OMS Mega Man
O&P Marketing Newsletter

November 2008

In This Issue
6 Ways to Maximize Your Marketing in a Down Economy
AskElizabeth.Net hat spotted in...
Marketing Gold Star/Firestarter
If You Don't Toot Your Own Horn, Who Will?

For those of you who are new subscribers, you may not be familiar with Lizzypalooza.  (Mike Ditka is!)
Lizzypalooza is... November 7th...which just happens to be my birthday!

I was born at NYU hospital while my dad was working for Dr. Fishman and going to school to become a CPO.  So...I've been in O&P my whole ENTIRE life and I love, love, love it! 

I am very lucky to be able to do what I love. (And you know I love doing this newsletter!!! so, THANK YOU for being a subscriber! xxoo)

If there's someone you think would like to subscribe, go ahead andForward this email to a Friend


(That's me about to climb to the top of the
Cuicuilco pyramid in Mexico City.)

PS More Mexico City pictures.


Many analysts are already reporting that dollars are shifting to the highly efficient channels like email, still the highest ROI channel and earning $45+ ROI for every dollar invested, according to the DMA (2008).

E-mail's ROI in 2008 was $45.06 for every dollar spent on it, according to the DMA's just-released Power of Direct economic impact study. This compares to $48.34 last year, and a projected $43.52 in 2009, according to the annual study.

6 Ways to Maximize Your Marketing in a Down Economy

1.  Focus on existing customers.
2.  Start an...

Read them all here.
AskElizabeth.Net Logo Wear spotted in...

Mexico City.
At the World Trade Center.

"got buzz?" It's global!

Where's your (shirt, hat, sling bag, golf towel) photo?????

Email it to me right NOW.
Marketing Gold Star/Firestarter
Hi Elizabeth,
I wanted to tell you about my experience with my website.  I have photos of different designs and brief explanations of indications for use. 
If you Google PTB AFO I come up first on a Google search and first page on google images
TLSO, first page google images.  Double upright AFO twice on first page of Google images.  Wraparound AFO, first on Google and Google images.  WOW!  I come up under other searches also , but was amazed at my placement.  #1 on Google in any category or search, amazing. 
Keep up your great work. 

Kevin Matthews, CO/LO
Advanced Orthopedic Designs

Thanks Kevin!
Images/pictures are definitely an effective tool!
(People LOVE looking at pictures.  Especially online.)

Remember to caption and/or tag your pictures. (It doesn't hurt to use a Flickr site or some other photo sharing site to boost your online presence.

Check out Grace's blog, packed with pictures.

Think YOU should get a Marketing Gold Star?
Tell me why.  Send me an email or call 860-967-4184


Elizabeth Mansfield
Outsource Marketing Solutions, LLC

Download the Customer Retention Survival Kit

Delivering outstanding customer care in a difficult economy can be highly challenging. In today's "do more with less" environment, it becomes increasingly important to focus on improving customer service productivity while maintaining keen insight into companies' contact centers and their customers.
Outsource Marketing Solutions
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If You Don't Toot Your Own Horn, Who Will?
Email marketing is the most cost-effective and quantifiable channels to communicate -whether it's


Selling products and services

Disseminating info and updates


Streamlining ordering.

When used strategically, permission-based email marketing can become your number one customer acquisition and retention tool, and provide demonstrable ROI.

If you don't have marketing money to burn, CLICK HERE.