Header Sept 2011
September Greetings from Cowlitz Title!
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Cowlitz Title Tells "The History of Terry Woodruff"


Terry Woodruff
Terry Woodruff
Title Officer/
Asst. Manager

     Anyone who knows Terry Woodruff knows that his quiet demeanor masks an excellent sense of humor.  "Woody," as he's known around the title company, is nearly always the first one on the scene in the morning, and the last one to close the doors at night.  He is known for his loyalty, kindness and humor, but the love his co-workers have for him is returned.  "The co-workers I've had the privilege of working with are basically my second family," he says, " and that makes it easy to go to work every morning."


     Born in Kansas City, Kansas, Terry's family moved to Colorado when he was in 7th grade.  He attended the University of Colorado for two years, then married and had three children:  Scott, Staci and Tyson.  When his job with an ice and cold storage plant transferred him to Walla Walla, he became "nativized" to the northwest, and hasn't left since.  He married his second wife, Bonnie (an escrow officer at Cascade Title) in 1979, and they have two children, Jennifer and Ross.   (As Bonnie likes to say, she taught Terry everything he knows about title examining.)  


     Terry has been with the Shreiner family of company for 34 years.  He started at Walla Walla Title Company in March of 1977, then was transferred to Thurston County Title in Olympia after one year, where he worked with Kelly McDonald.  In 1979, Terry and Bonnie transferred to Benton-Franklin Title in Kennewick, then to Grant County Title, where he and Bonnie ran a three person office.  When Kelly McDonald opened Cowlitz County Title in April of 1983, he hired Terry to be a Title Office.  (Terry started on April 4th, moved his family over on the 27th, and his son, Ross, was born the very next day.)


     "Cowlitz Title was a small office at that time," Terry says.  "We had seven employees, one of which was our assistant manager, Inez (Leichardt) Dixon.  After Inez retired, I became the assistant manager.  I had the opportunity to move on to other title offices, but Bonnie and I have settled in Longview and this is home to us."  


     While in Washington, Terry has joined the Jaycees (in Walla Walla) and has been an active member of the Longview Pioneer Lions, as secretary-treasurer and past president.  He's also been a board member of the Cowlitz County Guidance Council.  He was an avid bowler in his younger years but now it's only for RPAC.  He loves to golf and travel (especially to Maui).  He's also a charter member in the Arm Chair Football League, a fantasy football league that Kelly put together in 1984.  Terry and Bonnie have two grandchildren, Cooper (Scott's) and Olivia (Tyson's).  Tyson and his wife are expecting twin boys in November.  Both Jennifer and Ross are still single but have significant others.   


     "All in all," Terry says, "it's been a good life with good friends, family and living in God's Country."




Tea Leaf
Your Guide to Understanding Today's Economy and Financial Markets

The fact that the U.S. economy almost grounded to a halt despite massive and unprecedented fiscal and monetary steroids...the fact that the Federal Reserve felt compelled to serve notice that its key interest rate would stay at essentially zero for the next two years...the fact that the stock market had four days in a row of more than 400 point swings...can all be traced in one form or another back to the enormous political vacuum that is Washington D.C.  So whether you are liberal or conservative or somewhere in between, click here to read more.


A Good Time for a Good Cause

Candy Pfeifer, Angie Housley, Carey Mackey & Bianca Lemmons

   On Saturday, August 20th, 2011, 108 motorcycles, along with their riders, met at the Fibre Federal Credit Union in Woodland to draw their first card for the annual Charity Ride Poker Run.  The next Pit Stop took us to Red Canoe in Castle Rock where we then drew our next card.  So far, both myself and our riding partner, Candy Pfeifer of Red Canoe, were starting off with a possibility of a winning hand!   


     We then continued out Spirit Lake Hwy to Johnston Ridge where we were very fortunate to have a clear viewing of the magnificent Mt. St. Helens.  There we drew our third card. Our next stop was at Hoffstadt Bluffs where we drew yet another card, and although my husband and I were out of the running at that time, Candy's hand was still strong!  We enjoyed the views from the patio of Fireside Mountain Grill and decided we best get a move on to our final stop which was the Fibre Federal Credit Union in Longview where we enjoyed good food and great music by the Abbey Roadsters.  


Roger Michaelis, CEO of IQ Credit Union, and Larry Hoff, CEO of Fibre Federal Credit Union 

     Needless to say, we were so mesmerized with the beautiful view of Mt. St. Helens, that we didn't arrive at the final pit stop in time

to draw our final card.  Luckily for us, our new riding partner Candy, was a good sport!  Estimated proceeds from this year's event was $22,490.00, which benefits Doernbecher Children's Hospital.  Thanks to all of you for a fun filled day and for the new friendships that were created!


Upcoming Events

highlander festivalHighlander Festival - Festival dates are September 10th and 11th, 2011 at beautiful Tam O'Shanter Park.  FREE ADMISSION!  For more information visit the website





United Way Day of Caring - Cowlitz County United Way will hold its annual Day of Caring, Wednesday, September 14th, 2011, with more than 250 volunteers fanning out to clean streets, tidy up parks United Wayand do other community service projects.  The Day of Caring kicks off at 8:00am with a rally at the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers local 153 hall located at 724 15th Avenue in Longview.  Volunteers can sign up by calling the United Way office at 423-5320, or they can show up at the union hall Wednesday morning. 





lifeworksViva Las Vegas! - Life Works Annual Fundraiser "Jeans & Jewels" will be taking place Saturday, September 24, 2011 at the Life Works building located at 906 New York St. in  Longview.  Enjoy the bright lights, sounds, and the incredible food and drinks of sin city and enjoy all that makes Life Works great to help transform lives in Cowlitz County.  For more information, call 360-577-9093 or visit their website. 

Existing Home Sales Up Strongly From a Year Ago

Although existing-home sales declined in July from an upwardly revised June pace, they were notably higher than a year ago, according to the National Association of Realtors.  Read more.  


Lenders, LISTEN UP!


gfecalcNeed a fee quote quickly?  Good news!  CCT will be introducing the SmartGFE Calculator coming soon to our website!  Obtain title and escrow rates, recording fees and transfer taxes in a GFE and HUD-friendly format, along with the ability to place instant orders for your title and escrow transaction at any time, including nights and weekends, directly from our website.  For more information, contact Bianca Lemmons at 423-5330 for a demo of this product. 

MBA Statistics
Rates and Trends


The Mortgage Bankers Association application statistics can be an interesting picture of what's going on in the real estate market.   Click here  to view some of the most recent graphs.


Cowlitz Title Is Now On Facebook
Join Us Today!

Parade of Homes
Join us as a "friend" on Facebook and stay up-to-date on what's happening at CCT!

Happy Birthday To You! 

 September 2nd:  Diana Davis, Prudential NW Prop.

September 3rd:  Melinda Gottfryd, Cowlitz Title

September 3rd:  Patti Flores, Twin City Bank

September 5th:  Jay Hooper, Advanced Home Inspection

September 5th:  Joel Lengyel, Cascade Title

September 9th:  Jackie Brown, Red Canoe Credit Union

September 9th:  Phuong Elkins, Twin City Bank

September 10th:  Debbie Williams, Windermere

September 10th:  Theresa Byrd, Cowlitz Title

September 10th:  Breanna Lopez, John L. Scott

September 11th:  Loretta Archer, John L. Scott

September 12th:  Jana Clarke, Windermere

September 12th:  Melanie Harriman, CB Bain

September 14th:  Nicole Cathcart, John L. Scott

September 16th:  Stacey Mills, Prudential NW Prop.

September 17th:  Gerald Flaskerud, CB Bain

September 17th:  Alex Nelson, Columbia Bank

September 17th:  Ray Pyle, Catlin Properties

September 18th:  Tammie Wilson, Red Canoe CU

September 18th:  Marisa Vossen, CB River Country

September 18th:  Kenny Yoder, CB River Country

September 19th:  Randy Peck, RE/MAX Premier

September 21st:  Roy Spencer, Pacific NW Realty

September 23rd:  Gina Sterling, Prudential NW

September 26th:  Darla Gould, CB Bai

September 26th:  Lisa Nelson, Treasurer's Office

September 29th:  Mike Smith, John L. Scott

September 20th:  Dan Spreadborough, Pacific NW Realty 


Have we missed your birthday?  Please contact the office of Cowlitz title at 423-5330 to get you added to our birthday list.  

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"To succeed in life, you need three things:  a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone."  -  Reba McEntire 


july 2011

Do you have questions?  Or is there something you'd like to see in the Title TidBits?  Just email bianca@cowlitztitle.com!