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Vol 1, Issue 8:  August 2009

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"Out & About in Hampton Roads"

Out & About in Hampton Roads

Patchwork Hampton Roads:  "Military Bastion" Hampton Roads' 1.6 million citizens make us diverse. Hampton Roads includes urban, suburban and rural communities, prosperous as well as distressed. Read more...

Hampton Roads blog links are getting around:  Do you have yours? Follow the new Hampton Roads Flag Link on Your757.com to SmartRegion.org. Read more...

HamptonRoadsPerforms.org Quality of Life Measures:  Interested in performance measures that tell you how Hampton Roads is doing as a region? Read more for new data and updates...

Link to HamptonRoadsPerforms.org:  Hampton Roads Performs contains a wealth of valuable information about the region's overall quality of life. Link your own site. Learn how here...

Patchwork Nation Wins Knight-Batten Award for Innovation in Journalism:  Special Distinction Award won by Hampton Roads SmartRegion.org's national affiliate, Patchwork Nation, a Web site that uses reams of demographic data to track how the nation's 3,100-plus counties are dealing with an era of dramatic changes in politics, culture and the economy. Read more...

Hampton Roads Congressional Districts:  National Atlas of the United States� includes maps, raw data and up-to-date documentation. See Maps of Hampton Roads' Congressional Districts here...

                           "Arts & Culture"

Arts & Culture

Gardens and Jazz supporting Hampton Roads Arts:  June Jazz is the annual garden party and silent auction held to benefit the work of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Hampton Roads. See photos and read more...

Association of Fundraising Professionals-Hampton Roads Chapter: 
Seeking nominations for its 2009 Philanthropy Awards.

                           "Business Community"

Business Community

Virginia is numero uno pro-business state:  America must be an integral part of global business if it is to remain a superpower, says geoeconomist and corporate relocation expert Dr. Ronald R. Pollina. Read more...

Congratulations Norfolk - Top Cruise Port Ranking!!:  Norfolk was voted top cruise port in the country and second in the world, behind only Venice, Italy. Read more...

Williams Mullen Celebrates 100 Year Anniversary with Call to Service:  Attorneys of the firm have each pledged to complete 100 hours of community service or pro bono work before the end of 2009. Read more...

Find the Next High Growth Industry in Hampton Roads:  Clynton Caines outlines signs that point to an industry that will out-perform in the coming years. Read more...

                           "Hampton Roads: Economy"

Hampton Roads Economy

Alternative Energy Industry Means Long-Term Sustainability for the Region:  Warren Harris, director of the Virginia Beach Dept. of Economic Development, shares what this means for the city and the region. Read more...

Home sales stabilizing in parts of Hampton Roads, still some negative effects felt:  It's a buyer's market for housing, but a turnaround may be at hand, at least on the Peninsula portion of "Military Bastion" region Hampton Roads. Read more (Patchwork Nation featured article)...

Energy doesn't have a political solution, it has an American solution:  Virginia Summit on Energy Opportunities hosted by Sen. Mark Warner at Hampton University was covered by Jamie Nicole Atkinson, HRP Intern and Master of Public Policy Candidate at College of William & Mary. Read more...

Hampton Roads, the most employment-centralized metro area in the U.S.:  Get the Brookings Institution report, Job Sprawl Revisited: The Changing Geography of Metropolitan Employment, comparing all U.S. regions from 1998 to 2006. Read more...

                           "Education & Workforce"

Education and Workforce

President's Council of Economic Advisers released the report PREPARING THE WORKERS OF TODAY FOR THE JOBS OF TOMORROW:  The report presents a projection of potential developments in the U.S. labor market over the next 5-10 years and discusses preparations necessary to develop the 21st century workforce. Read more and download the report...

Fighting poverty in Hampton Roads with education and community collaboration:  "What should Hampton Roads be doing to eradicate poverty and reverse its effects?" was posed to citizens at four of 25 community college campuses participating across the Commonwealth. Read more...

                           "Government & Citizens"

Government and Citizens

Newport News Mayor Won't Seek Re-Election:  Mayor Joe S. Frank, who served on the Newport News City Council since 1988 and as mayor since 1996, will not seek re-election next May. Read more...

What would you recommend to reduce poverty, increase opportunity?:  Local residents invited to participate in a statewide summit on poverty by Virginia's Poverty Reduction Taskforce. Read more about the Taskforce...

Hot time in the city:  Now through Sept. 30, eligible senior citizens can apply for a free fan through Sr. Services of Southeastern Virginia's annual program. Read more...

Patchwork Nation request, Judge Sonia Sotomayor Supreme Court Confirmation:  The NewsHour requested input from Hampton Roads' citizens. Read more, esp. comments...

Ten Ways to Create More Meaningful Public Participation:  Provided by the Hampton Roads Center for Civic Engagement at the first Civic Engagement Summit. Read more...

Williamsburg's Goals, Initiatives and Outcomes:  Despite economic woes, the City is engaged with an ambitious set of Initiatives aimed at 9 big picture Goals and tracking progress. Read more...

                           "Hampton Roads: History"

Hampton Roads History

Regional Indian Tribe's Journals Archived at Library of Congress: 
Chief Walt "Red Hawk" Brown of the Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe, Southampton County, VA invites us to the 8th Annual Powwow and discusses the tribal journals. Read more...

Military Aviation, the history:  Cox 11 takes a look at the Military Aviation Museum, featuring rare World War II and Korean War planes including Russian and German aircraft. Read more and see the video...

                           "Hampton Roads: Military Bastion"

Hampton Roads: Military Bastion

Tech boom set to leave military sector behind by Daily Press:  The steady rise of information technology in Hampton Roads began in 1994, with the establishment of the military's Joint Training, Analysis and Simulation Center in Suffolk. Dozens of companies have sprouted around it. Read more (a Patchwork Nation featured article)...

Gates, Race and Cowardice:  As a newcomer to Hampton Roads, I've been told on more than one occasion that the diversity here brought by the military is evidence of a different America, by Danae Jones Aicher. Read more...

                           "Research & Technology"

Research & Technology

MODSIM World in Hampton Roads, and now Canada:  After negotiating a franchise agreement and following 6 months of rigorous planning, MODSIM World Canada kicked off in Montreal, Quebec. Read more...

Hampton Roads Research Partnership launches e-News:  Featuring results of the Virginia survey on climate change, 21st Century Technology Reveals 17th Century History and "Clusters" Update. Read more...

New ODU degree caters to video-game lovers:  To lure those smart, Xbox-loving high school students and to feed a burgeoning industry, Old Dominion University will offer a bachelor's degree in modeling and simulation. Read more...

Making Hampton Roads and Virginia the East Coast Renewable Energy Leader:  Angie Bezik and Ann Flandermeyer share that citizens are not only recognizing the need for a comprehensive energy plan that includes renewable and alternative energies, they are demanding one. Read more...

Virginia Beach Mayor Sessoms' Energy Meeting on Offshore Wind:  Eileen Levandoski, the Hampton Roads Conservation Coordinator for the Sierra Club's Virginia Chapter, writes about this meeting featuring a presentation on offshore wind by VCERC. Read more...

Modeling & Simulation, National Critical Technology:  What if there was technology available that could save you time, money, risk and/or effort to make better, faster decisions? Modeling & Simulation is a "national critical technology" in the U.S., and it's here in Hampton Roads. Watch the video and read more...


Hampton Roads Transportation
Roads to the Future, History of Highway and Transportation in Virginia: A comprehensive Highway and Transportation History Website for Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. Read more and visit the site...

I-RIDE in Hampton Roads:  Transit service sponsored by Sr. Services of Southeastern Virginia and Isle of Wight County continues its half-day, summer-special Saturday run to and from Olde Towne Curb Market in historic downtown Smithfield. Read more...

HRTPO Fully Certified as the Region's Transportation Planning Organization for Federal Transportation Funds:  Full certification received by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Read more...

Speak Up, Public Involvement Program for Virginia Beach Transit:  HRT announces a comprehensive program for the Virginia Beach Transit Extension Study (VBTES) including opportunities for public input. Read more...

Water, water everywhere! PLEASE not in the tunnels:  The preliminary review of the events surrounding the July 2nd closure of the Hampton Roads Bridge-Tunnel (HRBT)/I64 Westbound, including The Virginian-Pilot's Twitter report.  Read more and download the presentation...

High Speed Rail in Virginia, what can you do?:  What is High Speed Rail and more by VHSR Executive Director Danny Plaugher.  Download the presentation and read more...

                           "Visit Hampton Roads: Tourism"

Visit Hampton Roads: Tourism
Rock, Paper, Scissors....Soccer:  North American Sand Soccer Championship, held annually in Virginia Beach. Read more...

Hampton Roads Dossier, A Bloggin' Good Effort:  Patricia Bartosch with the Southeastern VA Chapter of the Alzheimer's Association writes a blog encouraging community support of local non-profits and charities. Read more...

For some in Patchwork Nation, a quieter Independence Day:  Anna Shoup, Local/National Editor for Online NewsHour writes about the holiday not just as the Fourth of July, but as Independence Day. Read more...

What the holiday is really about, in Hampton Roads:  Patchwork Nation request, a snapshot of Independence Day holiday plans in the Hampton Roads region. See what SmartRegion.org readers and guest bloggers had to say...

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