Thursday, June 16th, 2011 — —— — —— — —— — —— — —— — —— — — Spring Edition #173
Russell R. Shippee
Author, Speaker, Navigator

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AFRAID of what?

More than one person has mentioned to me that I must have been afraid starting a newsletter. How did I know people would like it? What would happen if they didn't? Would I be able to write it all the time? What if it failed?

Me, I wanted to do it, so I tried it, and it worked. If it failed, it failed. My intention was not for it to fail. Yes, it's a lot of work, and at times we go to every other week, usually during the summer.

Is there something you'd like to do that you're afraid to do? Then, just do it, NOW. :)

I wish I was sailing this week, but I am 'in training' as we are never too old to learn new things. It keeps us young. Try it.

Yes, the economy and the stock market are a focus of many people today. Don't be afraid. Just be sure your greatest asset is YOU, and you keep learning, growing, and doing. Yes, YOU are your greatest asset. YOU are your own retirement fund. YOU are the solution.

As in life, when sailing, there are risks and many things can go wrong. So, should I be afraid to sail? No, like you, I should train and prepare. While sailing, we need to pay attention and anticipate. Then, if some 'fearful' circumstance presents itself it can be safely handled. Remember, you can fall off the couch on your remote control and get hurt also.


The Greatest Salesman in the World
by Og Mandino
Sure, it's sales, but it's people and relationships and we all live based on people and relationships. It's not a long book, it's easy reading, but good. You'll agree. Buy the book, it's in our bookstore NOW.


Time Savers is the option for the next TeleSeminars. Click here to sign up.


P. S. What are you afraid of doing?


"Do that which you fear and the death of the fear is certain"


"A few of the things I worried about actually happened."

Benjamin Franklin

"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason, which today arm you against the present."

Marcus Aurelius

"Until there is nothing else left in me, except a voice which says to me: “Hang on!”

Rudyard Kipling


I'm in charge this week while Pop's away. Call on me, I'm here to help. Plus, I'm on commission.

My only fear is if Pop gets to the ice cream before me.
You'd be afraid too if you saw him eat ice cream!

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What are you afraid of?

Ben Franklin said, ‘A few of the things I worried about actually happened.”

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

If you couldn’t fail, what would you do?
If you weren’t worried about what others would think or say, what would you do?
If you weren’t worried about your family’s reaction, what would you say or do?
If you had the money, what would you do? Do you want to do it badly enough to get the money? How can you get or earn the money? When will you start?

What fear is holding you back?

Did you just read and race through the questions? Do you dare sit down with paper and pencil and answer them? If not, why not? If so, do it, if you haven’t done it.

What did you learn? What surprised you? What are you going to do differently? What are you going to do?

When? If not NOW, when?

Yes, if you need to change, if you need to start something, do it now. You can take the first step now. The first step is the decision. You also need to decide on the steps needed. You can start to outline the steps.

The fear will be eliminated as you decide and start taking the steps. Each step will reduce the fear. It won’t be long before you will wonder what you feared and why it held you back for so long.

As the saying goes, do that which you fear and the death of the fear is certain.

Be a kid. Kids do not fear. They want to do something, and they do it. They work at it till they get it done. Kid’s concern is in learning and accomplishing the task they set out to do. There is no concern about fear. Kids are fearless. Are you? If not, when did you lose that fearless zest for life? Is it time to get it back? If a kid can do it, can’t we? Sure.

Fear is also false evidence appearing real.

Can you list 10 things in life you have done that you, at first, feared? Make the list, it will be a lot more than 10 items. Then, look at the list. You’ll wonder why you feared. In the end, there was nothing to fear. Well, the same goes for those things you fear now that you have yet to do. The fear is in the not doing, and when done, the fear is gone.

I bought a new boat and had to bring it to RI. I prepared and looked forward to a great trip. At five in the morning the weather turned bad and the trip was in cold, windy, and rough conditions. The journey was a twelve hour challenge. Should I have been afraid? There was also a lot to learn. I learned there was nothing to fear, we did it, and I became aware of how wonderful the boat was, how much she could take, and how easy it was for me.

Don’t fear, live life as a daring adventure!

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