Scoutwire January 17, 2012

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In This Issue
Cub Scout Day Camp
Cedarlands Scout Reservation
Friends of Scouting
Scuba Diving
Employee Updates
Scout Executive Selection Committee
Sliding Safely
Featured Unit

Pack 8 Ilion NY 


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Al Giardullo



The Revolutionary Trails Council is honored to have outstanding volunteers and Scouts.  In this edition, we recognize our Cub Camping Chairman for recruiting and leading a team of volunteers to move Camp Kingsley into the 21st Century and exemplifying the spirit of Scouting!
2013 National Jamboree


2013 jamboree

Click HERE register for the 2013 National Jamboree! 


Open to all First Class Rank Boy Scouts 12 and over (or 11 years and sixth grade graduates) AND all Venturers who have graduated the 8th grade (or age 14 by the first day of the Jamboree). 


Fees for the Jamboree will be $1500 and will include travel and everything but personal clothing and a sleeping bag!


Register now, space is limited!

Cub Scout Resident Camp


On-Line Registration and Payment is now open! 
Click Here to register your Scout individually or you can choose to register as a Pack!


Session 1:  July 14 to July 17

Session 2:  July 19 to July 22

Session 3:  July 26 to July 29

Session 4:  August 2 to August 5th.

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Service Hours


Remember to Input your Service Hours for Scouting for Food and other Community Service. 

Click Here to Input!

Thanks for your service to our communities!


To say change is difficult is, to some, an understatement.  In organizations, such as the Boy Scouts, with over 100 years of history and tradition change can be downright scary. Currently, our council is in the process of change: new staff, a new approach to Cub Scout resident camp, and a change to how we deliver programs at Cedarlands Scout Reservation.


Given the difficulty of change, one might ask, "Why change at all?"


In order to understand the need for change, as you read this newsletter, consider the following:


1)Change is necessary to ensure the long-term survival of our organization.  Said another way, organizations must predict the future and be ready for it before it arrives.  It is no longer enough to be reactive, we need to be proactive.  Consider the following organizations: Atari, Pan American Airways, Commodore Computers, FW Woolworth, Montgomery Ward, Polaroid, Bethlehem Steel, Circuit City, Hollywood Video, Borders Books along with a number of Boy Scout councils across the nation.  These organizations lost sight of the future and failed as a result.  Our council will not fail in this regard.


2)Change is necessary to meet the changing needs of customers.  Looking back on over 100 years of Scouting we can see a lot has changed about how we deliver the program.  The fact is that, as generations pass, society and people evolve.  What was relevant 10, 15, or 50 years ago is not always relevant today.  This is especially difficult in Scouting as we serve no less than six generations with individuals ranging in age from 6 to 88. 


3)Change is necessary to reverse declines.  Over the past 15 years, the Boy Scouts of America has experienced steady membership declines.  During our recent change process, our council has reversed that trend and has experienced a 10% increase in membership.


In closing, we realize that you have several options when faced with change.  We sincerely hope that you choose to face change with a positive outlook. That does not mean that you have to like it, it just means that we want you work with us as leaders to see the potential of what change and our future has to offer.

Cub Scout Day Camp will be offering a variety of activities this summer following the main theme how to be a "Mad Scientist."

Other activities include first aid, outdoor/nature activities, and sports. Thus far there are three different locations to choose from. The cost is $85 and will prove to be well worth it. However, we need more volunteers!! 

Day Camp is for youth grades 1-5 but if you are older and would like to get involved this is a great opportunity to learn and have fun! If interested in volunteering please contact our Quality Program Executive, Diane Drake at the Scout Office. Click on this link to register now!
csr island

 Dear Fellow Scouters,


As members of the Council's Executive Board, we want take this opportunity to inform you that the Council Executive Committee has decided to close the summer resident camp program at Cedarlands Scout Reservation.  Although this decision was not easy, it is necessary to ensure the long-term sustainability of our camping operation and our council.  The following information was considered in our decision:

  • At a critical time in preparing for camp, we simply do not have enough committed campers to offer a meaningful program. 
  • Only about 25% of our Boy Scouts (500) attend one of our council's camps with another 500-600 Scouts from outside our council.  A Boy Scout Council is doing well to have 62% of its Boy Scouts attend a camp.
  • For the past 30 years, our council has been challenged with maintaining three summer programs and three camping facilities with limited volunteer, staff and financial resources.  Unfortunately, the expenditure of these resources has not had a meaningful impact on increasing our membership or camp attendance.  In fact, camp attendance has steadily declined over the past 10 years.
  • It is the conclusion of the Executive Committee that the level of excess capacity along with declining attendance and the steadily increasing operating costs of offering a summer resident program at three camps is inefficient and has the high potential to cause our council to fail in the near future.  Unfortunately, several councils in central New York have experienced such failures and their programs, membership and Scouts have suffered as a result.


We want to assure you that closure of the summer resident camp at Cedarlands does not mean that we will lose all of the programs that have been offered at the camp.  At this time, we are working on a plan to use Camp Russell as a base camp for units that want a high adventure experience.  In short, units will arrive at Camp Russell to receive an orientation and depart for a high adventure destination including Cedarlands Scout Reservation. Upon completion, they will return to Russell's base camp.


We realize that there may be a lot of questions regarding our decision.  As such, we have designated Mark Miller 315-736-3300 or [email protected] and Dave Manore 315-735-4437 or [email protected]  to answer any questions.  In addition, please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions and video message on our website. 


Yours in Scouting,  

Tony Colon, Council President                  

Mark Miller, Council Commissioner  

Dave Manore, VP Program 

Gene Quadraro, VP Finance

Peter Hedglon, Camping Chair

Rick Rotondi, Director of Camping

Our Friends of Scouting campaign for this year has already begun so please do not forget to sign up for your Blue and Gold event. 

We encourage you to schedule a presentation at this event while majority of parents are in attendance.  All recharters have to be in the office by February 24 with complete payment. 

Just as a reminder the Friends of Scouting profits are directly used to supplement our programs. It is also used to help scouts go to camp and be provided with supplies such as canoes and necessary equipment/supplies ect. Also, it keeps the registration fee for summer camp reasonable. Without it, we would have to charge over $450 per week for resident camp. This equals over $200 for each unit. 

By participating, you can earn free rank advancement in 2012!! If your unit participates in the Family Friends of Scouting program and achieves your unit goal and participation goal, you can receive free rank advancement patches for all of your scouts until December 31, 2012. Please help us reach our goal of $130,000.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Diane, Marty or Pat in the office for further assistance. 
This is your chance to earn the Scuba Diving Merit Badge. Learn from the counselor whose crew was the first to win the m
Merit Badge in the country. This offer will also be available to Girl Scouts and non-scouts so sign up now. Follow the link for for information on how to sign up and get involved.

Scuba Diving Opportunity
We are pleased to announce that David Fitzgerald, our Adirondack Foothills Senior District Executive has accepted the position of District Director in the Yankee Clipper Council in Haverhill, Massachusetts effective February 15.  This is a significant promotion for Dave and we should thank him for his years of service to our council.   

We also have two new additions to our office this month. We have just hired Ariana Doty as a Public Relations Director. As a graduate of Syracuse University she will be implementing marketing tactics to retain scouts and volunteers alike and also to assist in fundraising and donor relations. 

We are also joined by Amanda Drake who will being running the Scout Shop and assisting the staff. Amanda is the mother of two children, one of which is an active Boy Scout.  Amanda is proud to be a part of our great council.

Although he will still help with store customers, Dave Manore will shift his attention from the store and will be working with our units, Scouts and leaders to assist them with camp registration for summer and year-round use.  Dave will also remain a great resource for advancement questions including Life to Eagle issues.

Although we are experiencing a lot of change, our council is positioned well. Out of the 11 councils in area 3, our financial position, membership growth and overall program rank at or near the top.  This is a testment to both our staff and volunteers.

Recently our volunteer-based Scout Executive Selection met to determine the profile for potential Scout Executive candidates.


The next step in the process will take place on January 26 when the committee will 

select three to four candidates to interview. Candidates and their spouses will then be invited to our council on February 24 and 25. 


We will announce our next Scout Executive through Scoutwire on February 27. He/she will have a tentative start date of April 1. 


If you have any questions, please contact our council president, Tony Colon at [email protected]


These are the latest rules for sliding with your Pack or Troop at a Unit, District or Council event. THINK SAFETY WHILE HAVING FUN.
Slide On Safely
  1. Adult Supervision- Direct supervision shall include an adult at least 21 years of age who knows and understands potential hazards, proper equipment and particular skills involved with the activity.
  2. Be Aware of Potential Hazards- Participants should be aware of potential hazards and adult supervisors need to enforce adherence to safety measures.
  3. Personal Protective Equipment- All participants must use proper safety gear including proper dress for the conditions. Helmets are required for downhill skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling. Helmets are recommended for all other sliding activities.
  4. Physical Fitness- Adult leaders should be familiar with the physical circumstances of each youth and should have a copy of everyone's Annual BSA Health and Medical Record.
  5. Safe Sliding Area- Sliding should occur only in designated areas which are clear of fixed objects such as trees, stumps, and rocks. Sliding area should be relatively smooth to avoid jumps which could makes the participant airborne (NO JUMPS).
  6. Proper Equipment- Skis, bindings, snowboards, sleds, and toboggans should be in good condition and/or proper size for each participant. Flying saucers and other non-directional equipment shall not be used.
  7. Control- Participants must be able to control their slide. No head-first sliding.
  8. HAVE FUN-but be safe. 
And the Arrow of Light goes to Caleb George!

This week Cub Scout Caleb George earned the Arrow of Light, the highest honor in Cub Scouts. He is from Pack 44 Canastota NY. On January 11 he crossed the bridge and is now officially a Boy Scout. We wish you congratulations, keep up the hard work.

Yours in Scouting,
Boy Scouts of America, Revolutionary Trails Council

Our Culture: We will: Impact youth as one family, one council...Think and act in the greater interest of the Scouting movement...Assume the best in each other...Practice authentic leadership...Think strategically and act boldly...Live and honor the Scout Oath and Law.