Dear Neighbor:
Thank you for the exciting response to our survey.  We hear that some of you are having trouble with the link. 
It's really important to get your response, so if the link doesn't work, please try to cut and paste the following link into your browser.  It should take you right to the survey:
It helps to receive the problem reports - we want it to be easy and fun to do the survey.  So if you have any problems with the survey, please contact Susan (susan@OrangeCountyVoice.org) or Bonnie (bonnie@OrangeCountyVoice.org).  We'll get right on it.
Thank you for your support to Orange County Voice and the rural community.
Bonnie                 &             Susan
Bonnie Hauser                      Susan Walser
Email Me                         Email Me                     
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.  - Margaret Mead