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SmartDirections Logo
Issue 28 | June 2009
In This Issue
RouteSmart for ArcGIS 2009.0.1 Compatible with ArcGIS 9.3.1
RouteSmart and Bing Map Compatibility
Routing University Class Schedule
Announcing INTERSECT 2010
New Technical Support Surveys

What's New Webinars

Attend our complimentary webinars to learn "what's new" in the latest release of RouteSmart for ArcGIS and RouteSmart WebAccess. Webinar dates are:

RouteSmart for ArcGIS 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm (ET).

To register, send us an email at

Did you know you can...? 
Use the Find and Replace Tool when using the interactive rematch tool to update numerous fields at once (for example, to update an incorrect ZIP or Postal Code).

Find and Replace 
The Find and Replace tool can be found by taking the following steps: 
1. Start an edit session on the service location layer of your workspace. 
2. Open the review/rematch tool.
3. Right click the portion of the unmatched records table that shows the record count to get the menu.
4. Select the find and replace tool. 
Let us know what other creative uses you can find for this tool or any others and send them to

Did you know you can log a case, update a case, and search the RouteSmart knowledge base 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

Route yourself to
My RouteSmart for a new and easy way to reach our RouteSmart technical support team!
Industry News

Be sure to check out these links for some interesting industry specific articles - Newspaper, Postal, Public Works and Utility - there's something here for everyone!
Papers Try to Bridge Print, Web Revenue Gap
DMA Applauds USPS Summer Sale

Public Works

RouteSmart Live and In Person
Come out and see us at any one of the following conferences or shows.
San Diego, CA
SGA Operating Conference 
Houston, TX
Nashville, TN
Rocky Gap, MD
Columbus, OH
Denver, CO
Long Beach, CA
Phoenix, AZ
Welcome New Clients

International Presse Conseil Service
Verneuil sur Seine, France

Media General
Richmond, VA

Minnesota Star-Tribune
Minneapolis, MN
Svensk Morgon Distribution KB
G�vle, Sweden

City of Chesapeake, VA
Public Works
Chesapeake, VA

City of Jacksonville, NC
Public Works
Jacksonville, NC

City of Racine, WI
Public Works
Racine, WI

City of Salisbury, NC
Public Works
Salisbury, NC
Lule� Renh�llning AB
Public Works
Lulea, Sweden

Waste Pro USA
Public Works
Longwood, FL

City of Wilmington, DE
Wilmington, DE
RouteSmart for ArcGIS 2009.0.1 Compatible with ArcGIS 9.3.1
RouteSmart Technologies is pleased to announce that RouteSmart for ArcGIS 2009 is now compatible with ArcGIS 9.3.1. This latest version of ArcGIS includes several new features, including integration with Microsoft Bing Maps (check out the article below).

For more information on what's new in ArcGIS 9.3.1, click here.

RouteSmart for ArcGIS 2009.0.1 includes many new features, such as:

  • Export Wizard - allows you to export data from any layer into several different formats
  • Improved Set Segment ID and Side - now matches on address attributes to ensure the correct street is selected
  • Street Notes - allows you to provide guidance to field staff directly on the reports whenever they travel in a specific direction on a street segment
  • Maximum Service Separation - helps to ensure that both sides of street are serviced within a certain period of time

Clients who are current on their RouteSmart software maintenance may request an update to RouteSmart for ArcGIS 2009.0.1 by emailing us at Make sure you take advantage of the latest technology - upgrade today.
RouteSmart and Bing™ Map Compatibility
ESRI & Microsoft have entered into an agerement that will give ArcGIS users free access to Bing Maps (formerly Microsoft Virtual Earth) with the installation of ArcGIS 9.3.1. 
This is great news for RouteSmart users, who will now be able to add Bing Maps Aerial, Bing Maps Roads and Bing Maps Hybrid to any workspace.
Access to Bing Maps is free for ArcGIS desktop users who are current on ESRI software maintenance and includes 50,000 transactions per license per year. ArcGIS users may also purchase an annual subscription from ESRI with no transaction limit.

By adding Bing Maps to your RouteSmart workspace, you gain greater insight into your service territory and a great tool to assist in the manual geocoding process. For example, you can see more easily how particular locations may impact your routing decisions, where the service point may differ from the geocoding location (for example, corner lots with a house on Main St. and a driveway on Elm), and more.
New Bing Sample

For more information on how to add Bing Maps to your RouteSmart workspace, please contact our support team at
Routing University News

Training on Your Desktop - Go Virtual!

We are pleased to announce Routing University's new complimentary Virtual Campus classes. Now you can learn about new features, functionality, and best practices directly on your desktop, at no cost to you.
The Success Series presents quarterly, case study-based sessions, hosted by RouteSmart clients, that will focus on their successes with RouteSmart. Each 30- to 45-minute session will highlight the routing challenges, solutions, and lessons learned in high-impact routing projects. Packed with information and best practices, the Success Series sessions are a great opportunity to learn from the success of your peers.

Success Series

Date: Thursday, July 9, 2009
Time: 11:00 AM, ET
Presenter: Marie McKeeth, Senior Environmental Specialist
Client: City of Folsom, CA
Topic: SmartCart Recycling Program Implementation
The Skill Builder Series, which is slated to begin in August 2009, will focus on developing or enhancing your skills on features and functionality in RouteSmart for ArcGIS. Classes will be scheduled several times per month. These 45- to 60-minute sessions will be led by an experienced member of the RouteSmart training staff. Topics to be discussed include: Creating ZIP- or Ad Zone-Pure Routes, Balancing Revenue and Workload Across Meter Reading Cycles, Benchmarking Route Time and Miles (industry specific), Aligning Facilities with Routes, Maintaining Street Network Attributes, Mastering Zone Priority, and others.

Skill Builder Series

Look for a schedule of Skill Builder Series classes in the July issue of SmartDirections.

To register for any Routing University Virtual Campus class, email us at
Training @ RouteSmart

The Routing University Seminar Series classes are simply the easiest and most cost-effective way to train new users, support staff, or IT, or to reinforce your skills from previous training. When you attend a Routing University seminar at our corporate offices in Columbia, Maryland, you will benefit from learning in a hands-on, collaborative environment with other RouteSmart users, sharing ideas with our staff and your peers.

We're putting the finishing touches on our Course Catalog for the 2009/2010 year right now, but see below for some upcoming dates:

Seminar Series

Class: Introduction to the RouteSmart Macro Language
Price: $2500
Days: 3
Dates: July 21-23, 2009

Class: New User Express
Price: $3100
Days: 5
Dates: August 3-7, 2009

To register, email us at and we'll send you a registration form and training agenda overview for the class.
Inquire about discounts for sending multiple students from the same company to a single class.
Announcing INTERSECT 2010
Mark your calendars and make your plans! RouteSmart is proud to announce the dates for INTERSECT 2010, our bi-annual Users' Conference. The conference will be held September 12-14, 2010, at the Loews Annapolis Hotel in Annapolis, MD. Post-conference training through Routing University will be offered September 15-17, 2010, also at the conference hotel.

Remember, clients with active RouteSmart for ArcGIS maintenance will receive one complimentary registration per each primary RouteSmart for ArcGIS maintenance subscription.
More information will be coming soon. We look forward to seeing everyone in 2010!
New Technical Support Surveys
If you've reported a technical support case recently, chances are you have seen something new. This month we implemented the use of a new survey tool. Once your case is closed by our technical support team, you will receive a follow-up email requesting your feedback with a link to the survey.

The survey is very short (10 questions) and should take no more than 3 to 5 minutes to complete. But what might seem like a minimal investment of your time provides us with critical information to help us ensure we are providing excellent service. Your feedback makes it easier for us to identify what we're doing well, and what we might need to improve.

So please, when you receive the survey, make sure you take the time to fill it out and let us know how we're doing. We look forward to hearing from you and thank you for sharing your thoughts on our service performance.
RouteSmart Technologies, Inc.
8850 Stanford Boulevard, Suite 3250
Columbia, Maryland 21045
fax: 410-290-0334