Homeschooling Teen Magazine Header

Homeschooled Teen Profile: The Jonas Brothers
Homeschool Role Model: Scott MacIntyre
Homeschool Friendly College: University of Wyoming
College Bound Reading List: A Children's Tale
HST Column: Webcomix
Contest: Write a book review-with a twist!

 Poem: Five Poems by Hannah, age 15
E-Mail Etiquette: Tip-of-the-Month
Homeschooling High School: Teach Your Teens Practical Business
Parents Column  
Plus a whole lot more!!!

American Heart Month
Black History Month
Children's Dental Health Month
Wild Bird Feeding Month
16 Presidents Day
18 Pluto Discovered (1930)
20 Ansel Adams' Birthday (1902)
22 George Washington's Birthday (1732)
26 Grand Canyon National Park Anniversary (1919)
American Red Cross Month
National Nutrition Month
Frozen Food Month
National Noodle Month
Irish Heritage Month
Women's History Month
1 Yellowstone National Park Anniversary (1872)
2 Dr. Seuss' Birthday (1904)
3 Alexander Graham Bell's Birthday (1847)
7 Monopoly Anniversary (1933)
13 Friday the 13th
14 Albert Einstein's Birthday (1879)
17 St. Patrick's Day


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MOVIE QUOTE- Can you guess what movie this quote came from?
"It don't have to look pretty, it don't have to look smooth. It can look like a dying duck as long as it goes through the goal."
(Answer: "Facing the Giants")


alacrity (n.) - 1. cheerful readiness, promptness, or willingness; 2. liveliness; briskness.
"With so little time between scenes, the stage crew moved with alacrity to change the sets as quickly as possible."

E-mail Etiquette:
Tip of the Month
When forwarding e-mails to others, if you cannot take the time to type a quick note to the person you are forwarding to, then don't forward.
One of the most asked questions I get through is how to nicely ask someone to stop forwarding stupid jokes, chain letters, propaganda or political commentary.
Just because you think an issue is important, virtuous or funny, doesn't mean it will be taken in kind by the person on the other side.
That is why taking the time to write a short note to the specific person you are forwarding to explaining why you are forwarding them that specific e-mail is so important.
If someone asks you to please refrain from forwarding further e-mails, don't get mad.  They have that right.  Simply honor their request without making it an issue.
This E-mail Etiquette Tip is provided as a courtesy by: 



Do you like to write? Well, why don't you send us something! Become a part of Homeschooling Teen magazine and submit a letter, article, poem, short story, or review to:

I Wish You Would
Come dance with me!
Would you, if I asked??
Or would you play shy,
And hide your smile??

Come dance with me!
Will you?? Please??
Or will you run away again
And leave me standing all alone.

Come dance with me!
All night long, like no one's watching!!
Please don't walk away without me

Come dance with me!
Won't you just this once??
You don't have to stay,
But I wish you would.

Come dance with me!
Do I even have to ask??
I'm standing here in front of you.
I beg of you...just once.
That Kind Of Girl
Always remember...
Underneath this
Un-ladylike look
There's a girl...
A girl who wants to be
Kissed in the rain
A girl who wants to find her Prince Charming
Through a lost shoe
A girl who wants to dress up
In a huge ball gown and dance the night away
A girl who wants to be
Romantically swept off her feet
A girl who wants to find
The man in the beast
A girl who wants to be
Sweetly serenaded back into a relationship
A girl who wants to be
Pulled into a kiss
That she can't resist
No matter how much she acts like a guy...
Or says she's strong...
Always remember...
She's still that kind of girl
Why I Love You
Times flying by,
Life's slipping through my fingers,
So I thought I'd tell you,
Exactly why I love you.

I wake each morning,
Only to find,
I'm another day older,
And still missing what's left behind.

Now you are gone,
I've pushed you away,
Yet there you are,
Loving another day.

You still haven't left me,
Even though I left you,
As another minute passes,
I realize what you do.

You help me move on,
You show me what's true,
You make me believe,
What I already knew.

You've known me awhile,
You tell me don't fear,
For you'll always be,
The one who is near.

You see my dear friend,
You've helped me see how,
I don't need all I want,
But what I have now.

I'll love you for always,
But now I must claim,
We'll be friends till the end,
Of life's little game.
Was It Worth It?
There you sit,
Huddled in your corner,
Nothing you can do now,
For life is almost over.

Your mind begins to wander,
Back to a time when you were younger.
Times were easy,
Cares were free,
Or at least that's what they say...
But as time went on,
The love was gone.

They say you've had a good life,
And say you should be proud.
But none they know,
The ways you'll go,
To get what you want,
To be happy.

They've not seen,
The things you'll leave,
To get some peace and quiet.

The paths you've walked,
The words you've talked,
Only to be left to a corner.

Well I have one thing to ask,
Was it worth it??
Did you get what you want??
How bout the pain,
The scars,
The tears??
Were they worth it??

Were they worth your loss??
I bet not.
But now is too late,
For you can't change fate.

Now I ask you again...
Was it worth it??
My Crooked Heart
I don't have very much,
But I'll give you what I have.
It's not the very best,
But it's all that I can give.
It isn't always perfect,
But it does what it needs to do.
I'm not what you should have,
But if I'm the one you want,
I'll give you all I have.
So here's my crooked heart,
Don't mind its crooked beats.
Those beats are very special,
They only beat for you.
I'm sorry they're not perfect,
But it's everything I own.
Please don't mind the broken beats,
But it's all that you have asked for.
So here's my crooked heart,
It now belongs to you.
All of the above poems were written by
Hannah, 15
Do you like to write? Well, why don't you send us something! Become a part of Homeschooling Teen magazine and submit a letter, article, poem, short story, or review to:   

"Learning by experience often is painful - and the more it hurts, the more you learn." ~Ralph Banks

Did You Know...?
Director Steven Spielberg gives a nod to director John Ford in his movie, E.T. The sequence that E.T. is watching at home on TV and which Elliot re-enacts in science class is a famous scene from The Quiet Man!       


 Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Shades of Green - It is said that there are 40 shades of green in Ireland. Tints and shades of green include the following: apple-green, aquamarine, avocado, celadon, celery-green, chartreuse, beryl-green, blue-green, bottle-green, emerald, forest-green, grass-green, holly-green, ivy-green, jade, jungle-green, Kelly green, lime, meadow-green, mint-green, moss-green, olive-green, Paris green, pea-green, pine-green, sage, sea-green, shamrock-green, spinach-green, spring-green, spruce, teal, and yellow-green. I listed 33 different kinds of green. Can you think of any more?

 Shamrock Symbolism - Shamrock is the common name for any one of several unrelated herbaceous plants with trifoliate leaves (such as the three-leafed clover). White clover was the original shamrock of Ireland. Saint Patrick used the shamrock leaf as a metaphor to explain the concept of the Trinity (Father/Son/Holy Spirit).
 A shamrock leaf is worn on March 17th to commemorate Saint Patrick's Day. (By the way, finding a four-leaf clover on St. Patrick's Day is double the good luck it usually is!)

An Irish Blessing - "May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go."

This summer, Generation Joshua is looking for people ages 18-26 to assist as counselors for our two summer camps. The camps will be held at Patrick Henry College (July 26 - August 1) and at Eagle Lake Camp in Colorado Springs, CO (August 9 - Aug 15). We will provide your transportation to and from the camp, and your room and board. We are looking for creative, trustworthy, hardworking people. Due to a large number of responses for this position so far, we will be giving preference to those who get their applications to us quickly. If interested, please visit our website at for an application form, or email . 

Bored? Broke? Not Me!
By Eleonore Kappenman
Hi! My name is Eleonore, I'm 19, and I'm a home school graduate. I do not have career plans which would require a college education, although I do want to take some Bible courses through Ambassador Bible College in the fall. I signed a vow of courtship and am currently in a relationship with a godly young man, wholly approved of by my parents. My desire (eventually!) is to be a stay-at-home wife and mother. Until then, I have various ways in which I have generated spending money and gained work experience while honoring the Lord by staying (mostly) at home. These ideas would also provide an emergency income, should I ever find myself widowed or caring for a suddenly disabled husband. Here are some of the ways I've generated an income.
Housecleaning. My brother and I started a home/yard care business called Inside-Out. We have business cards and flyers, but word of mouth works best. He cuts grass, weed eats, mulches, etc., and I help him out when needed. Some people want only the housecleaning services - that's my specialty! I have always enjoyed cleaning and organizing messes. I talked to my mom and she said I could make good money cleaning. I started doing a few jobs here and there and really enjoyed it. On average I make $15-$20 per hour when I clean houses. I like housecleaning; I can schedule cleanings around other events, and it only takes a couple hours to clean a house. Currently, all my housecleaning customers sold their homes and moved - so I'm waiting for new customers!
Babysitting. I babysit 1-2 times a week for a lady who must work outside her home. She has three children. While babysitting, I help homeschool the 5-year old.
Dog breeding. I always wanted a dog, and my mom said I could have one if I was willing to breed it. (She believes animals should earn their keep!) So, I started looking in the paper to see which breeds sold well. I found labs generally sell in our area for between $275 and $325. Labs are a medium-large dog, not prone to illnesses or birthing difficulties. Sounded like a winner! I started calling ads: some people did not have papers, some didn't have any pups left, etc. Finally, on my birthday, Mom said she found one we were going to go see. The puppies were well taken care of and the owners had all the right paperwork. I picked a beautiful white female and named her Opal Winter.
We eventually got a male for breeding with Opal. They have produced 4 litters for me over the past few years. Opal has the puppies inside where I can help her care for them. She does most of the work for the first two weeks; after that, I'm cleaning up after them! The 6 weeks following the births can be very time-consuming for me, but it pays well, averaging $2,500-$3,000 per litter. The profit off one litter paid for my 6-month mission's trip to Mexico in 2006. I am currently trying to pay off my braces!
Book publishing. I help my mom with her publishing business - we print a lot of books every month! Also, I have a book of my own now. I wanted something that would help me keep track and record notes for my devotions. My mom said there was a need for journals like that, and suggested I create one. With her help and my ideas, we put together a Bible Journal for young ladies. It has places in it for keeping track of Bible reading, verses, songs, stories, and more. The best section is for missionaries; each page is devoted to one missionary family, followed by a clear plastic sleeve for inserting a prayer card. I enjoyed putting it together, and I'm really enjoying the sales!
Invoice filing for a local lumber company. This sounds really boring and I confess it's not terribly challenging. However, it's only for a few hours a week and has provided me with some office experience, should I ever need it.
I hope this encourages other teen girls to consider staying at home, under the protection and guidance of their parents, while they wait for the Lord to send them a godly husband. Perhaps some of the things I am doing will inspire others. I really enjoy being home most of the time - I'm able to do stuff with friends and family, sometimes on the spur of the moment! We are able to take family vacations or go camping without worrying about conflicting work schedules. I'm glad I can help my mom by doing a lot of the housework for her, running errands, printing books, and helping with the younger children and their schoolwork.
I want to encourage other young ladies reading this article to find something they enjoy doing and use it to make an income while staying at home. You don't have to have a career to be happy. You don't have to leave home for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, to make money. There are so many possibilities - just a little creativity and hard work is all you need!
Find Eleonore's Bible Journals for sale at Kap & Pen Publications,
The Star-Spangled Banner
By Francis Scott Key
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:
'T is the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,
Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation;
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us as a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
National Anthem Day is celebrated every March 3rd, because that's the day "The Star-Spangled Banner" officially became our national anthem in 1931. "The Star Spangled Banner"was actually written during the War of 1812 (which lasted until 1814). In August 1814, the British army took Dr. William Beanes as a prisoner of war. Dr. Beanes was a friend of Francis Scott Key, a lawyer. On September 13, 1814, Francis Scott Key and a U.S. negotiator boarded a British vessel where Beanes was being held, to negotiate his friend's release. But Francis Scott Key and the negotiator were detained on the ship overnight until after the attack on Fort McHenry, which guarded the harbor and city of Baltimore. Francis Scott Key watched the bombardment of the fort from the ship. The next morning, he was ecstatic to see that the American flag was still flying over Fort McHenry. This is what inspired Francis Scott Key to write "The Star-Spangled Banner."

College Bound Reading List
The Children's Story 
The Children's Story is an obscure little book written by James Clavell in 1963, but it's an important one that deserves to be re-discovered by a new generation. Despite its title, The Children's Story is really for teens and adults. The situation posed in this book raises many questions, making for a great discussion topic in high school or college.
When I first read The Children's Story, it left me with chills up and down my spine. Yet the story isn't your typical psychological thriller or horror novel; it's a shocking tale about the power an authority figure can have over impressionable young children.
The Children's Story is a thin paperback with less than ninety unnumbered pages, and the text takes up only half of that because it's mostly printed on one side of the paper, often with only a single paragraph per page. It took just ten minutes to read the whole book. But when I was finished, I couldn't believe what I had "witnessed" - so I immediately went back and read the story all over again!
This book at first appears to be a cautionary fable of the Cold War in which a new order has taken over. The enemy in this case is young, pretty, friendly, and speaks the children's language. Her message sounds reasonable at first, even believable. However, her ulterior motive is to methodically challenge and brainwash a classroom of children to turn them against their country, their parents, and even basic freedoms. Little Johnny was the one small voice of distrust, but he was also manipulated in the end.
The Children's Story depicts the enormous power of teachers, for good or for bad. It's frightening to think how a child's mind is susceptible to being manipulated so easily by the authority figures they trust. Schools are supposed to be places of learning, not places of political indoctrination. But with the use of sophisticated propaganda techniques, a classroom of children may be brainwashed in as little as twenty minutes.
Since this story was written almost fifty years ago and the Cold War is long over, you might think The Children's Story is outdated- but it's not. The book's implications are timeless and the theme is even more pertinent than ever. Remember what Melinda Harmon, a federal judge, said back in 1996: "Parents give up their rights when they drop the children off at public school." They may allow special interests, social activists, and anyone else access to students.
Consider the following scenarios from The Children's Story: What if a teacher said that the American flag was nothing but an old piece of cloth, and that the Pledge of Allegiance was a meaningless ritual? What if the teacher suggested to a class that praying to God was a waste of time? What if a child was told that his father had wrong thoughts? What if a whole room of young children were convinced that it was okay, and in fact good, to keep secrets from their parents?
These questions lead to even more thought-provoking points to ponder: Whose responsibility is the raising and training of children - the parents or the state? Do we want our children adopting the morals and values of others? How much authority are we willing to hand over to someone else?
The Childrens Story...but not just for children. I do hope you read it!
You can read The Children's Story online at .
Book Review by Teri @ Knowledge House
Send your book reviews to .

  Homeschooling Teen
February - March 2009
Welcome... Homeschooling Teen is an exciting new e-zine for homeschooled high schoolers and young adult alumni. Published once a month, each issue is full of fellowship and fun, human interest and humor. Much of the content is written by other subscribers, and there are many opportunities for readers to participate - whether it's writing book or movie reviews, sending in original short stories and poems, or submitting favorite websites for the links section. Additionally, in each issue we feature a profile of a different Homeschooling Teen subscriber and/or a famous homeschooled teen. Write to us at  
Homeschooled Teen Profile
The Jonas Brothers 
 The Jonas Brothers
The Jonas Brothers band is an incredibly popular trio of three homeschooled brothers: Paul (Kevin) Jonas, 21, Joseph (Joe) Jonas, 19, and Nicholas (Nick) Jonas, 16. The Jonas Brothers grew up in a home where music was a large part of everyday life. Their father, Rev. Kevin Jonas, is co-founder of Christ for the Nations Music ministry, as well as a pastor in the family's hometown of Wyckoff, NJ. Their mother, Denise Jonas, is a church singer and sign language teacher. As music ministers, their parents travelled everywhere. Kevin was born in Teaneck NJ on November 5, 1987; Joe was born in Casa Grande AZ on August 15, 1989; and Nick was born in Dallas TX on September 16, 1992. A younger brother Franklin (Frankie), known as the "Bonus Jonas," was born on September 28, 2000. The Jonas Brothers perform a mixture of pop, rock and punk music for which they write their own music and play their own instruments. Kevin plays lead guitar and does backing vocals. Joe performs lead vocals, percussion, and sometimes guitar. Nick does lead vocals, rhythm guitar, and piano. These brothers are powerful balladeers, upbeat and energetic in their approach. The Jonas Brothers are often compared to the Hanson brothers, another homeschool sibling singing group, and they have even been compared to The Beatles, although that may be a bit of a stretch. Like their 60's counterparts, the Jonas brothers elicit piercing shrieks from pre-teen girls wherever they go, and although some believe they are overrated, others think the Jonas Brothers may be the next big act that will explode.
The boys are starring as themselves in the new Disney Channel's "JONAS." This series was inspired by the Beatles films "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!" as well as the zany American made-for-TV group the Monkees. In "JONAS," the boys play members of a popular band trying to live normal lives at a regular school, despite being trailed by throngs of ardent fans. Described as a fusion of situation comedy and music video, the show also features previously unknown Frankie Jonas playing their younger brother. The three older brothers originally gained popularity on the Disney Channel when they made their film debut in the movie, "Camp Rock."
While the chart-topping trio are obviously helped by Disney's marketing clout, the band's catchy tunes laced with muscular guitar riffs have moved beyond Radio Disney to Top 40 stations. Despite their Christian background, the Jonas Brothers decided not to go the Contemporary Christian Music route. Rev. Jonas explains, "I was called to preach. My kids are not called to preach," he said. "They are Christians who happen to be in a band." Nevertheless, one of the reasons for the genre direction was to reach more teenagers. The Jonas Brothers are aware of the positive impact they can have on millions of kids, and it's a responsibility they take seriously.

Despite their foray into the world of rock 'n' roll - long a refuge for teen angst and rebellion - the Jonas Brothers are known for their straight-laced, squeaky-clean image. "They don't hide their faith," said Rev. Jonas, who noted the challenge his sons face with their newfound teen-idol status. The trio vows that they want to continue being a positive influence and will stick to the wholesome ideals they have set for themselves despite the trappings of fame that derailed other Disney alumnus like Britney Spears.
The Christian faith is very important to the entire Jonas family. The brothers are all committed Evangelical Christians, and their father is an ordained minister with Assemblies of God. Before being homeschooled by their mother, all three Jonas brothers used to attend Eastern Christian High School. For a peek into their real lives, search for "A Day In the Life of The Jonas Brothers" by shineon-media on YouTube. In this video you can see the brothers using the Accelerated Christian Education homeschool curriculum (PACE workbooks) by ACE ministries. With such a busy schedule, they really have to focus on getting a certain amount of work done whenever they can. (Although the two older brothers have since graduated.)
The Jonas Brothers abstain from alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. In addition, they are committed to remaining chaste before marriage and they all wear purity rings on their left-hand ring finger. Kevin says it's to signify "a promise to ourselves and to God that we'll stay pure till marriage." Joe explains, "our parents asked us if we wanted to and we were like "yeah," saying "People are like 'no way, that's impossible.'" Besides being great conversation starters, Nick added: "We use it as a chance to witness. We want to be a Christian influence in the pop music world. It's definitely a mission field."
The brothers stay away from controversial subjects and politics in their lyrics, instead sticking to youth issues like teen love, heartbreak, forgiveness, peer pressure, and the trials of growing up. Other songs take a light-hearted look at the craziness of fame and fortune. While romantic songs may seem somewhat out of character considering their vow, Kevin says "It's more from the lack of our relationships [that we're able to write such great love songs]. We just dream about those situations." He adds, "We know the bloggers are watching, so we have to be careful and not do anything stupid." Time will tell if they maintain their morals in such an immoral industry, but so far they have been really good role models.
The Jonas Brothers donate 10% of their earnings to their non-profit Change for the Children Foundation "to support programs that motivate and inspire children to face adversity with confidence, determination, and a will to succeed." Nick Jonas had the idea to start this charity after seeing a homeless family on the streets of New York City. His heart was touched by a desire to see kids saving up their pocket change to help other less fortunate kids. The Change for the Children Foundation supports "Nothing But Nets" (mosquito nets), "American Diabetes Foundation," "St. Jude Children's Research Hospital," "Children's Hospital Los Angeles," and "Summer Stars: Camp for the Performing Arts." Since Nick was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 13, he also teamed up with Bayer Diabetes Care as a diabetes ambassador for young people.
Although Nick is the youngest brother in the band, he was the first to make his debut into show business. When Nick was six years old, he was discovered while singing at a barber shop and referred to a professional show business manager. At the age of 7, Nicholas began performing in Broadway musicals. In 2002 while appearing in "Beauty and the Beast," Nick wrote a song with his father called "Joy to the World (A Christmas Prayer)". With background vocals from the "Beauty and the Beast" cast, Nick performed the song on the album, "Broadway's Greatest Gifts: Carols for a Cure, Vol. 4." In November 2003, "Joy to the World (A Christmas Prayer)" was released to Christian radio, where it quickly became popular on the Adult Contemporary Chart.
Nick recorded the single "Dear God" when he was only 12 years old. It is described as "a powerful prayer sung from a child's heart concerning the many troubles happening in our world today with the hope that is found in bringing our concerns to God." Initially released for Christian radio, the song is now available for free on Nick said, "I hope this record touches a lot of people and I've been praying that the Lord will use it in a big way."
Kevin and Joe did some Broadway performances of their own, and the Jonas brothers also appeared in commercials for Burger King, LEGO, Battle Bots, and Clorox Bleach. But shortly after Nick's solo project, they decided to start a band. When he was 13, Kevin had read the book "Teach Yourself Guitar" and did just that with one of his parents' guitars. The trio learned to hone their rock band skills at home in the basement because their garage was too crowded. Nick, Kevin and Joe wrote several songs, some of them with their father. In early 2005, Columbia Records offered to sign the three as a group act. In today's age of pre-manufactured pop groups, the Jonas Brothers are a breath of fresh air since they lend their own "voice" to projects through their singing and songwriting.
The Jonas Brothers won a 2008 American Music Award for breakthrough artist and received a 2009 Grammy Award nomination for best new artist. The Jonas Brothers have released three albums: It's About Time (2006), Jonas Brothers (2007), and A Little Bit Longer (2008). On the credits for It's About Time they write: "We would like to thank our best friend in all the world-our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We see everyday the blessings you give us. We know you will always be there for us. There is no greater love than the one from above."
In the wake of their bestselling self-titled album, the Jonas Brothers set out on their first headlining tour a year ago. The group kicked off its national tour in Tucson, AZ on January 31, 2008. A Disney Digital 3-D production crew filmed two shows in Anaheim, California on July 13-14, 2008. The footage will be released in theatres on February 27, 2009 as a 3-D Concert Experience. The G-rated movie will include a behind-the-scenes look at the Jonas Brothers. Let's support these fellow homeschoolers by going to see their movie the first weekend it comes out. Be sure to tell all of your friends!
Breaking News! The Jonas Brothers want to give back to their homeschool fans. As homeschoolers themselves, they share a special connection. In spite of an increasingly busy schedule after a performance at the Grammy Awards and preparing for the release of their 3D movie on the weekend of February 27, they are giving a "shout out" to homeschoolers on an exclusive conference call scheduled for Thursday morning, February 19. For details about how you and your homeschool family can get on the call, contact Rebecca Kochenderfer at who is hosting the family-to-family chat. The Jonas Brothers and their mom, Denise Jonas, will be on the call and want to connect with you and your family.
Details for the conference call:
Date: Thursday, February 19, 2009
Time: 11:00am PST
Jonas Brothers Q&A
What is it like to play in a band together?
Joe: "The best part about being in a band with my brothers is the support that we give each other."
Nick: "It's awesome to have my brothers on stage and in the studio with me. You have a security that everything is going to be okay, even when you mess up.
Kevin: "We really love being brothers, but, beyond that, we love being one big family."
How would you describe your home life?
Kevin: "Our parents are pretty strict, but they're also very trusting. They're all about communication. If we talk to them and let them know where we're going or what we're doing, there's no problem. That's the one simple thing some kids don't do."
Nick: "Our mom really likes to cook for us whenever we're at home. [Jonas family dinners] are big with us. We've done that our whole life. We talk about normal stuff and about work."
Joe: "It's awesome. It's a lot of laughing and talking. Our house is definitely a loud house."
How does being in the music business affect your family routine?
Kevin: "We have a blast traveling together. We have our own family bus, so we cause mayhem in every city we go to. We just have a really good time."
Joe: "First of all, we pray together and we have a time to focus and get ready. We call it lockdown, and we have 45 minutes where it's just us and no one comes in and no one goes out. It's a cool time to get focused and we just get psyched and really excited about the show."
Nick: "I am so blessed to have a family that is so loving and supportive of what I'm doing. Sometimes I wonder what this whole journey would have been like without them here with me. It would have been a lot different. I'm really happy that I have them and that we're so close."
How would you describe each other?
Kevin: "Joe's nickname is Danger. It just is. Everything he does is danger. Nick's not actually shy or quiet. He just chooses his words wisely."
Joe: "Nicholas is the powerhouse vocal. He's just got this young, soulful voice that catches everyone's ears."
Nick: "Joseph just has this really cool, smooth rock voice. He really knows how to get the crowd going, and Kevin is the one that holds us together."
What do you look for in a girl?
Nick: "They have to be good to their moms."
Joe: "This is hard, but if they are nagging and annoying, you're like, 'Go away.'"
Kevin: " get on the phone and they're like, 'My day is awful, blah,' and you're like, 'This is not what I need right now!'"
What can a girl expect from you?
Joe: "Not only is it important to us to respect a girl, but to respect ourselves. We want to be presented in a way that is not sloppy or anything like that. Girls really appreciate table manners."
Kevin: "A girl needs to understand about brothers. We talk about everything."
Nick: "I really feel that it is important to be a gentleman - that's how we were raised. I find that girls really like when you are like that. I'll open a door for a girl, and she'll be like, 'Oh, no one's done that for me in a really long time.'"
Websites (Jonas Brothers Official Site) (Change for the Children) (Nick Jonas and Bayer Diabetes Simple Wins) (Official Jonas Brothers Fan Site.)
March 2 is the birthday of the late great Theodore Seuss Geisel, popularly known as Dr. Seuss. He was the children's book author and artist responsible for the wit and humor behind "Cat in the Hat," "Green Theodore Seuss GeiselEggs and Ham," "Horton Hears a Who," and many more. Who didn't love Dr. Seuss stories as a kid! Let's celebrate the birthday of a wonderful author with ten of our favorite Dr. Seuss quotes:
1. Young cat, if you keep your eyes open enough, oh, the stuff you would learn. The most wonderful stuff!
2. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter won't mind.
3. I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind. Some come from ahead and some come from behind. But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see. Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!
4. Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try.
5. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not.
6. I do not like green eggs and ham, I do not like them The Cat in the Hat Sam I am!
7. You're on your own, and you know what you know. And you will be the guy who'll decide where you'll go. Oh the places you'll go.
8. From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere.
9. A person's a person, no matter how small.
10. The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.
Do these sayings bring back any happy memories? Send us your favorite Dr. Seuss quotes!
College Bound
 Homeschool Friendly Colleges  
The University of Wyoming 
If you are looking for a community of friendly people located in a small town, the University of Wyoming ( is the college for you. UW is located in Laramie, Wyoming, situated on a high plain between the Laramie and Snowy Range mountains. UW is large enough to offer the facilities and activities of a major university, and yet small enough to provide personalized attention and a supportive environment. Their undergraduate student body is a diverse group of scholars from all around the country, and homeschoolers are welcomed.
Homeschooled students must meet the same requirements as other high school graduates. This includes 4 units of English/Language Arts, 3 units of Mathematics, 3 units of Science, and 3 units of Social Science/Culture. The homeschool instructor should also complete a Home School Credit Evaluation Form (downloadable at It's a simple alternative to an official transcript.
UW classes are taught by faculty who are experts in the field; nationally known researchers and educators who have chosen UW because of their commitment to undergraduate education and the quality of life found in southeastern Wyoming. The student/faculty ratio is 15/1 which provides regular opportunity for individual interaction with faculty members and gives you an opportunity to truly get to know your professors.
UW offers a broad selection of majors and emphasis areas to meet your academic needs. Pharmacy, juris doctor (law), and education are just a few of the degrees that are available. The university has seven colleges: Agriculture, Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, Engineering, Health Sciences, and Law. UW is also a national research university specializing in the environment and natural resource related fields (i.e. agriculture, energy, geology, and water resources).
UW offers many co-curricular opportunities and extracurricular activities such as Speech and Debate (also known as the Forensics Team). There are many student clubs and organizations on campus ranging from conservative to liberal, as well as several faith-based groups. Being a federal land grant institution, UW was also obliged to maintain a military program, and the Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps can still be seen engaging in maneuvers around campus.
The surrounding area provides numerous recreational activities including hiking, mountain biking, cross country skiing, and fishing. With the abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities at students' doorsteps and its proximity to national parks and forests, Laramie was voted one of America's top 40 college towns by Outside Magazine, and one of the Best Places for Outdoor Activities. UW's Outdoor Adventure Program allows students of all skill levels to get involved in outdoor activities. They have an extensive collection of outdoor gear that is available to rent by students and locals alike.
As Wyoming's only four-year educational institution, UW receives strong support from the state and its residents. The university is a hub of cultural events in Laramie. There is a dedication to making UW the best it can be in terms of its facilities, programs, people, and aesthetics. Capital improvements on campus are a high priority, reflecting a commitment to maintaining UW's world-class stature. The University is also home to the American Heritage Center, a library established in 1945 that specializes in historical documents relating to Wyoming and the American West.
The UW sports teams are named the Cowboys and Cowgirls. The student newspaper is called "The Branding Iron." At the heart of the UW campus is a large grassy area known as Prexy's Pasture. Prexy's was originally a real pasture where UW's first president supposedly kept his personal herd of cattle in the early 1890's. If you were riding a horse today, it would still be legal to leave your horse in Prexy's Pasture.
For nearly a century, UW outreach classes have taught citizens, students, teachers, business owners, ranchers, and farmers around the state. UW was the first university west of the Missouri to offer correspondence courses. Today, the Outreach Division delivers university learning opportunities to students across the nation with audio and video conferencing, correspondence study, and Web-based instruction. Distance learning opportunities are available in both credit and non-credit formats.
The state of Wyoming has established a generous scholarship program in the name of former Wyoming Governor Stan Hathaway that rewards eligible Wyoming students with scholarship money to attend UW. Hathaway scholarships based on need and merit are available. Homeschooled students may also qualify for Hathaway Scholarships. Although GPA is a selection criterion for non-homeschooled students, students who are homeschooled can bypass this requirement and submit ACT scores along with a list of classes completed. Homeschoolers must meet all other eligibility criteria and apply for admission before age 21. To view specific eligibility requirements for the Wyoming Hathaway Scholarship, visit the Wyoming Department of Education website.
In addition to the state-awarded scholarships, the Shannon C. Honaker Scholarship for Home-Educated Students was created in 1991 by Richard H. Honaker. This endowed scholarship is awarded annually to a Wyoming resident undergraduate or graduate student enrolled at the University of Wyoming. See for more information about the homeschool scholarship.
Tell us about your favorite homeschool-friendly college, and we will feature it in an upcoming issue!   

Write a book review-with a twist!
Little Dozen Press is sponsoring a new contest for writers ages 11 and up. Review your favorite novel or other work of fiction. In your review, pinpoint a specific writing technique which the author does well, and share what you have learned about writing from reading the book.
The entry deadline is March 15. Winners will receive their choice of book by Rachel Starr Thomson, signed by the author. All entrants who give their permission will have their review published on Inklings, Rachel's blog for young (and other) writers.
Entries should be emailed to with "Writing Contest" in the subject line. Visit Inklings at
Age Categories
Winners will be chosen from three age categories: 11-13, 14-17, and 18 and up.
A review is more than a book report. Your goal in a review is to give an overview of the story, share your opinions, and pinpoint what the writer does especially well. Here are a few things to keep in mind when you write a review for the contest:
Don't share the whole story. You want to give readers a sense of the plot without overloading them with details. Especially avoid "spoilers"-giving away surprise plot twists or telling readers how the story ends.
Make your opinion clear. A review has much in common with a persuasive essay. Your opinions are just as important as the facts, so share your own thoughts about the book.
Be creative. A review is a piece of creative writing, so don't be afraid to let your own voice shine!
Tell us what you learned from the writer. Our special focus in this contest is writing technique. Pay attention to what this writer does well-in plotting, characterization, description, word choice, dialogue, or any other element of storytelling. Give examples. Tell us what you have learned from this writer's work.
Reviews of Rachel's books are not eligible to win-but if you'd like to write one, we'll be thrilled to publish it! If you review a book written or published by a family member or friend, let us know-we'll make a special note of it so our readers can learn about the work being done by independent authors and publishers.
Blog Publication
All entries (with permission from their authors) will be published on Inklings, Rachel Starr Thomson's blog. Others will be encouraged to comment on them. We hope to start a few discussions about good books and good writing!
Three winners will be chosen, one from each age category. Winners will receive a signed copy of one of Rachel Starr Thomson's books of their own choosing. Rachel's books include the fantasy novels Worlds Unseen and Burning Light, several devotional works, and Tales of the Heartily Homeschooled. In addition, Jessica Erskine has donated a copy of Bible Battles, written by Lettice Bell and Jessica Erskine, to be offered as a prize. Felice and Christina Gerwitz's The Missing Link: Found! Book 1 of the Truth Seekers Mystery Series, has also been added to the prize pool. To read excerpts and reviews, see cover art, or learn more about the books, visit . 


Homeschool Graduate Wins 3rd Place in National Debate Championship

James Mieding, a homeschooler from Arizona who attends Patrick Henry College in Virginia, took third place in the American Collegiate Moot Court Association 2009 national championship. Sixty-four teams competed from big name schools from all around the country including Wooster College, Holy Cross, the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Drake University, Cal-State University, and the University of Texas-Dallas. Moot court, or legal debate, puts competitors through an intensive gauntlet of appellate court proceedings, testing competitors' abilities in demanding judicial disciplines - research, brief writing and debate - while arguing authentic legal cases before judges. Serving as adjudicators for this year's finals were a federal district judge, two California court of appeals judges and two law school deans.
The title this year went to Patrick Henry College juniors Rachel Heflin and Aidan Grano. Second-place finishers were senior Joseph Alm and junior Brianna Edleblut. The third-place team of Robert Kelly and James Mieding tied with Allie Hallmark and Emily Owenby from the University of North Texas.
This was the third time in five years that Patrick Henry College has won the ACMA championship. The school won back-to-back national titles in 2005 and 2006, a feat unmatched in the ACMA's nine-year history. In that stretch PHC also defeated Oxford University. Eighteen teams from PHC qualified for the national competition this year, but official rules allow each college to send only eight teams.
Patrick Henry College, a Christian classical liberal arts institution near Washington, was co-founded in 2000 by homeschool advocate Michael Farris "with the aim of recreating the original American collegiate ideal."
COME WHAT MAY, an Advent Film Group movie, tells the fictional story of a Christian student named Caleb attending PHC. He is caught in a moral tug-of-war while challenging Roe v. Wade at the National Moot Court Championship. His mother, a feminist attorney, is simultaneously arguing the case at the U.S. Supreme Court, but on the opposing side. COME WHAT MAYreleases nationally on DVD on March 17.

 Homeschoolers Win Arizona Future City Competition

A team of students from Veritas Homeschoolers in Phoenix won the Arizona Region National Engineers Week Future City Competition. Joshua Ekstrom, Alex Janss, and Noah O'Connor earned this honor along with their teacher, homeschool mom Mary Ann Ekstrom, and engineer mentor Ken Ekstrom.
They were among 200 teens from all over Arizona who gathered on January 24 to present their intricate future city models during an all-day regional event at Phoenix Preparatory Academy. They competed with each other for the chance to attend the national competition in Washington, D.C.
Teams of at least three engineered future cities based on a theme of self-sufficient systems with water-efficient homes and recycled materials. The Veritas Homeschoolers team's winning city, Abundaqua, includes the use of solar collectors, roof top wind turbines, and wave turbines for energy production. Twenty percent of the city is located underground. A bullet train that can reach speeds of up to 300 mph is used for transportation as well as pod cars and buses, and a magnetic rail system.
Vi Brown, spokeswoman for the competition, said the event helps student learn how to work with each other while giving them insight into the world of engineering.
The sometimes nervous, sometimes confident students gave an oral presentation detailing the cities and their functions. Besides the large display, students also had to write an abstract and an essay, as well as create a city using SimCity 4 Deluxe software.
The winners will travel to Washington, D.C. to represent Arizona in the 17th Annual Future City National Finals from February 16-18, 2009. The grand prize is a trip to Space Camp in Alabama.
To learn more about Future Cities, go to .

Are you a cartoonist and would you like to see your work published in this magazine? Please write and tell us about the type of cartoon you create, (single pane, strip, etc.) the topics you cover (current events, humor, homeschool life, etc.) and send us a sample along with your name and age. Contact:

Bloggers Needed for HST Blogroll
Are you a homeschooling teen? Do you have your own blog? You know you excel in your field of thought, right? ;) Would you like to get more visitors to your blog? Let us add your blog to our Homeschooling Teen Blogroll at ! You can write about anything you want in your blog, as long as it adheres to the standards set forth in Philippians 4:8. ("Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.") In other words, keep it nice and keep it clean! Take a look at a few of the blogs that are already there, and be sure to contact us at to add yours to the list!

Homeschool Graduate on American Idol
Scott MacIntyre was recently chosen as one of American Idol's top 36 contestants for the 2009 season following his rendition of Billy Joel's "And So It Goes." This 22-year-old from Scottsdale, Arizona, has been blind since birth and homeschooled from kindergarten through high school. A brief look at Scott's resume will show that this contestant is not the typical "Hollywood wannabe." To describe him as being incredibly gifted and talented is almost an understatement!  
Scott began playing piano by ear at age 3, and though classically trained in Scott MacIntyrethe Suzuki method, Scott has written and performed in genres spanning pop, rock, punk, jazz, and classical. He received many local and national awards for piano, composition, and vocal performance. Scott has performed as guest soloist with symphony orchestras, as well as playing at the Kennedy Center and has independently released six full-length CD's.
After graduating summa cum laude from Arizona State University at age 19 (he started when he was 15) with a BM in Piano Performance, he was nominated "Outstanding Graduate" by the College of Fine Arts. A Marshall Scholar and Fulbright Scholar, Scott has studied in London where he obtained his masters degree in Performance from the Royal College of Music and Royal Holloway University. He was accepted to both Oxford and Cambridge for further graduate-level studies. Scott also studied on scholarship at Boston University Tanglewood Institute, Universitat Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, and Royal Conservatory of Music in Toronto.
Besides his academic achievements, Scott has a variety of notable extracurricular experiences under his belt. Scott was a special guest on Robert Schuller's "Hour of Power" show at the Crystal Cathedral in California. He was welcomed to the White House by First Lady Laura Bush. He frequently donates performances for conventions, churches, charities, and athletic events (Phoenix Suns and Diamondbacks), and enjoys bringing his music to all types of audiences.
As if that's not enough, Scott travels around the country as one of the MacIntyre Family Singers along with his mom Carole, brother Todd (19), and sister Katelyn (16). They perform beautiful four-part harmonies in styles ranging from acappella jazz and classical, to Southern gospel and Christian pop, as well as Broadway show tunes. "It kind of started as (a side project), but we do more and more shows as a family," Scott says. Dad accompanies them but he doesn't sing.
Scott's other interests include performing in community theatre and musicals, hiking and skiing with a sighted guide, computer programming, and law. He has participated in the YMCA "Youth in Government" program in elected positions as President of the Senate, Senate Majority Leader, and was honored to receive the "Outstanding First Year Senator" award at the Arizona State Capitol for excellence in debate. Scott is a remarkable guy who has accomplished more great things in his youth than most fully sighted people do in their whole lives!
Scott gives homeschooling much of the credit for his success. The flexibility of homeschooling allowed him to practice for hours at the piano each day. He was able to progress at his own pace and fine tune his God-given abilities, while learning to work hard and with persistence to overcome his disability. As for Scott's personality, he is likeable, charismatic, and not at all arrogant. The fact that he comes from a nice Christian family is a plus. Although I don't personally approve of "Idol worship," I think American Idol could really use this talented young man, his message and his disability to promote what a worthy role model looks like. Visit his website at .
P.S. You may recall that Jordin Sparks, the American Idol winner in 2007, was also a homeschooler. (She opted for homeschooling in high school to allow her more time to focus on singing.) Jordin was only 16 years old when she first appeared on American Idol and she made quite an impression with her many endearing qualities - beautiful smile, attractive, Christian, churchgoer, humble. When Jordin won she thanked God, mom and dad. Residing in Glendale, Arizona, she was the first contestant from the Phoenix area who made it to the final 12 on American Idol. Let's hope Scott MacIntyre is able to do the same! Judging by all of the positive comments I've seen on the internet, he already has quite a following of fans rooting for him!
A column by Peter in AZ (age 18)
Darths and Droids
Darths and Droids is what you would call a "screencap comic." It takes screenshots from Star Wars, and makes a comic out of them. The basic premise is, Star Wars as we know it doesn't exist. Instead, it is a Dungeons and Dragons campaign where the players have gone completely away from the DM's planned storyline. The author's plan is to go through all six Star Wars movies, and they're currently almost finished with Episode I. As such, it's (again) a serialized story. So start at the beginning.

Movie Review
Two of my favorite movies just happen to focus on Irish themes: The Secret of Roan Inish and The Quiet Man, both of which were filmed on location in northern Ireland.
The Secret of Roan Inish is an enchanting tale based on an ancient Irish legend about a boy raised by seals. The name "Roan Inish" is Gaelic for "Island of the Seals." Based on a 1959 novel by Rosalie Fry entitled "Secret of the Ron Mor Skerry," The Secret of Roan Inish tells the story of a young girl, Fiona, whose mother dies and so she is sent to live with her grandparents in the years immediately after WWII. I don't want to give away the plot, but while exploring a nearby abandoned island she uncovers a mystery that holds a special significance for her family. This independent film was skillfully shot with beautiful windswept coastal scenery, a lilting Celtic soundtrack, and real Irish actors. One thing that really inspired me was the work ethic of the two young characters! The Secret of Roan Inish is a wonderful film for all ages.
The Quiet Man, starring John Wayne, is not just for John Wayne fans. It was filmed in 1952 by the famous director John Ford (whose birth name was Sean Aloysius O'Fearna). This classic film was a departure for Wayne and Ford, who were best known for Westerns. The entertaining two-hour-long movie takes place in the lovely Irish countryside. It has plenty of romance for the girls and action for the guys. (Including a horse race as well as one of the longest and most memorable knock-down, drag-out fights ever choreographed on film!) The movie is a serious drama interspersed with many comedic moments. Although I think the characters spend a little too much time in the local pub, I like how they demonstrate the proper Irish way of courtship - obtaining the family's permission first, making an official announcement, and having a chaperone along at all times. It's also interesting to see the amicable relationship portrayed between the local Roman Catholic church and Protestant church. Incidentally, John Wayne is of Irish and Scots-Irish descent. His red-headed co-star, Maureen O'Hara, was born in Dublin, Ireland.
In both of the above movies, whenever a guest enters someone's home they say "May God bless all in this house." I wonder if that's an Irish custom? If so, it's a good one! 
Movie  Review by Teri @ Knowledge House

Parent's Column
Dear Parents,   
Thank you for taking the time to view Homeschooling Teen Magazine. We hope that you and your homeschooler enjoyed reading with us. That is our goal, after all! It is also our goal to provide homeschooled teens a place of their own, to highlight their accomplishments, talents and thoughts. Here at Homeschooling Teen Magazine, our articles and information are written exclusively by homeschoolers, for homeschoolers. We strive to make this a safe place for your teens to join in and express themselves in accordance with Philippians 4:8. We will never share or sell your information with any third party. Content is a top priority for us and articles will always be age appropriate. Our magazine will only allow sponsorship logos and links that are family friendly. However, the opinions expressed in our magazine are not necessarily those of Homeschooling Teen Magazine and we cannot be held responsible for any information listed or actions from our sponsors. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
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