Logo BizWorks Studio & The Computer Spirit
WordPress and Coffee Websites and Coffee


Websites and Coffee is brought to you by...
The Computer Spirit, aka Joyce Kaye, who is dedicated to teaching entrepreneurs, small business owners, and nonprofit leaders to take command of their websites. Her patience and encouraging way, combined with a growing knowledge of WordPress websites, makes her your perfect guide on this empowering - and rewarding mission! Joyce prefers her coffee decaffeinated, and likes to brew a rich concoction of espresso, French roast, Gorilla, and Highland Grogg.

Websites and coffee Roger Wyer, co-founder of BizWorks Studio and author of books about joy, awakening, gardening - and business. His passion for meaningful conversation, coupled with his intuitive approach, makes him a thoughtful and inspiring guide along this challenging - and rewarding path! Rog prefers his coffee high test, dark-roasted, with a side of organic dark chocolate and raw almonds.
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Contact Info
Joyce S. Kaye


Welcome again to what is the third member of our e-newsletter outreach.

"Reaching Out," our first e-newsletter, has morphed into Roger's personal attempt to stay connected. Joyce publishes a monthly combination of spirit-filled and computer-related messages.

In the "Websites and Coffee" e-newsletter, we will focus on helping you create and grow your own WordPress website. W+C will include a schedule of upcoming workshops that take you from the earliest consideration of having a website, all the way to regular workouts to keep it in shape.

But it's not just about websites! It's about coffee too! And you.
Your website is an expression of your true work - or at least it could be! But first you have to get clear about the nature of that true work. Only then can you shine forth in a way that attracts your perfect clients.

Walking through this process can be revealing. Beginning in a muddle and skipping steps leads to a muddled website and no energy to keep going - have you ever seen one of those? You're alive and your website should be too!
Rog's standard for coffee shops is Rockwood Bakery in Spokane, Washington.

It's located in an older neighborhood - read "Big Trees" - just a block away from a wonderful park, in a large, funky house loaded with character. Everything inside is wood - except the bakery case, which is loaded with way too many delicious treats. The coffee is terrific and the atmosphere is local and laid-back. Rockwood Bakery is a perfect spot to hang out on a rainy day - which pretty much describes Spokane!
Coffee cup web calendar
August 2012

Aug 9 | Thu | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
"What's the Point: Why Bother With Your Own Website?"

Aug 15 | Wed | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
"Conversation Marketing"

Aug 16 | Thu | 9:00 AM - Noon
"Web Workout"

Aug 18 | Sat | 10:00 AM - Noon
"Intro to WordPress"

Aug 23 | Thu | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
"Know Thyself: Become the Expert in Your Field"

Aug 29 | Wed | 9:00 - 11:00 AM
"Conversation Marketing"

We don't want to overwhelm you with terrific e-newsletters even when that seems to be the case. We do want to experiment with this tool to stay in touch - to keep the door open between us - and to invite you in.

We hope you'll consider experiencing one of these workshops - we'd love to have you!
Our Signatures

Joyce and Rog


e-News designed, developed, and published by The Computer Spirit