kesbo kids close-up

News from ISAC 

Student Blogs, Scholarships and HOPE!

Despite the gloom of global recession and cut-backs it is heartening to see young volunteers at ISAC and their determination to contribute to society. We are  happy to share one more enriching experience through this newsletter.

We are also happy to announce scholarships for the Fall of 2009, an opportunity to enjoy the ISAC experience with substantial savings!
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The BLOG of a lifetime! 
 dan, kale in color!
Daniel Lynn started out with a blog that made interesting reading about his experience as an ISAC volunteer. The blog is full of anecdotes and wonderful insights into his India experience.  However, that is not all!

Along with two other Grassroots Community Development volunteers Samara and Melinda, Daniel has floated a charity called the KESBO FUND. In a short while this blog has grown from a personal account into a meaningful mission!
Partial Scholarships for Sept, Oct and Nov 2009!
KESBO kids in color$300 to$800 Scholarships!  
At ISAC we have always believed in encouraging students who wish to study in India and experience our programs for their personal and professional development.  In keeping with this tradition, we are happy to announce scholarships for ALL programs offered by ISAC for the months of September, October and November 2009.
A great opportunity to experience the rich diversity of our programs at a special price!
Safeena Husain and Hansal Mehta
India Study Abroad Center
ISAC Logo 
Can't see the black and white photos? Click on "Display Images" on your email settings to see the full card!
All photos taken by the students on the program.