Common Core State Standards Update
Unlike many countries, the United States has not had national standards. By 2014, the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) will be implemented in over 40 states. SMARTER and PARCC are the two consortia that are designing assessments for the CCSS. SMARTER has sample questions up on line and will use computer adaptive technology. PARCC will have sample tasks available this summer.
In mid-June, New York State released NYS Sample Questions for Grades 3 - 8. The Tri-State Collaborative (New York, Massachusetts and Rhode Island) with help from Achieve is developing lessons based on the Common Core State Standards.
Common Core e_guide from CTB/McGraw-Hill
Member States of SMARTER
Forward or Backward? The Common Core Math Standards
At the high school level, why not the ACT (or SAT) as a standard?
Math Confidence ACT Scores June 2012