News from CAPI
February 2012

Please note new dates for our upcoming Medical Interpreter Skills Workshop, as well as the CAPI Annual Meeting. It is a busy spring, with several other training opportunities scheduled. We rearranged dates so our members will be able to attend as many events as possible (see below)! Thank you for your understanding!


We hope you enjoy issue #2 of our new e-Captions, which includes updates on our organization as well as other events that may interest the Colorado interpreter community. Please write us if you have suggestions for future content. 

The Colorado Association of Professional Interpreters - CAPI


In This Issue
CAPI Annual meeting
Local training
Farther afield
CAPI Annual Meeting: May 12

We hope you can join us for CAPI�s annual meeting, which will be held on May 12 at Front Range Community College. 


In addition to a report on CAPI's activities over the past year, and board elections, again we will offer continuing education classes.


Two exciting presentations will be offered: 

  1. How to grow your interpreting and translation business, using social media, with Cris Silva and Thais Lipps 
  2. Tips and Techniques for Transcribing and Translating Recorded Conversations, with Cathy Bahr, FCCI 
Remember, you need to renew your membership to be a voting member of CAPI and appear in our online directory. Click here to renew, or join CAPI for the year 2012!

CALL FOR BOARD NOMINATIONS! We are currently seeking self-nominations for upcoming board positions. Please consider nominating yourself for the CAPI board, we need your energy and talent to strengthen our organization. Write a 100 word statement explaining why you would like to be on the board and send it to elections@coloradointerpreters.org. More details will be posted here soon.
Local training opportunities

Medical Interpreter Skills Workshop

March 30-31


CAPI is thrilled to offer an 
interactive two-day workshop for medical interpreters working in all languages, focusing on concrete skill building in modes, practice, and effective use of technology and social media. The workshop will provide a roadmap for improving consecutive (including note-taking in medical settings), simultaneous and sight translation skills through hands-on practice and exercises. Woven through each session are practical strategies for reflective practice, the most effective way to improve skills through self-study. It will also teach participants how to successfully leverage new technologies and social media tools in their professional lives.


About the instructor: Katharine Allen is Co-President of InterpretAmerica and owner of Sierra Sky Interpreting & Translation. A former California Healthcare Interpreting Association President, she works as an interpreter, translator, trainer and language access consultant. Katharine has an MA in Translation and Interpretation from the Monterey Institute of International Studies, as well as numerous other training and educational certificates. She is co-author of the CHIA Hospital Organizational Assessment Tool and regularly works with hospitals around language access issues. 

To register click here.




Denver, CO March 17-18

The University of Arizona's National Center for Interpreting is offering this workshop designed for advanced interpreters wanting to improve their techniques and improve their accuracy in consecutive and simultaneous interpretation. This workshop is 16 hours of intensive hands-on practice, with focus on terminology building, skill building, and skills' evaluation. This is a great opportunity!  





Annual Educational Conference, May 5, 2012  

Boulder, CO


CTA will be holding its 2012 mid-year conference on Saturday, May 5, in the spectacular surroundings of the National Center for Atmospheric Research's Mesa Laboratory and Visitor Center in Boulder, Colorado.  



For more information on these and other upcoming events, click here.
Farther away... but worth it!

March 9-10, California Health Interpreting Conference, Berkeley, CA


March 16-17, American Translators Association (ATA) Spanish and Interpreter Division, mid-year conference, Orlando FL


March 17, Arizona Court Interpreters Association (ACIA) will hold a language neutral training entitled CSI: Homicide, in Phoenix, AZ


March 23-24, Mid America Chapter of the American Translators Association (MICATA) Conference, Kansas City 

May 18-20, Annual conference of the National Association of Judicial Interpreters and Translators (NAJIT) in Cambridge, MA

October 5-7, New Mexico Interpreter Conference in Albuquerque, NM

October 23-27, American Translators Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA

CAPI will soon have its very own email list serve so members who are interested can easily communicate with each other as a group. Stay posted for more information!
In addition to our membership directory, you can find an enormous amount of information and resources on our website, including (follow these links to the corresponding pages) reference materialsjob and volunteer opportunitiestraining, and upcoming CAPI meetings.  Check the website regularly for updates. 
Do you want to become a Certified Court Interpreter? Orientation classes are being offered on March 9-10, sign up today for this first step towards becoming certified!

Interested in Medical Interpreter certification? click here

Visit the CAPI Website
Who are we?
The Colorado Association of Professional Interpreters is dedicated to supporting interpreters' professional needs as well as to promoting the recognition of all facets of interpreting in our community. Membership is open to anyone. CAPI is a Colorado not-for-profit organization that was formed in 2001.
We are an entirely volunteer organization, and welcome your feedback and participation in upcoming events. 
To contact us,

Join Our Mailing List