Healthy Soul Cafe
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Now Open!
Vegetarian Cuisine
International Vegetarian Cuisine
Wed - Sat: 11 am - 2 pm
Fridays; 4 pm - 6 pm
Delicious, Satisfying, Healing, Gourmet Vegetarian Cuisine at it's finest!
658 Golden Gate Street
Detroit, Michigan 48203
[3 blocks South of 7 Mile Road ~ Around the corner from The Water Station] Eat-in or Carry Out
Join SanKofa LIFE Network!
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SanKofa Life Network
Heightening Spirit, Mind & Body through Ancient Wisdom
We are committed to your wellness!
A portion of membership pledges ae awarded as points, while the majority of the funds help purchase and build the new SanKofa LIFE Center and expand our media reach.
Please visit the SanKofa LIFE Network to learn more about:Membership Levels, Member Benefits, Points Program, On-ine Registration and Business-to-Business Partnerships (due for an update).
Join This Mail List
Join the SanKofa LIFE Newsletter Mail List! It's FREE
The SanKofa LIFE Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Contact Us
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The Water Station
Healthy Soul Natural Foods Store
18710 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48203
[Across from Palmer Park Golf Course] [3 blocks South of 7 Mile Road]
313-366-2344 - Office
1-800-890-6188 - Office
313-366-2327 - Fax
313-919-0102 - Water Delivery
SanKofa LIFE Event Calendar

Dr. Keefa Lorraine Weatherspoon
Be blessed!
Bless you! The SanKofa House Grand Opening was a great success! We are grateful to all the SanKofa Members and their guests, who joined us for good food, music, dancing, entertainment, healing, exercise and a joyful SanKofa LIFE family gathering. Thank you for sharing another very special milestone with us!
Welcome to a community
specializing in wholistic goods and services for your wellness! |
SanKofa Network News Alert
We are proud to announce our reunion with John Mason and Company on the new WCHB radio show: Live Well with Dr. Keefa, which airs LIVE on Wednesday evenings.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
with John Mason & Team Mason
AM1200 WCHB FM99.9
Monday - Friday ~ 4pm - 7pm
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SanKofa House
December 2011 Project:
SanKofa House
January 2012 Projects:
Finally, we are excited to invite you to use our new SanKofa Event Calendar to keep up with all the wonderful events we have planned for you, as members of the SanKofa LIFE Network!
Winter 2012 Class Schedule
Thursdays: 6:30pm - 8:30pm ($295/8 weeks)
Instructor: Dr. Keefa
Saturday, Feb 11: 4pm - 6 pm ($50/person)
Instructor: Dr. Keefa
Tai Chi
Tuesdays: 9am - 10am ($64/8 weeks)
Saturdays: 12:30pm - 1:30 pm ($64/8 weeks) Register Instructor: AmenRa aka Ted Cash
Mondays: 12pm - 2pm ($200/4 weeks)
Instructor: Dr. Keefa
Wednesdays: 6pm - 7pm ($64/8 weeks)
Fridays: 9am - 10am ($64/8 weeks) Instructor: Mehmuna-Michelle Jackson
[Winter Tasteshops - 2nd & 4th Saturdays]
Saturday, Jan 28: 4pm - 7pm ($50/person)
Instructor Part 1: Allen Biggers aka Ari Shen
Instructor Part 2: Dr. Keefa
Saturday, Jan 14: 4pm-6pm ($50/person)
Instructor: Dr. Keefa
2012 Class Registration

SanKofa House Light, Learning & Wellness Center
658 Golden Gate Street
Detroit, Michigan 48203
Take advantage of our year-end discount. Register before December 31, 2011 and receive a 10% Dscount on all classes.
Discount Offer Expires December 31, 2011.
The Water Station
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The WATER STATION is the only Ionized Alkaline Drinking Water facility to provide:
- Sanitation and recycling of your drinking water bottles
- GRAB & GO bottles - Call ahead. Then, pick-up.
- Fresh Water Delivery to your home, church, business, etc.
18710 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48203
313-366-2344 Voice ~ 313-366-2327 Fax
1800-890-6188 Toll Free ~ 313-919-0102 Water Delivery
Now, you can enjoy all the benefits of Ionized Alkaline & Acidic Water!
Water Station Hours of Operation
8am - 8pm Monday thru Friday
[Refill Station closes at 7pm, Monday thru Friday]
9am - 5pm Saturday
[Refill Station closes at 4pm on Saturdays]
Call Us for Water Delivery Service
Call: 313-919-0102
Healthy Soul Natural Foods Store
 We sell products for your health: - Alkaline Water Machines
- Bulk Grains & Nuts, Seeds
- Dried Fruits & Vegetables
- Personal Care Items
- Herbs
- Teas, Beverages, Drinks
- Health CDs & DVDs
[Located Inside The Water Station] 18710 Woodward Avenue ~ Detroit, Michigan 48203 [3 blocks South of 7 Mile Road ~ Across from the Palmer Park Golf Course]
SanKofa House
Inside SanKofa House
- Healthy Soul Cafe
Delicious ~Satisfying~Healing - Renewal
Personal & Skin Care Nook - SanKofa Book Store & Reading Room
Heightening Spirit, Mind & Body thru Ancient Wisdom - Diva's Closet
Wrap Yourself in Style!
SanKofa House
A place to study and practice the ancient arts and sciences
of Natural Healing and Energy Medicine towards Divine Science.
658 Golden Gate Street ~ Detroit, Michigan 48203 [3 blocks South of 7 Mile Road ~ Around the corner from The Water Station]
313-366-5250 or 1-800-366-5250
Healthy Soul Cafe
 We sell products for your health: - Alkaline Water Machines
- Bulk Grains & Nuts, Seeds
- Dried Fruits & Vegetables
- Personal Care Items
- Herbs
- Teas, Beverages, Drinks
- Health CDs & DVDs
Gourmet Vegetarian Dining.
658 Golden Gate Street ~ Detroit, Michigan 48203 [3 blocks South of 7 Mile Road ~ Around the corner from The Water Station]
313-366-5250 or 1-800-366-5250
Spirit of Wellness Network Radio - Wednesdays
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 A Weekly Radio Show
Spirit of Wellness TV - Fridays
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Watch Us LIVE!
Spirit of Wellness Television Show
with Dr. Keefa Lorraine Weatherspoon, N.D., UBD
Every Friday
8:00PM - 9:00PM
Spirit of Wellness Network Radio - Saturdays
 LIVE WELL Naturally
with DR. KEEFA
SanKofa LIFE Network Holiday Coupon
| |  | $10 | $25 | $100 | HOLIDAY GIFT CERTIFICATES
If you don't know what gift to give, then purchase a SANKOFA GIFT CERTIFICATE. Take advantage of our holiday special. Purchase a SANKOFA GIFT CERTIFICATE, before December 31, 2011, and receive a 10% discount on Gift Certificates ! ! ! !
SanKofa Gift Certificates come in three (3) denominations: $10, $25 and $100. Purchase gift certificates inside THE WATER STATION or inside SANKOFA HOUSE. ALL GIFT CERTIFICATES ARE GOOD FOR PURCHASES THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2012!
10% DISCOUNT! Shop at any of our businesses - inside THE WATER STATION and SANKOFA HOUSE, between now and December 31, 2011, and you will receive a 10% discount (excluding Amazon Herbs).
10% Discount applies offered at the following businesses: - The Water Station
- Healthy Soul Foods Natural Store
- Healthy Soul Cafe
- Renewal Personal & Skin Care Nook
- SanKofa Book Store & Reading Room
- Diva's Closet
- All SanKofa Gift Certificates - $10, $25 and $100
SanKofa LIFE Network Member: 20% Discount * Non-Member Discount: 10% Discount **
* Members of the SanKofa LIFE Network will receive the year-end 10% discount PLUS their regular 10% Membership Discount!
** If you are not a SanKofa LIFE Network Member and you would like to take advantage of an additional 10% discount, then we invite you to join the SanKofa LIFE Network, TODAY!
Please share this discount offer with friends and family!
This promotional offer expires on December 31, 2011
Payment Options
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EBT/Bridge Cards Accepted

We've been approved to accept EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer)/Bridge Cards.
You may use your Bridge Card to purchase alkaline water from THE WATER STATION; healthfood products from HEALTHY SOUL FOODS NATURAL STORE and our SHOPS INSIDE SANKOFA HOUSE!
We also take your good checks and Visa, Mastercard and Discover Card credit cards.
Join SanKofa LIFE Network!
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SanKofa Life Network
Heightening Spirit, Mind & Body through Ancient Wisdom
We are committed to your wellness!
SanKofa LIFE Network is a non-profit organization created to empower the community via wholistic awareness and cooperative economics.
A portion of membership pledges ae awarded as points, while the majority of the funds help purchase and build the new SanKofa LIFE Center and expand our media reach. Please visit the SanKofa LIFE Network to learn more about:Membership Levels, Member Benefits, Points Program, On-ine Registration and Business-to-Business Partnerships (due for an update).
Join This Mail List
Join the SanKofa LIFE Newsletter Mail List! It's FREE!
The SanKofa LIFE Network is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.
Bless You Detroit,
We will need your help and support, in the coming months, as we launch improve upon existing projects and launch new initiatives.
The SanKofa Team looks forward to serving you!
Dr. Keefa Lorraine Weatherspoon, N.D.
Executive Director, SanKofa LIFE Network
This newsletter is us published to share information about and regarding the SanKofa LIFE Network and SanKofa House . We may also regularly post information from our SanKofa LIFE Network partners. If you would like to post to this newsletter, please contact the SanKofa LIFE Board of Directors at 313-366-2344 or SanKofaLIFE@yahoo.com