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Happy Halloween from the Title TidBits!
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Cowlitz Title Staff - Halloween 2009

Halloween is just around the corner, and with that comes all of our favorite things...candy corn, pumpkins, harvest, caramel apples  and the fresh smell of fall in the air!  And be sure to not get spooked in your next closing.  Our experienced staff here at Cowlitz Title guarantees to deliver only treats, and no tricks at the closing table!

- Happy Halloween from the staff of Cowlitz Title!
News from our friends...

Don and Donna Hammond are proud grandparents of a grandson born Saturday August 28, 2010.  His name is Jaden Emerson Wright and weighed 8 lbs 14 oz and was 21 inches long.  Mother's name is Heather Wright and she is the daughter of Don.  Donna now has 5 grandsons and one granddaughter.  Congratulations to Don and Donna!
Cowlitz Title News
What's Happening In Our Office

On Wednesday, September 15th, we joined Coldwell Banker for United Way Day of Caring in which Dyann Crayne, Arlene Reynolds, Mark Scroggins, Rod Ericksen, Dennis LaVoie and Bianca put in a hard day of work to help a 63 year old grandmother who is raising her two grandchildren. 
     The day consisted of a lot of weed-eating and raking, and in the end we had wonderful fellowship together.  Mark tried to teach Bianca how to spit sunflower seeds while Dyann and Arlene made their own fun!

Street of Screams
A Terrifyingly Good Cause

Street of ScreamsPioneer Lions presents the 2010 Street of Screams being held on  Sunday, October 31st, 2010 from 4:00-pm-8:00pm.  This is a fun event that keeps children safe, off the streets, and provides funding for children in need of services such as vision and hearing screenings, sending diabetic kids to Lions Club "Camp Leo", Back Pack Program through Cowlitz County Sheriff's Dept. and contribute to the food bank of Cowlitz County.  The Lions club needs your help in planning and taking part in this event.  Please contact Cindy Goetz for more information by email or phone 360.749.0258.   
Home Sweet Home?
Get some Fall and Winter maintenance tips for your home!

If you live in the Northwest, here are maintenance jobs you should complete every fall and winter to prevent costly repairs and keep your home in top condition.  Read more here.
Saving Lives One Pink Ribbon At A Time

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  Visit here for more information on what you need to know about breast cancer.  Awareness is the key to early detection and can save lives.  And be sure to tell someone you know who may have fought the battle, or may be fighting now, how much you care for them.
CEDC Announces Strategic Plan
Implementation Begins

With over two-hundred community leaders in attendance, the TIP Strategies final presentation
was made at a CEDC membership meeting on September 2nd at the Cowlitz Expo Center. Jon
Roberts, Principal of TIP Strategies, delivered the keynote address outlining where we came
from, our current position in the economy and where we are headed based on what we do next.
After Jon's presentation Chair Mike Karnofski, 1st Vice-Chair Brian Skeahan, 2nd Vice-Chair
Bianca Lemmons and President, Ted Sprague gave our vision for the plan moving forward and
 took questions from a very engaged audience. For those of you that could not make the meeting please see the plan and presentation slides on our website.
MBA Statistics
Rates and Trends
The Mortgage Bankers Association application statistics can be an interesting picture of what's going on in the real estate market.  Click here to view some of the most recent graphs.
Cowlitz Title Is Now On Facebook
Join Us Today!

Parade of Homes
Try using case studies, success stories, testimonials or examples of how others used your product or service successfully. Add a "Find out more..." link to additional information on your website.
Keep Your Home Purchase On Track
You've found the house -- now what?

You've found your dream home.  Make sure missteps don't prevent a successful closing.  A home purchase isn't complete until you make it to the closing.  Until then, the transaction can fall apart for many reasons.  Click here to view five tips for avoiding mistakes that can cause a home sale to crater.
Halloween Sweets and Treat
Want to make something fun with the kids?

Here are a few links to some Halloween treats that will be fun to make for both you and the kids!
Kelso Longview Chamber Events

Take a minute to peruse the Chamber website and find out about upcoming events that could help you and your business!
Happy Birthday To You!

October 1st:  Judith Boughton, Realty World
October 2nd: 
Rob Ward, Coldwell Banker Flaskerud Realty
October 2nd: 
Kathleen Harris, Coldwell Banker Flaskerud Realty
October 2nd: 
Diane Crockett, FFCU
October 2nd: 
Dean Gehrman, John L. Scott
October 2nd: 
Nita Rudd, Cascade Title
October 4th: 
Terri Sharpe, Coldwell Banker Flaskerud Realty
October 4th: 
Lindsey Faeber, Cascade Title
October 5th: 
Sabrina Flores, Umpqua Bank
October 6th: 
Kristin Cheatley, Windermere
October 6th: 
Wade Bejcek, Regal Mortgage
October 8th: 
Brigit Faber, Cowlitz County Auditor's Office
October 8th: 
Sue Shetler, RE/MAX Premier
October 8th: 
Pat Rodman, Rodman Realty
October 10th: 
Sherrie Anshutz, RE/MAX Premier
October 11th: 
Jessica Baker, Coldwell Banker Flaskerud Realty
October 16th: 
Jennifer Argyropoulos, The Advisor's Mortgage
October 19th: 
Shirley Little, John L. Scott
October 20th: 
Stacey Ferrell, John L. Scott
October 21st: 
Sonja Denson, Windermere
October 25th: 
Cheryl Ballard, Windermere
October 25th:
  Theresa Campbell, Cowlitz County Title
October 27th:  Kelly Williams, Rodman Realty
October 31st:  David Thelin, Coldwell Banker Flaskerud Realty

"Once you replace the negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results."
-Willie Nelson
August Stats

Do you have questions?  Or is there something you'd like to see in the Title TidBits?  Just email!