con (972) 455-9270
In This Issue
What Matters Now
Why Your Company Should Be Using CRM Online
Looking Up
Virtualization for Dummies
Microsoft Dynamics
Introducing PowerPivot for Excel 2010

Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010, formerly known as Project "Gemini" is a data analysis add-in that delivers unmatched computational power directly within Microsoft Excel 2010.  Watch the video.
Social Media
KnowEm allows you to check for the use of your brand, product, personal name or username instantly across over 340 popular and emerging social media websites. Grab your name before someone else does.

Fun Fact
If coloring weren't added to Coca-Cola, it would be green.
Tips and Tricks
Learn how to import contacts from Excel or a CSV File into Outlook.
About Our Firm
Conexus SG

III Lincoln Centre
5430 LBJ Freeway
Suite 1200
Dallas, TX  75240

eNewsletter January 2010

Welcome 2010! 

We, like you, recently turned our calendar pages to a new year, a new beginning, a new opportunity for growth and success.  In that spirit, this month we highlight the inspirational What Matters Now, a feel-good collection of vignettes for the thinking business person. 
In an interview with Peter Jennings, Bill Gates once said, "My success, part of it certainly, is that I have focused in on a few things."  Gates's words remind us that we must decide precisely what matters, define our objectives narrowly, focus on what can help us achieve them, and become masters of our trade.
What "few things" will you emphasize this year?  What matters most to you in 2010?  How will your company surpass its growth, productivity, and learn from 2009? You undoubtedly have a plan of action.  Please remember to contact us when we can play a part. 
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Eric Holleman
What Matters Now
The moment is here.  We stand at a fork in the road.  The time has come to choose our direction.  With purpose.  Deliberately.  It's time to look beyond the bottom line and see precisely what matters about what we do.  Seth Godin's compilation of motivational and inspirational insights for the business-minded is guaranteed to make you think, to make you feel, and, truthfully, to make you act.  It's chock-full of feel-good, big-picture, at-the-end-of-the-day nuggets of wisdom. . . We promise you'll approach the rest of your day differently after reading it.  It may just change your life.
Click here to be compelled to think, to feel, and to act.   
A Top Ten List:  Why Your Company Should Be Using CRM Online
CRM OnlineWe know you're out there.  You have to be at work at o'dark thirty, but you simply cannot help yourself.  You have to stay up late enough to catch a glimpse of David Letterman's famous Top Ten List.  Whether he is poking fun at a political figure, making wise-cracks about the latest and greatest gifts and gadgets, or even listing the many reasons one should own a goat, he makes you laugh. 
This Top Ten List is for you.  It is the perfect marriage of business and pleasure, of profit and play, of ROI and LOL.  Sounds good; doesn't it?
Click here to read the Mid Morning Show's Top Ten List of the day. 
Looking Up
Lay-offs.  Hiring freezes.  Forced Furloughs.  Pay cuts.  Any CFO or Controller can tell you what was definitive about the past year.  And we all know it wasn't good news.  But optimism for the future, despite what unemployment numbers now reveal, is the overwhelming feeling among prognosticators and polled CFOs around the world.  Why?  What signs reveal that the tide is, in fact, turning?  And will an almost bullish stock market loosen company purse strings?  Can we count on more jobs in the new year?
Click here to find out what lies ahead.
Virtualization for Dummies
VirtualizationVirtualization is the latest in a long line of technical innovations designed to increase the level of system abstraction and enable IT users to harness ever-increasing levels of computer performance.

At its simplest level, virtualization allows you, virtually and cost-effectively, to have two or more computers, running two or more completely different environments, on one piece of hardware. For example, with virtualization, you can have both a Linux machine and a Windows machine on one system.  Alternatively, you could host a Windows 95 desktop and a Windows XP desktop on one workstation.

Read more from Virtualization for Dummies.


At CONEXUS sg, we focus on information as an asset. Our consultants have an unmatched depth and breadth of business and technology experience. We will work closely with you and your team to understand your specific needs, and then we will craft a customized solution for your business.  Visit our website at