Ministry Marketing Solutions, Inc.

facebook for pastors

Should Pastors Use Facebook?

Jesus was where people were. Throughout the gospels, not only do we find Him walking and talking with His disciples, but also stopping for all sorts of people: the rich (Rich Young Ruler, Luke 18:18-22), the poor (Woman with the issue of blood. Luke 8:43-48), the religious (Nicodemus, John 3: 1-21 ), the "sinners" (Zacchaeus, Luke 19:1-9).  Matthew recalls, "When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without  shepherd." (Matthew 9:36, NIV).

Would Jesus have a Facebook profile today? We can't know for certain, but Facebook is where millions of people are, and Chris Forbes says pastors today can use it as a tool in shepherding their flock in his new free e-book "Facebook for Pastors."

Facebook for Pastors

How to build relationships and connect with people using the most popular social network on the Internet. This 31 page e-book will help Pastors and other ministry leaders make the most of this great networking tool.

    * How to make the most of your profile information
    * Tips for Networking with People in Facebook
    * All about groups, messages, poking, etc
    * Brand Your Ministry
    * Meet prospects for your church
    * Learn more about the members in your church
    * Fine tune your communication skills
    * Testimonies from Pastors who use FaceBook
    * and much more!

Download it FREE here
Pam Perry's Facebook profile 
 Visit my Facebook profile.
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