WV Association of Geospatial Professionals
May 2012  
In This Issue
Office of GIS Coordination
GIS Conference
GISCI Certification
Election of Directors
Forest Service News
NAIP 2011
2012 GIS Roll Call

Quick Links


GIS State Coordinator



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Message from the President
Dear WV GIS Community,
Robert Shaffer - WVAGP President
Robb Shaffer


I will be stepping down as the WVAGP President on July 1st.  During the past two years as President, I have enjoyed leading the Association to bring about the following accomplishments:


(1) Sponsored 20 training workshops & courses
(2) Endorsed GIS Professional Certification
(3) Hosted biennial 2012 WV GIS Conference

(4) Created addressing & cadastral listserves
(5) Approved Society of Professional Surveyors as allied member
(6) Assisted in creation of statewide cadastral business plan

I hope to see many of you at the WV GIS Conference in Morgantown on May 8-11.  Come share and learn about the latest geospatial activities in the Mountain State while networking with your colleagues.


Robert Shaffer
WVAGP President                                 Mapping the Mountain State

News from the Office of GIS Coordination
Tony Simental (WV GIS Coordinator)
Tony Simental
There are m
any GIS activities to report in the State:
(1) WV Broadband Mapping Program & Grants
(2) WV Cadastral Business Plan
(3) LiDAR and Imagery Business Plan 


 Learn more at the WV GIS Conference or email Tony at [email protected].

GIS Conference Highlights
 The 2012 WV GIS Conference will be here soon.  It is not too late to register!
  • Nearly 200 people and 22 exhibitors have registered for the conference
  • 8 plenary sessions, 37 individual oral presentations, 15 posters, 4 hands-on workshops
  • Speakers Gov. Tomblin, State Senator Sypolt, & GISCI Executive Director Sheila Wilson 
  • 3 evening socials for networking with professionals and friends
  • Geospatial Jeopardy and Geocaching and more!
GISCI Certification
GISCI Exec. Director
Dr. Sheila Wilson

The Conference Keynote on Wednesday, May 9th, will be given by Dr. Sheila Wilson, Executive Director of the GIS Certificate Institute since December 1, 2009.  New and current GIS Professionals will be recognized at the meeting.  There are currently 30 GIS Professionals (GISP) listed for West Virginia on the GISP Registry.


In June 2011 the WVAGP membership passed a resolution that recognizes the GIS Certificate Institute (GISCI) as the organization capable of providing a complete certification program to the broad spectrum of GIS professionals in the West Virginia GIS community.  On 12 October 2011 the WV GIS Policy Council also passed a motion recognizing the GISCI's certification program.  


Remember that WVAGP will reimburse 50% of the GIS certification or renewal fee for its members who reside or work in West Virginia.
Election of Board of Directors
Board Election 
Don't forget to vote for 6 directors for the 2012 WVAGP Board Election.

 >> 2012 WVAGP Election Packet <<

Monongahela Forest Geospatial News
Sam Lammie
Sam Lammie
Sam Lammie reports that the U.S. Forest Service geospatial staff recently completed the annual update of the 2012 Motor Vehicle Use Maps. These district maps show designated routes that are open to motorized use for all vehicles licensed and street legal under state law. These maps are available online from the Monongahela National Forest website.  Also refer to Geospatial Notes for April 2012.
WV NAIP 2011 
2011 NAIP
Natural Color & CIR
WV NAIP 2011:  Three compressed versions of the 2011 natural and color infrared imagery are available now:  (1) MrSID county mosaics, (2) JPEG 2000 4-band compressed quarter quads, and (3) MrSID compressed quarter quads with USGS quad naming convention.  http://www.wvgis.wvu.edu/data/dataset.php?ID=441
2012 GIS Roll Call Report 
Roll Call Report
Roll Call Report
The first draft of the 2012 GIS Roll Call has been published.  Over 60 not-for-profit agencies 
completed GIS surveys for the report.

Learn more about the geospatial activities and trends of other federal, state, regional or local organizations in West Virginia. 
It is still not too late to include your agency's report.  Make sure your agency is represented!