Solutions for Growth LLC
June 2010
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Email marketing is an easy, effective and affordable tool to stay "top-of-mind" with your customers.  When you remind your customers of your business and products, you increase loyalty, drive revenue and succeed!
Solutions for Growth is a business partner of Constant Contact, the leading provider of email services to small businesses in the United States.  We can get your email program up and running quickly with professional looking emails.
How can email marketing help you?
In more ways than you think! 
Do you have an overstock that must be quickly sold or need to let customers know of a new service you provide?
Email is an affordable tool that allows your business to communicate effectively with customers, clients or members and build strong, successful, and lasting relationships with them.  Since email marketing is conducted in an opt-in environment (customers agree to receive your emails) the information or offers you send are expected and welcome.
How can email marketing help your business?
  • @ symbolA newsletter with relevant information to stay top-of-mind
  • Offers for discounted products
  • Notices of new services
  • Announcements about staff changes
  • Awards won
  • Industry news
  • Case studies
  • Opening of new stores or branches
  • Special promotions
Email marketing makes it easy, effective, and highly affordable to connect with your audience and build strong, successful, lasting relationships with them.
Why use Solutions for Growth for your email marketing? 
For experience and effectiveness.
When Solutions for Growth manages your Constant Contact email marketing program, you enjoy these benefits:
  • Your email list is managed in one, secure place
  • We'll help you start and grow your list
  • You get a professionally designed email that is tailored to your business look
  • Built in anti-spam checks, automatic bounce and unsubscribe management
  • Complete reporting on who opened and what links were clicked in your emails
And wait, there's more...
Solutions for Growth develops a communication strategy and editorial plan that follows your company's goals.  Content, creative and email database is all taken care of. 
The reason for using email marketing is to stay in touch with your customers - to stay connected so they think of you first!
Constant Contact logo 
Through our partnership with Constant Contact, we offer you the industry's leading email marketing tool.
Your email marketing program can be up and running in no time at all - driving revenue, referrals and repeat business!
How to start?
Call us!
A meeting to review your company's products or services, goals and customers will lead to the development of an email marketing strategy.
Solutions for Growth logo 
   Call 914-980-0521 to schedule a meeting and start being
    "top-of-mind" of your customers!
For more marketing tips, please visit our website where you can also see our growing list of clients.
If you missed our earlier newsletters, you can view them here.
Don't forget to "like" us on Find us on Facebook  or visit us on View our profile on LinkedIn
And finally, to read an interview of mine that recently appeared on "Entrepreneur in Making," please click on this link.
  David Fischer
Solutions for Growth is a marketing consulting firm that helps small businesses grow by increasing their sales through tried-and-true marketing techniques.  Advice includes marketing strategy, customer acquisition and retention tools, marketing material, sales development, retail layout and signage.
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phone: 914-980-0521
� 2010 Solutions for Growth LLC
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David Fischer photo
David Fischer
Let's discuss how we can grow your business!