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More than 6,000 living donations occur in the United States each year. One in four living donors is not biologically related to the recipient.
 Deer Creek Challenge
Deer Creek Challenge
Team Transplant has been invited to participate in the Deer Creek Challenge in Littleton, CO on August 29th! Help us reach 50 riders and we'll become an official beneficiary! No fundraising is required.
Are you a living donor?
Then we'd like to hear from you! The American Transplant Foundation is developing programs to guide potential living donors through the transplant process.
If you're interested in getting connected with other living donors and providing valuable feedback that will help us develop programs, please email your name and contact info to Katie Cicerchi at katie@americantransplantfou
Recent Event Photos
August 2010 
Exciting things are happening at the American Transplant Foundation! In this newsletter, you can link to our newly redesigned website, read about the success of Team Transplant at last month's Subaru Elephant Rock, learn about upcoming events, and read the inspiring story of Brittney, a heart recipient.
In the next several months, the Foundation will launch new programs to decrease the number of people in our country who are waiting for lifesaving transplants. You can help these programs take shape by participating in our short survey, which you will find below.
See the new AmericanTransplantFoundation.org
American Transplant Foundation unveils redesigned website

AmericanTransplantFoundation.orgWe're proud to reveal the new AmericanTransplantFoundation.org! Learn more about living donation, check up on upcoming events, buy merchandise, read and comment on our new blog, and more!


Visit the new site. 

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Subaru Elephant Rock
Team Transplant members raise more than $63,000 at the Rocky Mountain region's largest cycling event
2010 Team Transplant
For the second year in a row, Team Transplant recruited the largest team at the Subaru Elephant Rock Ride. And this year, our team members nearly doubled their fundraising by raising more than $63,000 to support the Foundation! Twenty-five transplant recipients and five living donors cycled to prove that they can lead healthy, active lives after transplant.
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Help us get to know you better


Please help the Foundation get to know you better by taking this short survey! The survey should take less than five minutes to complete and will provide valuable feedback to help us improve and grow as an organization.


Take the survey. 

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Brittney's Story
Brittney received a heart transplant at just two months old
Brittney, Heart Recipient"Every time I take my transplant medication, I know I'm a little different --and a lot luckier-- than many. I got a second chance, and I want that to mean something..."
Read on...
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It is with mixed emotions that I must inform everyone that Katie Cicerchi will leave the American Transplant Foundation in mid-September to pursue a new adventure in L�og�ne, Haiti. You can learn more about Katie's plans and join me in thanking her for her hard work and service to the Foundation on our blog.
Thank you for supporting the American Transplant Foundation!
Heidi A Heltzel 

Heidi A. Heltzel
Co-Founder & Executive Director, American Transplant Foundation
Our work is made possible because of financial support from people like you. Please consider making a
100% tax-deductible donation today.

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