In this issue
FACS Certifications
Reminders for Family and Consumer Sciences Division Members
Oh, the Places You'll Go!

FACS Division Newsletter


Happy Winter to all of you!  I trust this newsletter finds you well into the swing of a new year, semester and back into the pace of promoting Family and Consumer Sciences with our students and communities. 


Although our weather in many places may not prove it--- winter is definitely here! And with it, plans for the National Policy Seminar at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA.  Make your plans to join us there March 5-7!  It's always the most important time to get to make those hill visits and share our success stories with legislators and make our voices heard for advocacy of our funding and programs.  I have scheduled a meeting for all FACS Division members in attendance this year at NPS on Monday, March 5, from 5:30-6:30 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott.  The exact location will be in the program.  It will be a short, information meeting to focus on information that we need as FACS professionals.  I hope you will join us to focus on the issues that we need to discuss with our legislators on the hill.



I received an email from Michael Benjamin that was forwarded to him from ACTE regarding the need for student CTSO members to present STEM and Agriculture related projects on the Hill on February 28.   This is quick notice, but for some of you, it would be a doable thing in having your students present and represent Family & Consumer Sciences and our role in the Agricultural arena.  Here is a portion of the email that I received:

NASDCTEc, ACTE and the Congressional CTE Caucus are sponsoring a Capitol Hill event on Tuesday February 28 at 5:30 p.m. to close out CTE Month. The theme of this event is the integration of STEM and agriculture. We want to highlight two things with this focus: STEM is a part of CTE, and that "old voc ed" has evolved and is relevant to today's economy. Our working title is "Beyond the Farm: Agriculture in the 21st Century."


In our vision, we see students representing CTSOs around the room showcasing CTE projects which focus on STEM and agriculture issues. We will need students who are articulate and engaging. The ideal students will be able to exhibit their interactive projects on Capitol Hill and explain to Congressional Members and staff the project and how CTE is preparing them for their future, especially related to postsecondary and workforce goals. Ideally, we would like a mix of secondary and postsecondary students. We would like to have students from around the country, but we understand that this is probably unlikely due to costs and scheduling. Local students will work well too.

NASDCTEc and ACTE will be paying for the event, and we ask each CTSO to "sponsor" one of their students by paying his/her way (transportation and lodging) to and from Capitol Hill. If the student is working with others on a remarkable project, then that group of students is more than welcome.  We are not limiting the number of students who participate in a specific project, but we are sensitive to the limitations of space on the Hill and will be working with you to identify the best possible mix of participants and projects.

This will be a fantastic opportunity to showcase their CTE skills in front of Congressional members and staff members! 

If you have students who would be about to showcase at this event, please contact:  Nancy Coneely at:  [email protected]  or by phone at:  301-588-9630  as soon as possible.  Although the original deadline was February 6, there may be availability for your students after that date.



I would like to personally thank all of you for a great ACTE convention in St. Louis.  If you didn't attend this year, you missed a great convention!  It's always a wonderful time to focus on the important issues that impact us; share with fellow FACS professionals; and take back tools that help us improve what we do as Family & Consumer Science educators. 


Thank you to the FACS Division Policy and Planning Committee members for their help in the planning and assistance in preparing for our convention and for the dedication and many hours of review of presentation proposals and planning of the many details that go into our convention.


Thank you to the NATFACS Committee Chairs -Financial Growth Chair, RaAnn Miller, Registration Chair; Ginny Stone, and Local Arrangements Chair, Tracey Newman; and Betty Brown, NATFACS Administrative Assistant, for an outstanding job of the planning and manning the FACS Division Resource Room.   Our Resource room was welcoming and informative with lots of resources, refreshments served by local culinary students, packets and assistance and lots of networking with fellow professionals. 


A welcome reception for those FACS members who were attending their first ACTE convention was well received.  Thank you to NATFACS President, Dr. Michelle Aldrich, and the other NATFACS officers in welcoming and offering this reception for them.


Shopping at the "Nook" was a hit with lots of great donated items for sale for our scholarship fund.  Many thanks goes to NATFACS Financial Growth Chair, RaAnn Miller, who did a fabulous job with the "Nook" this year.  Thank you again to Continental Sewing who donated a sewing machine again for our NATFACS Scholarship, "Nook" fundraiser but was not present for our Awards Brunch.  Many states and individuals made wonderful donations of wonderful items.  If you haven't shopped with us, you've missed a wonderful opportunity to get some unique gifts for yourself and others while raising funds for our students in Family and Consumer Sciences Education college programs.


Thanks for all those who made those donations and those who "shopped" at the "Nook" to raise $2675.50 for the NATFACS Scholarship fund.  Outstanding job, RaAnn! 



Special thanks to Lindsey Shirley who inspired us all as our guest speaker for our FACS Opening session! You are greatly appreciated!  Our members are still talking about your "Start the Movement" presentation.  It's left a lasting impression that all of us can't stop sharing!


Many thanks to our many presenters who gave excellent tips and leadership through their many presentations! We all appreciate the dedication of our Family and Consumer Sciences Coalition members who provided us an opportunity to look at the Future of Family and Consumer Sciences with a round table led dialog with members.  We also appreciated the Marketing Showcase round table presenters and many members who brought data, research and marketing ideas on ways to promote and move our programs into the forefront.  We benefited from many individual sessions from experts in our field and I hope that you found all of their hours of preparation and dedication beneficial to all who participated in their sessions.


Although I have yet to get results back from our ACTE scanned survey, I was grateful for wonderful feedback that I received from so many of you!  I hope that we continue to improve our program planning for the Career Tech Vision 2012.



We have so many ways that individuals and groups sponsor and support our Family and Consumer Sciences Division, NASAFACS, NATEFACS, and NATFACS organizations.  There are many whom I never get names or items that have made donations, whether in kind, monetary, or in gifts.  So to all of you who have contributed in any way, you are all appreciated and our program would not be the success it is without your networking and joining us to promote our mission, recognize our accomplishments and encourage all of us along our educational journey.  Thank you to our sponsors, for their involvement and support of our awards and Family & Consumer Sciences programs! 


Our sponsors and guests at this year's FACS Division Recognition and Awards Brunch were:


FCCLA- Kristy Paquette, National FCCLA VP for Public Relations

               Michael Benjamin, Executive Director

               Michelle Flinton, Director of Programs


ACTE-   Karen Mason, ACTE President-Elect


Reality Works- Timm Boettcher, President


National Restaurant Association - Wendi Safstrom


AAFCS- Carolyn Jackson, Executive Director


Pitsco-Dr. Harvey Dean, CEO


Many of our guests and sponsors provide scholarships, materials and workshops to us.  Thank you so much for the many ways that you support and encourage our members and division.


If you know of an organization or group that would be beneficial for both of us in collaborating with us, please let me know their contact information.  Successful organizations always do better in growing and strengthening the needs of their members by alliances with other groups.  There is strength in numbers. 


Make sure that you keep your membership current, as well.  Now more than ever please share the ACTE website and organization with other FACS professionals and campaign for more Family & Consumer Sciences members to join us in our efforts to improve FACS education. 



Thank you once again to Tim Boettcher and Reality Works for the donation of the Reality Works Infant Simulator at this year's convention.  This year's recipient was Andrea Jandt from Missouri.  We are so appreciative of Reality Works' contribution and of Tim Boettcher's active support of our Family and Consumer Sciences programs and FACS Educators.  Thank you for your years of support!!


Tim Boettcher, Reality Works, presents Andrea Jandt, MO, with the Reality Works infant simulator at the 2011 ACTE Convention


NATFFACS Showcase Presenters Overview

Pam Rock, NATFACS Program Chair

St. Louis, Missouri

Friday, November 18, 2011


Thanks to all who made the NATFACS Showcase of Best Practices a huge success!  Much gratitude goes to Pam Rock, Utah, for the great job in contacting FACS educators to share in this event.  Lots of wonderful teaching ideas were shared and enjoyed by all!  We would love to have you participate in next year's Showcase in Atlanta.  A great way to present great ideas at a national meeting!  Special thanks to those presenters who made this year's event a success!  I thought I would share with you brief descriptions of those who participated:


  1. Susan L. Smith Virtual Posters - Ways to include virtual posters as part of student presentations.
  2. Ronita Jacobsen Using Technology in the FCS Classroom - Technology seamlessly embedded in the FCS classroom in a variety of ways.
  3. Donna Smith The Money Tree - Teaching tools for Financial Literacy, investment planning and the Stock Market.
  4. Leslie Nussman Health Issues  in Early Childhood Unit  - How students can actively learn about health issues concerning young children. Lesson plans and student examples shown.
  5. Charlotte Gray Human Services/Hospitality & Tourism - Information included Portfolio Development, Home Cooking Experiences, Culinary Projects, etc.
  6. Heather Bratcher & Kimberly DeLapp Trail Mix: Lessons on Diversity -Ideas to help you use your own contribution to making our communities and homes healthier through acceptance and empathy.
  7. Cecilia Gray Teach Personal Finance - FEFE is for you!!! Q & A; packets with information about FEFE (Family Economics and Financial Education) - a FREE resource!!!
  8. Susie Hamlin & Michelle Peifer  Great Ideas for Middle School FACS Classes - Slide presentation of student work and examples of projects and activities used in several of the middle schools in the Rockwood School in suburban St. Louis.
  9. Dr. Sandra Poirier Right Choices: Service learning benefits pre-service FCSE teachers and community - Murfreesboro's youth with positive growth activities, MTSU's Family and Consumer Sciences Education program collaborating with the Patterson Park Community Center to develop an afterschool service learning program through "Right Choices", a curriculum encouraging active participation that focuses on building personal strengths, developing social competencies, managing emotions, improving peer relations, strengthening family relations and healthy living.
  10. Camille Williams Interior Design Curriculum - Overview of Camille's Interior Design curriculum, unit outlines and powerpoints.
  11. Debra DeBates Linking Literature to FCS Content: Three Cups of Tea -a literature guide developed for use with Three Cups of Tea for use with Human Service s or Education & Training Career Cluster courses with specific reading strategies for each chapter of the book that link academic rigor and strengthening reading skills to FCS  content.
  12. Becky Cox Introducing Competition in the Classroom - A fun idea for helping kids understand competition both in ProStart and FCCLA.
  13. RaAnn Miller Child Care Services Projects/Activities - Exploring activities, class projects, community service projects and more that can all be accomplished in Child Care Services.
  14. Pam Rock Free Enterprise in the 8th Grade Curriculum - A FUN free enterprise unit for Foods developed from state standards.
  15. Rachel Gonzalez Easy Projects for Kids Who Finish Their Projects Early - Fun fast projects for time fillers or a free enterprise unit and service learning.
  16. Tami Flygare  Exciting Showcase
  17. Karen Rodriguez Culinary Students Favorite Projects -Many culinary students have no experience in the kitchen so activities begin with basic recipes and build on skills. Recipes, activities, and pictures provided.
  18. Katonia Ford Foods 2 Advanced - Excellent resource to use for those teaching Entrepreneurship in any FACS curriculum.
  19. Mary Mason The Money Tree - Growing herbs combined with a recycling project.



St. Louis, Missouri

Friday, November 18, 2011






During the ACTE FACS Division Recognition Awards Brunch in St. Louis on November 18, the FACS Division was proud to present the following awards:


Fellowship Awards- which allow us to play an important role in nurturing the up and coming leaders with our guidance and support with fellowships along the way.  The first fellowship was awarded in 1967 and 93 have been awarded for over $200,000.  Thank you to the Lela Goar and her committee who reviewed this year's fellowship applications:


Dr. Mari Borr- North Dakota State University

Dr. Cheryl Johnson- East Carolina University

Dr. Margaret Lichty- University of California at Long Beach


Congratulations to this year's Fellowship Recipients who will each receive a fellowship from the FACS Division:

  • Shelby Muha, Masters candidate at Kansas State University, is a recipient of a $2,000.00 fellowship. Her research topic is Nutrition in the classroom transforming student knowledge and information into actual practice and behavior change both within the school and their own life.  One of her letters of recommendation states, "Shelby's knowledge and commitment to the profession provide strong evidence of her potential to be a leader in our profession. 
  • Mary Olle, doctoral candidate at Texas Tech University, received a $4,000.00 fellowship award.  Mary's research topic is:  "Instructional Strategies Being Utilized by FCS Teacher Educators for Preparing FCS Pre-Service Teachers for Incorporating Technology into the Classroom."  Her recommendation letters speak to her dedication to FACS and her excitement for the profession.
  • Tracey Newman, doctoral candidate at Missouri Baptist University, received a $4,000.00 fellowship.  Her research topic is researching some effective models and/or strategies for training educators to implement digital media technology into their existing secondary curriculum.  Her state director spoke of Tracey's commitment to FCCLA and her professional organizations at the stat and national level.


Congratulations to all of you!  We look forward to hearing from you at future ACTE meetings.


Thank you, too, to Lela Goar, FACS Division Fellowship Chair, and the great job that she continues to do in that role!!  Please take the time recognize those in your state who will benefit from the Roll of Honor and Fellowship Awards.     Applications may be found on the ACTE website and sent by the November 8 deadline to:


          Lela G. Goar

          225 CR 207A

          Burnet, TX 78611

          E-mail: [email protected]



Roll of Honor Awards- which allow us in Family and Consumer Sciences to recognize those professionals who have made significant contributions to our profession.  Established in 1960, 111 professionals have been placed on the Roll of Honor.  This is a very special award, in that the honorees are nominated by their peers and contributions are made to the Fellowship Fund in their honor.  Contributions must be made in the amount of $500 to add a person's name to the list; however, many have been well over this amount.  We had no additions to this year's Roll of Honor Awards and ask that all of you look for outstanding professionals to nominate and recognize for next year's awards in Atlanta.


Thank you, too, to Lindsey Shirley, who continued as our FACS Division Awards Committee Chair.  


This year, two Outstanding Contributions Awards were given to two great FACS professionals: 

  • Dr. Mary Harlan, Arkansas
  • Becky Cox, Utah

We applaud them for their outstanding contributions to Family and Consumer Sciences and our division over the years and look forward to their many future contributions! 


FACS Division Outstanding Contributions Award -left to right, Dr. Mary Harlan, Leslie Watkins and Becky Cox


Please consider those who are eligible to be nominated for the Outstanding Contributions and Citation awards as explained below for the 2012 awards:



  1. Recipient MUST be a member of the Family and Consumer Sciences Division.
  2. Contributions to Family and Consumer Sciences and the FCS division of ACTE will be emphasized.
  3. The following information must be supplied for each nominee:
    1. Record of contributions to Family and Consumer Sciences Education.
    2. Record of involvement in the Family and Consumer Sciences Education Division.
    3. Professional experience.
    4. Record of involvement in other professional organizations.
    5. Recommendations from three of the following:

                                          i.    Someone in the State Department (Career and Technical Education Division)

                                         ii.    A professional co-worker or fellow professional

                                        iii.    An officer of the state Career and Technical Association

                                       iv.    Present Employer



  1. Recipients will be individuals or groups outside Family and Consumer Sciences Education, such as:
    1. U.S. Representatives or Senators
    2. Business and industry people or groups
    3. People or groups from the media
    4. Other professionals
    5. Others-unspecified
  2. To be qualified, a recipient must have made significant contributions to Family and Consumer Sciences Education beyond local levels in one or more of the following areas:
    1. Service
    2. Monetary Support
    3. Other unusual or unique contributions.
  3. Duration of the contribution(s) over time will be considered.
  4. Detailed description of the contribution(s) must be provided.  Verification and/or documentation must be provided, if requested.


No Citation Awards were presented this year.  Please consider nominating those in this category for the 2012 Awards presentation.




During the FACS Division Brunch, Dr. Cheryl Johnson, FCSEA President, brought greetings from FCSEA.  The award for the FCSEA Educator of the Year Award was presented to Renee Ryburn by Dr. Johnson and Dr. Harvey Dean, CEO/Pitsco.



November 18, 2011

St. Louis, MO


During the ACTE FACS Division Recognition and Awards Brunch in St. Louis, the National Association Teachers of Family & Consumer Sciences also presented their 2011 Awards.


It was an honor to recognize professionals for their strong support and dedication to Family & Consumer Sciences Education.  Thank you to all the states for your selection of outstanding individuals to honor with our awards.


The first award category is the Award of Merit.  This award recognizes a NATFACS member who has made significant contributions to Family and Consumer Sciences, and/or ACTE, and/or NATFACS and is considered to be an outstanding leader in the field.  There were two recipients for the Award of Merit.  Pam Pruett, AR and Lorri Carlile, OK.


To receive the Distinguished Service Award an individual must have been a member of ACTE and NATFACS for a minimum of 10 years.   The award recognizes an individual for outstanding service to NATFACS and professional contributions above and beyond the traditional expectation of duties assumed.  No nominees were received for the 2011 Award.  Please consider nominating deserving members from your state for the 2012 Awards.


The Pride Award is given to recognize a NATFACS member who is aFamily and Consumer Sciences Education classroom teacher using outstanding marketing endeavors and promotional ideas for the continued development and enhancement of Family and Consumer Sciences Education. This year's recipient was Kerrie Goggin, KY.    


The New Professional Award is given to recognize a member who has completed no more than five years of teaching Family and Consumer Sciences.  Significant contributions in the classroom, through curriculum development and/or providing multiple FCCLA opportunities for students are the criteria for this award.  This year's recipient was Brooke Kusch, OK.


The Champion for Family and Consumer Sciences Award was awarded to The Dibble Institute.  This award is given to recognize a person, business, company, government or community-based agency or a representative there of who has exemplified extraordinary support and concern for Family and Consumer Sciences and NATFACS.  We encourage members to nominate deserving recipients for this award for next year's awards.


Congratulations to all NATFACS award recipients.  We ask that all of you take the time to honor the outstanding accomplishments of Family and Consumer Sciences professionals in your state and be part of our national awards presentation at out next meeting in Atlanta.  The 2012 AwardApplications can be found on the website.  Dr. Michelle Aldrich will serve as the NATFACS Awards Chair for the 2012 Awards Committee.


Left to right: Brooke Kusch, OK, New Professional Award; Pam Pruett, AR, Award of Merit (accepted by Suellen Ward); and Lorri Carlile, OK, Award of Merit. Not pictured: Kerrie Goggin, KY, Pride Award and Champion Award, The Dibble Institute.


Submitted by

Mary Mason

NATFACS Scholarship Chair


The NATFACS Scholarship Committee reviewed applications for the 2011 NATFACS Scholarship Awards and awarded scholarships to the following students with their university and home state listed:


Baylee Lane, Missouri State University, MO

Bailey Childer, South Dakota University, SD

Beci Walker, Eastern Kentucky University, KY

Whitney Hilderbran, Eastern Kentucky University, VA

Molly Smith, Bridgewater College, PA




It's always a pleasure to recognize the Past FACS Division Presidents at our FACS Division luncheon. This year we were pleased to have the following past Division presidents in attendance and thank them for their service:


Mary Beth Stine, 1983-86

Daisy Stewart, 1992-95

Sally Combs, 1998-2001

Karen Mason, 2004-2007

Becky Cox, 2007-2010

from left to right, Daisy Stewart, VA, Becky Cox, UT, Sally Combs, GA, Leslie Watkins, KY, Mary Beth Stine, IL and Karen Mason, MO




I am pleased to announce that Gayla Randel, Kansas, has been selected to represent the FACS Division on the National Family and Consumer Sciences Coalition.  She joins RaAnn Miller, Kentucky, in representing our ACTE FACS Division on this board.  We welcome Gayla and look forward to her leadership on the Coalition!  At our FACS Division Business session we also recognized Marcia Ritter who completed her term as our ACTE representative to the Coalition.  Thank you, Marcia, for your many years of service and dedication to the National Family and Consumer Sciences Coalition and for your outstanding leadership and representation for our Division!




Thanks to the following Family & Consumer Sciences members who have accepted the opportunity to represent our FACS Division on ACTE committees:

Charlotte Gray, MO - Nominating

Karen Rodriguez, AL -Resolutions

Dr. Kathy Croxall, KY - By- Laws

I would like to personally thank them for accepting this assignment and representing our division on each of these committees.  



Although no plans have been finalized for next year's Career Tech Vision 2012, which will replace our existing convention format, I am looking for engaging ideas for professionals that will meet the goals of this new venture where you will:

  • Form beneficial new partnerships with the business and industry sectors
  • See, touch and interact with the latest innovations in the world of education
  • Earn critical CEUs and certifications in a challenging and stimulating new context
  • Energize your ongoing commitment to excellence
  • Envision the potential of your CTE program-and discover practical ways to achieve it
  • Experience firsthand the exciting future of CTE in your community and across the country.


Career Tech Vision 2012 will take place in Atlanta, GA, November 29-December 1, 2012.  The new program format is in its formative stages right now and looks as though most ACTE meetings, including FACS Division and our three sections -NASAFACS, NATFACS, and NATEFACS- will have most of their business meetings on Wednesday during the day.  The ACTE Opening general session, certification and program sessions will continue on Thursday and Friday with the Closing session and state association activities on Saturday to close out the program.  Although ACTE may make changes with input from our Board of Directors meeting at National Policy Seminar, that is the format that has been tentatively given at this time. 


As you may have noticed, the usual presentations procedure is not currently yet in place.  I will send out an eblast when I gain information on how that procedure will work for next year's program.


I am excited that I am making contact with new sponsors and presenters who are interested in providing certifications and in depth content that you will want to have for your success as a Family & Consumer Sciences professional.

Your assistance in identifying which certifications and trainings that you might need or which industries and sponsors that you would like to have invited for presentations, certifications or demonstrations would be much appreciated.


I am excited about our possibilities!  Any input or suggestions you may have for us to achieve success with next year's meeting, would be warmly welcomed!!!  


FACS Certifications


We have been asked to create a list of certifications that are important for our students to have from our programs.  I need your help with compiling this!  Any assistance that you can offer would be greatly appreciated!  I would also like to know of any FACS Certifications that you would like to see offered during our Vision 2012 summit for teachers, as well. 


Reminders for Family and Consumer Sciences Division Members:


  • Please sign up NOW for National Policy Seminar!  I have scheduled a meeting for FACS members attending on Monday, March 5, from 5:30-6:30 pm in the Crystal Gateway Marriott. 
  • Sign up and respond to legislative action through ACTE with your legislative representatives.  They need to hear YOUR success stories, needs for funding and contributions that you make to lead our youth into their role in careers and leaders.
  • Make plans to join your regional ACTE meetings and strengthen your involvement.
  • Send me success stories-pictures and clips that promote our program to legislators on the Hill at NPS in March.  We need more depth and impact in speaking with our legislators.
  • Please take opportunities in your communities to share your students' successes!  Work on your program's image at the community, state and national levels.  As much as I love to represent you on the national level....your grassroots efforts are critical.
  • Get involved on the national level!  If you believe our program area is of importance, now may be your time to step up and take a leadership role.


I have had an active second quarter serving as your ACTE VP for FACS by:

  • Representing you on the Family and Consumer Sciences Secondary Education Effectiveness Community on the development of the "Essential Effectiveness Tools";
  • Participating in the Family and Consumer Sciences Alliance for the FACS Branding committee and launch at ACTE;
  • Attending the ACTE Board of Directors meetings in St. Louis;
  • Working on the many details of ACTE Convention planning to ensure successful room arrangements, meetings, policy and planning meeting, awards, and luncheon arrangements were in place;
  • Attending the ACTE Convention in St. Louis and making sure that all details were in place for the FACS Division activities and sessions, policy and planning meeting, opening session, and awards luncheon;
  • Planning for a FACS meeting at the National Policy Seminar in March;
  • Revising the FACS Division Policy Handbook and submitting the handbook and 2011 Minutes for the FACS Division Policy & Planning meeting and FACS Division Business meeting to ACTE;
  • Accepting an invitation from the Ohio ACTE conference in August and working on plans to present there;
  • Making plans to attend the Kentucky State FCCLA meeting in March;
  • Working on beginning stages of planning for Career Tech Vision 2012;
  • Participating in bi-monthly FCCLA Chair, Past Chair, Vice Chair and Executive Director conference calls in communicating activities and planning for FCCLA;
  • Attending the FCCLA Board of Directors meeting in Orlando as I end this quarter representing our FACS Division and serving as the Vice Chair for that meeting.


During the next quarter, my activities as your representative to the FCCLA Board will continue, along with joining many of you at NPS in March; the NATFACS Policy and Planning Board meeting in Louisville in April; and the NASAFACS Board in Atlanta in the May for continued convention planning.   The new Convention format - Career Tech Vision 2012 will bring many challenges and changes during the second quarter of this year.  I look forward to working with all of you to provide the best representation for Family and Consumer Sciences education.




I have taken words from Lindsey Shirley's presentation with me since convention...."start a movement."  I know that many of you are seeking ways and tools that demonstrate and acknowledge what we represent and the true value of our role in educating society.  May Lindsey's words challenge all of "start a movement" on the local level...speak to others about the great things that are happening in your classroom.  And if there aren't "great" things happening in your classroom---NOW is the time to look for creative and new ideas that connect with those we serve so that others not only see, but feel the movement we have begun.  I challenge you:  Reverse the movement that could take FACS out of your educational institution; and begin a movement so BIG that the momentum catches hold and gives clarity to others that you and your programs are vital, precious and worthy to be held tightly by our educational system and all that's right for our students.


I have heard so much lately of the world's perception of "home economics" and Family and Consumer Sciences; and many perceptions have an outdated view.  We all know that what we teach is foundational to life.  What we have to offer are all categories of headlines in magazines, newspapers, social networks and marketing how do we capitalize on that momentum?


How would you change the world's view of what you are passionate about and what you teach? How could you ignite that vision to your kids to produce a marketing tool powerful enough to "start a movement" of changing the world view of who we are, what we teach and its importance?


I am giving you a challenge to do just "START A MOVEMENT" make a You Tube or School Tube video to market your FACS program.  I realize this is a crazy busy time to ask this....but NOW is the time that schools are making decisions about programs and staff to is the time for them to hear you loud and clear....


Here are the rules:


  1. Complete the Start a Movement Entry Form and email with video.
  2. Must have an up to 3 minute video link uploaded and link emailed to [email protected] along with the entry form by March 1.
  3. Entries must be submitted by current ACTE FACS Division members.
  4. Video must market your FACS program...can include community, students, school, FCCLA, projects, instruction, etc.
  5. The viewer must be able to see a realistic picture of Family & Consumer Sciences.
  6. Videos that have more impact visually are preferred.
  7. Demonstrate creativity.
  8. Be careful to only use material or footage that belong to you or is royalty free.
  9. Participant agrees that submitted video may be used for marketing purposes to "START A MOVEMENT" for Family & Consumer Sciences.
  10. The videos will be viewed by a panel and a winner for a $500 cash award for your department will be made. 


What will you share that will speak to the world about all we do??  Look at commercials and marketing ads that inspire, move and speak to you...isn't your program worthy of an ad??  Include your'll be surprised at the momentum and swiftness that they can handle this task!!


At the conclusion of this, I'll share our "start a movement" marketing videos to all to be used to share who we are to the world.  Won't you join me???  





Remember that this is the year we will elect a new member to replace me on the ACTE Board of Directors.  I will be sending out an e-blast in the spring newsletter for the exact timeline for the election process which has not yet been confirmed with ACTE.  Please consider those who would be committed to representing our FACS Division on the ACTE Board of Directors.  You may find the application and guidelines in the FACS Division Handbook on the ACTE website in the FACS Division section.  Is it time for you to take a leadership role with ACTE and represent us?


Oh, the Places You'll Go!


On a final note from convention...I wrote and shared my version of "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" at our FACS Division Awards Brunch.  I had several of you request instead of attaching the power point to the website, I just thought I would close this newsletter with it for you to use.



Oh, the Places You'll Go With FACS!!



Today is your day.  You're off to Great Places!

You're off and away!

FACS Teachers have brains in our heads and feet in our shoes

And we can steer ourselves any direction we choose.

You're on your own...With all sorts of changes...

and the next latest and greatest thing to add to your list to your ranges!



You'll look over courses AND students-look 'em over with care.

About some you will say, "I don't choose to go THERE!"

But with your head full of brains and your shoes full of feet, you know you're TOO SMART to go down any not-so-good street.


So You'll Choose to Go Look for Those Creative Places!

In wide open air...Field trips, guest speakers, and internet spaces!

Out there things can happen and frequently do...

To those FACS teachers who risk like some will not do! 

And when things start to happen, don't worry...don't stew...

Just go right along! You'll start happening, too!


You'll be on your way UP!

You'll be seeing great sights...

You'll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.

As your students compete and get honors galore!

And administration keeps asking for more!

You won't lag behind, 'cause you'll have the great speed;

to pass the whole gang and soon take the lead!


WHEREVER You Fly, You'll be the best of the BEST!

Wherever you go, you will top all the rest!

Except when you don't, because FACS teachers never give up!

Even when banged up, or hung up, or left in a lurch.

We're creative, resourceful and full of great fun!

Wouldn't want to be anything other than one!


And when in a slump with an unpleasant bump...

Call your FACS teacher to give you a nudge...

Because sometimes it's just not easy to budge..

If you come to a place where the streets are not marked;

Where courses, grading, labs and the such;

Become all jumbled and a little bit much...

A place where change and much help is needed...

Find a FACS teacher to meet you for lunch!

Because we're good at things with food!

And seem to think better and less likely to brood!

You can get so confused that you'll start in to race

down long winding roads at a break-necking pace...

And go on for miles among wild student space...

Headed, I fear, toward a most useless place...


THE WAITING PLACE...For people just waiting...

Waiting for a new principal or coworker or two;

a budget, a grant or a workshop or two.

A pay raise, a new schedule, or perhaps a new job;

A thank you, an "atta girl or guy", or a class that's a joy;

With "yes mam" or "no mam" respectful social graces..

With no discipline problems, but smiles on kids' faces

With excitement to learn...

Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful we longingly yearn...


With our room the great hub of the school...

With ice to be borrowed...Just a knife, bowl or two...

Do you have any cups? Any milk? Any napkins?

How 'bout a Ziploc? A needle or thread?

And do you have time to refashion this little black dress?

Or launder the football team uniforms that are a mess?

Will the list never end for a FACS teacher's call?



In addition to lesson plans, FCCLA, committees and such...

We manage a home, a few kids and a faculty lunch.

We wear many hats that can be a bit much;

But we have to learn how to not lose our touch

With our family, our friends and our sanity, too!

That's a large call, heaven forbid, something new!


Somehow you'll escape all that waiting and staying.

You'll find the bright places where Boom Bands are playing

With banner flip-flapping, once more you're riding high!

Ready for anything under the sky!

With students ready to shape and to learn.

It makes us so happy that we've helped with a turn.


Remember the reason you chose this profession..

And money was NOT the reason you're confessing!

Oh, the places you'll go!  There is fun to be done!

There are points to be scored and games to be won.

And the magical things you can do with your group,


You'll be famous as famous can be

with the whole wide world watching you win on TV.


Except when they don't.

Because, sometimes they won't.

I'm afraid that some times you'll play lonely games, too...

Whether you like it or not...Alone you will be something you'll be quite a lot.

And when you're alone, there's a very good chance-

That a few things will scare you right out of your pants.

There are parents and students and new principals, too...

New handbooks, new courses, new content, it's true.
And praying your program will make it and your job, as well, too.


But go on you will!!

FACS teachers though the weather be foul.

Will go on and meet challenges with enemies on the prowl.

With teachers who say, "Your job looks like fun";

With exactly no clue of the job it involves.

Grocery shopping, lab classes, FCCLA in the middle...

With piles here and there...NO TIME to PIDDLE!


But on and on you will hike....

And I know you'll hike far and face up to your problems, whatever they are.

Step with great care and great tact...

Because remember being a Family and Consumer Sciences teacher is a great balancing act!

Just NEVER forget to be dexterous and deft...and

NEVER mix up your right foot with your left!!


AND will you succeed?

Yes! You, will indeed!

(98 and � percent guaranteed!!!)

So whatever your name is, FACS Teacher,

You're off to GREAT PLACES!!

Today is your day!

So, off to your classroom...

So...Get on Your Way!


~~Leslie Watkins



All the best to you as you meet all of the challenges that a new semester brings!!! 

I am always an email away if you need me.  See you at National Policy Seminar!


Always here to serve,

Leslie WatkinsFACS VP

ACTE Family and Consumer Sciences Division Vice President

[email protected]

300 Walnut Street, Paducah, KY 42001
270-217-0996 (cell)
270-908-6080 (home)




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