This November will be the crucial election which will determine whether we begin to restore our constitutional republic, or make the permanent shift into a European-style socialist welfare state. When this is over, will you be able to look back and tell your children that you did everything in your power to preserve their liberty while you had the chance? The Oregon Tea Party is committed to helping you stay informed and equipped to restore our state and nation to the principles of constitutionally limited government, free market principles and fiscal responsibility. Thank you for joining us in the fight for liberty!
Sincerely,Oregon Tea Party |
We can't say we weren't warned.
 The mask is off, and so are the gloves. Obama and his Leftist supporters see their window of opportunity to finally dispense with our constitutional republic and permanently install a ruling class that will "fundamentally transform" the country we love into their Socialist Utopia. Read More >>
Two weeks ago last Thursday my phone rang. It was just about 8 PM. On the other end was Andrew Breitbart. He got straight to the point. "Can you be here by 10 AM tomorrow? I want to put you in my documentary. It's the last day of production." Read More >>
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