Register online for fall Mediation trainings


Our Family logoOur Family's Community Mediation Program has a full schedule of fall trainings, and registration is open!
Go online to register.


Basic Mediation Training: Our 40-hour basic-skills mediation course prepares participants to mediate a variety of workplace and personal conflicts.

  • 8:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. October 13, 14, 15, 20, 21 & 22 at Our Family, 3830 E. Bellevue St. Earlybird registration by September 21 is $375 (save $50)


Eldercare Mediation Training: For mediators and professionals who work with the elderly. It will address family dynamics, the aging process and its possible impact on mediation, legal and financial issues, and ways to accommodate cognitive impairment or other challenges.

  • 8 a.m.-5 p.m. November 3, 4 & 5 at Our Family. $400.


Circles Process Training, Levels 1 and 2: Circles have been used for centuries by indigenous peoples to build community, resolve conflict, and promote respectful dialogue among people with differing points of view. More recently, circles have been used in business, human services, the legal system and education. Level 1 demonstrates the basic hows and whys of the circle method and is a prerequisite for Level 2 training. Level 2 teaches how to choose and convene the appropriate circle method for the group and facilitation skills specific to the circles process.

  • Level 1: 5:30-8 p.m. Sept. 23, Sept. 30 or Oct. 6 at Our Family. $20.
  • Level 2: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 8 & 9 at Our Family. $125.


Email Mediation Coordinator Catherine Tornbom for details.