In This Issue
How Our Customer Services Can Help You
Back-to-School Budget Stretchers...
Cascade Title's Business Development Dept.

2011 Scott

Scott Hogan
Manager/Vice President

2011 Tamara

Tamara Linder
Sales Representative

2011 Erica

Erica Rodman
Sales Representative
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Parade of Homes
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Angelo Inside

Don't wait until September 15 (our Open House) to come visit us in our new office! It's been nearly a month since we moved--and we love it!


Just like first-time homebuyers who are worried about whether the dining room table will fit, we were anxious to see how our new location would suit our customers and staff. What a pleasure to report that it's everything we hoped it would be: convenient for customers with free parking and an easy to find location, and easy for the staff to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at the nearby Burgerville (just kidding).


We think the new office location will help us get the word out that Cascade is not like every other title company in town: our experienced staff is the best in town both from a technical standpoint as well as being a pleasure to work with. As a real estate attorney and Vancouver native, I am proud of the team we have assembled. Many services can be viewed as a commodity; a generic item that is chosen solely on price without regard for the identity of the provider. Our fees are among the lowest in town, but the key to our success will be proving to you that the PEOPLE providing the service are the reason to use Cascade Title.


Give Cascade Title a try--we'll show you why we chose "Consistent, Courteous and Complete" as our motto. And stop by our new office already!




Scott Hogan


How Our Customer Services Can Help YOU!
Call Cascade Title for help...

A property profile (or "trio") is not the only thing you can get from our Customer Service Department! What else? Well, you can get a full color presentation package to help you get a listing, a developer's package for vacant land you want to list or sell, farm lists to help get listings or loan applications, labels, CCRs, and foreclosure information. Our Customer Service Department is led by Eric Zilm, a title officer with extensive knowledge and experience. Eric's the one to ask for; he'll be eager to answer your questions and get you what you need! Call Eric at (360) 695-1301
Stretch the "Back-to-School" Budget
Make your hard-earned dollar stretch -- and buy a little extra for the teacher...

The sale flyers are everywhere, buy why isn't there a central place to find the best deal?  And where can you find the coupons that will make your school shopping cheaper?  Take a minute to scout out this blog and find the best deals to get your kids back to school...
805 Broadway, Suite 747, Vancouver, WA 98660
Office  (360) 695-1301
Toll Free (877) 695-1301
Fax (360) 695-2358
