Thursday, September 27, 2012
                                      Fall Edition 226
russell_newRussell R. Shippee
Author, Speaker, Navigator
My Schedule vs Family Schedule 

T E L E S E M I N A R 

October 15, 2012 
10:00 am and 2:00 pm

September 20, 2012 
1:00 pm

Want to take control of your life?

Want to know what others are doing? 
Want to reduce family stress and crisis?


"I have come to the conclusion that politics is too serious a matter to be left to the politicians."


Charles de Gaulle 


"I offer my opponents a bargain: if they will stop telling lies about us, I will stop telling the truth about them."


Adlai Stevenson



"Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel."

John Quinton



"All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts."


James Allen


Quick Links
Ahoy Captain 

Yes, you are better than.....   see the article below.

We are doing a short tele seminar on family schedules. It's been an issue with clients, so I am sure it is an issue for many of you.  If your schedule is a problem as well as the family schedule, sign up and solve the problem. 

As we look at schedules, it also reminds us of how busy we are --how many things we have to do. Are you finishing what you start? Having many incomplete projects is stressful. Finish what you start, and you'll feel great. The stress will be reduced. 

Saturday I had to put a rubber raft away. It took three hours because I ran into a roadblock. The trailer hitch was the wrong size, and I had to go and get the correct size. Sure, it was frustrating and took time. But, I just did it and finished the project. It's no longer hanging over my head. What projects are hanging over your head?

Today in the quotations, we are poking a little fun at politicians. Sure, we all get tired of the political race. But, do pay attention and be an informed voter. If you live in the USA, vote for whom you think will do the best for the country. 

Russell signature  




Author, Speaker, Navigator 



P.S.  Being better, why not take action?



You Are Better Than This 





You are better than this. You are, you doubt it, and your doubt holds you back.



Know you are better. Act it. Believe it. And it will be.


You are your biggest critic, and you are the one, the only one, holding you back from your greatness.

Who believes in you? Who, over your lifetime, has believed in you when you did not even believe in you?

There was a tall boy in a small farm town who rarely went to school. He was dirty, didn't brush his teeth, and wore torn smelly clothes and didn't have his hair cut. He was a loser. Everyone had given up on him.

His fifth grader teacher, Mrs. Murphy said, "Squibb, you are better than this."    

He continued to drift, dirty and un-kempt, and entered the Navy at the lowest possible rank. He started to clean up, to get up, and to make something of himself. He retired as a two star Admiral and was the only one in the service to advance from the lowest level to two star Admiral.

The small farm town had a retirement party for Mrs. Murphy. It was a big event in the small farm town; and the local meeting hall was packed, with standing room only. As the ceremony started, the back door opened and in walked a tall, neat and crisply dressed two star Admiral in his formal attire. He walked to the front, knelt in front of the teacher and said, "I am at your service."

The story is true. Believe in someone and tell them. Believe in yourself. We need to believe in each other.

We can be more. We can be better. The first step is to know that we can. We need to know we can be better and we need to reinforce it in our children, our family, our friends, and our fellow employees. Everyone.

Then, action. Knowing and doing are the keys. In the knowing is the motivation to do, to try, to work at it, to continue when we fall, and then, after falling often, to succeed, to taste the victory of accomplishment. To prove that we are better.

We already know we are better than this. We know it, but we allow self-doubt and self-criticism. We compare ourselves, and we think we don't measure up. We do.

Accept the fact you are better than this. Then, prove it correct.  Just do it.