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Jessica's Top 10 Spring Staging Tips
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"Can you believe it??  Two offers in 3 days?  SO happy.  Wish house still looked like it did night we came home from our trip...:)

Thanks for everything...your finishing touches looked fabulous!"
-Karen Ansbro Leone, State College
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Issue: # 15 May/2008
Talk about a Spring Fling...Room to Breathe has been helping Realtors fling houses left and right this spring.  Are you included in this selling frenzy?  
I still manage to be amazed by what a few simple changes can do for the way a home shows.  They can truly make all the difference in how quickly a house is sold.
Please read on (and feel free to share) for really simple, easy fixes...
Jessica, Bringer of Order 
P.S.  Please forward this email to anyone you feel may benefit from the information and invite them to join our mailing list.
Jessica's Top 10 Spring Staging Tips

I know you've read these before, but I'm going to say them again.  Again, it's the simple easy changes that can make or break how quickly a house sells.

These are key elements to share with your sellers. 
Just hit the 'forward to a friend' button to share!

#1.) "Happy" colors on front door. Choose a contrasting color of house or door. Such as if house is tan and door is red, use yellow decorations. Use yellow marigolds and other fragrant flowers in a nice large container. Do not over-fill space. Use yellow in door decoration.

#2.) First Impression- What are your own first impressions that you have when seeing the house? Would you want live here? Would you even come in the driveway?

#3.) NO empty flower pots-especially filled with dead flowers! It is better to have nothing rather than dead flowers.

#4.) Rake and tidy-up yard. Having nice clean lines will make yard appear large and un-cluttered. It is difficult to have yards pretty this time of year. Put out new mulch in beds, this will at least cover-up winters wrath. Landscaping will appear neat. Make sure that mulch doesn't have any manure smell or other unpleasant odor. That is not the impression you want perspective buyer to experience. The yard is part of what perspective buyer will see first. It is "curb appeal". When buyer sees that yard is neat & tidy they are willing to see the inside. They should make the connection that if the yard is tidy than most-likely the interior is neat & tidy too!

#5.) "Spring" clean the interior. No matter what problems a particular house may have, no one wants to have to clean their NEW home. Dig in and clean, hire professional cleaning crew if needed.

#6.) Box and store off-premises your winter wardrobe. Why have items in house that seller probably doesn't need for several months? Rent a storage unit and edit items that are not crucial to ones well being.

#7.) Have a garage-sale. Seller can have a sale BEFORE advertising the house. It will make their move to new home less stressful, why schlep these things to new home. Seller can than use profit towards any minor staging suggestions or for items needed for their new home.

#8.) Have "WOW" factor when new buyer steps in the door. This is EVERYTHING! According to NAR perspective buyers make connection to house in 15 seconds! Make sure your "wow" is a positive one. You don't want the thought.."Wow, this is awful, or stinks. You need a magazine "WOW". You need them to WANT to live there.

#9.) Place a new "Welcome" mat at doorways. This seems so simple, but many seller's fail to understand the significance. The mat is the house's way of saying "Hello, come on in and stay awhile".

#10.) Use silk greenery and spring flowers for that added touch throughout your home. Plants=life. Not only will good silks add aesthetic value, they have a subliminal effect. Think about it, dried dead flowers in pots or the appearance of living plant life.

Please feel free to forward this email to all your sellers.  You'll be glad you did!

What would you like to read that we haven't written about yet?  We would love to answer your questions or address your concerns. 

Contact us today at 814.360.1063 or info@roomtobreathe.us 
Buy 2 hours Get  Free Potted Pansy Arrangement!
(A splash of color on a front porch is especially inviting!)
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Offer Expires: 5/31/08