Math Confidence Newsletter
Volume 38
July 2012
In This Issue
Math Confidence Video
Recommended Reading
Common Core Update
Math Needs Better PR
Brain Teaser
    Math Confidence Video
Finding a Good Angle.MOV
Finding a Good Angle.MOV

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Quote of the Month

"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world. Love of books is the best of all." 

This month's Recommended Reading, "Faster isn't Smarter (Messages About Math, Teaching, and Learning in the 21st Century)" has 41 short essays to generate ideas and discussion about Math education. The Math topic is an update on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in the US.  "Engineering Your Future with STEM" aka "Math Needs Better PR" will be presented by Robin to pre-engineering students this summer and was published in the NCSM (National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics) Summer Newsletter.
Recommended Reading  
Cathy Seeley wrote many of these provocative pieces when she was NCTM (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics) president from 2004 to 2006. She tackles difficult topics like "More Math, More Dropouts?" as raising academic standards can discourage some students from finishing school.  Another excellent message is "Pushing Algebra Down: Is Sooner Better?" which details how eighth grade Algebra can lead to less Math in high school.  Seeley refers to innovative thinkers outside of education like Thomas Friedman and Stephen Covey for economic, political and motivational insights and wisdom.  Her forthcoming 2013 book is called "Smarter than we Think"

Cathy Seeley's Blog 

Common Core State Standards Update

Unlike many countries, the United States has not had national standards.  By 2014, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) will be implemented in over 40 states.  SMARTER and PARCC are the two consortia that are designing assessments for the CCSS.  SMARTER has sample questions up on line and will use computer adaptive technology.  PARCC will have sample tasks available this summer.

In mid-June, New York State released NYS Sample Questions for Grades 3 - 8.  The Tri-State Collaborative (New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island) with help from Achieve is developing lessons based on the Common Core State Standards.

Common Core e_guide from CTB/McGraw-Hill  

Member States of SMARTER 

Forward or Backward? The Common Core Math Standards 

At the high school level, why not the ACT (or SAT) as a standard?  

Math Confidence ACT Scores June 2012 

Math Needs Better Marketing

How do we attract students to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) as a college major, career choice and solid foundation? This summer, Robin will present "Engineering Your Future" to two groups of pre-engineering high school students. The National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics published Robin's article  Engineering Your Future with STEM that included Objectives and Outcomes from Electrical Engineering as well as quotes from astrophysicist  Neil deGrasse Tyson and business philosopher Jim Rohn. 

Brain Teaser 
Numbers thru Funnel

What are the largest and smallest 5-digit numbers that satisfy the following conditions?
1. Each digit of the number is a prime digit.
2. Each successive pair of digits forms a 2-digit number that is NOT a prime number.
3. Each of the prime digits must appear at least once in the 5-digit number. 

Definition of Prime Numbers from Coolmath 

Answer to June's Brain Teaser: 4 daughters and 3 sons

June 2012 Brain Teaser Solution 

Thanks for reading!  How can we make this newsletter better?  Please send comments and suggestions to Robin 


Robin "the Math Lady" Schwartz
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