The Impactiviti Connection

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News, Resources, and Connections for the pharmaceutical community
June 30, 2010

What are LinkedIn Groups? They are communities you can join that have a particular focus, and they allow for more targeted networking opportunities.

We've created THREE LinkedIn Groups for our colleagues in the life sciences. Which one is for you? Read the summaries here and feel free to join the one that fits you!
In This Issue
Today's News
Pushing the Envelope
Wednesday Workplace
Job Board
After Hours
Pic of the Day
Today's News
Daily News
Big acquisitions in oncology today: Sanofi buys up TargeGen, while Celgene acquires Abraxis.

Is the government now in control of search results for your brand? I find this move disturbing. Helpful write-up from Wendy Blackburn.

Bristol execs get a slap on the wrist for scheme to inflate reported results. What kind of deterrent example does this set???

Breathing room for AstraZeneca after judge rules favorably re: Crestor patent.
Pushing the Envelope
Pushing envelope
Wanted: Find. Not Search. Are you with me on this?

Wednesday Workplace

Productivity: Don't do second things first. By good friend Terry Starbucker.

Service. Without Modifiers. A great thought from leadership guru Tom Peters.

Oh - and don't feel too bad about that next cup of coffee...really, just don't. You're being health-conscious, after all!
Follow the Healthcare Dollar

Help your team understand the financial pathways of the healthcare industry with one of many business acumen workshops offered by Impactiviti's partners.
What do you need? Just give us a call (973.947.7429) or send an e-mail (stevew at impactiviti dot com) and we'll identify the optimal vendor/partners for you!
Job Board
After Hours
Here are some great free resources for job hunters, on how to improve your job search (provided by the generous and wise Jeanne Male of Emp-Higher)

Is your company looking for new talent? List with the Impactiviti Job Board and you get the benefit of joining a huge on-line job-listing database with the focused Impactiviti pharma network. More info here.
After Hours

Sure - you've always wanted to see what every airline serves for airline meals. Well, maybe you haven't. At least here you can peek without being subjected to tasting...
Pic of the Day

Rock Glow Evening

Soft evening light (English garden, backyard)
Thanks for reading, and let me know what connections I can make for you (and, please forward this e-mail to others in your company who may find it helpful!)
Steve Woodruff
President, Impactiviti
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Connecting Life Sciences professionals with news, resources, jobs, and one another.

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