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February 2012
Welcome to Next Level Promotions' e-letter 

Well, as I'm writing this issue it's still pretty warm outside with no significant snow storms here in the Boston area. I can feel everyone cringing, thinking that I've jinxed us all with that remark.
I may be pushing it a little but, having just returned from the PPAI Expo in Las Vegas where I noticed all the products geared toward Spring, I'm inspired to go for a Spring theme for this issue.
Spring naturally (pun intended) lends itself to themes around growth:
"watch your business grow," "your business will blossom," "plant a seed...,"ideas will sprout." You probably have even better ideas.

So with Spring in mind this issue will focus on some interesting products you can use in your own Spring promotions.
Money Tree - Perfect for Financial Services 
live money tree plant
This live Money Tree is ideal for financial services, investments, banking


Miniature trees are a legendary form of horticulture that goes back centuries. This soothing practice, infused with ancient Zen Buddhism influences, is the perfect eco-friendly gift. Consider the Money Tree an offering of peace and prosperity, a gift that symbolizes a long and fortuitous relationship between individuals and businesses. Caring for a Money Tree is a relaxing, rewarding and enlightening learning process. Each miniature Money Tree is skillfully created by oriental craftsmen for several years to get the exact shaped tree design. These professionals learn their exacting craft over 5-6 years of intense training. Money Trees retail for $90 - $120 each.  With proper care (info included), these Money Trees can thrive for 20-30 years.

Use these seed cards to introduce yourself and your business
prospecting card
Prospecting Seed Cards
Click the image to see available inside greetings

   It's always easier to make a "warm call" than a cold call. Use these prospecting cards as a pre-call mailer to introduce yourself and your company. The flower design can be removed and planted giving you lasting visibility.


Actually these cards can be used to introduce almost any product or service. They can be die cut to hold a business card.

Issue: 2
Visibility Tips Man image
Promotional products make you visible
In This Issue
Money Tree - Perfect for Finacial Services
Seed cards
Reach v. Recall - It's About Being Remembered
For When It's Spring Showers
Reach V. Recall
Last month I talked about the importance of having a plan for using promotional products. Quickly it involves six points:
  1. have a specific objective
  2. have a distribution plan
  3. pick a central theme
  4. create a message to support that theme
  5. select a product
  6. don't pick a product that doesn't relate to your theme/message


 If your campaign will involve more than one distribution channel, i.e. print, TV/radio, or on-line you'll need to address the question of reach v. recall.


Reach is the number of eyes that will see your ad, recall is the number of people who remember your message and brand.


 This video will walk you through the reach v. recall issue and give you some insights about the potential of promotional products.

  1. Recall is the name of the game
    Watch this video to see how promotional products stack up against other media channels
For When It's Spring Showers 
  • Sometimes It's Spring Showers
    Sometimes It's Spring Showers
    Extra large 46" arc, safety yellow canopy.
  • Auto opening & folds to 17" long,
  • Heavy-duty frame construction,
  • Matte black handle,
  • Reflective stripe on all seven solid panels,
  • Transparent panel for visibility
          • Matching safety yellow case w/    reflector stripes.
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Robert Rebholz
Next Level Promotions LLC