October Header

Tropical Aquaculture's monthly newsletter will give you timely and relevant information about our Vermont based company as well as our overseas facilities. Each month we will also share points from our Umbrella Policy that we currently practice - so keep your eyes open!

  National Seafood Month!  

National Seafood Month 

There is no better time to celebrate and create seafood awareness while increasing your sales than during National Seafood Month.


The United States continues to be the third-ranked country for seafood and shellfish consumption, behind China and Japan. Last year's seafood consumption per capita in the U.S. declined slightly to 15.8 pounds from 16 pounds in 2008 and 2009. So, why not take advantage of the last week of this nationally coined month and get consumers eating!


As seafood sustainability efforts increase within the industry, companies like us, measure up to third-party standards. These standards ensure practices that conserve and responsibly utilize the earth's natural resources while producing a product that is safe for both consumers and the environment. According to a 2010 study carried out by StrategyOne, 73% of participants said, "It is as important to protect the health of the public as it is to protect the environment."


Based on consumer demand for eco-friendly foods, a compelling case to foster sustainable aquaculture can be made. As aquaculture is one of the fastest growing forms of food production in the world, with nearly half the seafood eaten in the world being farm-raised; aquaculture can help meet the growing demand for seafood and help rebuild our declining wild fish stocks.  


This month, retailers across the country are offering discounted seafood prices as well as point of sale materials communicating the health benefits of seafood. Restaurants such as award winning Fandango in Pacific Grove, California, are offering special dining options to celebrate National Seafood Month.


As more and more consumers look for sustainable choices, National Seafood Month allows for a great opportunity to highlight improvements made in the industry, both domestically and internationally, to meet the consumer demand.


So, get the word out, dive into some great seafood deals and remember to look for sustainable and traceable seafood like our product line. We'll be happy to get you started with a warm and tasty Spanish Tilapia Stew, perfect for a cool fall day. 


Let's eat fish for the health of it!


GOAL 2011:  Double In A Decade - Responsibly


GOAL 2011 logo John Schramm will represent Tropical at GOAL 2011, which is taking place in Santiago Chile, November 6-9. This is the first time the Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) is hosting this annual conference in the Southern hemisphere.  


This year's conference entitled "Double In A Decade - Responsibly" will cover challenges faced by the aquaculture industry and urge attendees to gear up to meet the world's increasing seafood demand.


The conference is expecting over 300 of the top players in aquaculture and seafood and is looking to give attendees strategic insights to help businesses plan and succeed in the ever-changing industry. GOAL will also be a great opportunity to network and expand business horizons. Since GAA's initiation in 2001, Tropical has been a firm supporter of the GAA's efforts at this conference.  


Staff Notes  


Chris Doane, Customer Service Rep., shared some happy news with us this month - he proposed to his girlfriend of 4 years! They plan to marry sometime next year. Congratulations!
Craig Half Marathon 
Craig Appleyard, VP of Operations and Business Development also had some news to share, he ran his first ever half-marathon last month! He worked hard training for this event, running during his lunch break and after work.  He finished in 91st place out of 500 runners with a time of 1:48:23. Way to go Craig!
This month, there are a number of Tropical anniversaries! Long-timers Craig AppleyardLisa Falasco and Chris Doane have all reached the 7-year mark at Tropical, while Beatriz Gomez reached the 2-year mark with the Tropical team! Thank you all for your hard work! 


Featured Recipe 


Spanish Stew Video

Spanish Tilapia Stew 


THINKESPAOLA! This stew is great for a cool fall afternoon - loaded with flavors from the Iberian peninsula, it's bound to be a favorite!  Click here to watch the video for this recipe.


Take a Look at Our Journey to Sustainability
Learn about our Umbrella Policy on our website where you can download or print a version of our Sustainability Brochure.

Questions? Comments?  Contact us by email or or call us toll-free at 1-800-277-3459  www.eattilapia.com

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Our Umbrella Policy

Our farms conduct monitoring of effluents according to Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP) water quality criteria.

Learn more about 

our Journey to Sustainability.






Where on Earth is...

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Aquamar Farm
Churute Farm
Produmar Farm
Taura Farm
Nuracorp Farm
Portillo Farm
Pisc�cola New York Farm
GS1 Farm
GS2 Farm  


