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Thanksgiving Greetings from Cowlitz Title!
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Mt. Defiance
Bianca on Mt. Defiance

Greetings from the summit of Mt. Defiance!


As I glanced at my calendar daily, counting the days I had left to train for my mountain climb, the day finally arrived.  And what a beautiful October day it was.   As the sun rose above the Columbia River along the Gorge, I started my ascent of Mt. Defiance at 7:30am in hopes of reaching the summit within 5 hours.   Many climbers consider Mt. Defiance their favorite training mountain for Mt. Hood because of the strenuous climb in elevation of over 5,100 feet within a 5 mile distance.  Mt. Defiance is the highest point along the Columbia Gorge and has beautiful views of Mt. Adams, Mt. Rainier and Mount St. Helens to the North, and Mt. Hood to the East.   I am pictured here at the summit with a view of Mt. Hood.  And yes, that is a Columbia River Reader in my hand.   I was the only climber on the mountain that day until I reached the summit and then I encountered another climber who came up from the West side of the mountain.  We had nice conversation about our mountain climbing adventures and shared some stories while snacking on a Snicker's bar, preparing ourselves for the steep descent down.   I arrived back at my car after a total of a 9 hour climb and couldn't have been happier to see civilization again.  There's nothing more rewarding than knowing you've accomplished a task in which your mind could so easily talk you out of accomplishing...  Next year, Mt. Hood.

Customer Service
Introducing "Profile Plus"
Profile Plus


Dan Lindstrom

Customer Service

Cowlitz Title would like to introduce to you our newest information packet known as the Profile +Plus.   Similar to the Property Profile (aka Trio), we now have additional information available to you to help service your clients.  Please contact Dan Lindstrom at 423-5330 for more information, because "Service is the Difference" at Cowlitz Title.


Welcome Larry W. Hembree!  Larry has been hired as the new Executive Director of the CCAR.  We look forward to your involvement and support of our Realtors.

The annual CCAR Awards and Installation Banquet and Auction is coming up on Friday, November 5th.  Click here for more information!

Cowlitz Title News
What's Happening In Our Office

Our own Jason Hanson, Title Examiner, popped the question to his  beautiful girlfriend (now fiancé) Katelyn Jorgensen, while vacationing at Disneyland.  How can a proposal at Disneyland be anything but "magical"?  Congratulation Jason and Katelyn!




As a way to say thank you for your business, please join us for some hors d'oeuvres and wine at our Harvest Open House reception on Friday, November 19th from 4:00-6:00 at the office of Cowlitz Title. 

Save the Date
"So You Think We Can Dance?"

danceOn Saturday, December 11th, St. John Medical Center celebrates their 9th annual Foundation Holiday Gala "Affaire for the Heart...So You Think We Can Dance".  This event will be held at the Cowlitz Regional Conference Center and  will be a fun evening of dancing extravaganza with your community stars performing various dance styles.  The evening also includes live and silent auctions, all to benefit cardiology.  If you are interested in sponsoring, donating a procurement item, or attending the event, please contact Becky Tapley at the Foundation at 414-7904 or by e-mail      Live heart healthy and help support St. John Medical Center.

LCCA Moves

lccaThe Lower Columbia Contractor's Association has moved...their new address is 1015A Vandercook Way, Longview, next door to Columbia River Carpet One.

If you are in need of assistance, please call the office at   360.425.8820  and Jeanette Scibelli will try their best to assist you.

Thanksgiving 8000 Calorie Poem

May your stuffing be tasty turkey
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
have nary a lump.
May your yams be delicious
and your pies take the prize,
and may your Thanksgiving dinner
stay off your thighs!

MBA Statistics
Rates and Trends
The Mortgage Bankers Association application statistics can be an interesting picture of what's going on in the real estate market.  Click here to view some of the most recent graphs.

Cowlitz Title Is Now On Facebook
Join Us Today!

Parade of Homes
Join us as a "friend" on Facebook and stay up-to-date on what's happening at CCT!

Do You Have an Investor Client?
Suggest a 1031 Exchange

Jim Ogan

Jim Ogan

First American 1031 Exchange

If so, you could save them some tax dollars by suggesting a 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange.  With property prices being where they are, investors are taking advantage of the market to purchase investment property and most likely have property they need to exchange along the way.  For more information regarding 1031 Tax Deferred Exchange, contact Jim Ogan of First American Exchange Company at (360) 573-5935 or you can visit their website for more information.  

Caramel Apple Recipes
Want to make something fun with the kids?

caramel apples

Need something to do with the kids during this harvest season?  Caramel apples is an easy and fun project for kids to do with a little bit of assistance from the parents.  With so many different varieties of apples and coatings, check out some of these exciting and fun recipes!

Kelso Longview Chamber Events

Take a minute to peruse the Chamber website and find out about upcoming events that could help you and your business!

Happy Birthday To You!

Our apologies to Emily Wilcox of the Cowlitz County Auditor's Office and Kathy Hanks of the Cowlitz County Treasurer's Office -- we missed their birthdays this October.  Happy belated birthday!

November 6th:  Shirley Nelson, CBFR

November 7th:  Jake Petty, Prudential NW Prop.

November 8th:  Linda Vodrup, CBFR

November 9th: Rick Dahl, FFCU

November 10th:  Jon Trussel, Wells Fargo Home Mortgage

November 10th:  Jackie Young, FFCU

November 10th:  Jeff Rauth, C-Pac Mortgage

November 11th:  Julie Flood, RE/Max Premier

November 16th:  Ingrid Knutsen, Prudential NW Prop.

Novmeber 18th:  Kelly McDonald, Clark County Title

November 19th:  Heather, CitiFinancial

November 20th:  Tom Johnson, Windermere

November 22nd:  Prosper Brajcich, John L. Scott

November 22nd:  Bonnie Woodruff, Cascade Title

November 23rd:  Cheri Payne, C-Pac Mortgage

November 27th:  Gregg Myklebust, Windermere

November 27th:  Lori Hambly, Cowlitz Title

November 29th:  Jessie Chaffin, RE/Max Premier

November 30th:  Taryn Kallwick, RE/Max Results

Have we missed your birthday?  Please contact the office of Cowlitz title at 423-5330 to get you added to our birthday list.

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there"
- Will Rogers

Sept Stats

Do you have questions?  Or is there something you'd like to see in the Title TidBits?  Just email!