Life Christian Counseling Network



Life Christian Counseling Network


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May 2012

In This Issue
New Counselor in Virginia
New Counselor in Maryland
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Have you always wanted the chance to sit down and have a conversation with Dr. Gary Chapman? Well your opportunity is just around the corner!

In case you haven't heard yet, Dr. Gary Chapman is coming back to the DC area on May 26th, only two weeks away!

This year's conference, entitled "A Growing Marriage," is going to be an intimate event with very limited seating. Topics to be covered include the following:

  • The Four Seasons of Marriage
  • Understanding & Processing Anger
  • Making Love a Way of Life
There will even be a Question & Answer section at the end of the series where you can voice your questions and concerns.
To register for the event or to find out more information, please visit our Events Page.
Daycare will be provided (children aged 3 and up) at the event, and lunch is available for purchase.


S. Margot Schultz, M.A., NCC, MTS, Resident in Counseling

Margot Schultz graduated from Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia with a Master's degree in Counseling in August 2010. She passed her national counseling certification (NCC) exam in October 2010. During her course of studies, she trained at a women's shelter and a hospice. During both of these work experiences, she met with many people who were going through difficult times. She was deeply impressed to see how people in crisis kept finding new ways to cope and move forward. Counseling is of great assistance in client's attempts to be resilient.

Additional training includes a Master's (M.T.S.) degree in theology from Duke University Divinity School, as well as an internship semester working as a hospital chaplain. She continues to draw upon her faith background as a source of inspiration and strength. Margot offers cognitive-behavioral treatment and expressive arts techniques. These can be applied to many psychological difficulties including anxiety, low self-esteem, identity and self-concept issues, career choices, grieving, women's issues, parenting, marriage preparation, religious abuse, and depression.


Margot is married and she and her husband have a daughter, of whom they are very proud. She positively affirms that parenting can be one of the best and most satisfying experiences of life. Also, she especially enjoys working with engaged couples to help them prepare for marriage.



Margot works in our Alexandria office. To schedule an appointment, click here.


Brian Edwards, M.A.

Brian Edwards is the Minister of Marriage and Family at a local Maryland Church. His responsibility is for the development and implementation of programs designed for married couples and their families. His prior experience consists of over a decade of experience counseling marriage and family related issues. Brian received his undergraduate degree from Howard University and holds a Masters degree in Christian Counseling and Discipleship from Capitol Bible Seminary. Brian and his wife Kelli have six children.

One of his favorite passages of scripture is 2 Corinthians 5:17, which reads,"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new."


Brian works in our Upper Marlboro office. To schedule an appointment, click here.




ceb pic at natl galleryAnother season is well underway and the seasons of my life are flying by. But, these years have been the most productive yet. I pray God grants me years of fruitfulness. That is my prayer for you, too.

Life Christian Counseling Networks is committed to bringing resources to help those in our region grow spiritually, emotionally, and relationally. To that end, we bring in speakers and trainers and teachers to help individuals, families, marriages, and clinicians. I hope you'll take advantage of this opportunity to hear from Dr. Gary Chapman. I'm a better wife because of the lessons he has taught me. I hope to see you there!



Christine Buckingham, PhD, LCPC, NCC

Life Christian Counseling Network

