sheppard mixes. I never gave much thought to little dogs, and Yorkshire Terriers are slightly smaller than them! Cookie, the 31/2 to 4 lb'er, grew up in a group home, one of five mouths, untrained for 14 months, living by how loud and often they had to complain to get results. Princess, who weighs in at about 6 lbs now, was a sickly five weeks old when we were offered ... Continue Reading:Cookie and Princess: A Wall Street Story comments | read more
American Minute for November 2nd Nov 02, 2011 05:13 pm | Coach Collins Coachisright.com is pleased to announce American history scholar; nationally known speaker and best selling author William J Federer's daily American Minute column will be part of CiR's afternoon update. Bill Federer is a tireless and meticulous researcher whose daily history lessons reflect the relationship between God and our nation. Bill is a regular guest on radio and television shows when getting American history right is essential. We're sure you will enjoy Bill's daily columns and want to share them with your friends and families. Bill Federer is an American patriot whose message needs to be heard by all. By Bill Federer, staff writer After the victory over the British at Yorktown, many of the Continental soldiers became disillusioned with the new American government, as they had not been paid for years. Disgruntled, a group in New York, referred to as the Newburgh Conspiracy, plotted to march and occupy the Capitol, to force Congress to give ... Continue Reading:American Minute for November 2nd comments | read more
Will the sycophantic media ever call Nancy Pelosi a hypocrite? Nov 02, 2011 02:13 pm | Coach Collins comments | read more

End the Occupation Nov 03, 2011 12:03 pm Firebombing Free Speech In Paris Nov 03, 2011 11:44 am China Runs Out of Money Nov 03, 2011 11:34 am Israel and Iran Nearing Point of No Return Nov 03, 2011 10:51 am Clueless in Washington! Nov 03, 2011 10:16 am BENADOR: Obama Ushering in the Age of the Global Caliphate Nov 03, 2011 05:00 am Hizbullah Discusses Its Operational Plan for War with Israel Nov 02, 2011 11:46 pm George Soros Trader Involved in Bankrupt Firm Tied to Obama Nov 02, 2011 11:27 pm Does the Crucifix 'Provoke' Muslims? Nov 02, 2011 09:08 pm Rick Perry's Marriage Problems Nov 02, 2011 09:00 pm Virginia State Senator Edd Houck's Anti-Family Record Nov 02, 2011 11:00 am Italy Faces Up to the Evil Within Nov 02, 2011 10:50 am Where Do Things Come From? Nov 02, 2011 10:44 am
Today, PJ Media's world-class roster of columnists gains one more esteemed name, as J. Christian Adams [1] launches his Rule of Law blog [2].
In 2010, Christian initiated himself into a rare brotherhood of uniquely American heroes: the whistleblowers. After resigning from the Department of Justice's Civil Rights Division over the rampant practice of unequal law enforcement - the last straw for him being the New Black Panther voter intimidation scandal - Christian then testified in front of the Civil Rights Commission [3] about the lawlessness he witnessed. Christian told his story here [4], and PJ Media is continually grateful that he chose us as the best medium for disseminating this vital information to Americans.
He followed up with several more instances of top-notch reporting, including exposes on voting fraud [5] and disenfranchisement of active-duty military [6]. Along with Hans von Spakovsky and Richard Pollock, he then put together the seminal "Every Single One [7]" series, which exposed the radical and illegal hiring practices of the Obama Justice Department.
Adams also has just released his first book, Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department [8].
A personal note: Perhaps the most notable contribution I have been able to make towards PJ Media's success since joining in 2009 occurred the day I noticed Adams had resigned from the DOJ. The name was familiar, I soon found that was because he had written for PJ Media once before, and I spent that morning trying to hunt him down. Seeing the great content that has since come from that quick bit of detective work has been professionally and personally rewarding, and I expect nothing less than more truth and bombshells in his new role.

November 1, 2011 by J. Christian Adams
Last month, a collection of groups funded by George Soros held a conference on election law and the upcoming 2012 election. PJ Media has obtained details of the event from an attendee. Our eyes and ears are extensive. The meeting was one long attack on voter integrity efforts in the 2012 election. The sponsor was the Fair Elections Legal Network, a group that has received $105,000 from the Soros-funded Tides Foundation since 2007.
The speakers were Deven Anderson of the "Black Youth Vote!"; Robert "Biko" Baker of the League of Young Voters Education Fund; and Eric Marshall of the Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law. Anderson was the recipient of a fellowship from the Soros funded radical organizing outfit Center for Community Change. The panel was moderated by Megan Donavan of the sponsor organization, the Fair Elections Legal Network. Donovan hails from the vote fraud denying Brennan Center for Justice by way of the Center for Reproductive Rights, proving that ideology may be more important than specialization.
These types of groups exist primarily to attack any effort to combat voter fraud or ensure the integrity of elections. As I write in my book Injustice, there is "an enormous and well-funded industry of voter fraud deniers that provides an intellectual smokescreen for this lawlessness."
Deven Andersen, obviously a top-shelf racialist, casts all Tea Partiers and election integrity proponents as racists: "The Tea Party is a reincarnation of the White Southern Democrats. They want to turn the clock back to 1866 and make blacks second rate citizens again," he told the crowd. "Conservatives don't like people of color. They are stuck in 1866." Specifically, the nut Andersen named the King Street Patriots, a voter integrity effort in Houston, Texas.
Read more:

Cooking the Books on Grandma's Health Care
Medicare patients who get less care have a higher risk of dying. Don't believe the hype that implies otherwise.
The British medical journal Lancet reported last month that 32% of elderly American patients undergo surgery in the year before they die, a statistic culled from Medicare data. In an accompanying editorial, Dr. Amy Kelley of Mount Sinai School of Medicine labeled the 32% figure a "call to action"-to reduce costly surgeries, intensive-care stays and other high-intensity care for the elderly. Her call was parroted in hundreds of media outlets nationwide. But advocates for limiting health-care spending on the elderly are distorting science to make their argument.
Don't be bamboozled: The Lancet investigators looked only at patients who died, making surgery appear unsuccessful. That's like saying Babe Ruth struck out 1,333 times so he must have been a poor ball player-even though he had a .342 lifetime batting average and 714 home runs. Investigators should have considered how all surgery patients fared, including those who recovered, returned home from the hospital and resumed active lives.

Alexander's Essay - November 3, 2011 Populist Socialism on the RiseThe "99 Percent" are really the "35 Percent" but their cadres are growing"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence. If 'Thou shalt not covet' and 'Thou shalt not steal' were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society before it can be civilized or made free." --John Adams, 1787 The populist message of the Occupy Movement, the agelessly adolescent class warriors who make up Barack Hussein Obama's Red October Uprising, now has the support of some 35 percent of Americans, mostly urbanites. The Occupiers have now infested cities from coast to coast, including Oakland, Seattle, Denver, Austin, Chicago, Atlanta, Baltimore, New York and Boston. Their mantra is simple (by necessity): "We are the 99 Percent, and we're all victims of the 1 Percent." By any objective standard, the 99 Percenters are not the brightest bunch, and they really represent the roughly 20 percent of Americans who are irrevocably dependent upon government subsidies and pay no income tax. Thus, this 20 percent has no vested interest in the cost of government and is predisposed to vote for the redistribution of others' incomes rather than work for their own. The underlying assumption is that it's easier to confiscate wealth than create it. This "entitled" 20 percent combines with the 10 percent of American labor who are collectivists and another 5 percent who are perpetual malcontents to thus form Barack Hussein Obama's entrenched socialist constituency of Useful Idiots. The intellectually challenged Occupy morons have built their movement around the errant assertion that if the assets of the 1 Percent were entirely redistributed, everyone would live happily ever after. Unfortunately, what the 35 Percenters really want, "redistributive justice" as Obama calls it, would require the redistribution of income from the other 65 percent of Americans families who live on earned income, so that everyone could be equally impoverished. Post your comments Of course, there's a problem with liquidating the assets of the 1 percent (comprised of more celebs and pro athletes than Wall Street bankers), or even the top 25 percent of the so-called rich: Most of their assets are on paper, and the rest of that "wealth" is in the form of small businesses and real property that support the jobs of tens of millions of Americans who actually work for a living -- and take pride in their occupations. Thus, liquidation would result in the collapse of the entire economy, leaving everyone under the same statist tyranny as Obama's 35 Percenters -- equally miserable, equally dependent upon the government, and that much closer to Obama's mandate to implement Democratic Socialism. Fact is, socialist economies always fail. In the inimitable words of former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, "Socialist governments ... always run out of other people's money. They then start to nationalize everything." Of course, socialists never let reality intrude upon their classist fantasies of universal equality and happiness. Nineteenth-century historian Alexis de Tocqueville once observed, "Democracy and socialism have nothing in common but one word: equality. But notice the difference: while democracy seeks equality in liberty, socialism seeks equality in restraint and servitude." If you have any doubt about the socialist motives of the Occupy Movement, consider this proclamation from my daily American Communist Party communiqué (yes, I subscribe to certain leftist publications, so, yes, I know my enemy): "We Are the 99%! The AFL-CIO has taken another step to embrace the Occupy Movement by creating their own We Are the 99% website. Also, CPUSA Chair Sam Webb has an article on the movement at the People's World: 'Occupy: embrace the new, build the movement.'" Next, I suggest you review the official list of Occupy supporters, including Marxists, Nationalists, Fascists and even Islamists. What a sorry lot for a supporting cast. Occupy v Tea Party Given all this, it's not surprising that the Occupiers' highest-profile support emanates from Obama himself, who says, "People are frustrated and the [Occupy] protesters are giving voice to a more broad-based frustration about how our financial system works. ... I think it expresses the frustrations that the American people feel. ... The American people understand that not everybody's been following the rules. These days, a lot of folks doing the right thing are not rewarded. A lot of folks who are not doing the right thing are rewarded." As to the Occupy Movement's momentum, Obama says their agenda "will express itself until 2012 and beyond until people feel they are getting back to old-fashioned American values. That's going to express itself politically in 2012 and beyond." By "old-fashioned" we suspect he's merely re-warming some propaganda from one of the most notable of 20th-century socialists, that inheritance welfare liberal Franklin Delano Roosevelt. It was FDR, after all, who channeled Karl Marx when he proclaimed, "Here is my principle: Taxes shall be levied according to ability to pay. That is the only American principle." Roosevelt issued a collectivist "bill of rights" in which he said that the government should ensure "the right to a useful and remunerative job ... the right to earn enough to provide adequate food and clothing and recreation ... the right of every family to a decent home ... the right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health ... the right to adequate protection from the economic fears of old age ... the right to a good education." For his part, Obama has been clear in his collectivist rhetoric: "[T]he wealthiest Americans have made out like bandits. ... It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too. I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody." Our nation is at a critical juncture, and the adversaries of Liberty are well funded. However, a great national debate about the proper role of government is underway, and your support is critical to keep that momentum moving in the right direction. The Patriot Post, since its inception, has been plowing the fields and sowing the seed for this Great Awakening. Our goal is to ensure that the movement remains, first and foremost, about the restoration of constitutional integrity, and to support its momentum. There is still much to be done, however, and the defeat of Barack Obama and his socialist hordes next November is not preordained. If we are to restore the cause of Liberty, we need your help. We can restore the integrity of our Constitution only by growing the ranks of conservative voices. We cannot undo generations of civic negligence in one or two election cycles, but we can -- no, we must -- halt our nation's downward spiral toward the tyranny of Democratic Socialism. I thank you for your vigilance, strength, preparedness and faithfulness on so many fronts. As always, we rely upon your generosity to maintain our clarion call for Liberty -- a call which we continue to broadcast to countless thousands of our military, collegiate, political and mission field readers, all of whom are vital links in the chain to hold back tyranny and restore Liberty. And so it is with due respect to the urgency of our times that I humbly request that you support The Patriot Post today! Thank you for the honor and privilege of serving you as editor and publisher of The Patriot Post. We are humbled to count you among our ranks. Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis! Libertas aut Mortis! Mark Alexander Publisher, The Patriot Post

November 03, 2011 OCCUPY OAKLAND SWINGS TO CHAOS Last night in Oakland, a long day of protests culminated with riot-gear-clad police arresting dozens of protesters. There was also a violent confrontation between a car and protesters. You can see this video and several others from last night in Oakland HERE. 'SHUT THIS CITY DOWN' - INSIDE NYC'S OWS New York City may be next in line for a general strike action like the one Oakland experienced on Wednesday. The Blaze has video and details from inside the March for Racial Justice that talks about forcing a major confrontation with the police HERE. IS RAHM EMANUEL BEHIND THE CAIN LEAK? The Washington Times is reporting that Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is tied to the leaks about the alleged sexual harassment charges involving Herman Cain. Get latest details HERE. ARE TEACHERS OVERPAID? THIS REPORT SAYS YES We are constantly hearing from education union leaders that teachers are underpaid. The American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation studied teachers' pay and benefits, and compared their compensation with that of workers in the private sector. Their report disagrees with the unions. Read the facts that the American Federation of Teachers called "ridiculous" HERE. DON'T WASH THOSE LEVIS - GET RID OF THE STINK BY FREEZING THEM! This is possibly the most bizarre "water-saving" suggestion we have seen. The Levi Strauss company is encouraging people to save water by freezing their jeans instead of washing them so often. The stinky details await you HERE. VIRAL VIDEO - RESPONSE FROM THE TX JUDGE SEEN BEATING HIS DAUGHTER ON VIDEO A disturbingly violent video from seven years ago, which shows Judge William Adams beating his daughter with a belt, has gone viral. Adams told reporters, "in my mind, I haven't done anything wrong." See the video and the reaction from the Judge HERE. WATCH A WHEELCHAIR-BOUND FOOTBALL PLAYER SCORE A TOUCHDOWN If you need a pick-me-up today, watch this video showing muscular dystrophy sufferer, Trent Glaze score a touchdown in a high school football game. After you dry your eyes, forward the link to your friends. They will thank you. The inspiring clip is HERE.

Warning: Obama Ed Aims at U.S. Takeover All Schools - Even Parents at Home - May Be Forced to Teach Government Agenda By Bob Unruh WorldNetDaily
An organization that monitors the U.S. government's influence on education, and specifically on parents who choose to school their own children, is warning of a pending move in Washington that would result in "de facto national education standards."
Read the Full Story
Is A Food Crisis Just Around The Corner There're some serious events about to hit the US. Some you know already, and some will be brand-new in a scary way... The bottom-line is, we're on the edge of a food crisis. And things could get ugly real fast. Read More
ACORN is Paying Homeless People to Come Down Here and Protest, Says OWSer By Allah Pundit Hot Air/CanadaFreePress.com
Another good one from Lee Stranahan, Brandon Darby, and Big Government, starring the same well-spoken protester from last night's clip. We already knew that New York Communities for Change, a.k.a. the artists formerly known as ACORN, were hiring the homeless as ringers to pad the size of the protests.
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Who Is The Anti-Christ? Between 2008 and 2010 there were over 5 millions searches in Google on the phrase "obama antichrist" and "obama messiah." It would be idiotic to believe that he is the antichrist or messiah however one of the worlds most respected political researchers after 3 years of research is now claiming that Obama's decisions are speeding up the formation of a one world government. Read More
Debt Increased $203 Billion in Oct.--$650 for Every Man, Woman and Child in America By Terence P. Jeffrey CNSNews.com The federal government's debt increased by $203,368,715,583.63 in the month of October, according to the U.S. Treasury. Read the Full Story
4 Foods You Should Never Eat Take a few minutes to watch this free video from Isabel De Los Rios who exposes four of the foods you should NEVER eat if you want to lose belly fat fast. Controversial? Yes. Proven to help you lose fat? Absolutely. Watch and listen to what Isabel says about what she eats. Watch The Video
Arab Spring Turns to Winter of Islamist States in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya By Robert Maginnis HumanEvents.com Recent events demonstrate that the so-called Arab Spring uprisings have toppled three North African tyrants that may be replaced by Islamist regimes. President Barack Obama deserves some credit if that happens, and the consequences could be devastating. Read the Full Story
GOP Offers Full Slate of Five for School Board
Three not already seated point to need for cost containment.
Republican school board candidates
Editor's note: There are three Democrats and five Republicans seeking five, four-year terms on the Bensalem Board of Education in next Tuesday's general election. This story looks at the biographical information and thoughts of the GOP hopefuls. The same info for the Democrats is the focus of a separate story on Bensalem.Patch.com.
The Republican Party is offering up to voters a full slate of five candidates for five seats on the Bensalem school board, including two incumbents.
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November 3, 2011 Does New Health Care Mandate Trample on Freedom of Conscience? Congress Asks the Experts Yesterday morning, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing asking the question, "Do New Health Law Mandates Threaten Conscience Rights and Access to Care?" The prevailing response from the panelists was a resounding "yes." Fulfilling a broader requirement of Obamacare that dictates mandatory coverage of certain "preventative services," President Obama's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released an interim final rule this past August that requires nearly all insurance companies to cover contraception, sterilization, education and counseling regarding such services - without cost to the insured. The rule includes mandatory coverage of ethically controversial drugs like Ella, which can act to abort an early pregnancy. Employers with moral and ethical objections to covering such services will find little relief in the mandate's religious exemption. The narrowly drawn exemption is only available for entities whose primary mission is to inculcate religious belief and who hire and serve co-religionists. Jane Belford, Chancellor and General Counsel for the Archdiocese of Washington, explained: "HHS has drafted a religious exemption that is so narrow that it excludes virtually all Catholic hospitals, elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities, and charitable organizations, none of which impose a litmus test on those they serve, as the HHS mandate would have them do." Testimony and discussion at the hearing yesterday addressed this exceptional attack on the conscience rights of employers who will now be forced to choose between compromising their convictions or providing insurance coverage that violates deeply held beliefs. As William Cox, president and CEO of the Alliance of Catholic Healthcare, a Sacramento-based organization representing Catholic healthcare providers in California, pointed out, the mandate will force religious employers to "cooperate under governmental compulsion with conduct that is inconsistent with their religious and moral beliefs, or cease functioning altogether." That dire decision may just cause a decrease in access to care as employers are forced to forego providing coverage rather than disregard their beliefs. David Stevens, M.D., CEO of Christian Medical Association, also suggested in written testimony that the "meaningless" religious exemption, "can potentially cause a decrease in the provision of health insurance for employees of pro-life health care employers who want to avoid conflicts of conscience regarding the subsidy and implied endorsement of controversial contraceptives." Religiously affiliated organizations play an important role in advancing civil society through healthcare, education, and a host of social services. Policymakers should advance the cause of religious freedom, not only for religiously-affiliated organization but all people of conscience, by ensuring that employers and individuals are able to provide and buy health insurance that accords with their deeply held beliefs. Have you or your doctor faced limits on your freedom of conscience? Tell us your story on our blog >>

New Poll Shows Obamacare Less Popular by the Day There's more bad news for Obamacare. A new poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that 51 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of President Barack Obama's signature health care law, while only 34 percent see it favorably.
Kaiser reports that this is "a low point in Kaiser polls since the law was passed," and that the reason for the law's declining popularity is rooted in decreased Democrat support:
While Democrats continue to be substantially more supportive of the law than independents or Republicans, the change in favorability this month was driven by waning enthusiasm for the law among Democrats, among whom the share with a favorable view dropped from nearly two-thirds in September to just over half (52%) in October.
The poll is the bitter icing on the cake for Obamacare's bad month. In late September, Kaiser reported that Americans are paying more and more for their health insurance every year, with the price of family premiums increasing in cost by 9 percent between 2010 and 2011. Of that amount, Obamacare was responsible for between 1 and 2 percentage points, or approximately 20 percent, of the increase in premiums, according to Kaiser Family Foundation CEO Drew Altman. Obamacare was supposed to reduce costs, not increase it.
Then there's the collapse of the CLASS Act - the long-term care insurance component of the health care legislation. In mid-October, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius admitted that the CLASS program can't work, after months of insisting that it could. Sebelius said that "despite our best analytical efforts, I do not see a viable path forward for CLASS implementation at this time." Increased health care costs and an untenable long-term care plan? Is it any wonder that Americans aren't happy with the law? It's possible for Washington to enact reforms that reduce health care costs for all Americans, but Obamacare isn't the way to do it. Learn more about The Heritage Foundation's health care solutions >>
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Only 3% OF MARRIED COUPLES WILL BENEFITfrom Obamacare's health insurance tax credit. Learn More >>

Morning Bell: Debunking Obama's Latest Jobs Myth
Imagine a high-speed train zooming down hundreds of miles of glistening train track stretching across sunny California, connecting Anaheim to San Francisco. It's a bullet train dream, and it's a prime example of President Barack Obama's latest plan to create jobs in America. The trouble is that this dream is far from reality.
The Los Angeles Times reported this week that the California high-speed train-which is funded in part by $3 billion in federal grants from President Obama's stimulus-is now expected to cost $98 billion, twice what was expected, and will take an additional 13 years to complete, extending the project to 2033. Questions remain about where the funding will come from, whether the project is viable, and whether the projected ridership will even materialize.
But projects like these are central to President Obama's plan to put Americans back to work. Speaking yesterday from Georgetown Waterfront Park in Washington, D.C., Obama declared that his plan will "put hundreds of thousands of construction workers back on the job rebuilding our roads, our airports, our bridges and our transit systems." And that is, of course, all at the expense of the American taxpayers.

November 3, 2011
One year later, Obama still isn't listening
PHIL KERPEN - One of the largest landslide elections in the history of the United States took place one year ago today. Free-market Republicans, riding a wave of public anger at bailouts, stimulus, and big-government programs, swept into power... (more)
November 2, 2011
Why our blacks are better than their blacks
ANN COULTER - By spending the last three decades leveling accusations of "racism" every 10 seconds, liberals have made it virtually impossible for Americans to recognize real racism -- for example, the racism constantly spewed at black conservatives. In the last year alone, a short list of the things liberals have labeled "racist" include... (more)
November 2, 2011
Cain says Perry camp behind sex harassment leak
FORBES - Was the recent attack on Herman Cain's presidential campaign a professional hit job? Absolutely, says Herman Cain. And he says he knows just where to look for the guy who did it: At 815 Slaters Lane in Alexandria, Virginia, a low-slung former warehouse in the shadow of a coal plant... (more)
November 2, 2011
Israel test-fires missile as Iran debate rages
REUTERS - Israel test-fired a missile from a military base on Wednesday, two days after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned of the "direct and heavy threat" posed by Iran's nuclear program. The noon launch near Tel Aviv, which had not been announced in advance, coincided with a week-long surge of speculation in local media that Netanyahu was working to secure cabinet consensus for an attack on Israel's arch-foe... (more)
November 2, 2011
Republicans aid Obama transparency effort with subpoenas
AUDREY HUDSON - House Republicans appear determined to help President Obama keep his promise to conduct the most open and transparent administration in history, even if they have to subpoena his subordinates every step of the way... (more)
November 2, 2011
Simplifying the jobs message
EMILY MILLER - The president drove to Washington's Key Bridge Wednesday to plead once more for higher taxes to pay for infrastructure stimulus. Infrastructure here, of course, means trains and transit, not roads and bridges. The Republican Study Committee (RSC) countered with an alternative jobs bill that focuses on fostering a healthy economic climate for the private sector... (more)
November 2, 2011
Democracy versus mob rule
THOMAS SOWELL - In various cities across the country, mobs of mostly young, mostly incoherent, often noisy and sometimes violent demonstrators are making themselves a major nuisance. Meanwhile, many in the media are practically gushing over these "protesters," and giving them the free publicity they crave for themselves and their cause -- whatever that is, beyond venting their emotions on television... (more)
November 2, 2011
Obama's class warfare: it's all he's got left
DAVID LIMBAUGH - There he goes again. President Obama, on the campaign stump, rails against the "rich," saying our "wealth gap" shows a need for a "fairer approach." Does he really believe our economic problems have been caused by insufficient taxes on the rich?... (more)
November 2, 2011
Occupy Oakland's dangerous 'strike' follies
MICHELLE MALKIN - The next stage of the Aimless Occupation of America is upon us: On Wednesday, rabble-rousers in the San Francisco Bay Area will walk off jobs they don't have and encourage everyone else around the country to abandon work to protest high unemployment... (more)
November 2, 2011
Toomey: Protect conscience rights
JEN VELDHUYZEN - The freshman senator from Pennsylvania announced Oct. 20 he will co-sponsor the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act to thwart a regulation he said forces Catholic organizations to cover contraceptives against their faith. "I hope President Obama will work with Congress to grant a meaningful exemption to protect the rights of religious entities," said Sen. Patrick "Pat" J. Toomey (R.-Pa.)... (more)
November 2, 2011
House votes to reaffirm 'In God We Trust' as national motto
AUDREY HUDSON - The House on Tuesday passed a measure reaffirming "In God We Trust" as the national motto of the U.S., in an effort to encourage its display in public buildings and send a message to those who seek to remove God from the public domain... (more)
November 2, 2011
Dead-end Senate
WASHINGTON TIMES - Harry Reid is determined to do nothing productive this year. The Senate majority leader has made it his mission to block votes on bipartisan legislation originating in the Republican-controlled House while bringing Democratic bills to the floor that are designed to fail. It's a dead-end road paved with intentions to re-elect President Obama... (more)
November 2, 2011
Democracy is impossible
WALTER WILLIAMS - After Gadhafi's downfall as Libya's tyrannical ruler, politicians and "experts" in the U.S. and elsewhere, including French Foreign Minister Alain Juppe, are saying that his dealth marked the end of 42 years of tyranny and the beginning of democracy in Libya. Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., said Gadhafi's death represented an opportunity for Libya to make a peaceful and responsible transition to democracy...(more)
November 1, 2011
Tea Party vs. Occupy Wall Street
WASHINGTON TIMES - President Obama recently compared the Tea Party to the Occupy Wall Street protests, telling ABC News' Jake Tapper, "in some ways they're not that different." We beg to differ. The Tea Party and the protesters are almost exact opposites... (more)
November 1, 2011
The meaning of marriage
CHUCK COLSON - It should be an open and shut case. Study after study shows the beneficial effects of marriage and the self-inflicted harm that people experience when they ignore this evidence. Marriage is good for us in so many ways... (more)
October 31, 2011
Hollywood's red stripes: still shining after 64 years
WES VERNON, RA ANALYST - Hollywood's revolutionary left apparently is willing to shed its fig leaf of respectability to produce a movie glorifying a violent pro-communist terrorist group. We are not talking here about some "on the cheap" Grade C movie filmed in someone's basement... (more)
October 31, 2011
Cain's 'pro-life' endorsement of Roe v. Wade
ALAN KEYES - Words don't have the same import once you have changed their meaning. Given the position he has taken on the government's responsibility to secure the unalienable right to life, Herman Cain has been trying to achieve the "de facto" redefinition of what it means to be "pro-life"... (more)
October 31, 2011
Occupy the family home
GARY BAUER - Polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans are pessimistic about the direction of our country. It would be tempting to link our current malaise to the economy alone. But it's not just families' finances that are broken. In many cases, so are the families themselves... (more)

Today's Headlines: Thursday, November 03, 2011Boehner to Obama: 'Are You Kidding Me' That U.S. Is Better Off Than Year Ago? Debt Increased $203 Billion in Oct.--$650 for Every Man, Woman and Child in America Obama 'Remains Deeply Committed to UNESCO' Despite Vote to Admit Palestine, U.S. Envoy Says It's fast. It's easy. It's secure. Please support CNSNews.com today! Trying to Spend Billions in Stimulus Funds Like 'Putting A Lawn Hose on a Fire Hydrant,' IG Tells Obama: 'If There's Money in the Pipeline, We Want to Get It Out Faster' Clinton: Iran's Alleged Assassination Plot Sends Message That 'We Got Over Your Border' HHS Accused of Turning Its Back on Catholic Health Care Obama Mocks House of Representatives for Reaffirming 'In God We Trust' Colorado Voters Defeat Tax Hikes, Sending Off-Year Message to Lawmakers Deficit-Cutter Simpson: 'Common Sense' Tells Us Obamacare 'Won't Work' 'A Nice Holiday Present for Iran' As U.S. Lawmakers Advance Tough New Sanctions Legislation A Third Anonymous Cain Accuser Emerges, but So Does Woman Who 'Found Him to Be a Good Boss' 'Peaceful' Occupy Protests Degenerate Into Chaos
COMMENTARY: From Arab Spring to Springtime for Hitler By Ben Shapiro The Arab Spring, it turns out, wasn't a nice, happy democratic socialist revolution. It was an Islamist revolution of the worst sort, toppling brutal dictators with whom we could deal in favor of populist Islamist movements with whom we cannot. Occupiers Attack Police with High-Tech Intimidation By Dan Gainor Despite its union support, the Occupy Wall Street crowd has taken police hate and confrontation to a level seldom seen outside of organized crime. NEWSPAPER ROUNDUP:
Beck Discovers Story of One Town's 'Declaration of Independence'
The Blaze | by Tiffany Gabbay | Posted on November 4, 2011 at 1:47am
Glenn Beck clearly works hard to make sure that each segment of his GBTV show ranks high in measures of quality and content. But you can tell when he classifies a topic as a "must watch" segment. There are two such clips in this post.
Consider this a story of a destiny reclaimed. One town, best by squabbles and scandals, rises up to chart a new and very American course.
Until November 2010, Vernon Township, New Jersey did not have a Mayor. Instead, the town functioned under the Faulkner Act - a "council-manager" - form of government. Under this system council members perform the town's necessary administrative functions, with one council member serving either as an appointed (by the council members) or elected "mayor." Effectively this individual is a figurehead and does not possess actual veto power. In addition, the council usually hires a "manager" to serve as the town's chief executive. Typically, the result is a recipe for confusion, corruption and government inefficiency.
Read More . . .
November 03, 2011
On Today's Program
Tonight on GBTV: The media's dismissal of Occupy Oakland's rise in violence. Plus a New Jersey town you have to hear about. What are they doing? Glenn previews tonight's show HERE. Don't miss it - live at 5pm and also available on demand - only on GBTV!
Occupy Oakland gets more violent
As if the violent clashes with police weren't already violent enough, Occupy Oakland stepped up their antics last night when they tried to take over a city building and set fires in the streets. They also paraded around town and completely trashed a Whole Foods store while also attacking a bank. Just another night on Occupy Oakland. WATCH
Jon Stewart gets totally pwnd!
It's the video clip that Jon Stewart hoped no one would remember. A couple weeks ago Stewart lent support to the Occupy Wall Street protests and compared them to the Tea Party and asked 'how are they different' to his adoring crowd. Well, for one, can't recall any rapes at a Tea Party event. He also remarked that 'no one' would support OWS if they started smashing windows. Hmmm - will he denounce OWS? Glenn has the audio and reaction HERE.
Stu prediction: Will Stewart denounce OWS? Find out in the latest Stu Blog HERE.
Oh, that crazy Glenn Beck!
Glenn has taken more heat and been called crazy perhaps more than any other host in history. It's one of two things -- people who know he's right trying to discredit him. OR he is actually totally crazy. How can you find out which is correct? One easy way is to look at the record. Glenn explains on radio today.
Stay ahead of the game
The violence we are seeing in Oakland is just the tip of the iceberg. If you are just going about business as usual and have your fingers crossed that nothing bad will happen - you are in for a rude awakening. It's only a matter of time before the economy crash lands. Will you be ready to survive when it does? Get Glenn's list of the things you need to do to prepare HERE.
Get Your Family Prepared with an Emergency Seed Bank
When the worst happens, how prepared will you be? Will you be able to provide safety and security for your loved ones? With today's Emergency Seed Bank deal (including 37,000 seeds) from Markdown.com, you'll never have to worry about your food supply again. Extremely limited quantities are available, visit Markdown.com for details today!
Help Glenn and FreedomWorks for America FIRE OBAMA! Glenn says, "With grassroots organization, the Left CAN be outfought." Please make a gift of $ 20.12 by Nov 12 to help us mobilize the grassroots to FIRE OBAMA - please give today! You'll get a "FIRE OBAMA!" bumper sticker with your $20.12 gift. Donate now. Sponsor Message
A sneak peek at the B.S. of A.! The new show debuts next Friday only on GBTV! Seriously, we mean it this time...Get a sneak peek HERE.
What is a memory? Do our memories define us? Now is the time to read Glenn's new book The Snow Angel and pass it on. Change your thinking. Change your life. Watch the new trailer we just released HERE.
BECK: Why will conservatives win in the end? Glenn explains on radio today. WATCH
Occupy Seattle attempts citizen's arrest of CEO
JP Morgan's CEO was in Seattle giving a speech and apparently the Occupy Seattle movement caught wind of the event and decided to head down and protest. They attempted to block all the exits in hopes they could corner the CEO and make a citizen's arrest. Police ended up dispersing the crowd and the CEO left without incident. What could have happened? More from The Blaze HERE.
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