Newton Trails


       Mile Posts

September, 2011 - Vol 2, Issue 3  
In This Issue
Know Why You Give a Hoot
It's Harvest Picking Time
A River Runs Through It

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Read Up to Know Why You Give a Hoot

Have you stopped by the Recommended Reading page on our website lately?

To be an effective trail supporter, you'll want to stay current on all the great trail projects near and far, as well as the latest research into the health and economic benefits of greenway trails.

A perfect example is this recent story in American Trail's Magazine highlighting the greenway trail system in Greenville, SC.

Stay Toasty Warm

With the cooler nights and crisp mornings, you may soon be putting away your I Love Trails t-shirts for the season.  But, there's no need to put away that spirit.

A Newton Trails long-sleeved t-shirt or sweatshirt provides the perfect solution for autumn days.  Order these and other items now in our on-line store.  A portion of the proceeds come back to Newton Trails.


When last I wrote, summer was coming on fast and hot.  Now, here we are already welcoming cooler nights, crisper mornings, football, and hints of autumn colors that will soon wash over our southern landscape.


The coming of fall also means something very special to us here at Newton Trails...  It's Harvest Picking time!  And we'll soon be gathering once again at the Old Church in Oxford for a most enjoyable evening you will not want to miss.  Read more about it below.


 Something else we want to fill you in on this issue is the great transformation taking place around the Yellow River in Porterdale.  We've partnered with a group of dedicated fellow citizens who've formed the Yellow River Preservation & Conservation group to clean up the river and promote outdoor recreation on and near the river.  Read more in this issue about the great things taking shape now in Georgia's Historic Mill Town.


So, fall is in the air.  Let's rejoice after such a brutal summer.  Get outside and enjoy the cooler weather and the changing colors by taking a walk or bike ride at the Oxford Trail, Turner Lake Park, or the Yellow River Nature Trail in Porterdale.  This season, we give thanks for all that we have and dream big about what we'll do next year!


Happy Trails,


Maurice Signature

L. Maurice Carter Jr
Chairman, Newton Trails

It's Harvest Picking Time Again in Oxford
Saturday, October 22, at 5 pm, the Old Church in Oxford will come alive again with old-time music, storytelling, fellowship, food, and fun.  It's the 2nd Annual Newton Trails Presents Harvest Picking at Old Church.  Our all-star lineup of home-grown talent includes:

Andy Irwin -- Covington's own travelling storyteller, humorist, singer, songwriter, musician, performer extraordinaire -- and our EMCEE for the evening.

New Georgia Railroad -- featuring Covington's first couple of  old-time music, Dan and Perri Walden, playing music from the Appalachian mountains on fiddle, guitar, and banjo
Johnny Roquemore & the Apostles of Bluegrass -- bringing upbeat music and offbeat lyrics from Newton County to all of the Southeast.

Festivities begin on the grounds of Old Church at 5 pm with a harvest fiesta of fresh Tex-Mex from Burrito Loco, followed by performances inside the venerable old hall starting promptly at 6 pm.  Visit our website for more information and to order tickets.  For a taste of what's in store, check out this encore footage from last year's inaugural event:

Will the Circle Be Unbroken
Will the Circle Be Unbroken

A River Runs Through It

If you've been near the Yellow River in Porterdale lately, chances are you noticed activity out on the water.  Some of those canoes, kayaks, and jon boats are filled with folks out for a day of fun on the river.  But, as often as not, they're carrying dedicated volunteers spending their days cleaning the river and removing carelessly discarded debris from its banks and bottoms. 

Those volunteers are part of the Yellow River Preservation and Conservation Group.  And, while Newton Trails works with Newton County and the City of Porterdale to develop the Turkey Creek/Yellow River Greenway, this new group is focused on creating public access points along the river.  Our shared vision is to revitalize the Porterdale economy by creating a destination to draw outdoor enthusiasts to play -- but also to shop and dine.  This video provides a small taste of the beauty that will create that draw.
Yellow River Preservation and Conservation Outing
Yellow River Preservation and Conservation Outing
For more information, visit Yellow River Preservation & Conservation on Facebook.  Or, email them.


Burrito Loco 

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