MoVibe On Air Light Voiceovers 1-877-MoVibe0

When the booth is a rockin' - don't come a knockin'!

Last Blast of Summer Into Autumn Action!

September 3, 2011 VoiceOversStea=
In This Issue
One Word Prep
Mo Knows Talent
MoVibe Monday Morning Motivator!
Nuemann Close UPActor Spotlight
Contact Us VoiceOvers
112 Elmwood Street
Auburn, Massachusetts 01501




It's been too long since we've checked in!  How has your summer been?  You know it has been a good summer when you're actually itching to pick up the pace and I am!


We've enjoyed peachy beachy vacations, poolside playdates, trips to museums, ice cream, late night movies and tender times with our kids Ian (9) and Ava (6).  This summer I said "yes" to them alot and "no" to some other folks and that was liberating!


Are you spending your time precisely as you'd like?  Let's talk about some ways to take the blast of summer and propel you into the action of Autumn!



Please enjoy a nice iced coffee, tea or lemonade and read on!


Health and Happiness to you and yours,


Moneen - The Mo in MoVibe VoiceOvers


One Word Performance Prep!


It all comes down to...INTENTION.  A script, a spouse, a colleague, a neighbor, your mother in law - no matter who you're talking to or what you're talking about - you have to ask yourself one question - "Do you feel lucky?".  Kidding! 


No, you must ask yourself "What is my INTENTION?".  When I coach voiceover talent, when I approach the mic, when I talk to my kids or husband or anyone - INTENTION is what I'm thinking about.  Sometimes I'm surprised to find my intention in upside down and needs to be corrected.


Right now, my intention is for you to perceive that the results of your performances come from internal factors and not external factors.  If we are quiet at the mic or in preparation for any performance, there is a dialectic that takes place. We receive information psychologically that can help or hinder.  It is our choice to take action or not.  Does this ring true for you? 


When reading a bevy of bios this summer, I found INTENTION was mentioned by some true blue craftspeople like; Keith RIchards, Dick Van Dyke, Eric Clapton, Susie Essman, Alan Arkin and Carol Burnett to name a few.


What was the most important task you've accomplished today?  What was your INTENTION when preparing for it?

Mo  knows Talent!


Congratulations  to  Fred Meseck and Glenda Webb who both scored NYC agents after voice coaching with me and demo direction and production with me through The Great Voice Company.


Congratulations to Karen Glick for publishing her first novel "Questions in the Silence".  Karen and I worked together on both a commercial and narration demo - handy to have presentation skills for her book tours!


Congratulations to voice talent Jason Brough.  Jason worked with me one on one for 4 weeks. Jason discovered the MoVibe Recording Method and embraced some self direction techniques.  Out of the gate, Jason came in  1st  place in a voice acting contest held at a prominent NYC  studio.  You can listen to the demo I directed and produced for him at

Jason shared this about our experience together:
"Moneen always had my back. She's friendly, charming and quick with a great word of encouragement. I never had to wonder how she felt about my performance. Mo always wanted more from me and knew how to get it. I am a better person and professional voice over talent today because of Moneen Daley Harte. I highly encourage any voice talent wanting to go to the next level to visit or call Moneen".

Can't give 100%?  Give 30%!  In baseball, sales, fitness, performance and parenting, giving a consistent 30% will lead to ACCOMPLISHMENT!  We all need wiggle room to mess up - because we will.



Discover and Do Good!
New Offering! The MoVibe Monday Morning Motivator!
Need that push to get 'er done on Monday morning?  Want something to look forward to?  Would you benefit from a caring moment of encouragement and inspiration to start off your week?   Yes, you would, I know you would. 
So, please send me an email and I'll sign you up to recieve this weekly audio gem...for free!

About Us - Voiceovers



"Vibe" may be described as producing an emotional response. specializes in recording and producing audio that is emotionally compelling.

When your message is heard - you want the listener to FEEL.

My unique approach to script preparation with a focus on the psychological aspects of the speaker and listener evoke the appropriate emotion with winning results. VoiceOvers