Hampton Roads Partnership
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HRPDC's Hampton Roads Review


Transit Vision for the Hampton Roads Region: 
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Transit Vision Plan

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Hampton Roads Partnership

Dana Dickens,
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Donna Morris,
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Joyce Thacker,

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Missy Schmidt,
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Vol 1, Issue 4:  April 2009

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"Out & About in Hampton Roads"

Out & About in Hampton Roads

Tribal Lands Reclaimed in Southampton County:  The Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe, Southampton County, Virginia reclaiming of a portion of their reservation land in a "Land Closing Peace Pipe Ceremony."  Read more...

HRP member, Zel Technologies:  Won opportunity to compete for modeling and simulation work along with team members Hampton University, Old Dominion University and Norfolk State University.  Read more...

Hollywood and Sundance in Hampton Roads:  The ODU-Norfolk Film Festival is a celebration of independent films from around the world, drawing global celebrities.  Read more...

VANNO and VOLUNTEER Hampton Roads Town Hall Meeting:  Interested in successful, mutually beneficial relationships between government, business and nonprofits?  Read more...

HRP members among 2009 Outstanding Faculty Award Recipients:  Virginia educators honored by Governor Tim Kaine recently as recipients of 2009 Outstanding Faculty Award for excellence in teaching, research and public service.  Special recognition for William and Mary, too.  Read more...

HamptonRoadsPerforms.org in the news:  See the full press conference video vignettes...

                           "Hampton Roads: Military Bastion"

Hampton Roads: Military Bastion

Military-Related Legislation:  Enacted during the 2009 Virginia General Assembly, courtesy of the Hampton Roads Military and Federal Facilities Alliance.  Read more...

Key Quality of Life Issues Supporting Service Members and Families:  With estimates of 40-50% of the Hampton Roads economy invested in the defense sector, this is important information to have.  Read more...

"Pentagon South" adds another defense supplier in Suffolk:  The Northgate Commerce Park welcomes a San Diego-based defense industry supplier. This region's strengths - the Port of Virginia, the beach, the huge concentration of military installations - are critical to drawing companies here.  Read more...

                           "Economy & Education"

Economy & Education

Hampton Roads in Northeast's 2050 Mega Region:
  A powerhouse of density and economic output, producing 20% of the nation's Gross Domestic Product with 18% of the population and only 2% of the nation's land area. Over the next generation, the Northeast will add 1 million new residents, demanding infrastructure investments and economic growth while preserving quality of life.  Read more...

Stimulus Funding Update from Williams Mullen/The Keelen Group:  Get in on the discussion of jobs plans and economic stimulus package.  Read more...

Chesapeake's State of the City, not immune, but sound:  "As a region and as individual cities, we have already been through much together," but Mayor Krasnoff saw hope in people's spirit that we would recover.  Read more...

Virginia Beach Mayor delivers his first State of the City Address:  His speech, entitled "Powerful Forces at Work," challenges us to move forward boldly. "To act, not react," and "plan strategically, with a focused vision, to improve the lives of our citizens."  Read more...

Unparalleled Success in Uncertain Times, Newport News State of the City is exceptional:  Newport News experienced a year of stunning, positive economic investment announcements totaling nearly $2 billion in the city.  Read more...

ODU's Economic Forecast: Hits and Misses.  Due to the unforeseen current state of the economy, the boom has already been lowered on some of ODU's forecasts for 2009.  Read more...

City of Chesapeake building on success:  Chesapeake's Indian River Distribution Center, near the Port of Virginia, is growing.  Read more...

Mayor Fraim says, "This is a crisis of the first order ..."  Highlights of Mayor Paul D. Fraim's State of the City address.  Read more...

Leadership in Tough Economic Times:  Hampton Roads Regional Mayors Fraim, Krasnoff and Sessoms came together as part of Regent University's Executive Leadership Series. "Everyday, it becomes more clear that we will weather this economic downturn together or not at all."  Read more...

The State of the Port:  The presentation includes an overview of the Port, Terminals and Improvements, the Future of the Port, Service throughout Virginia and the Economic Impact of the Port of Virginia.  View the presentation here...

                           "Research & Technology"

Research & Technology

MODSIM WORLD 2009:  October 14-16th at the Virginia Beach Convention Center is the place to be for the International Conference & Exposition, an exchange of modeling & simulation knowledge, research, and technology across industry, government, and academia.  Read more and register here...

The Digital Age:  Remember when color TV was introduced in the 1950s, black and white TVs still got a signal? With the digital transition of 2009, analog TVs don't get digital TV signals without assistance.  So, why the conversion?  Read more...

The Future of Southern Energy: "Making Choices for Your Community," a Forum co-sponsored by the Hampton Roads Partnership and the Hampton Roads Mayors and Chairs.  When we think about energy, we often think about the negative - high gas prices, environmental challenges and national security issues. However, many communities are seeing that there are ways to capitalize on economic opportunities related to energy.  Read more...

Balancing Industry and the Environment:  From the Elizabeth River Project, a publication on how to achieve a "Win-Win" on the Industrial Waterfront, A Guide to Sustainable Development PracticesDownload it here...


A citizen speaks out, "we want mass transit as a solution":   A public transit evangelist is looking forward to the day when he can use public transportation all the time.  If you look at TOD (Transit Oriented Development) as something that only feeds the developers' pockets, you're not looking at the big picture.   Read more...

Senator Jim Webb's 2008 Annual Report for Virginia:  Addressing the Commonwealth's Transportation Needs.  Read more...

Transit Vision Plan's Public Presentation:  Scroll through this presentation for Vision Maps to see how this long-range plan affects your future, your life, your work, your mobility.  Read more...

Want more? More Mobility Options?  "I want more high quality, safe, efficient and environmentally friendly public transportation services in Hampton Roads."  Sign the petition here...

Just think what you could save with Public Transit:  Nationally, leaving your car at home can save you up to $12,428 a year, if you have a public transit system. Here's how the annual savings numbers break down around the country.  Read more...

Ever wonder how a tunnel waterway is built?  The proposed project for the Midtown Tunnel between Norfolk and Portsmouth is comprised of a new two-lane tunnel under the Elizabeth River parallel to the existing Midtown Tunnel.  Read more on the proposal and see the video...

Citizens have the ultimate influence, with their votes:  There's a friendly debate going on amongst the region's bloggers about "influence" regarding Hampton Roads' transportation woes.  Read more...

It's Not the End of the Line, It's the Beginning:  HRP Guest Blogger Matt Simons, a Masters in Public Administration graduate student at ODU and a student of urban planning weighs in on Hampton Roads starter light rail lines.  Read more...

Doing Things Jointly:  "Our Region, Our Future"

Our Region, Our Future

Who Speaks for Hampton Roads?"  This excellent question is especially pertinent now as the region faces a perennial crisis in transportation funding, the possible loss of an aircraft carrier, a decline in tourism, a weakened economy, and budget cuts all around.  Read more... 

Get your "America's First Region" Poster:  Supplied to area schools describing historical events that occurred in "Hampton Roads, America's First Region" over the past 400 years, targeted to 4th grade social studies classes, from the Hampton Roads Partnership.  Read more and download yours...

"America's First Region" Community Support Recognition:  Launched in 2006, the brand "America's First Region" has been shared by a number of organizations and businesses and many continue to actively promote it.  Read more and see the video... 

Hampton Roads flag, the first regional flag in U.S.  It is flown and shown - on sign posts, lapel pins, etc. - all around the Hampton Roads region. How do you share the regional flag?  Read how the flag came to be and where you can get one...

What needs fixing in Hampton Roads?  The first Hampton Roads Civic Engagement Summit held April 4.  Read more...


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