Lab5 over machine (white)

606 BROADWAY E                                                Like us on Facebook    View our profile on LinkedIn    Follow us on Twitter    Find us on Yelp    View our videos on YouTube                                                          Contact



That Was Then...  This is Now: A reflection on our One Year Anniversary
Over the past year we have seen incredible changes in our dedicated community. We are so proud, inspired and exhilarated to be in the Capitol Hill neighborhood. To take a building--once known as the dive bar--and turn it into a tertiary space where wellness trumps all. Words cannot describe our gratitude for your wholehearted support and valuable business. We dedicate this month to you: our community. Keep an eye out for client appreciation days, and the special treats we have in store. We are always here to listen to any feedback you may have. Our mission is to provide the best client experience on the Hill, and we truly believe that, "We're not in the fitness business. But, in the people business providing fitness." 
Schedule Now: Don't miss out on your favorite classes--take a moment to visit our schedule and book your classes for this week.
Looking for motivation? Check out our latest video that motivates us. This video gets us pumped up before our workouts. We are Powerful Beyond Measure, we just have to tap into that inner strength. 

I want to know more! 

A regular fitness regime is only one part of full-bodied wellness. Visit our Facebook or Twitter accounts for healthy recipes, lifestyle tips and overall wellness education. 


Be fit, be healthy, be happy,
"In 10 sessions you will feel a difference, in 20 sessions you will see a difference, and in 30 sessions you will have a whole new body." - Joseph Pilates


Finish Strong - Savvy Fitness
Founder's Corner

"A lot of people are afraid of heights. Not me, I'm afraid of widths."


~ Steven Wright
LAB5 High5

Ren Lis

Ren Lis L5 High5 April 2012


Started at LAB5: My first class was early June



Favorite workout move: Spider. I know it's weird, but I like that it's awkward. Challenging yourself with movements that don't come naturally is empowering as you find success somewhere new.


Hobbies: Woodworking, cycling, clarinet, moss (Yeah, I really like moss. My favorite walks to work are just after a storm. I find little mossy treasures and carefully carry them to my desk. My co-workers are now conditioned to stop by and see what I've found.)


Pets?: Not my own, but I'm a sucker for a big fluffy dog.


Fit Fact

Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails. 



Savvy Fitness April 2012
Savvy Fitness

Cross Training & Why it works


Cross training is typically defined as an exercise regimen that uses several modes of training to develop an overall fitness or success in a specific sport. The term is widely used and is often misapplied. Here is how cross training can help you with your fitness goals:


Reduced risk of injury. By spreading the cumulative level of orthopedic stress over additional muscles and joints, individuals are able to exercise more frequently and for longer duration without excessively overloading particularly vulnerable areas of the body (e.g. knees, hips, back, shoulders, elbows and feet). Engaging in workouts from different fitness methods allows the body to use its muscles and joints from varying angles, strengthening and increasing muscular endurance and joint capacity more than would result from the same workout over and over. 


Enhanced results and total fitness. All of us are exercising to cause real and permanent changes in the body, whether rehabilitating injuries, strengthening and building muscle, or body fat reduction. All of these results happen the most effectively when...


Read More 

That was then... This is now
A reflection on our 1-year anniversary 

Saucy Health
Bonnie's Famous Guacamole
 Bonnie's Famous Guacamole Apr 2012
~Easy, Delicious, & Healthy~


Ready in less than 20 minutes (prep-time included). Click HERE to see the full recipe! 
Who knew?!
8 eats that have more sugar than a Twinkie--yikes.

Many foods we come in contact with on a regular basis are presented as "healthy alternatives" to typical snacks or candy. But, as you will learn below it's not necessarily true.... Some of the items that made the list will surely shock you. 
Take a look at this article we found courtesy of Huffington Post


~ Be fit, Be healthy, Be happy ~

Founder's Corner
Founder's Corner April 2012
Anniversary Thoughts 


Monday, April 9th marked the first year opening anniversary of LAB5 Fitness. On behalf of everyone here at LAB5 thank you so much for your support and business. It's been gratifying to watch the results obtained from regular training--and the commitment you've made to your health and fitness success. It doesn't matter if it's range of motion, flexibility, strength, balance, toning, sculpting, or weight loss; your results have been outstanding and inspiring. We are so proud of these accomplishments.


Our business is comprised of satisfied customers who have heard of us through word of mouth. Your help is always greatly appreciated as we continue to grow.


Anytime you have comments, or suggestions please feel free to share them, they are always welcomed. We have many exciting plans for continued growth and additional classes. 


If you still haven't had a chance to see what the buzz is all about, now is the time! Your first class is complimentary, and we look forward to seeing you at the LAB. 


Alan & Bonnie Cashman

Be fit, be healthy, be happy

 Keep up-to-date with LAB5


 Like us on Facebook    View our profile on LinkedIn    Follow us on Twitter    Find us on Yelp    View our videos on YouTube

LAB5FITNESS / 606 Broadway E Suite A / Seattle, WA 98102