Dear WV GIS Community, 
I hope to see many of you at the 2011 WVAGP Annual Meeting and GIS Training Sessions to be held June 14-15 in Shepherdstown, WV. The event will be held at the NCTC and will feature training, presentations, vendors, lunch and networking opportunities with other GIS users across the State and region. There is also a Cadastral Business Planning meeting on June 13 at Shepherd Universtiy.
The WVAGP will continue to sponsor GIS workshops and training. Please mark your calendar for the biennial 2012 WV GIS Conference to be held in Morgantown on May 8-11.
Upcoming Events:
(2) IAAO GIS Courses (Fall 2011)
(3) 2012 WV GIS Conference (May 8-11, 2012)
Robert Shaffer WVAGP President Mapping the Mountain State |