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February 20, 2010
In This Issue
Chamber News/Events
Sandy Info.
Helpful Tip/Article
Quick Links

Our Board of Directors

How to Join the Chamber

Phone 503-668-4006
Fax 503-668-3459
38963 Pioneer Blvd/P.O. Box536
Sandy, Oregon  97055


Office Hours:
  Wed-Fri 10-5
Sat & Sun 10-4
Mon. & Tues. by appointment

Hollis MacLean-Wenzel

Executive Director

Erin Albers
Office Manager

Julie Wittenborn
Office Assistant

Our Networking Meeting Schedule
Good Morning, Sandy
1st & 3rd Wed. ~ 7:30-8:30am
2nd Wed. ~ 11:30am-1:00pm
Good Evening, Sandy
4th Wed. ~ 5:30-6:30 pm
Brown Bag Lunch
3rd Thurs. ~ 12 noon-1:00pm
Lack of improvement doesn't mean things are getting worse for most businesses

A brightening economy doesn't necessarily mean businesses are seeing improvements, but they're not getting much worse, either. In recent survey from Oregon Business magazine, of over 800 readers, 81% said they were not likely to look for new jobs, while 60% said they would make no changes in the number of employees in 2010.

Boring Fire District announced award recipients during its annual banquet this February.  Fire department members who have shown exemplary character, work ethic and commitment to service were given plaques and recognition. 
The individuals listed below have demonstrated the ability to work under extreme pressure, and the desire to learn and to teach.  It is individuals such as these that challenge us to meet them at the top.
·  Rookie of the Year - FF Trent Morrison ·  Firefighter of the Year - FF Mychal McDonald ·  Officer of the Year - Lt Dave Anderson
Rookie of the year and Firefighter of the Year are chosen by the Officers of Boring Fire District, Officer of the Year is chosen by the Chief Officers.
Volunteer FF Trent Morrison (Rookie of the Year) participates in public education and outreach efforts and responded to 211 alarms.  Trent also participated in 40 Evening Duty accomplished 136 hours of training in 2009.
Volunteer FF Mychal McDonald (Firefighter of the Year) participates in numerous public education and outreach efforts with contagious enthusiasm.  Throughout the year, Mychal assisted with Boring Fire District's Teen Firefighter Explorer program.  In addition, Mychal completed 172 training hours, responded to 363 alarms, and participated in 40 Evening and 55 Overnight Duty Crew shifts.
Volunteer Lt Dave Anderson (Officer of the Year) is a station leader and very active in station events.  Lt Anderson leads by example and is truly committed to the service of his community.  In addition to attendance at Officers Meetings and participation in the 1409 program and in mutual aid station manning, Lt Anderson also completed 112 Training Hours, and responded to 419 Alarms!
Capt George Eisert (Employee of the Year) is a positive, fair and dedicated Officer.  Capt Eisert demonstrates his commitment to Boring Fire District and the community he serves through his positive can do attitude.  His professional manner boosts moral and his personable nature inspires others to excel.  A fantastic Ambassador for the district, Capt Eisert steps up to the plate and takes the bull by the horns.  His resolve and steadfastness lends confidence to those around him.
The Distinguished Service Award was earned by:  Terry Ballard Terry has served in many roles throughout his 35+ years with Boring Fire.  Starting as a Volunteer Firefighter and Dispatcher, Terry eventually also managed the Mapping and Water Supply as well as Safety Officer positions for Boring Fire.  Terry will have his retirement party on April 28th this year!
The Award of Excellence was earned by Brian Plumondore. Brian has served Boring Fire District for nearly 25 years and continues to consistently demonstrate his faithfulness and perseverance, while performing his duties in an admirable manner. 
Boring Fire District's New Volunteer Association Officers are:
· President, Kourosh Modjtabai
· Vice President, Rick Searles
· Sec/Treasurer, Amy Morrison
Good Morning!
Thanks for all the positive input about this new EBlast format.  I'm glad it seems to be working well; please also continue to keep me informed of any issues/problems.

Also, we are aware of the current bandwidth problem with our website.  We are actually in the process of switching hosts, and we are working on the issue.  I've been told we should be up and running again next week. (Maybe even this weekend...)  Thanks for being patient with us during the transition, and a huge thanks to Alphabetix, for working so hard on our website.

Erin - SACC Office Manager
Chamber News/Events
SACC March Luncheon
Sandy Main Street & Facade Program - overview and update

Wednesday, March 10th, 11:30am-1pm
at The Crossing Restaurant -
39024 Proctor Blvd, Sandy
· Speaker, Tracy Brown, City of Sandy Director of Planning and           Development
· Lunch options will be given, & cost will vary based on your choice.
· The public is welcome!
RSVP requested but not required.
503-668-4006 / chamber@sandyoregonchamber.org
GMS/GES Good Evening, Sandy!
Wednesday, February 24, 5:30-6:30pm

Hosted by Dita's Chocolates
38915 Proctor Blvd, Sandy

Please Call Rita at 503-668-1050 for directions.

Remember to bring a dollar for the 50/50 raffle!
The 50% not given to the winner is saved and used to
"adopt" a needy family in December.
Mark your Calendar:
GMS on March 3rd will be hosted by Orient Drive Baptist Church!
SACC 62nd Annual Awards Banquet
Nomination Forms
are due to the chamber office by February 28th!
Help us honor those who go above and beyond by submitting yours today.

SBDC Marketing Business Classes at the SACC Office!
SBDC logoWe have scheduled 3 classes for 2010 through MHCC-Small Business Development Center that we are really excited about.  The first one is coming up:
Effective Marketing in Today's Environment
Explore alternative marketing practices to reach a larger group of consumers.
Saturday, March 20, 1-4pm
Fee: $45
The class will be held in our chamber office, 38963 Pioneer Blvd, in Sandy, and is available to the public.  Please register at least 1 week in advance to:
503-491-7658 or gerri.raisanen@mhcc.edu
Support Our Members!

LT Travel Ad 2-20-10
Local Investment/Estate Planner Needs:
Part-Time Help
Help Wanted
·      15-20 hours/week  (mornings, 4 days/week)
·      Have some business/finance background
·     Personable, great with people
·    Have office and computer skills
·   Hourly pay based on experience
·Send brief confidential resume to:   Jerry H. Knowlton, CLU, Inc.
                       17150 University Avenue, Suite 300
                      Sandy, OR  97055
                     Email: jerry@jhkinc.com    
February 2010

D&E ad 2-20-10
Avamere Sandy presents: The Flavor of    Heart Health
Healthy Food Thursday February 25th
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Heather Michet -Reiki Master/Aromatherapist
Patti Halgren- Go Red for Women Sponsor
Savor delicious foods & drinks.
Take home recipes.
Get easy heart care ideas.
17727 SE Langensand Rd.
Sandy, Or 97055
503 668-4199
Mary Kay Donation Offer!
Chamber Member, Penny Johnson, has announced
a great offer:

"For every chamber face I put product on in the next 30 days, I will donate $1 to the Mary Kay Foundation.  In addition, for every chamber purchase in the next 30 days I will donate 10% to the Mary Kay Foundation."
This is in effect 2/17 - 3/16.
Learn more about the Mary Kay Foundation!

Penny Johnson
Independent Beauty Consultant and proud leader of the Pink Partnership!
Mary Kay Cosmetics
(503) 867-1546
www.MaryKay.com/seepennyrun1 (Try my virtual makeover!)

Sandy Info.
Have you seen the new local online phone book, yet?
If not click HERE! 
It is still under construction but getting there quickly.  All Around Printing, who is producing the new phone books, assured me, "If you don't see yourself right now, don't worry.  Its a long process to get everyone up so it take quite a bit of time.  Thanks!"

They also mentioned that the printed phone books should be finished and mailed within the next week or two!
The Oregon Trail's "Big Give"
OR Trail School Dist logo Sandy High School
17100 SE Bluff Rd. Sandy, OR 97055
February 27th, 2010 ♥ 9a.m.-7p.m

"Come together with a heart of giving"
Join us in sharing some community fun
at our local fundraiser for Doernbecher Children's Hospital
and The Oregon Trail Schools
"Give Back and Give Big"
                    Oregon Trail Adventure              9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
                    Sport Camps                                 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
                    Food Court                                   11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
                    Carnival                                       12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
                    Mr. D                                           Starts at: 4:30 p.m.

Children under 10 years old must be accompanied by an adult.
Persons having questions about or requests for special needs and accommodation should contact the Sandy High School office at: 503-668-8011 ext. 223
Contact should be made 72 hours in advance of the event

The Big Give Mini Sports Camp
Where - Sandy High School
Time: 9:00-11:00 A.M.
Cost: $8 pre-registered, $10 at the door
Pre-registration due by Feb. 26th
Call 503-668-8011 for more details or to request a registration form.
Other Workshops/Seminars
Doing Business With Israel/Middle East:
A FREE Business Oregon Seminar with Atid-E.D.I.
Thursday, March 11
7:30am registration/coffee, 8:00 - 9:30am seminar
Embassy Suites Hotel
319 SW Pine Street, Portland, OR 97204

Main Presenters: Sherwin Pomerantz,President, and Ben Dansker, Vice-President, of Atid-E.D.I., team of economic, research, trade development and planning professionals who understand the nuances and business climates in Israel and the Middle East.
Come to learn about the latest market conditions in Israel and the Middle East and network with other businesses interested in this region.

The event is free, but pre-registration is requested due to limited seating.  Please e-mail your name, title, company/organization, and contact information to:
Administrative Assistant Daniel Epp.
Atid-E.D.I. website
Business Oregon website
Helpful Tip/Article
Investing in Oregon's Energy Future

PGE seeks price changes beginning January 2011

As we plan for Oregon's energy future, it's important to keep you, our customers and stakeholders, informed about significant issues. So I wanted to let you know Portland General Electric has asked the Oregon Public Utility Commission to begin a comprehensive review of PGE's costs of providing service and to approve new customer prices to take effect in January 2011. Today's filing begins a 10-month public process designed to review our request for an overall price increase of 7.4 percent.

The decision to seek a price adjustment was not one we took lightly, especially considering the current economic environment. At the same time, we can't ignore needed investments in new energy resources to meet the growing demand for electricity, as well as critical system maintenance investments necessary to continue to provide safe, reliable energy and services that meet our customers' expectations.

If, after a thorough examination of PGE's costs and analysis, the commission approves our request, a typical residential customer will see a monthly bill increase of about $6.70. The combined average price change for large commercial and industrial customers would be 5.4 percent. Impacts will vary by individual rate schedules.

About half of the requested amount will be spent on system investments to meet the growing energy demands of the region, including:
Phase III of PGE's Biglow Canyon Wind Farm project, which will help meet the state's requirement that PGE derive 25 percent of its electricity from renewable resources by the year 2025.
Federally-mandated improvements at our hydroelectric facilities on the Clackamas River, which will allow customers to continue to count on these low-cost hydro resources for decades to come.
The request also includes both capital costs and operational savings stemming from completion of a new network of smart meters. The remainder of the request reflects operating costs PGE must incur to support continued and future excellence in customer service; maintain safe, efficient and effective operations; and address new regulatory requirements. It also addresses needed updates to our information technology systems and rising health insurance premiums for employees.

There were a number of factors that helped keep our proposed increase as low as possible. These include the lower price of natural gas, which will help reduce costs for wholesale power and fuel purchases, as well as ongoing company efforts to reduce costs and find ways to serve our customers more efficiently.

As I mentioned, this is a lengthy process. My commitment to you is to keep you informed along the way and make sure we provide the necessary information to address any questions or concerns you may have. If you are interested in learning more about this issue, I invite you to read our news release and a Q&A (PDF) that provides more details. We've also prepared a video that we're making available for customers who visit us at PortlandGeneral.com.

On behalf of PGE and our 2,700 employees, I want to thank you for the opportunity to continue our ongoing dialogue about issues of importance to you, our customers and our state.

Jim Piro
President and CEO
Thank you for your continued support of the Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce!
Erin Albers
SACC Office Manager
% off
For a full list of our Member 2 Member Discount Program participants, click HERE.

If you'd like to offer a discount coupon here, in the EBlast for $10, please call 503-668-4006 or email chamber@sandyoregonchamber.org.
Offers Good for Current Chamber Members!