The Twelvth Week After Pentecost
August 19, 2012

Saturday, August 25:
Fisherfolk Flapjack Fundraiser 
The annual Fisherfolk Flapjack Fundraiser is Saturday, August 25th at Applebee's on Taylor Road from 8:00 - 10:00 am. Tickets are $5.00 each and must be purchased in advance. Donations welcome---this event completes our fundraising for the children's playground!
Sunday, August 26:
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Open House
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium Open House: Sunday, August 26 during the Sunday School hour, for parents of children ages 3 1/2 - 3rd grade.  Click here for more information.
Take Your Family to Church!
Starting September 9th, Christchurch will host a breakfast once a month at 8am before the Sunday morning service.  Spread the word, and please join us!  Scrambled Eggs, Bacon, Cheese Grits, Juice, & Coffee; $5 a person or $15 a family.  
Sunday, September 9th: Sunday School Kickoff!
Sunday, September 9th is Our Big Sunday School Kickoff with wonderful opportunities to study in our Credo, Relevance, Damascus Road, and Women's Bible Study Classes.  Please join us this Fall after morning worship during the Sunday School hour, and click here for more information on these informative classes.
Sunday, September 9th: Fall Youth Kickoff!
Our Youth Group will be starting things off with a bang on September the 9th with an outdoor evening of live music, grilled hamburgers, and Messy Kickball...Please join us and bring a friend! 
Email for more information.  
Wednesday, September 12: Why Anglican?
A 3-week Wednesday series in the Sanctuary: September 12, 19, 26
Throughout the course of the academic year, we will be offering periodic 3-week tracks on what it means to be an Anglican Christian.  Topics will include what Anglicans believe about the Bible; the Sacraments; tenets of the Christian Faith as expressed in the ancient Creeds of the Church, the Articles of Religion, the Lambeth Quadrilateral, and the Jerusalem Declaration; Anglican church polity; and Anglican church customs and traditions.  Participation in these classes will satisfy requirements for becoming an Anglican Christian at Confirmation, an annual event when our bishop visits.  Led by Fr. John-Michael van Dyke. 
Thursday, September 13:
Broadway Under The Stars
MAKE YOUR RESERVATION TODAY for our special September Holy Chow! On Thursday, September 13th, we will gather on the lawn at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival for this year's Broadway Under the Stars. Your check for $10 confirms your reservation and includes a box supper and a fabulous free concert by the Montgomery Symphony Orchestra!  We'll provide bottled water; you bring your own beverage and blanket or folding chair. Call Dot Brown (260-2852) or sign up today after church. Don't miss this fun fall evening under the stars! (We must have all reservations by Monday, Sept. 10.)
Thursday, September 20: Women's Brunch
Women's Ministry Brunch: 10:00 - 11:30 a.m. Canterbury Hall
Delicious food. Delightful fellowship. Spiritual refreshment. Catered by Maria Hill of The King's Creation.  Please invite a friend and join us.  Childcare provided.

"Let us not give up meeting together, but let us encourage one another." Hebrews 10:25 
Wednesday, September 26: Venture Out!
VENTURE OUT - Off Road Ministries: A new men's outreach opportunity for Christchurch announces our inaugural Open Season event set for Wednesday, September 26th 6:00 p.m. at Christchurch in Canterbury Hall.
Mark your calendars for an exciting evening of storytelling, recreational exhibits, wildlife displays and a freshly prepared smorgasbord of wild game dishes. This year, noted outdoor writer Russell Thornberry travels from the Canadian wilderness to  encourage and entertain us with his unique wit and humor. As seating will be limited, Christchurch members are encouraged to bring someone who does not regularly worship elsewhere.
Children's Fall Schedule 2012
Wednesday Night Children's Program:

Grades K- 3rd: Choir practice for the Celebration Choir meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday nights of each month  from 5:30-6:30 in the Emmaus room on the second floor of the church. Celebration Choir practice begins September 19th.

Grades K-6th (those not on puppet team):  Join us for "Movie and Popcorn Nite" on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th Wednesday nights of each month in Cottage 2. We will be showing Old Testament and New Testament movies from NEST Family Entertainment.

The W.O.R.D. Puppet Team meets on Wednesday nights from 5:15-6:30 in the Chi Rho House.  This ministry is for those in 4th grade and up. Training for those interested in joining this year will be on Sunday, September 23rd from 12:00 until 3:30. Training is a requirement for being on the team. New members will start meeting on Wednesday nights beginning September 26th.

Children's Sunday school kicks off September 9th:

2 year olds and young 3's: "God Made Me" meets in the "The Garden" classroom in the nursery area.

31/2 through 4 year olds:
"Catechesis of the Good Shepherd" meets in the "Precious Pearl" classroom in the Chi Rho House.

4 year olds-Kindergarten:
"Catechesis of the Good Shepherd" meets in the "Mustard Seed" classroom in the Chi Rho House.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades:
"Catechesis of the Good Shepherd" meets on the second floor of the church down by the elevator.

4th, 5th and 6th grades:
"The Edge" meets in Cottage 1 next to the Chi Rho House.
Wednesday Night, "Salt & Light"
Our Wednesday Night Program:
Our new Fall series "Salt and Light" starts September 12 in Canterbury Hall.  Even if you aren't in the choir or can't make the program, please come join us for a fellowship dinner!  
5:45 p.m. Ministry Program - 6:30 p.m. Supper
Childcare Provided

September-October Schedule:

September 12, 19
"Sursum Corda: Lift Up Your Hearts!"
Teaching on the Holy Eucharist - Led by Fr. Rusty DeMoss

October 10
"Procession to Recession":
Teaching on Worship - Led by Fr. Mike Slagel

October 17, 24
A study in Christian ethics, in particular how our decisions affect our loved ones, as well as our faith. - Led by

October 31
No Program or Dinner
This Week At Christchurch
Sunday, August 19
Holy Eucharist:
9:30 a.m.
The Rev. John-Michael van Dyke+
"Cruise Ship or Ship of Fools?"

Children's Church & Junior Worship: 9:30 a.m. -
Chi Rho House
Adult Summer Sunday School: 11:00 a.m. - Canterbury Hall
Children's Summer Sunday School: 11:00 a.m.
Infants - 4 years - Nursery
K-3rd Grade - Cottage 2
4th-6th Grade - Cottage 1
Saint Clare Guild: The home of Lynda Kissel, 3142 Whitney Drive, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, August 22
Puppet Team Practice: 5:15 p.m. - Chi Rho House
Chancel Choir Practice: 5:30 p.m. - Choir Room
GIG Band & Vocal Practice: 6:30 p.m. - Sanctuary
Thursday, August 23
Early Christians: Thursday Morning Men's Bible Study: Breakfast at 7:00 a.m. 11th floor of the Goode Building at Jackson Hospital. All men welcome!
The GIG: Come enjoy our new modern worship and outreach service Sunday, August 26 at the
New Time of 5:00p.m.
Childcare for all ages provided

Click for the Church Calendar

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but by me." -  John 14:6
In This Issue:
Flapjack Fundraiser
Catechesis Open House
Breakfast At Church!
Sunday School
Youth Kickoff
Why Anglican?
Broadway Under The Stars
Women's Brunch
Venture Out!
Children's Fall 2012
"Salt & Light" Sept/Oct
This Week At Christchurch
Daily Office Lectionary
Staff Directory
Quick Links:
Weekly Bulletin:
Click For An Online Weekly Bulletin
2012 Rite II Daily Office:
Click For An Online Daily Office Lectionary
Staff Directory:
The Rev John-Michael van Dyke
334-387-0566, ext. 206

The Rev Rusty DeMoss
Associate Rector
334-387-0566, ext. 204

The Rev Travis King
334-387-0566, ext. 215

Jeanne Dean, M.S.W.
Parish Ministries
334-387-0566, ext. 202

Margaret Cauthen
Music Ministry
334-387-0566, ext. 217

Madeliene Wilder
Children's Ministry
334-387-0566, ext. 209

Cindy McLaughlin
Assistant Director
of Children's Ministry
334-387-0566, ext. 210

Ginger Richardson
334-387-0566, ext. 201

Marty Nanfeldt
Admin. Assistant
334-387-0566, ext. 214

Tara Harris
Director of Child Care
334-387-0566, ext. 205
Hope Mardre
Director of Chi Rho Kids
334-387-0566, ext. 216

William Barnes
Website, Media, & A/V Engineer
334-387-0566, ext. 218
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8800 Vaughn Road Montgomery AL 36117 (334) 387-0566