Hal Lindsey
The Father of Modern Prophecy
Futurism was created by the Jesuits during the counter reformation.
For 230 years it was not taught outside of the Catholic church. In
early Victorian England it was unlikely that a protestant would read
a prophecy book written by a Jesuit for the Order was held in wide
contempt at that time in Europe. In 1773, it had been disbanded by
the Pope himself for its treachery.
The term Jesuit is synonomous with terms like deceipt, chicanery,
infiltration and intrigue. Patiently they managed to get a foothold
for their counter-interpretation in England by having a Jesuit named
Lacunza publish this intepretation of Revelation under the name of a
Jewish rabbi, "Ben-Ezra". Edward Irving and then John Darby got the
teaching into Protestantism.
Futurism was popularized in 1900 through a network of Jesuits and
Zionists using an imposter, C.I. Schofield, as a front. Scofield credits
B.F. Westcott on the second page of the introduction of his bible for
his influence. Westcott appears to have been a Jesuit plant within
the Church of England.