India Study Abroad Center Newsletter
In This Issue
Healthcare Programs for 2009
The ISAC Healthcare Volunteers
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Healthcare Programs for 2009!
Surgery in Rural India.
Explore ALL aspects of the Indian Health Care System from Rural, Urban, Public Health and Traditional Medicine with ISAC
Surgery Tray in Rural Hospital

It gives me great pleasure to bring you news about the outstanding work our healthcare students are doing. ISAC has hosted hundred's of medical, pre-medical, nursing and public health students over the years. These students participate in the programs to get clinical exposure and learn about the various aspects of the Indian healthcare system.


Luan Chen conducts health camp in Mumbai Slums.Giving back to society!
Medical, pre-medical and nursing students use their skills to help the local community. Even pre-health students without clinical skills are able to make significant contributions to this end, yielding tangible benefits to communities that are lesser privileged.

The possibilities are many and limited only by time and will!
Past students have conducted health camps for children, health and hygiene education for orphanages, dental health projects, medical data collection and analysis, report writing for foreign donors and project evaluation in addition to extensive work in the field.
Click below and get more info on our healthcare programs : 
An insight into the ISAC experience!
Working on Mobile Health VanSample student reports.
The medical and pre-medical students work in a diverse set of clinical environments based on their area of interest, skills and level of clinical education.
Our network of healthcare facilities and vast experience allows us to
design a program - JUST FOR YOU!
Some sample reports...

Safeena Husain
India Study Abroad Center
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All photos taken by the students on the program.