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Vol. III, Issue 34
December 22, 2011
How to Stay Healthy & Energized this Holiday
Stay Slim Holiday e-Cookbook
About Rose
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Happy Holidays! 


It's little Violet's first Christmas and we're having a blast! Violet's First Christmas

I'm so excited... I collect fruit and vegetable ornaments (yes, I'm a dork!), and I got a new broccoli, artichoke, and corn for the tree.

I hope you're having a wonderful and stress-free holiday season.  These are really intense times with the coming of 2012.  The universe has definitely been stirring things up that need to be completed to push us to the next level. This is a time when you especially need to be conscious of really taking good care of yourself. 

Time to go back to decorating our family tree.  Yippee!

Much love,
~ Rose



Be sure to keep your eyes out in January for an amazing special on our famous 10 Week Transformation Program.  This will be an essential component of getting healthy and losing weight for the New Year, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled, as I have something really special in store for you. ;)  

Featured Article       

"How to Stay Healthy & Energized this Holiday Season & Still Enjoy All Your Favorite Comfort FooRose Coleds"

I haven't gained a single pound over the holidays for the past 5 years. I eat all that I want. I never go hungry.
I'm not trying to rub it in, I'm just letting you know that it's possible!

It wasn't always this way though... years ago, I was just like the majority of the population who put on the dreaded 5-10 pound holiday bulge, but then I found out the secret to staying slim during the holidays, while still eating all my favorite dishes.

How do I do it?
I still eat  Ginger Cookies, Holiday Nog, Baked Yams, Turkey, Pumpkin  Pie with cream topping, all of my other fav holiday recipes, but I replace the 4 ingredients that pack on the pounds the fastest, with healthy alternatives, that even taste better!

So what are these 4 ingredients that cause our bodies to store fat and make us tired?Food allergies
  • Gluten
  • Sugar
  • Dairy 
  • Soy
If you've already figured out that going gluten-free, dairy-free, and sugar-free is the fastest way to lose weight and increase your energy... good for you.

But not to worry! You can still enjoy all of your traditional holiday recipe.

You just substitute the problem ingredients in your dishes with healthy gluten-free, sugar-free, and dairy-free alternatives.

Like... Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil... not only an excellent cooking oil, but one of the healthiest foods on the planet...

And... Agave Nectar... an all-natural, honey-like sweetener that, unlike sugar, has a very low glycemic index.

Here's a sample holiday menu with healthy substitutions:
  • Holiday Nog (using Almond Cream instead of dairy)
  • Healthy Roasted Turkey (using ghee for basting instead of butter)
  • Nutty Yam Bake (using almond milk and sweetened with agave nectar)
  • Almond Stuffing (using almond meal with typical stuffing spices)
  • Gluten-Free Herb Dinner Rolls (using brown rice flour instead of wheat flour)
  • Cranberry Sauce (using fresh cranberries and agave nectar)
  • Christmas Cookies (using almonds and dates instead of flour and sugar)
  • Raw Pumpkin Pie (using fresh pumpkin and psyllium)
Check out this video of me doing my most popular recipe on the internet tv show, OrganicAuthority.com TV!

It's at the bottom of the pagehere:

Holiday Nog Video


Want to Use This Article in Your Newsletter or Web Site? You can, as long as you include this complete tag with it:  

Certified Nutrition Coach, Rose Cole, publishes the"Natural Health & Nutrition Tips" online e-Letter. If you're ready to lose the last 10-20 stubborn pounds without dieting, and increase your energy all naturally, get your free subscription atwww.RoseCole.com 

Rose Recommends
Celebrate the Holidays Deliciously and Without Guilt with the "Stay-Slim Holiday Recipes" e-Cookbook!
Holiday e-Cookbook
This e-cookbook features sugar-free recipes like my "Sassy Cranberry Sauce" and all of the gluten-free and dairy-free holiday cookies I love.

Now you can create all of your favorite holiday treats from turkey to pumpkin pie without packing on the accompanying pounds! ;)

Click here for more details!www.RoseCole.com/HolidayCookbook
About Rose

Rose Headshot Green sweater

Rose Cole, C.N.C., C.N.H.P., holistic nutrition coach, certified nutrition consultant, and certified natural health professional, is co-author of the book Audacious Aging with Deepak Chopra and Andrew Weil. A nationally recognized speaker on the subject of spirituality, natural health and nutrition for more than a decade, in 2006, she established Wellness With Rose Inc and later the High Priestess Programs. Her well-known virtual business, www.RoseCole.com, has thousands of free videos, articles, and audio downloads on holistic living. Her books, products and speaking appearances focus on her approach to a life of vitality and connected purpose. Today, she combines her knowledge about the physical, emotional and spiritual body to help women connect to the core vitality that spurs truly remarkable lives, relationships and careers. Her work is based on the intersection of where the human body meets past emotional trauma and shows how each individual's spiritual self is really the final frontier - a place of unencumbered and joyful existence.


CLICK HERE to read more about Rose and Wellness With Rose Inc.


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�2011 Wellness With Rose Inc, All Rights Reserved. The information in this newsletter is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional or intended as medical advice. Rose encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. Disclaimer: The entire contents of this newsletter are based upon the opinions of Rose Cole, unless otherwise noted. The information provided is for entertainment purposes only.


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