Greetings from Cowlitz Title!
| Bianca Lemmons Manager
Two things come to mind when the month of June arrives: Father's Day and Baseball. What better way to spend time with your father, or someone who has been a father figure in your life, then enjoying a baseball game together?
The Cowlitz Black Bears season kicks off on Friday, June 3rd at Story Field, so head on out to the ball field and enjoy a great American pastime. Baseball... the way it used to be! For information on tickets, game times and team stats, visit the Cowlitz Black Bears website.
Happy Father's Day! - Bianca |
Is Your Client Cheating on You?
Are you worried that your client is seeing other agents? Afraid that you're spending time and energy on a prospect with no good end? To find out how being quick and direct can make you their "only", click here.
Help For Distressed Sellers
Tips for Negotiating Under Pressure
In this new economy, sellers are often operating under pressure-and as an agent, it can be tricky to assist in those delicate situations. In this article, you can read a series of tips for dealing with many deal-killing situations, and hopefully stop your sellers from experiencing unnecessary heartache!
Congratulations to Mareeca Raschell Dolbey (Daughter of Deena Dolbey, employee of CCT, pictured right). Mareeca, age 17, will be graduating Westview High School on June 9, 2001. Her interests and hobbies are art and pottery, and will be attending community college in the fall to aspire to become a graphic artist. Congratulations on a job well done and to a bright and happy future!
Golf, Golf, and MORE Golf!
Friday, June 3rd - Lower Columbia Contractors Association will be holding their annual "Cheaters Cup" at Three Rivers Golf Course. Registration includes green fees, range balls, cart rental, tee party, bbq dinner, golfer's kit and drink tickets. 1:00 p.m. shotgun start. For more information and registration contact the LCCA office at 425-8820 or e-mail lcca@lcca.net.
Friday, June 17th - Kelso Longview Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic at the Longview Country Club. Shotgun start at 9:00 a.m. For more information and registration contact the office at 423-8400 or visit their website.
Saturday, June 25th - Shamrock Tavern 4 person scramble at the Longview Country Club. All proceeds to benefit the Northwest Blind Golfers Foundation. Shotgun start at 1:00pm. For more information regarding sponsorship and registration, contact Steve Jones at 360-577-7444 or Jim Durand at 360-636-0439.
Friday, July 15th - Cowlitz County Association of Realtors 2011 "Golf For a Cause" at Mint Valley Golf Course. Shotgun start at 9:00 a.m. For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities and registration, please contact the office of the CCAR at 636-1331 or by e-mail ccar@cowlitzrealtors.com.
Friday, July 17th - Twelfth Annual Hit & Giggle Golf Tournament to be held at Tri Mountain Golf Course in Ridgefield, Wa. 100% of the proceeds from this event will be donated to Doernbecher Children's Hospital. Shotgun start at 2:00 p.m. For more information regarding sponsorship opportunities and registration, contact Carey Mackey at Red Canoe C.U. at 360-578-5364 or by e-mail at cmackey@redcanoecu.com.
Friday, July 29 - Woodland Chamber Annual Invitational held at the Lewis River Golf Course. Shotgun start at 7:30 a.m. For more information on sponsorship opportunities and registration, contact the office of the Woodland Chamber at (360) 225-9552 or by e-mail at info@woodlandwachamber.com.
MBA Statistics Rates and Trends
The Mortgage Bankers Association application statistics can be an interesting picture of what's going on in the real estate market. Click here to view some of the most recent graphs.
Cowlitz Title Is Now On Facebook Join Us Today!
Join us as a "friend" on Facebook and stay up-to-date on what's happening at CCT!
Upcoming Events
Realtors Nationwide Open House! Join the biggest 2-day housing event in the world! And it started right here in Washington State! For years, several Local REALTOR® Associations in Washington conducted open-house events and they were so successful that they held their first State-Wide Open House weekend in 2009. In 2010 the concept went national and nearly every state participated. It was so big that the National Association of REALTORS® is helping them promote the event this year. The Nationwide Open House is set forJune 4th and 5th, and Realtors right here in Cowlitz County will be participating, meanwhile educating the public about the benefits of owning a home. Click here for more info...
2011 Annual Relay for Life Benefit Concert On June 4th, Prudential NW Properties is hosting their annual Relay for Life Benefit Concert to be held at the Longview Eagles located at 1526 12th Avenue, Longview at 7:00 p.m. Attendees will enjoy live music from the King Brothers, a tap performance from TAPestry, as well as a silent auction and raffles! Last year was their first year, and while they were able to raise over $1,800.00, this year their goal is to triple that. If you are able to donate an auction item (basket, bottles, etc.) for raffling, your contribution would be greatly appreciate. For information on how to donate or to attend, please contact Amanda Nipper at Prudential NW Realty at 360-442-7800 or email anipper@prunw.com. |
Happy Birthday To You!
June 2: Lisa Thompson - John L. Scott June 2: Jo Anne Spaur - The Advisors June 4: Rod Erickson - CB Bain June 5: Lorre Jaffe - Prudential NW Properties June 5: Deena Wheeler - Pacific NW Realty June 9: Tamira Bradley - Life Mortgage June 9: Kari Ann Botero - Life Mortgage June 10: Toni Rydquist - Hometown Bank June 10: Kristina Swanson - County Auditor June 11: Larry McVicker - Columbia River Prop. June 14: Anggi Rice - The Advisors June 15: Lee Rosendaal - Prudential NW Prop. June 19: Lance McDaniel - Pacific NW Realty June 20: Nicole Hendrick - Rodman Realty June 21: Hal Palmer - Woodford Real Estate June 22: Trey Davis - Coldwell Banker Bain June 28: Bill Hallanger - Rodman Realty June 29: Lillian Johnson - Prudential NW Prop.
Have we missed your birthday? Please contact the office of Cowlitz title at 423-5330 to get you added to our birthday list.
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother."
- Unknown.
Do you have questions? Or is there something you'd like to see in the Title TidBits? Just email bianca@cowlitztitle.com!