Preserve the Dunes Newsletter                                             July 29, 2009

    This is our July issue. Hope you can join us at the walk in Ross Preserve on September 12.
In This Issue
Gooseberries & White Pines
Cameron Davis Selected
Ross Preserve Walk
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Gooseberries and White Pines ????
We Made an Error

In the last issue, we reported about the links between gooseberries and white pine blister rust. Then we heard from John Legge, Conservation Director of the Michigan chapter of The Nature Conservancy. He reported that the infestation of the rust in white pines is limited, despite the map from the USDA Forestry Service indicating the areas affected.

dogberry plant

John also corrected our statement that the gooseberry is an invasive exotic. According to the state of Michigan, it is a noxious weed (being a native species rather than an exotic) and is not invasive. He also points out that the rust attacks smaller trees rather than established ones. Basically, he says it is not a problem, so don't worry too much about the Gooseberries.
Cameron Davis Named by Obama
President Selects Chief Executive of the Alliance for the Great Lakes

This month Cameron Davis, president and chief executive of the Alliance for the Great Lakes, has been named a special advisor on Great Lakes isses to US-EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. Leaders of environmental organizations in the region have applauded his appointment. Davis has led the Alliance for the Great Lakes since 1998.

Previously, Davis, an environmental attorney, had been a regional executive with the National Wildlife Federation. It is unclear what issues he will pursue but many suggest that his priorities will likely be drawn fomr the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Strategy for which Davis helped build concensus.
Ross Preserve Walk Scheduled
Put in on Your Calendar

On Saturday, September 12, at 11:00 AM, we will have a guided walk in the Ross Preserve of The Nature Conservancy (TNC). We will meet at the entrance on CR376 (44 Avenue in Covert and across from the camp ground - "A" on the map below.)

Our guide will be John Legge, Conservation Director for the Michigan Chapter of TNC. John is an expert on the plants and ecology of the dunes and adjoining areas.

The parking area at the preserve only has space for a few cars, so most people will  have to park along the road. We suggest car pooling. Please exercise caution in parking and walking to the preserve entrance.
The most likely route will be about 2 miles walking round-trip.  It should be a good time of year to look for some of the rare plants in the coastal plain marsh habitats.  Usually they're drawn-down in the fall, but if we have any significant rain close to the trip date, they could still be wet. John advises people to at least bring rubber knee-boots or other shoes that they don't mind getting wet and/or muddy.  But, if someone doesn't want to go into the marsh, they'll still be able to see a lot of the features of the area from the upland edge.
"These dunes are to the Midwest what the Grand Canyon is to Arizona . . .
once lost, the loss would be irrevocable." Carl Sandburg
Preserve the Dunes