Homeschooling Teen Magazine Header

Homeschooled Teen Profile: Robin Lee Graham
Modesty Series: Part 3 of 5
Homeschool Friendly College: East Texas Baptist University
College Bound Reading List: Summer Reading
Short Story: "Red and Yellow, Black and White," by Carly Anspaugh, 15
E-Mail Etiquette: Tip-of-the-Month
HST Column: Webcomix
Homeschooling High School: College Testing
Parents Column  
Plus a whole lot more!!! 

�  Homeschool Copyright Month
�  National Rose Month
�  National Safety Month
�  Skin Cancer Awareness Month
4 Aesop's Birthday (620 BC)
 6 D-Day (1944)
 9 Donald Duck's Birthday (1934)
12 Anne Frank's Birthday (1929)
14 Flag Day
14 World Juggling Day
21 Father's Day
21 First Day of Summer
23 Midsummer Eve
27 Helen Keller's Birthday (1880)
28 Paul Bunyan Day


Do you like to write? Well, why don't you send us something! Become a part of Homeschooling Teen magazine and submit a letter, article, poem, short story, or review to:

[email protected]

ephemeral - (adj.) quickly disappearing; transient.
"Stardom in pop music is ephemeral; most of the top acts of ten years ago are forgotten today."

E-mail Etiquette:
Tip of the Month
Always start every e-mail with a Hello, Hi or a greeting and the name of the person you are e-mailing.  Then, end every e-mail with a proper sign-off and your name. 
If you are asking for help or assistance a TIA! (Thank You in Advance!) or "appreciate your help" will go a long way to having the other side want to help you with your request.
These simple courtesies will prevent you from being perceived as demanding or rude.
This E-mail Etiquette Tip is provided as a courtesy by:

In the Good Old Summertime
"There's a time of each year that we always hold dear, good old summertime; with the birds and the trees and the sweet scented breezes, good old summertime...."
What comes to mind when you think of summertime?
Backyard barbeques... picnics... camping... beach parties... sandcastles... sailing... swimming... raspberry picking... lemonade... watermelon... ice cream... flowers... fireworks... family reunions...?

 Picnic Basket
How are you spending your summer? Tell us about your summertime activities so we can share them in the next issue! E-mail:

 MOVIE QUOTE- Can you guess what movie this quote came from?
"Badges? We ain't got no badges. We don't need no badges. I don't have to show you any stinking badges!"
(Answer: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, 1948)


FREE Christian Higher Education Resource Center 
The Christian Connector offers a "one-stop-shop" for receiving free information from Christian colleges and Bible colleges. The Christian Connector's mission is to serve as a link between students and Christian colleges, Bible colleges, short-term missions and other Christian youth opportunities in the U.S., Canada, and Internationally. There are over 100 Christian colleges that students can conveniently choose to request information from - all in one place! It's like attending a huge Christian college fair without ever leaving home. Prospective students can also request information from seminaries, Christian graduate schools and mission organizations through The Christian Connector site. All of the information services provided by The Christian Connector are offered absolutely free! The free request form that you complete will automatically enter you in a $2,500.00 Christian college scholarship drawing.  

Father's Day is June 21 - Don't forget to do something special for your dad!  Rather than buying a stereotypical Father's Day gift, think about what your dad would really like. A gift from the heart means the most, because he will appreciate the thought behind it more than how much you spent. One of the best things you can do is to share your time and interests with your dad. Besides, he probably already has enough ties! 
"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years." ~Mark Twain

Modesty  Part 3 of 5 


We've seen that modesty is an expression of purity, consideration, and wisdom, intended to help ourselves and others enjoy relationships and attraction in God's way and God's time for God's glory, our good, and the good of those around us. Now what does modesty actually look like in practice?
Well, I am not going to give a complete list of do's and don'ts. But here are some hints.
Bodies and what they're like
Some parts of the body need more help to be modest than others! Everything a one-piece bathing suit covers is very important, and the thighs and upper chest are a close second. Be especially careful about these areas, particularly the most private areas.
Your body
Keep in mind that your body and someone else's body are not the same shape. If you are especially curvy or really buff in a certain part of your physique, you will have to be more careful about that part of you when choosing clothing than your friend might have to be. The question about any style isn't whether someone can wear it modestly. The question is whether you can wear it modestly. Jeans, for example? Some girls can wear jeans modestly and some can't. It depends on what shape you are between your waist and your knees. Most jeans are cut to curve. You need to be honest about whether that's suitable for your figure, or not. If it's not, you may be able to find denim pants that are modest, but you may have to avoid typical jeans.
What does the fabric do?
Also, consider that just covering the body with fabric is not enough. It's what the fabric does that counts. How does it drape, flow, move? Is it clingy, drapy, tight? What happens when you move in the style you are considering? When you sit, lean over, walk up a flight of stairs? Is it modest when you are standing in front of a mirror, but no longer modest when you move? Then it isn't modest. If it opens and closes, slips down, etc., reconsider.
When less is more and more is less
Modesty also recognizes that sometimes "peek-a-boo" is more tempting to others than something that covers less skin overall, but which doesn't invite others to keep on looking at and thinking about your body. For example, a few inches of leg might show above the knee in a pair of shorts, and you may still be modest. Yet if you wear a long skirt with a front slit that goes a few inches above the knee, you are dressed to cause trouble. More of you is covered, technically speaking-but the effect is tempting to others, because it invites the eye to go higher. Likewise a skirt that's much, much longer in back than in front. Such skirts would often be more modest if they were shortened-in back-so that they no longer drew the eye upwards in front. It's the overall effect as much as the exact numbers of inches showing or not showing that you should consider. Similarly, sheer or semi-sheer fabrics, as in a sheer cardigan over a camisole, can be suggestive, and a problem for guys.
Also, certain styles, even layered over other styles, can be a problem, like a "slip dress" or baby doll style over another top. The other top might be more modest alone than it is under the baby doll style! Likewise, a jumper whose top is just skinny straps on a full-figured girl. You're completely covered, but what is the effect on people's thoughts about your shape? You'd be better off without those skinny straps. Likewise a jumper with a really low-cut bodice. It's over another top, but it sends a signal. Even color can sometimes be used in ways that aren't modest. A dress in an otherwise modest cut and style which used color so that you appeared to be wearing a bikini top would not be a modest dress.
I'll also mention pants with itty bitty short zippers in front. Sure, your midriff may be covered by your shirt, but these pants make guys feel as if you are on your way to being undressed. It's not that your body isn't covered. It's that you are having an unfair effect on guys' thoughts, because this style is deliberately, startlingly different from what is customary, and because it says "look at me right here." It looks like what you see when someone's zipper is half-undone. And that means you're not really covered, doesn't it?
Guys, a long-sleeved shirt with three buttons undone will be less modest than a short-sleeved shirt with one button undone. It's not the square inches, it's the effect.

By Katharine Birkett
Author, The Great Latin Adventure

Red and Yellow, Black and White
Running, panting, heaving for precious oxygen, wanting so desperately to look back, but knowing that would be the end of you if you did.  Legs feeling like heavy, water logged, tree trunks, lungs feeling as though they are about to burst.  Wild shrieks in the thicket directly behind you.  A flash of something bright red and sunny yellow creeps into your peripheral vision.  Your nostrils are assaulted with the pungent and acrid smell of burning cabins and smoldering crops.  Everything you have ever called home is now in flames, burning high in the shy.  Hot tears are streaming down your filthy, sweaty face.  At last you see ahead the crisp line of the shore on the warm, golden sand.  You make a wild dash on the searing hot sand over to a thicket of beach grass and lug out a heavy, wooden canoe.  Jumping into it, you paddle as fast as your nervously shaking arms will allow.  Looking back, you see your family standing there on the beach, darting this way and that, trying in futile to avoid the poisoned arrows that are flying throw the air with deadly accuracy.  You yearn to turn around and assist them and the other villagers but are unable to; the tide is swiftly carrying you to the vast and violent sea where heaven only knows what will befall you.
"Shhh..." coaxed the young and nervous mother to her starving little baby.  He let out another long, melancholy wail that brought an abrupt and angry knock to the door.  It was the next-door tenant.  "If I hear one more peep from that baby of yours I will turn you in, I'm not just saying it this time.  I mean it!"  With that, the neighbor stomped loudly down the dilapidated and rickety hall.  She could hear the rusty hinges groan in protest as the heavy old man slammed his thin door shut.  How could she keep her second and illegal child from crying out when he was starving to death, as were they all?  Her first child had been a daughter, which the rough, uneducated doctors who delivered her had not even allowed the mother to set eyes on before they took the beautiful, little baby girl away to be inhumanly disposed of.  Her second child was mercifully a boy.  He was 4 years old now and did not understand why his pale little brother must be kept a secret.  She had not seen her husband in months; heaven only knows what had befallen him.  Unable to work she and her children were slowly starving to death and there was nothing she could ever hope to do about it.
Wincing with every hot and smelly breeze that managed to penetrate the stinking filth of the Africana, Badawi tried to roll over on the hard, rough plank of a bed, but found that the miniscule cubby had not the required height for him to fit his shoulders in vertically.  His bare back was raw and oozing from the merciless and random floggings of the often intoxicated captain.  His heart melted into tears that ran down his hot face.   He heard the Pale Men above speaking in an odd, mysterious language and could easily understand from their menacing gestures that they had no capability to see him and the rest of his persecuted tribe as human beings.  He had been given no food or water for three days and none of the slaves were given any privacy or dignity.  All that they had was cruelly denied them.  Badawi could not even comprehend what went on in the minds of the Pale Men, how could they even sleep at night, with their heartless deeds hanging over them?  After a seemingly endless amount of time, he was lugged above and squinted into the beauty of the sunlight, which he had not been privileged to see for a very long time.  He could hear the wild and greedy shouts of many Pale Men, and women.  He heard the cries of his own people as they were knocked to the ground, or as a family was being torn apart forever.  Heaven only knew what was to befall him.
Walking in the peaceful and chilly morning dew, the tall, lean hunter, with his bow and arrow ready, silently followed the tracks of a rare and prized lynx.  A quail squealed and darted off into the darkness of the deep forest.  Pepsicanow traced the flight of the bird backwards with his all seeing eyes and made his way to where the foul had taken flight.  A twig crunched behind him. Suddenly an ear-splitting bit of thunder erupted from a clump of bushes where also a cloud of smoke was forming.  Pepsicanow fell to the ground.  Where had his breath gone?  He could no longer breath and felt warmth beginning to creep around his belly.  An agonizing pain instantly assaulted him.  Bright red blood gushed and gurgled from a clean wound in his right side.  Through the ruckus of blood roaring in his head, he could hear a strange shallow voice coming from the bushes where the smoke still lingered.  He glanced up painfully and could see the face of a very young man, or was he old?  He had a beard, but it was like the light color of a doeskin.  It must be one of the men from over the sea he had heard about.  He was gasping for breath that seemed to come in chunks, instead of easily flowing in like it used to. The white man gave him half of a pitiful look then loudly crashed off into the thicket.  Alone in the forest, Pepsicanow suffered.  He could not get up and more and more blood was pouring from his throbbing wound.  Heaven only knows what will befall him.          
"Red and yellow, black and white; All are precious in His sight." -Herbert C. Woolston
By Carly Anspaugh, 15
Do you like to write? Well, why don't you send us something! Become a part of Homeschooling Teen magazine and submit a letter, article, poem, short story, or review to:

[email protected]   
Bloggers Needed for HST Blogroll
Are you a homeschooling teen? Do you have your own blog? You know you excel in your field of thought, right? ;) Would you like to get more visitors to your blog? Let us add your blog to our Homeschooling Teen Blogroll at ! You can write about anything you want in your blog, as long as it adheres to the standards set forth in Philippians 4:8. ("Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.") In other words, keep it nice and keep it clean! Take a look at a few of the blogs that are already there, and be sure to contact us at [email protected] to add yours to the list!


Here's a trivia question for computer geeks...
The world's first commercial computer, large enough to fill several rooms, was unveiled on June 14 of what year?
Look for the answer later in this issue!

              Homeschooling Kids Magazine 

 Flag Project - Make an American flag based on the design specifications mentioned in the above article. Or create a new 51-star flag just in case the U.S. ever gains another state. How would you rearrange the number of stars in each row to make room for another star? Send your ideas to:[email protected]  
Did you Know...? If you like to study flags, then you are a Vexillologist!
Flag Day Quiz - from
Try to answer these questions without looking at a flag!
How many red stripes does the flag have?
2. How many white stripes does the flag have?
3. What color stripes are at the top and bottom of the flag?
4. How many horizontal rows of stars are there?
5. What do the red and white stripes represent?
6. The reason the flag is folded into a triangular shape is to symbolize the shape of the cocked hats worn by soldiers of the American Revolution. True or False?
7. The Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 for the 400th anniversary of the discovery of America. True or False?
8. Francis Scott Key was inspired to write "The Star-Spangled Banner" after watching the flag waving triumphantly over Fort McHenry during a heavy British bombardment in what war?
9. The phrase "one nation indivisible" in the Pledge of Allegiance refers to what American war?
10. What does the word "Republic" in the Pledge of Allegiance mean?

Find the answers elsewhere in this issue. 
Are you a cartoonist and would you like to see your work published in this magazine? Please write and tell us about the type of cartoon you create, (single pane, strip, etc.) the topics you cover (current events, humor, homeschool life, etc.) and send us a sample along with your name and age. Contact: [email protected]

College Bound Reading List: Books for Summer
Relax and be inspired with these books about sailing and the sea, nature, travel, adventure, and more.
Dana, Richard Henry. Two Years Before the Mast. (A detailed autobiographical account of a two-year trip out of Boston and around Cape Horn to California circa 1834. For an extra touch of authenticity, bring it along on a cruise or read it in a hammock.)
Graham, Robin Lee. Dove. (The autobiographical account of Robin Lee Graham's record-breaking voyage around the world. It reads like a personal travelogue, conversational in tone and unsparingly honest, while hitting all the marks for teen appeal and emotion.)
Martin, Jesse. Lionheart. (The story of the 17-year-old Australian who became the youngest person in history to sail around the world solo, nonstop and unassisted. He never stepped off his boat for the entire 10-month trip!)
Slocum, Joshua. Sailing Alone Around the World. (The true story of the first solo circumnavigator who set sail from Boston in 1895.)
Shakespeare, William. A Midsummer Night's Dream. (In Northern European countries, the evening of June 23, "Midsummer Eve," is traditionally a time for lighting bonfires to frighten away evil spirits. This comedy by the famous English playwright tells about the antics of mischievous fairies on that magical evening.)
Thoreau, Henry David. Walden; or, Life in the Woods. (This journal covers a two-year period when the author lived a simple life in a cabin on Walden's Pond surrounded by nature, where he had plenty of time to think and reflect.)
Tolkien, J.R.R. The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. (Tolkien's lengthy fantasies with their underlying theme of good vs. evil are full of action, suspense, adventure, unique characters, and humor.) 

List compiled by Teri @
Knowledge House
Send your book list  to [email protected]
Traveling in the Southwest this summer? Be sure to visit for fun and interesting places to see and things to do! - Arizona Ed
A column by Peter in AZ (age 18)
Irregular Webcomic!
Today, I'm talking about a fairly Big Name in webcomics.
Irregular Webcomic is made using photos of Lego characters, and D&D miniatures. It doesn't have just one story in it; it has many different themes all going at the same time, and they occasionally overlap. And they're all funny. No, I can't figure out how he does it either.
Despite what its name implies, Irregular Webcomic is very regular with its updates. The author updates it every day, and hasn't missed a day since 2003. A very impressive record.
You can read through each different theme individually, but then you won't understand everything when there's a crossover. So as always, I say to start at the beginning. (There are over 2000 strips in the archive, so you will need a while. ;) )
30 Things to Do This Summer
1. Clean, de-clutter, and re-decorate your room.
2. Put together a scrapbook of mementos from the prior school year.
3. Research your family history and interview your grandparents.
4. Set up an exercise program that you can do in hot weather. Perhaps you have an indoor exercise bike or even better, a swimming pool!
5. Begin a hobby or craft that you've always wanted to learn, such as sewing, quilting, painting, ceramics, scrapbooking, or playing an instrument.
6. Develop a skill such as cooking, baking, typing, or knot-tying.
7. Start a collection of rocks, stamps, coins, or whatever interests you.
8. Learn how to juggle or do some magic tricks.
9. Make your own movie.
10. Read books to your younger brother or sister.
11. Build a solar oven and experiment with cooking different foods in it.
12. Get a field guide and learn about the wildlife in your area.
13. Keep a record of birds and other animals you see, or take an inventory of the plants in your yard.
14. Memorize a favorite poem or Bible verse.
15. Keep a journal in which you write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences, or a trip diary telling about where you go and what you do.
16. Send care packages to military personnel stationed overseas.
17. Study a foreign language. Even if you don't become fluent, you will gain some familiarity with it. Research the regions and people who speak that language.
18. Learn sign language.
19. Have a chess or checker tournament or LAN party.
20. Play a role-playing game, trivia game, or other board game with friends or family.
21. Put together a jigsaw puzzle.
22. Spend a leisurely afternoon in the air-conditioned public library and check out a variety of books.
23. Help out at a local child care center, church, or charitable organization.
24. Join a club or other group such as an astronomy club or reading group.
25. Enroll in a class at a college, community center, or on-line.
26. Spend a day at the science museum, taking time to do all of the hands-on exhibits.
27. Travel through time to a history museum, historical site, or living history village.
28.Visit an art museum. Decide which work of art you like best, then learn more about it and the artist.
29. Find a farm where you can pick your own fruit, or go to a farmers market to see the fresh produce.
30.  Find a cool spot to go camping, hiking, canoeing, biking, or fishing.
Courtesy of
 Homeschooling Teen
June 2009
Welcome... Homeschooling Teen is an exciting new e-zine for homeschooled high schoolers and young adult alumni. Published once a month, each issue is full of fellowship and fun, human interest and humor. Much of the content is written by other subscribers, and there are many opportunities for readers to participate - whether it's writing book or movie reviews, sending in original short stories and poems, or submitting favorite websites for the links section. Additionally, in each issue we feature a profile of a different Homeschooling Teen subscriber and/or a famous homeschooled teen.  
 Write to us at 

Robin Lee Graham: The Schoolboy Circumnavigator


Throughout American history, many people who found success at a young age were the result of parents supporting their goals. Such was the case with Robin Lee Graham, a 16-year-old boy who dreamed of sailing around the world in 1965. "At first, he hoped to find a companion to share the adventure, but few schoolboys have parents as lenient as were Robin's mother and father. Then he made up his mind to do it alone, just as had Captain Slocum back in 1895-1898. But where Slocum had made his voyage at the end of a long career at sea, Robin would be doing it at the beginning of his, and if successful he would become the youngest person ever to sail alone around the world." [from Don Holm's The Circumnavigators, chapter 34.]
Growing up in Morro Bay, California, Robin was no stranger to sailing. He first learned how to sail an 8-foot dinghy at age 10. When he was 13, Robin's dad sold his home and construction business to take the family on a 13-month sailing trip through the South Pacific aboard their 36-foot ketch, Golden Hind. No classroom could ever come close to imparting the skills, knowledge, and self-confidence that Robin gained from that experience. "During that cruise, his father had taught him seamanship, celestial navigation, shipboard maintenance, and all the other skills so vital to bluewater voyaging. Robin was a good student, and along with his lessons, he acquired a deep love for the sea and sailing." [Holm, chapter 34.]
Robin had already been restless at school and bored by traditional book-learning. After taking a year off during his family's excursion, those feelings intensified and sailing became an obsession. He yearned to see the world and get away from the regimented society in which he lived. Robin wanted to do something different, special, and totally his own. When Robin dropped out of school and attempted to run away from home, his father said, "I figured if I didn't help him to do it right, he'd do it on his own in a leaky boat." So Robin's dad purchased and outfitted a 24-foot fiberglass sloop for his son.
Robin's father had once dreamed of undertaking an around-the-world voyage himself, so he understood how his son felt. Robin's mother, on the other hand, wasn't so keen on the idea. Single-handed sailing is hard enough, but sailing alone around the world? The goal is simple, and yet it's a difficult ordeal of at least 21,000 miles and many months. While circumnavigating the globe is one of the oldest challenges of all time, it has cost even some of the most experienced sailors their lives. More adventurers have actually traveled into space than sailed solo around the earth, and only a handful of people have done it under the age of 20.
Nevertheless, whether a reckless teen or brave explorer, Robin set sail from San Pedro, California, with two kittens for company. After a successful shakedown cruise to Hawaii, it was September 14, 1965 when he left Honolulu on his solo ocean circumnavigation. Graham's first landfall was two weeks later at Tabuaeran, also known as Fanning Island or Fanning Atoll. From there he sailed to Western Samoa and Pago Pago. Robin had to stop for a while to repair damage to his boat caused by a sudden squall, and then he stayed in the area to wait out the hurricane season.
In the spring of 1966, Robin sailed from Tonga to Fiji while visiting many small islands along the way. Once in Fiji, he met and fell in love with a girl named Patricia Ratterree from Los Angeles who also happened to be traveling around the world. Just like a typical romantic teen, from that moment forward all he could think about was Patti. They kept in touch, and Patti hitched rides on airplanes and steamers to meet Robin at his ports of call. By this time a whole year had gone by.
On October 22, 1966, Robin sailed to New Hebrides and then to Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands. While in the Solomons, Robin visited Florida Island, Savo Island and Tulagi Island. He arrived in New Guinea on March 24, 1967. After leaving New Guinea, Robin landed at Darwin, Australia on May 4. On July 6, Robin sailed toward the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and traveled 1,900 miles in eighteen days. But eighteen hours out of the Cocos, his boat lost its mast during a storm. Under jury-rig, Robin had to sail 2,300 miles to reach Mauritius. After repairs, Robin sailed 1,450 miles to Durban, South Africa.
Robin spent nine months in South Africa. He married Patti and they spent their honeymoon at Kruger National Park. Robin's father had opposed the marriage thinking that it might interfere with the voyage. If it had been up to Robin, the trip would have come to an end way before it did. But Robin was pressured by his father and by National Geographic who had picked up the story - and both of whom were helping finance the trip - to complete the circumnavigation. Nevertheless, Robin's strongest motivation to sail on was his wife who inspired him to keep going.
On July 13, 1968, Robin left Cape Town and headed northward along the west coast of South Africa. On August 5, Robin landed at Ascension Island, then he continued across the Atlantic. Later that month, he sailed up the Surinam River and visited Barbados. National Geographic magazine had commissioned Robin to keep a record (pictures and journal) of his trip. Upon arriving in Barbados, his sloop was in such bad shape that Robin used the money from National Geographic to buy another boat in which to complete his circumnavigation. Continuing his trip in the 33-foot Return of Dove on November 20, 1969, Robin reached the San Blas Islands of Panama where he spent two months exploring. After spending Christmas and New Year's Day at Cristobal in the Canal Zone, Return of Dove sailed through the Panama Canal and finally reached Balboa, California on January 17, 1970.
Robin was just a 16-year-old teenager when he left on his voyage around the world. Five years and 33,000 miles later, he was a 21-year-old married man (and expectant father) who had accomplished what few would dare attempt. Alone at sea for as many as 38 days at a stretch, he survived many hardships and obstacles - including the doldrums, loneliness, sleepless nights, stormy seas, two broken masts, circling sharks, and a near collision with a freighter. He also saw innumerable stars, tropical islands, spectacular reefs, and experienced countless adventures in some of the most beautiful places on earth.
Along the way, Robin learned about many different cultures and customs by personally visiting places that were rarely seen and virtually unknown at the time. More amazingly, Robin did this without a 2-way radio, GPS, Internet, or even a life raft, in a boat barely bigger than a bedroom. All he had was a sextant, charts, and a chronograph. A navigation error of only half a degree would have left him miles from his destination, yet he did the navigation without giving it a second thought. Robin even invented a simple auto pilot for the boat.
Robin was a courageous, honest young man with a lofty ambition that did not include seeking fame and fortune for himself. Just like his circumnavigating predecessors Joshua Slocum and Harry Pidgeon, Robin Graham simply took an ordinary boat with minimal resources and set out on an excellent adventure. Refreshingly, at that time there was none of the extreme hype that surrounds similar ventures nowadays. Robin and Patti, both with down-to-earth values, didn't care about material wealth; all they wanted was the freedom to "do their thing." This is in sharp contrast to many people who are primarily concerned with money and social status.
Nevertheless, the voyage brought Robin and Patti immense intangible wealth - that of discovering a companion for life as well as a Shepherd for all eternity. God led the couple to find each other and through their experiences He also drew them both to Himself. Robin wrote that he and his young wife began to read the Bible together: "Our finding a belief in God - becoming Christians - was a slow thing.... We want to work out our lives in the way God intended us to. In reading the Bible together we were fascinated by the prophecies made two thousand years and more ago, prophecies which seemed to be coming true, like the Jews returning to their own country. We have no idea where these new thoughts and ideas and practices will take us.... But we are open to whatever direction God will give us. Our belief is simple. It is the belief that so many of our own generation are discovering - a belief that God isn't dead as some of the older generation have told us. In a world that seems to be going crazy we are learning that Jesus showed men the only way they should live - the way we were meant to live."
Robin probably inspired more people to leave the mundane land-life and travel the oceans than any other person this century or the last. Yet ironically when he arrived back home, "I had no desire to be around the ocean," Robin recalled with a laugh. Robin and his wife briefly attended Stanford University but after having roamed the world, found that they had acquired a maturity of attitude which did not fit in with the liberal college atmosphere. Wishing once again to get away from civilization, they decided to settle on a rugged timbered homestead near Kalispell, Montana, where the nearest neighbors were three miles away. "With a mail order course, they planned to help educate their daughter, Quimby, and themselves, and meanwhile they would build a new and simple life style based on understanding and enjoying the natural world." [Holm, chapter 34.]  National Geographic did one last interview with Robin and Patti at their home.
Graham's book about his voyage, Dove, was published in 1972. It is to Robin's credit that this book has been in print for nearly 40 years and is among those recommended on homeschool reading lists for young adults. Robin's voyage was also depicted in a film called "The Dove." Another book, Home is the Sailor, was published in 1983 as a sequel to Dove. Now hard to find, it continued the story of Robin and Patti's life in Montana, sharing their trials and triumphs as they followed the Lord and learned to live off the land.
The Grahams are remarkable people and provide us all a wonderful story of courage, perseverance, and hope. Robin and Patti are still married and living in the log home that they built for themselves, framed in the shape of a cross. They have two grown children, Quimby and Ben. Quimby is married to a doctor and lives in Michigan with two sons. Ben lives in Montana and is married with a little girl. Robin is in the construction business. He and Patti are both actively involved in Christian service projects. Seeking to positively influence the lives of people around the world, they do volunteer work for international aid organizations and frequently fly overseas for that purpose.
If you go to Google Images and search for "robin patti graham" you will find a photo, circa 1995, of a grey-bearded but smiling Robin Lee Graham, and beside him Patti - who, despite being middle-aged, retains the blonde good looks that attracted Robin to her when they met in Figi about 30 years before. Their story of adventure and romance is a classic and it's great to know that he and Patti managed to live happily ever after!
(Biography courtesy
 College Bound:
Homeschool Friendly Colleges
East Texas Baptist University or ETBU is a private, coeducational Christian university associated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. ETBU is located in Marshall, Texas, an historic city with a population of 25,000 nestled in the scenic piney woods of East Texas. Marshall is in the center of a recreational and tourist region, and is near the Caddo Lake recreational area. It is part of a larger metropolitan area of Longview, Texas, and Shreveport, Louisiana, and is located 150 miles east of Dallas on Interstate 20. ETBU is situated on the former Van Zandt Plantation, which is at the highest altitude in Harrison County. ETBU was founded as the College of Marshall in 1912, after a campaign to create a Southern Baptist college in East Texas. The campus' first building, Marshall Hall, was completed in 1916.
ETBU is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate degrees. More than 80% of full-time faculty members have earned doctorates or terminal degrees. The student to faculty ratio is 16:1 and the average class size is 22. Total enrollment is about 1,300 students. They employ Christian faculty who are dedicated to teaching, scholarship, advising, and service as they model the principles of the Christian faith. As a Baptist university, ETBU is committed to the integration of learning and Christian faith in the pursuit of truth. Religion courses are required of all students regardless of major, and all students are required to attend Chapel. ETBU emphasizes high standards of personal conduct and moral character by all students. The campus maintains tight security and a curfew. Extracurricular activities include men's and women's athletics.
ETBU continues to be recognized as one of the Best Baccalaureate Colleges in the West Region by the U.S. News and World Report "America's Best Colleges" special issue.  The 2009 edition ranks ETBU 12th among 36 schools in a region which covers half the country, from Texas to California to Washington and beyond to Alaska and Hawaii. ETBU was also recognized in the category, "Best Values." Among Baccalaureate Colleges in the West region ETBU was ranked eighth in the area which determines schools offering the best value. ETBU features a strong liberal arts curriculum with 10 degrees and 31 majors. There are two Bachelor of Science in Nursing tracks as well as many excellent professional and pre-professional programs. The university offers a portfolio-based advising program.
Mission Statement: "Our purpose is the development of intellectual inquiry, social consciousness, wellness, skills for a contemporary society, global awareness, and Christian character, for we believe that these endeavors prepare students to accept the obligations and opportunities to serve humanity and the Kingdom of God. Our primary focus is on a quality academic program of baccalaureate studies in the humanities, natural and social sciences, fine arts, and selected professional areas. We are committed to Christian stewardship and to providing and maintaining an environment conducive to learning, leadership development, and academic excellence. We affirm that the liberal arts form the surest foundation for education and that the Christian faith provides the surest foundation for life."

ETBU has an annual Homeschool Day for homeschool students of high school age and their parents to visit and find out about East Texas Baptist University. Admission is based on an ACT score of 18 or above (excluding writing); or SAT score of 860 or above (excluding writing). To be considered for admission, applicants must also exhibit good character as seen by the University. Financial aid is available, and a Christian Leadership Scholarship is offered for students involved with church leadership, Baptist Life programs, and/or servant ministry. For more information, visit their website: 

Tell us about your favorite homeschool-friendly college, and we will feature it in an upcoming issue! [email protected]  

Homeschooler Sails Around the World.....  
Homeschooler Sails Around The World...Southern California teenager Zac Sunderland is heading toward home in his 36-foot sailboat, with just a few more weeks and about 3,000 miles left to go before he becomes the youngest person to sail around the world alone. The 17-year-old expects to arrive at Marina Del Rey in the Los Angeles area sometime in mid-to-late June. Zac was 16 when he left Marina Del Rey on June 14, 2008.
Zac has spent his whole life on and around boats. His father was always fixing up boats and using them for family cruises before selling them. A sailboat was literally Zac's first home, and a three-year family cruise was a formative experience during Zac's preteen years. An experienced young sailor who had already logged over 15,000 sea hours, Zac spent all of his savings to buy a 36-foot sailboat named "Intrepid" for the circumnavigation trip. His father, a shipwright who also runs a yacht management company, retrofitted the ship with sophisticated communications, safety equipment, a water maker, and many other custom upgrades.
Zac is the youngest American sailor since 1965 to attempt a solo global circumnavigation. That was the year 16-year-old Robin Lee Graham departed Los Angeles, but Graham did not finish his voyage until the age of 21. Graham's book, Dove, was one of Zac's inspirations. Zac will sail west from Los Angeles on approximately the same course as Graham, but plans to complete his voyage while still 17 years old.
The record for the youngest solo circumnavigation since Robin Lee Graham has been held by an Australian, David Dicks, who was age 18 years and 41 days when he completed his voyage in 1996. Zac Sunderland won't turn 18 until November 29, so he should easily beat that record. Zac is also following in the footsteps of another hero and friend, Jesse Martin, who completed his own solo, nonstop, and unassisted circumnavigation at age 18.
The eldest of seven children, Zac is a homeschooled straight-A student. He brought books along to study on board so that he could finish his high school education during the 40,000-mile journey. "I have all my books with me. I have one more year to finish at high school and I have to send back my tests (via e-mail) to my mum. She's going to grade them and make sure I am doing well."
Zac will have plenty of projects to keep him busy when he returns. He would like to write a book and he also plans to put together a documentary using footage from the eight video cameras aboard his boat. Included in the footage is a pirate ship circling his sailboat between Indonesia and Australia. Locking himself behind the bullet-proof glass of his cabin, he made a call on his satellite phone to notify authorities, who sent a plane that presumably scared off the pirates.
Zac has stated, "My dad says cruising is 80 percent hassle and 20 percent fun, but somehow that 20 percent outweighs the 80 percent. When you're in port and it's like a beautiful day and you've worked so hard to get somewhere, it makes it all worthwhile."
The Sunderlands estimate that Zac's entire trip will cost $150,000. While Zac used his own money to buy the boat and was able to sign up some sponsors, he's borrowing the rest from his parents. Unfortunately, his dad's business has suffered because of the recession, and the family has been sinking further into debt as a result of all the extra expenditures.
Coincidentally, another contender this year for the record of youngest solo circumnavigator is 17-year-old British sailor Mike Perham. At one point on their respective journeys, the two adventurers happened to have a chance meeting with each other in Cape Town, South Africa. Mike left on November 15, 2008, aboard a sleek, fully provisioned 50-foot racing yacht named after a sponsor, "" He had planned on sailing nonstop and completing his journey in only four months. But he was plagued with breakdowns and his plans to sail nonstop came to an end when he was sidelined for more than a week due to problems with his autopilot.

Visit Zac's website:
Visit Mike's website:
"The key to being a successful single-handed round-the-world sailor is being pretty good at everything -- navigation, routing, carbon fiber repair, tactics. You're part sail trimmer, part mechanic, part boat builder." ~American solo sailor Brad Van Liew, 35

Since Flag Day is June 14th and Independence Day is coming up on the 4th of July, we thought you might like to read some interesting history and trivia about the American flag:
The Story of Old Glory
The U.S. flag is one of the oldest national flags in the world. It was on June 14, 1777, when the Continental Congress passed a resolution "that the United States flag be thirteen stripes, alternate red and white, that the Union be thirteen stars, white in a blue field representing a new constellation." The new flag was called Stars and Stripes. (The affectionate name "Old Glory" was coined in 1831 by a young sea captain named William Driver from Salem, Massachusetts.)
The color scheme and design of the U.S. flag are symbolic of America itself. George Washington explained it this way: "We take the stars and blue union from heaven, the red from our mother country, separating it by white stripes, thus showing that we have separated from her, and the white stripes shall go down to posterity representing liberty." It can also be said that the white stripes represent the purity and serenity of the nation, while the red stripes represent the blood spilled by Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice for freedom.
The resolution of 1777 did not specify how the stars should be arranged. Most early flags had the stars in a circle, but some had them in horizontal lines. Two new states had been formed by 1795, bringing the number of stars and stripes up to 15. Then it was realized that the addition of more stripes would ruin the flag's appearance. Congress passed a law in 1818 returning the flag to its original 13 stripes and stating that a star would be added for each new state.
In 1870, William J. Canby claimed that his grandmother, a seamstress from Philadelphia named Betsy Ross, created the first official U.S. flag. While there are no records proving this, she was probably commissioned to sew the flag, and she also may have been responsible for changing the stars from being six-pointed to five-pointed, which were easier to make.
Most historians now agree that the flag was originally designed by Francis Hopkinson, a New Jersey delegate to the Continental Congress, signer of the Declaration of Independence, and recognized designer. A record was found of Hopkinson submitting a bill of $2,700 to Congress for "currency designs, design for the Great Seal of the U.S., a treasury seal, a design for the Flag."
During the late 1800's, schools held Flag Day programs to assist the Americanization of immigrant children. The first time the Stars and Stripes flew in a Flag Day celebration was at Hartford, Connecticut in 1861, the first summer of the Civil War. The observance caught on in the communities, and numerous patriotic groups supported a national Flag Day.
People made the flag in different shapes until 1916 when President Woodrow Wilson declared that it should always be 1 9/10 times as long as it is high and that the blue part on which the stars appear should be seven stripes high. It was also in 1916 that the President proclaimed a nationwide observance of Flag Day. Congress made it a permanent holiday in 1949.
The creator of the modern 50-star flag, Robert Heft, was a high school junior in Ohio when Alaska and Hawaii were being considered for statehood. As a history project, he got out a sewing machine and made a flag with 50 stars. A year later, in 1959 the states were admitted and a search was on for a new flag design. Heft's congressman helped him submit his prototype. It was chosen over 109,000 designs, and his was the first flag with 50 stars to fly over Washington, D.C.
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 Aesop's Fables - Not Just for Kids!
Aesop's fables (stories in which animals speak and act like humans) date back to the sixth century B.C. Aesop was a Greek slave who, after being freed by his master, traveled and collected many stories that had been told orally throughout the ages. These stories are short, moralistic tales that usually teach some kind of lesson through the experiences of personified animals. One of the most famous fables is "The Tortoise and the Hare," in which the slow but persistent Tortoise wins a race against the fast but lazy Hare. Other popular stories are the "The Ant and the Grasshopper" and "The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing." 
Since 1994, Professor Copper Giloth of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst has assigned her students in Art 271, Introduction to Computing in the Fine Arts, the task of illustrating the traditional Aesop's fables along side their own retellings of the fables in a modern setting. In earlier versions, the stories are illustrated with still images set in simple HTML pages. More recently, students have been working with Macromedia Flash to develop their stories as animations, some with sound and interactivity. Check them out at .
Read some classic Aesop's Fables online at and select one that can apply to contemporary times. Look for a fable that means something to you, or that other teenagers like you can learn something from. Find a "theme" in your fable (persistence, determination, love, etc.), and then search the Web for quotes on that theme. (First find a suitable quote and then look up biographic information that will be useful.) The following is an example:
The Hare and the Tortoise 
A hare one day ridiculed the short feet and slow pace of the Tortoise, who replied, laughing:  "Though you be swift as the wind, I will beat you in a race."  The Hare, believing her assertion to be simply impossible, assented to the proposal; and they agreed that the Fox should choose the course and fix the goal.  On the day appointed for the race the two started together.  The Tortoise never for a moment stopped, but went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course. The Hare, lying down by the wayside, fell fast asleep.  At last waking up, and moving as fast as he could, he saw the Tortoise had reached the goal, and was comfortably dozing after her fatigue.   
The Moral: Slow but steady wins the race.   
This fable is an excellent illustration of the power of persistence. Persistence is the act of continually pursuing something in spite of obstacles. As you go through life, things are bound to not go your way from time to time. Those who are weak may choose to give up. Those who persist can go on to greatness.  
Here is one story of a great man who did not give up. He was active in politics and worked hard to be elected to Congress... and yet he did not win until his third try. Even then, when his term expired, he could not get re-elected. Later, he ran for the Senate...but, he lost again. He persisted at politics and ran for vice-president, but lost. Finally, at the age of 51, he was elected President of the United States. His name was Abraham Lincoln. 
Becoming successful is all about your state of mind. You must persist long enough to reach your goals. You may fail from time to time, but you must not be afraid to try. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "You can be anything you want to be, do anything you set out to accomplish, if you hold to that desire with singleness of purpose." 
So, like the story of the Hare and the Tortoise, remember to be persistent. Though sometimes you may not be the best at something or you may have obstacles thrown in your way, if you have the right mindset you won't give up but will work that much harder to keep moving forward. Because, as Aesop said: slow but steady wins the race.  
Send us your fables, with or without illustrations, and we will publish them in Homeschooling Teen magazine! E-mail: [email protected]
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Homeschooling High School: Helpful Tips
Preparing for College Tests
By Randi St. Denis
"You can't prepare for the SAT."  Educational Testing Service, the company that writes the SAT, has worked hard to convince people that they cannot improve their scores by studying for the test.  But a half a million students disagree and say that you can substantially improve your scores by using the popular study aids that are available.
If you child will be going to college, there is a tremendous financial benefit for high SAT test scores.  Students with very high scores receive the most scholarship offers.  You can easily achieve this by using a high quality SAT workbook as an additional textbook in your homeschool.  Begin in eighth or ninth grade and your student will know the material very well by the end of twelfth.  She won't be worried about taking the test because it will be so familiar.  And she will encounter exactly the same types of questions she studied for five years.  She will get a great verbal and math education too!  Below are brief descriptions of the SAT and other popular exams.
1. PSAT. High school sophomores and juniors take this as a practice test for the SAT.  They will compete for scholarships because at test time, their name will be placed on Student Search Service.  Published by Educational Testing Service.  Time, Content and Scores Test is 130 minutes.  It is made up of multiple choice including either student response math problems.  It tests verbal, math and writing scores.  Scores range from 20-80.  If you add a 0 to your totals, this will suggest your score on the SAT.  Example:  If you score 79 on the Math part of the PSAT, they you might score 790 on the math part of the SAT.
2. SAT. The SAT 1 is usually taken by juniors and seniors and written by ETS.  Time, Content and Scores  This test is generally given 7 times a year, usually on a Saturday.  Some places give it a couple of times a week.  During this test, you may also enroll in Student Search Service.  Scores range from 200-800 for each of two sections, verbal and math.  You can use a calculator.  The questions are multiple choice, except for the 10 student produced response math questions.  Test time is 3 hours.  Female students score about 40 points lower than male students on the SAT, although females tend to earn higher grades than males, both in high school and college.
3. College Boards Achievement Test (CBAT was renamed to the SAT II's).  These are subject tests which give you advanced placement (AP) credit.  If you pass these tests, you may receive credit for introductory classes.  You have to negotiate with the school.  You can save a lot of time and money by earning credits for subject material that you already know.
4. CLEP Exams are by subject.  By taking these tests, you can earn college credits and save on tuition for subject material you already know.  Usually, CLEP exams are required to be taken during the first semesters of college.
5. GED - General Educational Development Test. This test was established after World War II to help returning soldiers.  It is administered by a private corporation in Washington, DC.  Time, Content and Scores.  Five small tests given in one day or a series of days.  Each test scores from 20-75.  You have to average 45 with no individual score below 35.  You have to get approximately 1/2 of the questions right to pass.  I believe a passing grade on this test is somewhere between the 6th and 7th grade level.  Parts of the GED test are:  Social Studies, Science, Literature and Arts, Mathematics (Arithmetic 50%, Algebra 30%, Geometry 20%, Writing - a 200 word essay).  This is a pass or fail test.  Although they will report each score to you, everyone will get the same diploma whether you score a 45 or an 80.  There is no score reported after the initial reporting.  It is reported as a certificate or diploma.  You may not have to take the GED test.  Some colleges will accept you provisionally as a non-matriculating student.  After you complete 24 college credits, you can apply to your state GED for a College Credit application.  They will look at your college transcript and send you a GED certificate.
Randi St. Denis is an educator, popular homeschool speaker, and a seasoned homeschooling mom. Randi works as a consultant to public, private, and homeschool families; providing teaching expertise and assistance for all types of children. You can visit her website at Article Source:
(Note from the Editor: We will report on the ACT, AP, and COMPASS tests in the next issue.)


If you, or a homeschooling teen you know, are involved with an amazing project, or have a special skill, talent or ability, be sure to tell us about it!
Contact: [email protected]
Please submit articles, photos, ideas and comments to the same e-mail address. We want to hear from YOU!

 Play it Safe in the Sun
(Courtesy of
Sunshine on your shoulders may make you happy, but it can also give you a sunburn. And did you know that it can bring other risks that go beyond sunburn? Even though sunlight is essential for all life on Earth, repeated exposure to the sun is a major factor in long-term skin damage.
Sunlight is composed of two types of ultraviolet light, UVB (short wavelengths) and UVA (long wavelengths). Too much exposure to either kind of ultraviolet rays leads to wrinkling and premature aging of your skin, and it can also cause skin cancer. Sun-induced skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. Sun damage is cumulative-that means it keeps adding up over your lifetime. Even so, the harmful effects of sun exposure are largely preventable. You should begin protecting yourself from the sun at an early age to help ensure healthy skin throughout your life.
Skin damage does not occur only on the beach or the ski slopes. Even casual exposure to sunlight-while driving a car, going for a walk, taking an outdoor lunch break-contributes to the cumulative lifetime exposure that may lead to skin damage. Schools, child care centers, camps, and sports leagues would be wise to rearrange outdoor play times to minimize children's exposure to the midday sun.
Most of us spend a lot of time in the sun. We enjoy many recreational activities such as swimming, boating, golfing, and gardening. Construction crews and landscapers work outdoors all day long. While you may be used to warnings about limiting sun exposure and using sunscreens, you can never be too cautious about how much sun is good for you. Fair-skinned, light-haired people are the most sun-sensitive, while dark-haired, darker-skinned people have more pigmentation to serve as natural protection. No one is immune from skin damage, however.
Many people don't realize that a tan is actually a sign of skin damage. The tanning process is the skin's attempt to defend itself against further injury. When skin cells sense that they are receiving too many UV rays, they begin producing a dark pigment called melanin to try and block the incoming rays. The deeper the color of the tan, the more overexposed the skin has been. Although a tan may help prevent sunburning, it will not protect you against wrinkling or skin cancer.
Staying indoors is the only guaranteed protection against getting sun-damaged skin. While such a drastic precaution is unrealistic and unhealthy for other reasons, you should at least limit your time spent in the sun. The hours between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm, when the sun's rays are strongest, are the worst times to be outside. Seek shade whenever you can. Wear a wide-brimmed hat and clothing made of tightly woven cotton fabric. Desert-dwelling nomads have long known that covering up their bodies provides the best sun protection.
Use the maximum protection sunscreens on exposed areas to help reduce the risk of skin damage from sunlight. Make sure that your shoulders, the back of your neck, hands, and the tops of your feet and ears are covered, and don't forget the part in your hair at the top of your head. Use a lip balm with sunscreen for your lips. Any time you are going to be out in the sun for more than ten minutes, you will benefit from the use of sunscreen. Be extra careful on cloudy days, because you will tend to stay out longer and can get sunburned without realizing it, since up to 80% of UVA and UVB radiation passes through the clouds.
The SPF (sun protection factor) of sunscreens gives you an idea of how long you can remain in the sun before burning. Most people benefit from sunscreens with an SPF of at least 15. For example, if you would normally burn in 10 minutes without sunscreen, applying an SPF 15 sunscreen may provide you with about 150 minutes of protection before burning, although that's only an estimate.
While no sunscreen can completely protect you, sunscreens with SPF numbers greater than 15 may further benefit those who are fair-skinned, live in climates close to the equator or at high altitudes, and work or play outdoors. Swimming and perspiration, however, will reduce the actual SPF value of many sunscreens. In such cases, a waterproof brand is recommended, and it should be reapplied often for the best protection.
Sunscreen should be applied about 30 minutes before going out in the sun, to allow time for it to be fully absorbed into the skin and the protective action to begin. Moreover, you must liberally apply the recommended amount on your skin or you will not get the full protection offered by the sunscreen. A sunscreen with an SPF of 15 may give only half that protection if you do not use enough of it. If you are at the beach, for example, use about an ounce of sunscreen over your whole body for one application. This means you should plan to buy about one 8-ounce container or more of sunscreen per person for each week you are at the beach.
Although virtually all sunscreens will provide some level of protection against UVB rays, no product can screen out all UVA rays. Even in sunscreens with high SPF numbers that advertise UVA protection, researchers estimate that the actual level of UVA protection is probably only equivalent to an SPF 3 or 4. So even if you use high SPF sunscreens you are still vulnerable to skin damage from the sun's UVA rays. This is why it's always best to avoid long exposures of your skin to the sun, whether you're wearing sunscreen or not.
Don't be misled by sunscreen products that claim they are sunblocks. Only physically opaque substances, such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, will totally block sunlight from reaching your skin. This type of product is most practical to use on small areas of the body most exposed to the sun, such as the nose and lips.
As a general rule, it's best to replace last season's sunscreen. Some sunscreens have expiration dates on the package, and all will continue to provide some protection for several years. However, prolonged exposure to heat (such as in a hot car) or cold temperatures can significantly reduce their effectiveness, regardless of the expiration date.
Eye protection is just as important as skin protection. That's because long-term exposure to bright sunlight can cause damage to the eyes, such as cataracts, cornea burns, and other eye disorders. Buy good-quality sunglasses with a coating that blocks out UVA and UVB light, which should be clearly stated on the label. Beware of inexpensive dark sunglasses that do not filter UV rays. These cheap sunglasses can actually do more harm than good, because the pupils dilate behind the dark lenses, thus allowing more UV rays to enter the eyes. The color of the lenses isn't important-what matters is the wavelength of light being blocked.
If you are taking any medications, ask your doctor or pharmacist if these medications will sensitize your skin to the sun. Common drugs that do this include: certain antibiotics, diuretics, antihistamines, and antidepressants.
Because sunscreens may irritate babies' sensitive skin, and babies' developing eyes are particularly vulnerable to sunlight, experts recommend that infants less than six months old should be kept out of the sun completely.
Indoor tanning devices emit ultraviolet rays just like natural sunlight. These UVA and UVB rays will cause the same amount of skin damage whether they come from artificial or natural sources.
About 50% of an individual's sun exposure occurs by age 18.
2. UV radiation increases 5% for every 1,000-foot gain in elevation.
3. Snow reflects 80% of the sun's rays, while beach sand reflects 15%.
4. The sun's rays can reach through three feet of water.
5. Sunlight coming through a window or windshield can damage your skin.
6. Small daily doses of UVA rays can cause long-term injury to your skin, even without any sunburn.
7. Dermatologists agree that there is no such thing as a "healthy tan."
8. Children and adolescents who experience a single blistering sunburn are twice as likely to develop skin cancer later in life.
9. A sun-sensitive person can get a minor sunburn in approximately five minutes on a sunny midday in June.
10. Arizona has the highest rate of skin cancer among the fifty states and one of the highest rates in the world. 
(Even if you are being more careful than ever about your exposure to the sun, you may be surprised at the answers to some of the above questions. All of them are true!)
Did You Know...?
Our culture's tanning infatuation is a modern phenomenon. Being pale used to be a sign of wealth, because only peasants who labored outdoors were bronzed by the sun.
For more information, see "It's Cool in the Shade" sun facts, myths, and tips at
Answer to UNIVAC question: the year was 1951.
Answers to the Flag Day Quiz: 1.) Seven; 2.) Six; 3.) Red; 4.) Nine; 5.) Thirteen original colonies; 6.) True; 7.) True; 8.) The War of 1812; 9.) The Civil War; 10.) A Republic is a nation in which the citizens elect representatives to make laws and operate the government for them. (America's Founding Fathers were opposed to a pure democracy by direct majority vote.)

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