Preventive care starts at home. To improve your health, prepare healthy meals. Here are 10 tips to a great plate! Do you want to know how many calories are right for you? Check here. The next step is keeping active. How much physical activity do you need? Check here. Finally, preventive care is about becoming proactive in managing your own good health. There are many free tools and information available to help you online, such as If you are a medical participant with Anthem or Kaiser, register on their websites to access free programs, health assessment tests and wellness information.
Did you know that there are multiple studies on the benefits of dancing to stave off dementia as well as keep you fit? Read this article. Don't love dancing? Find something new that you enjoy doing instead. As long as you are keeping active, you are benefiting your physical health. If you can find an activity that also engages your mind through decision-making, you are benefiting your mental health too! |
As part of the Synod Wellness Program, we'd like employees' participation IN THE KITCHEN. Do you have some easy level, healthy recipes that you'd like to share? If so, please email with your name, church name and location - I will post your recipe on one of my future emails. Here are a couple of great salads submitted by Ann Butterfield of Synod of the Pacific: Avocado & Garlic Salad and Marinated Steak and Jalapeno Salad. From Kaiser Permanente, here is a Yogurt Dressing that can be used for salads or as a healthy dipping sauce. Bon appetit! |
FOOD (OR OIL?) FOR THOUGHT There are many claims of the health benefits of Coconut Oil. Most recently claims have come forth about Coconut Oil being a treatment for Alzheimer's. As not enough research or studies have yet been done, very little information can be found about the success of this treatment. However, I shared some of what I learned with Synod staff, and discovered one of our own staff members has been giving Coconut Oil for the past month to her longtime partner for the treatment of Alzheimer's. Here is her story. |