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Dear Neighbor,

Here's some upcoming events that couldn't wait for our next newsletter:  transit briefings and the opening of Orange Rural's new fire station.


Transit Briefings

We strongly encourage everyone to attend one of the two open houses which have been scheduled for citizens to learn more about the proposed plan to provide rail and bus service to Orange County.  The commissioners are pondering a new one-half cent sales tax on the November ballot plus a $10 increase to the annual motor vehicle registration fee to fund the $1.5 billion plan.  Most of the funds will be used for a light rail line between Durham and UNC hospital.  For more on the plan,  click here.


The open houses will give citizens a chance to talk to planners and learn more about plan's features and funding. The sessions will be held on:


  • Monday, April 23, 2012 at Extraordinary Ventures located at 200 S. Elliot Rd., Chapel Hill from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. (please call Triangle Transit, 919-485-7433) for additional information)
  • Monday, April 30, 2012 in the Orange County West Campus Office Building located at 131 W. Margaret Lane in Hillsborough from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. ( please call Orange County Planning Department, 919-245-2575 for additional information).

In June, the commissioners will decide whether to place the sales tax on the November ballot.  


Orange Rural Opens New Fire Station

Everyone's welcome to the opening of the new Orange Rural fire station on Saturday, April 14th from 1:00 to 4:00 PM. This fun open house features a tour, firetruck rides and hotdogs. The new fire station is located at 2510 Walker Road off NC 57, north of Hillsborough.  For more information, please call the Fire Chief at 919-732-7911.


Orange Rural Fire Department serves the town of Hillsborough and the surrounding rural community. The new station is part of Orange Rural's commitment to serve its citizens and provide mutual aid to neighboring fire departments. 


Please remember, early voting starts on April 19th.  For early voting sites, click here. 


Thank you for your support for Orange County Voice and the rural community.




Bonnie Hauser, President

Orange County Voice

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