New Chaverware Logo
Tishrei 5769
Shanah Tovah from Chaverware
RH 2008
We would like to thank all of our valued customers for another wonderful year here at Chaverware and take this opportunity to wish you and your families a Shanah Tovah, a Happy and a Healthy New Year.
Come see us at the NATA/NAASE Conference
Please stop by our booth at the joint NAASE/NATA conference November 16-18th. User group meeting will be at 
  3 PM on the 18th
Welcome to our new staff:
Dave Conroy and Justin Figueroa. We are thrilled to have both of these fine gentlemen on our team, and I know that many of you have already benefited from their patient expertise help with Chaverware.
So Long....
After 5 years with Chaverware we wish Yaakov Farkash all the best in his new endeavors at Temple Israel of Great Neck

Chaverware 5 status
Everyone wants to where is Chaverware 5?
The answer is, it's indeed out there!! We have a small group of users who are using Chaverware 5 in live production and enjoying all of the new features. At this stage, we are prepared to send you YOUR copy of Chaverware 5. All you have to do is call us, and we'll review with you what's involved, and get you going.
Request SupportTech Support
Just a reminder of how to request support from our staff. Three different methods:
  1. Click on Help and Request Support from within Chaverware
  2. Click on the ? icon on your desktop
  3. Go to and click on the picture of the Telephone.
Please DO NOT call us first, you will only be directed to do one of the above, and the sooner you do that, the sooner we can help you.
All three options prompt you with a series of questions to fill in. Once you fill those in and click on "Request Support" you will be prompted to click "Run" twice. Once successful, a screen will open letting you know that a support representative will be with you soon. Please keep this window open (you can minimize too) until we get in touch with you. We will first try to type to you and if you don't respond, we will call you. If you close this window, you will lose your spot in our Queue.


Chaverware 4 Status

We have just released Chaverware 4.13 (read four point 13) as an update. The new features that were added to 4.13 were support for Peachtree 2009 and for Adagio Accounting.
The items that were fixed are:
  • Added password protection for reformat phones utility.
  • Fixed problem linking to QuickBooks Online Editions.
  • Changing amounts on a revenue invoice converts it into a normal invoice.
  • Fixed problems with creating category links and running the category link integrity check.
  • Fixed problem with Aging reports.
  • Fixed problem linking to QuickBooks 2007 Canadian editions.
  • Setting a recurring payment to a credit card type now sets the bank account to the appropriate default.
  • Updating the name of a new grandchild or grandparent now updates the nick name field.
  • Fixed problems exporting to pdf from crystal reports in Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Windows Vista.
  • Fixed error running reports on categories with quotes in the name.
  • Fixed problem when deleting an apply to revenue that would not use the void date entered when removing the invoice side.
  • Aliyah field suggestions are now available in queries like the other fields. 

QuickBooks 2009

Intuit is just releasing QuickBooks 2009. We are in the process of updating Chaverware to accommodate this new release. This will be Chaverware 4.14. Do NOT install QuickBooks 2009 without first getting in touch with Chaverware tech support
Chaverware Feature Survey
In the coming weeks, you will be receiving a survey from us about potential new modules that we are considering for Chaverware. When you receive this electronic survey, please take a few minutes to complete it. We value your input and you can help shape our future!